The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 370 New Semester (Second Update)

The long summer vacation is finally over.

To be honest, Daphne Greenglass wasn't having a good time this summer!

First of all because of her mediocre O.W.Ls test scores-

She only got an O (excellent) in Charms, then three Es (good) in Transfiguration, Potions, and History of Magic; plus two A's (pass), there were only six passes in total class exam...

In addition, she has achieved grades below P (fail) in the other three subjects.

In fact, such a result is not particularly bad, but it is not outstanding at all...

And this basically means that Daphne can't go to the Ministry of Magic to find a decent position after graduation like her mother did back then. The Ministry of Magic has very high requirements for the O.W.Ls and N.E.W.Ts of Hogwarts graduates. .

Mother should also be very disappointed... Although Mrs. Diana Greengrass didn't say anything, Daphne could tell that she was in a bad mood.

Daphne herself is quite guilty...

On the day the owl with the report card arrived, after seeing the report card, she locked herself in the room and suffered for a whole night.


In addition to the O.W.Ls test scores, there is also because of my sister Astoria Greengrass.

Daphne knew from an early age that her mother had been keeping some things about Astoria from her (even her sister, most likely, herself had been kept in the dark). Astoria has been in poor health since she was a child, and she has to stay in St. Mungo's Magical Hospital for several weeks every year... But Daphne never expected the situation to be so serious!

So she was shocked to learn that Astoria would not be returning to Hogwarts next term.

"Astoria should be in the fifth grade... The O.W.Ls exam is very important..." Daphne, who was stammering, argued with her mother: "Is she really so sick?"

"Yes!" Mrs. Diana just smiled bitterly, and explained to her daughter: "Perhaps this summer vacation is the last time for you to meet her!"

After finishing speaking, she put aside the shocked eldest daughter and returned to her study.

Astoria's personality has also changed from being cheerful and lively to taciturn.

She likes to shut herself in her small room, and stare blankly at a delicate mirror.

Daphne tried her best to hope that her sister could laugh and be happy, but to no avail.

In desperation, Daphne can only chat with her and talk about what she likes.

"This mirror in your hand...was he giving it to you?" Daphne, who came to Astoria's room on the last day of summer vacation, couldn't help asking softly, "Jon Hart?"

"Yes!" Astoria, who had been silent throughout the holiday, suddenly showed a smile on his face: "He promised me that I only have a small problem...he will definitely cure me..."

"Then... where is he now?" Daphne stammered and asked.

"Mother said he went to Albania." The smile on Astoria's face gradually disappeared again: "She hasn't heard from him for a long time... I hope Jon will not encounter any danger?"

"Albania..." Daphne couldn't help showing a worried look on her face: "I've read a few books, and none of them have very good comments about this country... Some people say that there are many scary monsters over there."

"Jon will be fine..." Astoria Greengrass stared at the small mirror, and murmured, "I believe in him, he promised me that he will come back... ..."

Daphne only felt that her eyes were wet.

She couldn't help it, and hugged her sister in her arms, stroking her hair:

"Yes, he'll be back... Astoria, you'll be fine!"


On September 1st.

Astoria wanted to send Daphne on the express train to Hogwarts.

But Daphne refused... She didn't want her sister to miss the days at Hogwarts after seeing the train, and then start to be sad again.

Mother did not dare to leave Astoria's side easily, so Daphne bravely proposed to go to London alone.

After all, she is seventeen years old, an adult, a big girl...

Of course, the mother did not agree in the end, and she asked the house elf Hodder to give Daphne a ride.

The Nine and Three Quarters Station was still as bustling as ever, and the students and their parents couldn't keep up... But there were a few more Aurors guarding it, which gave off a hint of danger.

The signs on the platform were also completely covered by a large notice posted by the Ministry of Magic. Most of these forbidding purple notices were blown-up versions of the safety advisories in those pamphlets that the Ministry of Magic circulated over the summer, and some featured black-and-white photographs of wanted Death Eaters in action.

Walking alone on the platform, Daphne saw many familiar faces...

Hufflepuff's Zacharias Smith, for example, has the Hufflepuff Quidditch captain's badge on his chest... looks like former captain Cedric Diggory from Hogwarts After graduation, Ci took over his position.

However, Daphne is not interested in Quidditch, and Slytherin's Quidditch team seems to have performed very poorly in recent years, and there is no possibility of winning the Quidditch Cup.

Daphne also saw Harry Potter, the "savior" that the "Daily Prophet" had been reporting. Ronald and Ginny Weasley are siblings.

Harry Potter was having an intimate conversation with Ginny Weasley, could it be that they started dating?

Just when Daphne was thinking gossip, she bumped into Hermione Granger who was walking towards her.

"Sorry, sorry!" Daphne apologized quickly.

But Granger ignored him, and headed down into the prefect's cubicle.


The train started, and Daphne was in a compartment with the girls Pansy Parkinson, Millicent Burst, and Tiffany Selwyn.

Through the crack in the door of the cubicle, Daphne saw Draco Malfoy, he was sneaking in the corridor - after checking that there was no one around, Malfoy sneaked into a cubicle... If If Daphne remembered correctly, that compartment should belong to Professor Snape.

Just when Daphne was curious, the door of the carriage was opened, and a panting third-grade girl walked in.

"Professor Slughorn..." she said out of breath, "Let me give this to Miss Daphne Greengrass!"

She was holding a letter that looked like an invitation.

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