The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1051: Opening the Forum to Lecture on Zen (8)


Xiong Bing was startled, his face turned red, and he didn't dare to answer for a while.

He knew in his heart that what he said just now came from the mouth of the master, and he was just a paraphrase. If he sat and discussed meditation with Master Zhida, if the master did not support it, the secret would be exposed soon!

At that time, being in the limelight will turn into taking off your pants, and you will no longer be able to hang out in the big week.

"Xiao Bing, just go there boldly, I support you!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Thank you, sir!"

Xiong Bing felt happy and said quickly.

He stood up, saluted Master Zhida and said, "Master, it's better to obey my orders than to be respectful!"

Swinging his big sleeves, he flew towards the center of the lake.

Xiong Bing is now graceful and charming. A beautiful man flies through the air, causing the whole audience to shout and get excited!

"Bing Zun! Bing Zun!! Bing Zun!!!"

The shouts from the scene said it all. Xiong Bing is now stunning in the audience and has become an idol in the hearts of countless people. It is difficult to think whether he is popular or not.

Liang Ze, Ma Hao, Shen Youxi, Qinghong, Shi Rui and others were stunned when they saw it, and their minds were racing, thinking about when they could go to the Universiade Palace to cash in on the opportunity to sleep with them and achieve the same transformation as Xiong Bing.

You must know that the change in their current temperament is not only due to eating a lot of Taoist dishes, but also to a large extent because they took the longevity pills rewarded by Li Yun. After taking the pills, not only did their cultivation level increase significantly, but their personal charm also had a qualitative improvement. Such a leap, no wonder Yan Ruoxu, Zhou Guinian and others were amazed that they had changed after seeing them.

However, the effect of taking the elixir and the effect of transformation are still incomparable. Just like now, when they see Xiong Bing's graceful appearance, they are all envious and sigh to themselves!

Master Zhida flicked his flower finger, and a lotus bud quickly rose from the lake. The lotus bud came out of the water and grew in the wind. Soon it bloomed into a pink lotus, and a white lotus platform appeared in the center of the flower, which slowly grew. , by the time Xiong Bing arrived, it had turned into a huge lotus platform, more than enough for Xiong Bing to sit on!


Another burst of exclamations erupted from the scene!

Master Zhida's skills are truly amazing in nature.

Xiong Bing went through the ceremony for a week, and after sitting down, he and Master Zhida began to talk about Zen. The topic still revolved around the Zen inquiry conference held in Chuanyun Temple thousands of years ago.

Speaking of the Zen Questioning Conference, it is natural that we cannot do without Xiong Bing’s evaluation of the four people Zhihui, Zhiming, Zhiqing and Zhifeng. Master Zhida knew that this was a good opportunity, so of course he asked Xiong Bing to comment on the four people. A little more detail.

Xiong Bing lived up to his expectations and made great comments on these four people. Master Zhida and everyone at the scene were fascinated and learned many useful principles in Zen.

After finishing the review, Xiong Bing sighed: "Chuanyun Temple can be said to have a long history of blessings. Not only does it have a person with deep wisdom and spirituality like Master Zhifeng, but also, in this world, it also has a Zen monk who is almost similar to him. Become a disciple!"

"What?! Is what Mr. Bingzun said true?!" Zhida asked in shock.

"That's right! Didn't the master discover it himself?"

"This... poor monk thinks that there is probably no one in this world who can be spiritually similar to Zhi Feng's wisdom root, right?" Zhida murmured, his eyes twinkling.

He was secretly happy, thinking that the person Xiong Bing was talking about could be him?

He has already investigated the meditation disciples in this world and found no outstanding people. Therefore, if it is true as Xiong Bing said, there are people in this world who are comparable to Zhifeng, and there is no one else but himself.

"Haha, master, the abbot of Tengyun Temple, a branch of your temple, is Jie Chi. He is well versed in the ways of nature, has excellent wisdom and amazing spirituality. In the future, he can be compared with Master Zhifeng!" Xiong Bing said with a proud smile.

"Quit being crazy?!" Zhida was startled.

A slight disappointment flashed through his heart, but after hearing what Xiong Bing said, he suddenly realized that he had been in this world for so long and had only recently seen Jie Chi and had not examined him properly.

If I said I ignored anyone, it was definitely him!

Fortunately, Xiong Bing reminded him, otherwise wouldn’t he have missed a great opportunity?

You know, even though you have not been recognized by Xiong Bing, it would be a great merit if you can receive a disciple who is as wise and spiritual as you!

Jie Chi, who was sitting and listening quietly on the high platform by the lake, did not expect that Xiong Bing would suddenly turn the topic to himself, and couldn't help but be stunned.

While he was in a daze, he suddenly heard Master Zhida's voice ringing in his ears: "Jie Ji, come here!"

Jie Chi felt a strong force pushing him forward, and he was in front of Zhida in a blink of an eye.

Zhida's consciousness swept wildly, and for a moment, his eyes lit up!

I saw that the Zen roots in Jie Chi's body were indeed different. They were extremely pure and crystal clear, and also had some lines, which were very similar to some of the runes in the Zen Questioning Pagoda...

Moreover, Jie Chi is still very young, but he has already reached the late stage of Zen master training, and his combat power is undoubtedly comparable to that of Yin Yang monks.

In addition, he looks extremely simple and has a handsome body.

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line--

A reminder for novel netizens: please pay attention to resting your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line---

The body is like a piece of rough jade. If it can be carefully carved, it will surely shine with dazzling brilliance!

Zhida was overjoyed and said, "Jie Chi, are you willing to be my disciple?"

"Of course...disciple is willing!" Jie Chi couldn't help but said with joy.

He didn't expect that Xiong Bing would become Master Zhida's disciple with just one word. He was so happy!

The apprenticeship ceremony was quickly held on the White Lotus Platform. Millions of people were present to witness this grand ceremony. Even if someone wanted to steal someone from Zhida, it would be impossible.

When Jie Ai and other disciples of Chuanyun Temple saw this scene, their hearts were filled with envy and mixed emotions that were hard to describe.

It can be said that if Jie Chi becomes a disciple of Zhida, not only will his status soar, but his future achievements will be limitless. Maybe he can reach the heights of Master Zhifeng as Xiong Bing said!

Zhida was overjoyed and asked Jie Chi to sit aside and listen to him and Xiong Bing continue to discuss Zen.

Xiong Bing was also not expecting this change. He never expected that a casual word from an adult would completely change the fate of quitting madness. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it turned stone into gold!

After being stunned for a moment, he followed Li Yun's prompt and said with a smile: "Congratulations to Master Jie Chi! Congratulations to Master Zhida! Congratulations to Chuanyun Temple!"

"Amitabha! Speaking of the person who should be thanked the most, it is none other than Lord Bing!" Master Zhida said sincerely.

"No, no, it's because of the deep fate between the two masters that they can accomplish such a beautiful thing! I wonder what happened after Chuanyun Temple assigned the four masters of Zhizi generation to be abbots of each temple for thousands of years?" Xiong Bing asked, changing the subject.

Master Zhida felt ashamed when he heard this, but for a Zen practitioner, there is no need to hide these things, otherwise, he would not have mentioned the Zen Questioning Conference.

Soon, he also talked about the development of each temple after Zhihui, Zhiming, Zhiqing and Zhifeng became abbots. Of course, he spoke very skillfully and described the development of each temple in detail, but the truth was different. There is severity, and many situations are left to the audience to guess and speculate.

However, these words fell in Li Yun's ears, and he could judge from them that the development of each temple was similar to what he had originally speculated.

As expected, Master Zhifeng had wisdom and integrity, so the temple he led developed well. In particular, he trained a large number of talents for Chuanyun Temple, which can be said to have great potential.

Master Zhiqing has a strong desire for power and continues to expand his sphere of influence through preaching and preaching. He now occupies a very high position in Chuanyun Temple, even vaguely superior to Master Zhiming, the abbot of the main temple. He can call the wind and rain, and is omnipotent. !

The abbot of the main temple, Master Zhiming, was suppressed by Zhiqing, and now his prestige is insufficient, and even his personal cultivation has been greatly affected.

As for Master Zhihui, who saves a hundred lives every year, the development of the temple led by him is quite satisfactory and commendable.

It can be inferred from these circumstances that Zhiqing's status in Chuanyun Temple is quite special. He uses the abbot of the branch temple to suppress the abbot of the main temple. If he is a person with deep wisdom like Master Zhifeng, it will not be a problem. The key is his power. He has a strong desire to turn Chuanyun Temple into his own power, and even build a Zen empire. If this is really the case, maybe he will turn this power into a world power that he can use. I'm afraid that when the time comes At that time, no one in Chuanyun Temple could suppress him!

This situation is not impossible. From Zhiqing's actions, Li Yun has basically judged that Zhiqing had foreseen the Zen Conference a thousand years later. In order to achieve his own personal goals, he began to spare no effort to preach the scriptures. Develop followers, improve your personal reputation, and build momentum for your success in the meditation conference.

However, his attempt was discovered by the Zen Pagoda, and he ultimately failed to ascend to the throne of the abbot of the main temple. Therefore, he began to build his own Zen empire in the branch temple he was responsible for. With his ability, after thousands of years of hard work, He already has a huge power of his own, and this power is for his personal use. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the power of his world.

With such strength, in Chuanyun Temple, except for a limited number of elders above the generation of Du, no one can suppress Zhiqing anymore.

Zhiqing's ambition is not small. Could it be that his goal is not just the abbot of the main temple, but the more sensitive Master of Ziwei Star? !

Li Yun quickly thought of this possibility.

There will always be ambitious people like Zhiqing, not to mention that he is in a Zen temple like Chuanyun Temple, and he has excellent conditions. As long as he is ambitious, he may slowly expand and grow. In the end, it was out of control!

"Zhiqing... Zhifeng... How can he be bright if he has Yu? It seems that although Zhiqing is powerful, he is not very lucky. Chuanyun Temple has Zhifeng, which is enough to contain his plans..." Li Yun laughed in his heart.

"What you say makes sense! However, I would like to remind Zhida and the others to be on guard against Zhiqing taking action against Zhifeng in advance." Xiaoxing agreed.

"That's right! With Zhiqing's personality, if he realizes that Zhifeng will become a stumbling block for his progress, he will definitely take action against him."

Li Yun quickly sent a secret message to Zhida through Xiong Bing to remind him of this matter.

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