The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 80 Devil's Net

Safely spent the first night of the second school year...

The next morning, Jon came to the auditorium for breakfast.

On the long tables of the four colleges, there was a lot of food: bowls of porridge, plates of pickled herring, hills of sliced ​​bread, and plates of eggs and bacon.

Jon took a seat at Hufflepuff's table, next to Cedric Diggory.

"Good morning!" Jon greeted casually, before picking up a loaf of bread.

"New sophomore class schedule." Cedric nodded with a smile and handed him a form.

"Thank you!" Jon hurriedly finished the class schedule, reacting a little at the same time; looked up, and then he saw the silver badge on Cedric's chest: "Are you Hufflepuff's prefect?"

"Yes... I received a letter from Professor Dumbledore during the summer vacation..." Cedric smiled embarrassedly.

"Congratulations!" Jon said quickly.


It's no surprise that Cedric Diggory became Hufflepuff's prefect.

First, he remembered the Goblet of Fire in the original book, and he also introduced Harry to the prefect's bathroom; second, he was a rare and good student at Hogwarts with both literary and artistic skills...

Jon turned his attention to the newly issued class schedule.

The second-year curriculum is no different from the first-year, with one less flying class under normal circumstances; although Jon himself is an exception.

And the first session was herbal medicine, with Gryffindor and the Hufflepuff students.


After breakfast, Jon followed Zacharias-Smith and Heloise Midgen out of the castle and hurried to the conservatory.

Inside the conservatory, Professor Pomona-Sprout was waiting for them... she still had her patched hat on, covered in dirt.

"How was your summer vacation?" Professor Sprout asked gently.

"Excellent, Professor!" Zacharis laughed. "I almost don't want to go back to school!"

Professor Sprout has always been very gentle, and some naughty Hufflepuff students even dared to joke with her.

"That won't work!" Professor Sprout shook his head: "You still have six years of courses to complete..."

The Gryffindor students arrived as they spoke, and Jon saw Ginny Weasley and Colin Creevey in front of them.

"Today in the third conservatory!" Professor Sprout said as the students arrived.

The students of the two academies began to whisper with interest.

They had only been in the first greenhouse last year, where there were only herbs that were not dangerous in any way, such as mushrooms; the plants in the third greenhouse were more interesting and more dangerous.

Professor Sprout took a large key from his belt and opened the door to the greenhouse.

Jon immediately smelled a smell of damp soil and manure, and the air around him was slightly cold and damp.

"Everyone, come with me, don't touch any plants!" Professor Sprout reminded.

The students quickly followed in the footsteps of the herbalist teacher.

A minute later, they finally stopped in front of a bunch of black, ugly looking vines.

"Did anyone tell what this is?" Professor Sprout asked, glancing at the crowd, "I think I introduced them to you in a herbal class last school year!"

"Is this the Devil's Web?" Ginny Weasley whispered.

"That's right, Miss Weasley!" Professor Sprout nodded with satisfaction. "Then can you tell me what the characteristics of the Devil's Web are?"

"Devil's net likes cold and dampness, and warmth is its natural enemy, so they are afraid of flames..."

"Very good, Gryffindor adds five points!" Professor Sprout paused and continued: "Flame is the biggest natural enemy of the Devil's Web, what else?"

"The devil's net will bind the prey around them, and the harder the prey breaks free, the tighter their restraints will be!" Jon said.

"That's right." Professor Sprout cast an approving look at Jon: "The devil's web is extremely resilient, and being bound by it, even a magical creature with great power like a dragon or a basilisk, is very difficult to do. Break free... Hufflepuff adds five."

Then, Professor Sprout's gaze shifted to the pile of ugly vines...

"Like this!" she cried.

Before she finished speaking, she jumped into the pile of devil nets...

Jon finally understood why there was always a lot of dirt on Professor Sprout.

Several girls screamed in fright.

I saw that the black vines quickly began to spread, firmly binding the short and fat witch who was deeply trapped in it.

"Like this..." Professor Sprout said with some difficulty, the devil's net continued to spread around her, almost binding her entire body firmly: "The more I try to break free... the devil's net will be tied The tighter..."

Jon's face became solemn. He was worried that Professor Sprout would play it off. You must know that devil nets are not ordinary herbs. They are very dangerous and can even kill people!

He had already put his right hand in his pocket and grabbed the handle of his wand... just in case.

A vine of a devil's web had tied Professor Sprout's neck, preventing her from making any sound.

Then a mass of flames suddenly appeared, wrapped around the black vines... The black vines began to shrink a little bit, and Professor Sprout climbed out of them calmly, and then passed through the flames.

Jon sighed in relief...

It seems that he is overthinking it. After all, the professor is also the dean of Hufflepuff, a wizard on the same level as Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall, and he has dealt with these dangerous herbs for so many years, how can it be impossible? Such little things.

"So, if you encounter a devil's net attack in the wild, don't panic... just relax your body and summon a flame!" Professor Sprout said gently: "I think the flame spell is a first-year student. Professor Flitwick should have taught you."

Then, Professor Sprout turned around, and the flames she just summoned without a staff and silently were still burning violently.

Jon noticed that those devil nets that had retracted to their original shape were still getting smaller under the impetus of the flames...

Professor Sprout still didn't take back the flame, which was still burning a yard or two above the devil's net.

Soon, the large devil's net just now seemed to disappear completely; more than 20 dark green, ping-pong-sized balls appeared out of thin air on the ground.

"Does anyone know what this is?" Professor Sprout asked with a smile.

This time, the whole greenhouse was silent...

Even Jon frowned, the dark green balls in front of him almost touched his blind spot of knowledge.

"I don't think you know..." Professor Sprout withdrew the flame and carefully picked up a dark green ball on the ground: "Even Mr. Phyllida Spohr's '' "Thousands of Magical Herbs and Mushrooms", there is no description of it..."

"I call them the spores of the devil's web, and they were discovered by an accident in October last year." Professor Sprout explained: "The devil's web is continuously stimulated with flame or strong light, but not directly burned. Burn them and they end up in spore form."

"Zacharys, come here!" Professor Sprout suddenly ordered.

"Huh?" Zacharias-Smith walked over curiously.

Professor Sprout handed it the spore of the devil's web in his hand, and Zacharis took it in a dull manner...

Just after holding it, the entire spore began to swell and grow violently, wrapping Zacharis' entire arm... Poor Zacharis, screaming in fright.

Fortunately, Professor Sprout summoned another flame in time to rescue Zacharis' arm.

As soon as the devil's net was loosened, Zacharis sped out more than a dozen yards at the fastest speed, mumbling, "It's terrible!"

The other Hufflepuffs couldn't help laughing.

"That's right." Professor Sprout held back his smile: "The spores of the devil's web, after being stimulated to a certain extent, will also have the same effect as the devil's web, quickly trapping their prey... So, if you try to To transfer the spores of the devil's web, we have to be more careful."

"Anyone willing to try to transfer the spores of the devil's web?"

The Gryffindor and Hufflepuff students looked at each other.

"I'm coming!" Jon volunteered.

"Okay, come by my side." Professor Sprout said quickly.

Jon walked over to Professor Sprout, bent down, and stared at the spores of a devil's web in front of him.

"The movements should be very gentle, the spores of the devil's net are very hypocritical, as long as the movements are a little rough, they may attack you!" Professor Sprout urged in his ear.

Jon nodded, then very carefully, using two fingers to pinch the sides of a spore, before placing it lightly on the palm of his hand.

"Very good!" Professor Sprout continued to remind: "Keep it as stable as possible and send it to the flower pot on your right!"

Jon took small steps and moved little by little... After more than ten seconds, he carefully placed the spores into the flower pot.

"Very wonderful!" Professor Sprout took the lead in applauding: "I think I can add ten points to Hufflepuff... Who else wants to try it?"

"I'll do it!" Ginny Weasley volunteered.

Ginny also successfully took a spore of the Devil's Web into her hand, but unfortunately, there was a little problem when moving... The spore wrapped around Ginny's body at a fast speed, but fortunately Sprout The professor rescued her in time.

"It's okay, girl!" she asked concerned.

Ginny nodded in shame.

"You just moved too fast, you should have..." Professor Sprout continued.

Thanks to book friends OdinTab, zxh1973, Minions, Advanced Viruses, Weeding and Subzero Clearing Pool for their rewards.

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