The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1064 Dingding (2)

I can see that the patterns on this tripod are extremely mysterious. Each pattern is composed of smaller patterns. If you distinguish carefully, you can see that there are even smaller patterns under those small patterns. There is no way to go down. What can be seen is that there is only spiritual light and dark accumulation, which makes people see like a cloud.

Qinghong stared closely at a pattern on the tripod, and with a clear understanding in his heart, he took out the jade flute from his waist and blew it gently. A wave of music power surrounded the pattern. Sure enough, the pattern was slightly bright, and waves of heaven and earth were magnificent. The sound is in harmony with the sound of the flute, which is extremely beautiful!


Everyone's eyes lit up, and it turned out that it was really what the Xiangxing Operator said, that the cauldron could be activated with the power of the Tao of Joy.

However, after Qinghong played for a while, he couldn't play it anymore.

Qinghong was slightly startled, and then looked at another pattern. He found that the sound pattern at the beginning could still be distinguished, but the further down it went, the more it became indistinguishable. He continued to observe like this. He found that many sound patterns were difficult to distinguish. What kind of musical instrument does it belong to, and what’s the secret behind it.

"Oh my God! I didn't expect that the master's happiness has reached such a high level!" Qinghong screamed in his heart.

With his power of music, he could only activate a very small part of the sound patterns at most, and it was only the surface sound patterns. This fact made him admire him to the bottom of his heart!

He remembered that the Leshan he had seen in the Daxia Garden was also composed by an adult. At that time, he could quietly comprehend it in Leshan, and used his flute power to create another garden on Leshan to compete. .

However, just over ten years have passed, and now he can only look at this Tianyun Zunding with a look of admiration. If he could figure out a sound pattern from it, he would probably be ecstatic!

He didn't know that what Li Yun just played was Tianyun music. If Li Yun played the complete music, I'm afraid this space would be wiped out. Even if he played it with all his strength, this lower realm would most likely be destroyed. Fortunately, he just Played a small part of the simplified version and had limited impact.

Moreover, the Taoist power stimulated by Tianyun Song was moved by Li Yun to Dingshan and built into a "Tianyun Zunding", so it did not have an extreme impact on the people in the field. This also shows that Li Yun now has great influence on Taoist power. The control becomes more and more comfortable and easy to control.

This Tianyun Zunding has condensed extremely powerful Taoist power of happiness. If this Taoist power were fully activated, it would be unbearable in this lower realm. Fortunately, Ling Daozi had previously asked the servants of the gods to repair it with breath soil. This space is just enough to accommodate this cauldron of happiness.

However, even with Qinghong's Taoist power, he cannot fully stimulate this cauldron. If he wants to hear "Tian Yun Song" again, he may need someone with a higher Taoist power to do so.

Ji Yan from the garden was truly shocked when he figured this out!

He quickly thought of the Tianyin Zunding used to control the gardens in various gardens in the lower realm. Although they were all imitations, they were of extremely high level, and Qinghong could completely stimulate them. Unexpectedly, Tianyin Zunding was compared to The Tianyin Zunding in Zhenyuan is of a much higher level!

This can be seen from the fact that Qinghong can only activate a small part of the sound pattern on the surface.

Ji Yan immediately took out the jade slip to engrave. However, with his ability, he could only engrave a rough outline and rough sound patterns, and other detailed engravings were not enough. Lie  model  spring 趺 靼 vertebral mu yin twist qiao stub ㄇ宄  bare 摹br/\u003e

But this is enough. Such information is of great value to the garden!

Of course, the star operator has already burned this information before going out. I believe that the demand for it must be huge.

"Eh? Where is Li Yun?!" Boqiu suddenly reacted and screamed.


Star Operator also reacted and quickly scanned with his consciousness to search for it.

However, after Li Yun finished playing the song, he cast the "Tian Yun Zun Ding".

After fulfilling his previous promise to the Great Zhou Dingmeng, he immediately slipped back to the Universiade Palace. Where could he be found in the Great Zhou Dingmeng at this time?

It was a piece of cake for Li Yun to disappear under the eyes of Bo Qiu and Xing Suanzi.

The two searched frantically, but found that their efforts were all in vain, and they couldn't help but become anxious.

The purpose of their trip was to find Li Yun. Unexpectedly, they were fascinated by his Taoist power just now and had no time to intercept him. Now they would be in trouble if they tried to find him!

The two looked at each other, moved, and quickly left, searching everywhere in the area...

Seeing the two people searching everywhere like crazy, Xiaoxing smiled and said: "Hehe, sir, these two people want to find us here, they are simply wishful thinking!"

"Of course, I can't show up now, otherwise they will take advantage of me even if I want to leave." Li Yun looked at the countless people in the audience and said with a little fear.

If he hadn't used Dao power to suppress them all as soon as he appeared, once he was entangled by them, I'm afraid those people wouldn't have been able to let him leave so easily. Although he could forcefully return to the Tianyun world, in the It's hard to explain on the surface.

"Xiao Xing, now that Ling Daozi's mission has been completed, why not take advantage of the chaos to recall him."

"This..." Xiaoxing was startled, a little reluctant.

Ling Daozi gave him a big spotlight this time, wouldn't it be a pity to take it back now?

"Haha, now Bo Qiu and Xing Suanzi are looking for us everywhere. At the moment, I didn't think that Ling Daozi was a breakthrough. After a while, I thought of it, and maybe they would entangle him! Besides, there are many powerful demon clans around. Ready to make a move!" Li Yun laughed.

"What you say makes sense!"

Xiaoxing suddenly realized it and quickly called Ling Daozi back quietly.

And Li Yun also took all the disciples of the East Ridge Sect back to the inner space world.

In this sun-shooting competition, Chen Yun, Shi Yu, Ruan Yingxiong, Ruan Dan and Mengyu became famous in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the East Ridge Gate was also known to the world. It can be said that they returned in triumph.

However, they have also aroused the covetousness of many people. If they still stay there, not only Bo Qiu and Xing Suian may find them, but even people like Xia Kurong and Yang Wenqing may pester them, especially those from the periphery. The hidden demon masters are extremely interested in their high-level bloodline, and they will definitely plan to take action after the event. There is no bottom line for these masters to take action. They are impossible to guard against, so it is better to take them back first!

Mengyu was a little reluctant because he discovered Xianxian, and Xianxian has now grown into a top foundation builder with strong Taoist power. This made him start to regret what he had done before, and felt that he was so sorry for Xianxian and her Mother.

Fortunately, Xianxian's mother has now grown into a foundation-building monk in Li Yun's internal space world, which must be good news for Xianxian.

At Mengyu's request, Li Yun passed the news to Xianxian. Soon, he saw that Xianxian's eyes were red with excitement, her delicate body was shaking slightly, and her tears were secretly flowing...

At this time, there were still countless spectators at the scene who were immersed in the influence of Tianyun Qu and Tianyun Zunding, unable to extricate themselves. They never thought that the situation on the scene was quite subtle.

Sure enough, after a while, Bo Qiu and Xing Suanzi turned back to look for Ling Daozi and the disciples of the Dongji Sect, but they were shocked to find that they were all missing!

It feels like all of his actions are controlled by Li Yun, as if he is leading the way!

When the powerful demon clan lurking in the periphery saw this scene, they were also dumbfounded and chose to endure it.

These monster clan masters were pursuing the whereabouts of Nibo and Chi You, and followed the traces of Boqiu and Xingsuanzi to come here. They wanted to search extensively, but unexpectedly saw the successive grand gatherings of Dazhou, and they were all very interested. , after reading it patiently, I feel that the harvest is really quite big.

Until the end, they were stunned by Li Yunyi's "Tian Yun Song" to create the "Tian Yun Zun Ding", and everyone was secretly shocked. It turned out that this lower realm actually has such power, and it is not a place where they can do whatever they want.

In this way, it is natural to choose to endure.

After half a day, the light of the Tianyun Zun Ding on Ding Mountain finally completely dissipated, and the cauldron returned to its original shape. It looked small and exquisite, with gorgeous decorations, inner aura, looming, and good-looking!

Among the twelve cauldrons on Ding Mountain, Tianyun Zunding naturally became the center, absorbing the most light points of faith, and these light points would eventually be attached to Li Yun.

In this way, the completion of the Dingding Ceremony means that this series of grand gatherings of the Great Zhou Dingmeng have also come to a successful conclusion!

The audience woke up and gradually dispersed. However, all the wonderful things displayed in this event will become the best talk for people after dinner for a long time...

Within the Great Zhou Ding League, a grand banquet was held to entertain the gods and guests from all walks of life.

Bo Qiu and Xing Suanzi had gloomy faces, sitting behind the jade platform where they watched themselves. While enjoying the food, they were still scanning their consciousness to search for any possible clues.

An idea flashed in Liang Ze's hand, and two bottles of Xing Lun Wine appeared. They placed them on the counter and said with a smile: "Two seniors, this is a rare grade of Xing Lun Wine in this world. You might as well try it first!"

"Grade star luck wine?" The star operator was slightly startled.

This was the first time he had come across this statement. He quickly picked up the wine bottle and looked at it carefully.

I saw that the bottle of this wine was in the shape of crystal, but it was covered with cracks, forming crystal protrusions, which were sparkling and extremely eye-catching.

Through the crystal, you can see that the wine inside is very thick and the color is a very noble crimson, like jade.

"Wow! This wine is so beautiful!"

Xing Suanzi praised in his heart and couldn't wait to unscrew the bottle mouth and turn it upside down. Naturally, it was an excellent jade cup. The aroma of wine instantly overflowed and filled the entire banquet.

"Eh? It smells so good!"

Boqiu's eyes lit up, and he quickly poured out a glass of wine as well. Looking at the beautiful crimson wine in the jade cup, he was almost stunned.

How can I be willing to drink such wine**ィbr/\u003e

"Two seniors, distinguished guests, brothers and sisters, let's work hard for the success of this event!" Liang Ze raised his wine glass and said loudly.


Everyone shouted and drank it all!

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