The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1058 The Sky and the Tao (7)

"That's right! How else can we say that the level of Meng's bloodline is extremely high?" Li Yun responded.

"Sir, is this Meng family's bloodline higher than our dragon family?" Xiao Xiang asked suspiciously.

"According to my test, it is indeed stronger than the Dragon Clan, but it is just a little stronger, but weaker than the Phoenix Clan."

"This..." Xiao Xiang was startled and his face turned red.

I had always been proud of my Dragon Clan bloodline, but I didn't expect that my level was not only lower than that of the Phoenix Clan, but also lower than the Meng Clan's bloodline. I was really speechless.

"Haha, you don't have to worry. The bloodline level is not static, but can be improved little by little. If you continue to refine your body, improve your cultivation and Tao power, your bloodline level can also continue to improve, and your potential can naturally continue to increase!" Li Yun smiled.

"Really?!" Xiao Xiang was delighted.

"When has my lord ever lied to you?"

"Sir, of course I have not deceived my little slave! It seems that our dragon clan's bloodline is pretty good, and there is still a lot of room for improvement!"

"That's that!" Xiaodong echoed.

The two complimented each other, making everyone in the audience feel numb all over.

Chun Yuzi said with emotion: "Xianxian's dancing is really magnificent, I'm afraid it's unreasonable to not be ranked first!"

"Haha, if you had seen adults dancing, you wouldn't be so fussy!" Xiao Xiang laughed.

"This..." Chun Yuzi was startled when he heard this.

I didn't expect that the adult's dancing skills are also advanced. Why have I never heard anyone talk about it?

Li Yun quickly sensed everyone's thoughts and said with a smile: "My dance method is derived from the dance of dragon and phoenix. Speaking of which, Xiao Xiang is one of my masters!"

"Is that so?!"

Everyone was stunned, then looked at Xiao Xiang, with admiration in their eyes, which made Xiao Xiang feel very happy!

"Haha, your master's dancing skills are better than those of others. Now I can no longer catch up with him! But compared to Xianxian, An Dai, and you, the dancing masters who are going out to compete, they naturally have to win steadily. One of a kind!" Xiao Xiang laughed proudly.


Everyone screamed in surprise, and their admiration for Xiao Xiang was like a surging river, endless.

"I wonder if eldest brother can perform a dance to open our eyes?" Chun Yuzi asked.


Xiao Xiang was startled and quickly looked at Li Yun, his eyes eager to try.

Li Yun said, "Don't worry, Xiaodai is going to perform now. Let's see how she dances?"

After hearing this, everyone turned to the large light curtain, and sure enough, they saw that Fairy Andai was ready and ready to appear!

"Huh? Who is this person?" Ji Tan saw Ling Daozi, his eyes narrowed, and he said in surprise.

"His name is Ling Daozi!" Xiaoxing's voice said proudly.

"Ling Daozi? Isn't his Yaoqin tuned wrong? Why is it one hundred and nine strings?!" Ji Tan said loudly.

After hearing his words, everyone quickly noticed this.

"Of course it won't be wrong! He can play no matter how many strings there are!" Xiaoxing said lightly.

"Impossible! It is impossible for people in the lower world to have such musical power. Even in the spiritual world, there are not many people who can play one hundred and nine strings."

"Hehe, then just take a look and see how he plays..."

"Who...are you? Why are you so sure?" Ji Tan looked around and asked suspiciously.

Everyone in the audience was very accustomed to listening to Xiaoxing's voice, and they didn't even think about why there was such a sound, let alone where the person who made the sound was.

However, when Ji Tan asked this question, they all reacted and searched everywhere.

I want to see who the speaker is.

"Hehe, you don't have to look for me. Only adults can find me. However, you can think of me as the piano player, Ling Daozi!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

Everyone looked at each other and looked at Li Yun.

Even Xiaoxiang and Xiaodong were confused, not knowing that there was Ling Daozi in the Universiade Palace.

"'s true! Ling Daozi is very naughty, but very cute. Just look at his performance!" Li Yun said helplessly.

"Yes!" Everyone responded in unison.

In the light mist camp, a figure slowly flew up, with bright eyes, long hair, a smile on his face, and fluttering robe sleeves, like purple air coming from the east, and a fairy coming to the sky!

"Ling Daozi! Ling Daozi!! Ling Daozi!!!"

Thunderous shouts rang out outside the stadium. Fans thought it was Ling Daozi who was about to perform on stage and immediately cheered loudly.

In the previous Taoist competitions, as long as Ling Daozi appeared, he could easily win the first place. Even Shen Youxi was defeated by him in the Confucian "Haoran Zhengqi" Taoist competition that he was best at and resigned.

Although Ling Daozi only had Nascent Soul cultivation level, with his incredible performance, he quickly captured the hearts of a large number of fans and became a superpower in their minds.

Just when the fans wanted to watch Ling Daozi's dance performance, they saw a flash of inspiration in his hand, and a Yao Qin appeared, floating in front of him, fluttering his sleeves, stretching out his hands, and began to play the Qin with a smile.

This style of action is very similar to Li Yun, and Xiao Xiang, Xiao Dong, Wang Yi, Xiong Bing and others were stunned!


The sound of the piano gushed out like flowing water, sweeping across the entire venue, carrying the sound of the mighty rushing water, making people feel like they were in the middle of a big river. Everyone felt like they were floating, and they couldn't sit still!

Ling Daozi's extraordinary moves and awe-inspiring Taoism shocked all the Taoist masters in the audience!

Qinghong's eyes were fixed on him, and his ears were involuntarily pointed in the direction of the Yao Qin, trying to catch every note as much as possible.

He had long seen that Ling Dao's bullet turned out to be a one-hundred-nine-stringed harp. This level was still far beyond his ability to reach. Even if his Dao power had soared recently, he still wanted to have twice as much Dao power as before. Easier said than done?

Bo Qiu, Xing Suanzi, Yi Xiong, Ji Yan, Xu Yin, Bao Long, Ming Kongzi, Liang Ze, Ma Hao, Shi Rui, Xiang Yun... all of them opened their eyes wide, with incredible expressions on their faces!

The sound of the piano is mighty, stirring the world, and visions occur frequently...

The spiritual mist came from nowhere, and suddenly filled the sky, lingering, and in an instant it condensed into pieces of clouds, spinning!

The clouds are getting thicker and thicker, turning faster and faster, forming a huge eye of the wind in the sky. The eye of the eye is flashing with lightning and the sound of thunder is looming. It is like the end of the world and makes people shudder!

"Crack! Crack! Crack!!!"

After some preparation, thunder and lightning burst out, pouring down, stirring up sparks all over the sky, which was extremely charming.


Everyone screamed, and some had already withdrawn their spiritual energy shields or took out treasures such as shields, just in case.

"Clatter! Crash! Crash! Crash!!!"

There was a sudden sound of rain, and the heavy rain fell in response. The raindrops were like beans, streaking across the sky, forming airtight curtains of water. Everyone was wet!


Such power caused the entire audience to scream, and everyone started to move. Seeing that the water was so strong, a lake had accumulated in the arena, and they had to fly up!

The sound of the piano was urgent, and the water in the air rushed down like it was free, forming a series of shocking water columns, just like tributaries. It didn't take long before they converged into a raging river, crossing the sky!

Everyone floated to the surface of the river, and when they saw the turbulent river, they couldn't help but tremble...

The green mountains on both sides of the bank face each other, and the waves of a big river are wide!

The surging river water crossed the dangerous shoal, turning up countless small waves and splashing water all over the sky!

A surge of pride arose spontaneously, and everyone felt that the country was so beautiful, attracting countless heroes to bow down!

The river is already formed, how can there be no dancing? !

Where the river churns, a huge whirlpool is stirred up. A beautiful figure slowly rises from the whirlpool and appears on the river. It is Fairy Andai!

I saw that she was plump and fair, with a graceful green cover, a light willow waist, soft slender fingers, hibiscus looking sideways, waving her hand affectionately, and trembling dragons and snakes in her sleeves...

"Oh my God!"

Everyone screamed in their hearts, such a big river, such a beautiful woman, such a dancing posture...

The fairy's silhouette dances on the river. Accompanied by the sound of the river, it seems to have merged with the heaven and earth. Every move, every frown, every turn, every turn, every rise and fall can arouse waves of the sound of the river, which is deafening and enlightening. , go straight to the heart...

Everyone twisted and spun involuntarily. Some had fallen into the river without knowing it, and were still dancing in the water... Others were swept down by the rapids of the river and disappeared...

With the sound of the piano, the river is surging, the dancing shadows are rolling, the beauty is like jade, the river is like a rainbow, the endless falling trees are rustling, and the endless river is rolling...

The sound of the piano is soft, the dancing shadows are graceful, the phoenix is ​​dancing in the sky, the waist is gentler and softer, the wind is as graceful as flying, Lihua's sleeves are like jade, dancing low to the heart of the willow tower, the moon is dancing under the peach blossom fan...

The sound of the piano was low, the thunder and lightning stopped for a moment, and a bright moon suddenly flashed out from the dark clouds. The bright moon's clear light fell on the quietly flowing river, creating sparkling waves.

The neon clothes are turning gently, the Taiye waves are turning, and the fairy Lingbo is wandering alone, sailing across the vast waves thousands of miles in a small boat.

The ice curtain is half-covered, the stars are falling randomly, the moon shadow is melancholy, the dew is scattered, who is leaning against the small lantern? There are still two roosting snow egrets, startled by the cold night.

The delicate beauty of the picture makes people cry, and the coldness of the picture makes people feel infinitely lonely... Everyone feels the same and is heartbroken...

The sound of the piano is entangled and lingering, sometimes clear and clear, sometimes low...

The pearls and tassels rotate and the stars sway, the flower vines tremble and dragons and snakes move, and the dancing wind returns, but they are nowhere to be found. The dancers on the river are like the spirits of the river, sometimes dancing lightly, sometimes whirling wildly, leaving traces of dance in the air. The dance traces flicker, as if countless dancers are performing countless dance postures at the same time. They are light and graceful, making people yearn for...


drunk! drunk! ! drunk! ! !

One person can actually create a group dance effect, so beautiful and unimaginable!

The dancing postures diverge and retract, the music sounds like a sweet rhyme but still quiet, the river dances across the great circle, who is bound by the carefree clouds? !

The sound of the piano gradually becomes lower, slower, gradually disappears, gradually fades away...

The lingering sound has been passed down for hundreds of years...

The dancing shadow lingers in my heart...

The dance in the clouds finally stopped slowly, and the river in the clouds gradually turned into nothingness...

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