The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 474 The Marauder's Map

Another relaxed and happy Saturday.

Harry Potter was sitting by the window of the Gryffindor common room, munching on Bibi's multi-flavored beans, and finishing his Herbology homework.

His bright green eyes reflected the golden sunset outside the window.

Sitting next to him, Neville and Seamus were discussing a piece of news from last night.

"I heard that Azkaban has been attacked again!"

"Oh my god, I remember that Azkaban has been attacked many times in recent years, is it the mysterious person who did it this time?"

"I don't know. It wasn't mentioned in detail in the news... It is said that the Minister of Magic and Professor Dumbledore rushed over early this morning."

"By the way, buddy." Ron on the side patted Harry on the shoulder: "Have you read the new announcement?"

"The one who is forbidden to leave the common room at night?" Harry was stunned, and asked casually, "I saw it when I was having lunch."

"Yeah..." Ron couldn't help sighing: "I don't know why it suddenly became so strict. As long as you go out after eight o'clock at night, you will be expelled from the school directly?"

"I don't know." Harry shook his head, he guessed: "Maybe it has something to do with the attack in Azkaban?"

"Yeah, it's possible!" Ron agreed. "Just this afternoon I saw Tonks and Lupine, and a few Aurors whose names I can't name. They all seemed to come to guard the castle. Deng Professor Bullidow seems worried that the castle might be attacked after he leaves Hogwarts!"

Harry was still about to say something, but at that moment, Hermione squeezed into the seat between him and Ron, with a determined expression on her face that was uncomfortable to watch.

"I want to talk to you, Harry." Hermione said seriously.

"Talking about what?" Harry just felt a little confused.

"its about……"

Before Hermione Granger finished speaking, a bright red and golden light suddenly flashed, and then a bird the size of a crane appeared beside them.

"Fox?" Harry exclaimed, obviously recognizing the bird.

Phoenix shook her body slightly, a feather fluttered down from her body, and finally landed in Harry Potter's hands.

Harry could only feel, as he touched the feather, the voice of Albus Dumbledore began to return to his mind.

"Harry!" Hermione's expression suddenly became more serious: "What's going on, why did this phoenix come to you?"

"It's Professor Dumbledore." Harry quickly replied, "He asked me to go to his office now, the sooner the better!"

Harry and Ron exchanged glances.

Ron whispered: "Professor Dumbledore... Hasn't he already gone to Azkaban?"

"But the phoenix can't be fake, it's better to go and see, isn't it?" Harry said and jumped up: "I'm sorry, Hermione, I'm sorry."

He first walked out a few steps briskly, then seemed to remember something, ran towards the dormitory, and shouted at the same time: "Professor Dumbledore also asked me to bring the Marauder's Map."

Then, Harry hurried out of the common room and sprinted forward along the eighth floor.

He met no one along the way except Peeves flying towards him, throwing chalk stubs at Harry as usual and dodging Harry's defensive spells with a giggle.

And after Peeves disappeared, the corridor fell into silence, and it was eight o'clock in fifteen minutes, and the curfew bell was about to ring, and most of the students had already returned to the common room.

Harry strode forward, turning into the corridor leading to Dumbledore's office, where the lone stone monster stood guard. After Harry shouted the password towards the monster, he rushed up the moving spiral staircase three steps at a time.

The door to the principal's office is open——


"Professor Dumbledore!" Harry touched the doorknob lightly, and then rushed in a little recklessly.

Then, he froze there——

Albus Dumbledore was not in his office...

More importantly, there was a face in this office that he was very familiar with, even in his dreams.

Harry couldn't help rubbing his eyes.

"Jon...Jon?" He murmured, " could it be!"

"Good evening, Harry." Jon Hart said calmly: "I know you must be surprised now, but there is not much time to explain now..."

"You weren't... in Little Hangleton... I saw it with my own eyes..." Harry stammered, as if he didn't hear Jon's words at all: "Wormtail...he killed you..."

"Listen to me, Harry." Jon walked up to Harry and patted him on the shoulder lightly: "I didn't die at the time, it was just Professor Dumbledore's plan, I'm sorry to hide the mysterious person , I did not tell you the truth of this matter."

"Then what have you been doing for the past two years... Jon..."

"I'm working for Professor Dumbledore, in a different way, but it's going to be hard to tell for a while."

"And a few months ago...that Gryffindor Tower..." Harry continued to stammer, "What I saw..."

"Yes, I'm sorry, I accidentally scared you that time." Jon nodded, and then said with a serious face: "Harry, if I'm free, I will spend one night, explaining everything in detail." I'll tell you everything; but now, we don't have much time!"

Harry nodded dumbly: "What should we do, Jon?"

"Professor Dumbledore needs our help now!" Jon said with a serious face: "By the way, Harry, have you brought your Marauder's Map?"

Harry hastily dug out a piece of old, blank parchment from his pocket.

Opening the parchment and laying it flat on the table in Dumbledore's office, he drew out his wand, whispered softly, "I solemnly swear that I have done nothing wrong!"

The ink lines on the parchment began to extend little by little, and finally a complete map of Hogwarts emerged.

Jon searched the map with a solemn expression, focusing on the location on the eighth floor.

"What are we going to do, Jon?" Harry asked puzzled.

"Don't worry..." Jon shook his head calmly: "...Look, they are coming!"

On the Marauder's map, a name emerged from the location of the House of Requirement——

"Draco Malfoy."

"Malfoy?" Harry couldn't help frowning.

Then, the second name appeared in front of them again, clearly visible——

"Tom Riddle."

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