The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1066 Another faith cave stone

Tianyun's devouring operation continues, but it has almost no impact on this interstellar rocky area, because it is too big, and it is still moving, and it is constantly absorbing other things during the movement. Rockslide, so it continues to grow and develop!

Even with Li Yun's powerful spiritual consciousness, he was unable to cover this vast area. Moreover, he found that using his spiritual consciousness to move rocks was not very efficient, so he could only start with small pieces of sand and gravel.

Anyway, don’t be in a hurry, you can take your time.

Ten years...twenty years...thirty years...fifty hundred years...

Li Yun has been collecting scraps in this area for a hundred years, and has gained a lot. He finally came to the other end. Here, people like Niebu, Boqiu, and Xingsuanzi have long been gone.

"Xiaoxing, is the star map ready?" Li Yun asked.

"Okay! It's in this jade slip." Xiaoxing said, and a jade slip appeared in Li Yun's hand.

"Haha, with this jade slip, Chi You should be able to return to the base where he grew up. Maybe many years later, he can see the birth of a new generation of Great Demon Lord!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Sir, do you really want to let him grow up?" Xiao Xing asked curiously.

"Of course it's impossible to let him go. At the very least, he can't be allowed to affect the One Hundred and Eight Realms. I have erased everything he did in this lower realm. His new memory will start from now on!"

As Li Yun spoke, his consciousness moved, and he released Chi You from the cage, threw him out of the rocky area, and stimulated him to wake up with a surge of spiritual power.

I saw Chi You trembled and froze for a moment. He found the jade slip on his body and quickly checked it. Soon after, he actually spread out his body and headed towards the growth base he had arranged before reincarnation...

Looking at Chi You's disappearing figure, Li Yun felt quite emotional. What kind of results will the cause he planted today have in the future?

I'm afraid no one can tell clearly.

He quickly retracted his mind and continued to collect interstellar rocks. He had collected them for nearly a hundred years before, but it seemed to have no impact on this world of rocks. However, some changes had taken place in Tianyun World.

The sky in Tianyun World is higher and deeper, with more nebulae, stars, mist, meteors, and even a small rocky area, which looks a bit like interstellar space.

Moreover, Li Yun can also feel that the quality of Tianyun World is quietly strengthening, and the terrain and landforms everywhere are becoming more stable. Obviously, the material contained in the interstellar rocks is of great help in forming Tianyun World!

This also makes his action of collecting interstellar rocks more meaningful.

Li Yun continued to collect interstellar waste here with great interest, but the powerful monsters who were originally waiting on the periphery still stood firm and did not leave.

For them, if they want to confirm Chi You's situation, they must venture into the rocky area, but this is obviously impossible. Unless there is an excellent protective treasure, entering there can only be a matter of luck. If one is not good, Even I got involved.

Now that he can't enter, monitoring on the periphery becomes inevitable. As long as he sticks to it longer and Chi You never comes out, it proves that Chi You must have died inside, and future troubles will naturally be eliminated.

Therefore, these people have the same thoughts, constantly flying and searching the periphery, not letting go of any disturbance. Unfortunately, this world is too big. What they can monitor is only the small space that Chi You just rushed in, and when Li Yun When the other end let Chi You go, they had no idea.

"Sir, I found a faith cave stone!" Xiaoxing suddenly said.

"Believe in travertine?!" Li Yun was startled.

"Yes. It's similar to the one Xiao Jing got last time, but the level seems to be higher."

"Where's the star map above?" Li Yun asked urgently.

"The star map is different from the last one. It should come from another star field!" Xiaoxing said a little uncertainly.


Li Yun took the faith cave stone sent by Xiaoxing and studied it carefully.

Sure enough, although the style of this stone is very different from Xiao Jing's, the words displayed on it are basically the same. Among them are the words of many races in Xuanling Continent. The effect is also a self-operating small world that can be collected. Believe in the light spot and use it for your own use. The temptation in the words is great!

However, after activation, the star map displayed is another star field. Compared with the previous star field, the difference seems very obvious.

Unexpectedly, the methods adopted in two different star regions were so similar, which made both Li Yun and Xiaoxing feel a little confused.

You must know that the distance between the star fields is extremely far, and the difference in civilization is huge. It is indeed incredible that such surprisingly similar methods are used to detect the outer star fields!

"Xiaoxing, the probability of this happening is extremely low. Is there another reason?" Li Yun thought deeply.

"Your Majesty, what you said makes sense! Xiaonu thought about it carefully just now. The probability of this happening is almost non-existent. Therefore, this new faith travertine is most likely to come from the same star field, but appear in a different star map. , the reason should be that the observers are at different angles. Although they see the same star field, the star maps presented are obviously different."

"This...makes sense!" Li Yun's eyes lit up.

If it is a spiral star field, if the observer stands on its plane and observes, the star field will appear elliptical and look like two different star fields.

Xiaoxing added: "It is actually not too difficult to determine this. You only need to identify the main galaxies, planets, and continental masses that appear in the star field. If these two star fields are actually the same, then there must be There are the same galaxies, planets and continental masses.”

"Okay! Let's wait for you to confirm this! If it is really the same star field, that would be even better. We can confirm the shape and location of this star field from different angles." Li Yunxi said.

"That's right!" Xiaoxing agreed.

Half a month later, Li Yun collected one hundred and fifty years of waste, and felt that there were some new changes in the Tianyun world. The most obvious thing was that the fairy veins in those fairyland spaces increased, the fairy energy became more intense, and the fairy grass and fairy Flowers, fairy trees, etc. are growing more vigorously.

This made Xiao Kong overjoyed and helped to collect the interstellar rocks.

It can be seen from this situation that the level of some of the materials in this interstellar rocky area is comparable to that of the fairy world, so that it can directly replenish the material in the fairyland space.

Li Yun didn't expect that the interstellar rocky area he accidentally encountered turned out to be a huge treasure. It seemed unreasonable not to collect it cleanly.

He and Xiaokong worked together to collect them like crazy, getting faster and faster, already exceeding the speed at which other small flow stones could be absorbed in the rocky area.

"Sir, those two star maps do come from the same star field!" Xiaoxing said suddenly.

"Oh? Are you really sure?!" Li Yunxi said.

"Yes! The first star map is viewed from the inside out, and the latter star map is viewed from the outside in. Most of the galaxies, planets, and continental blocks are the same, but their positions seem to be different from each other. It’s just a reflection!” Xiaoxing said.

"That's it! It seems that our initial judgment was not wrong!"

"Yes, and the new faith travertine is obviously higher than the previous one. It can be preliminarily concluded that it is a latecomer." Xiaoxing judged.

Li Yun suddenly smiled and said: "Haha, so it is very likely that it came to find the previous faith cave stone, but was delayed by this rocky area! If it weren't for us, it might still stay here. It’s going to be a long time!”

"Exactly. The level of this rocky area is quite high. It's not easy to break free from its shackles!"

"Well, I'm afraid this stone spirit is not easy to deal with. Let's put it away for now and talk about it later!"

Li Yun still couldn't think of a good way to deal with the stone spirit in it, so he simply put the faith cave stone in the space warehouse for supply.

He and Xiaokong accelerated the collection of interstellar rocks, causing the size of this rocky area to gradually shrink, so much so that even the powerful demon clan monitors on the periphery noticed the anomaly!

"Huh? What's going on?"

"Strange, those stones seem to be missing a lot!"

"Not bad! My consciousness can already overlook the entire rocky area!"

"Oh my god! If this continues, I'm afraid this rocky area won't even exist..."

These powerful people were talking a lot, and their hearts were full of astonishment.

A few days later, this rocky area mysteriously disappeared completely under their eyes, leaving everyone dumbfounded and their hearts beating wildly!

Now, there is no point in continuing to monitor here. The demon masters did not find Chi You, so they had to disperse. Bo Qiu and Xing Suanzi stayed for a long time, and then left one after another in annoyance.

Li Yun was amused in his heart, and controlled Tianyun to return to the 108th Realm of Transformation.

"Xiaoxing, how are those medicine gardens going?" Li Yun remembered and asked.

"Sir, not so fast! Although we have collected waste materials in the rocky area for more than four hundred years, it has only been more than forty days here. Although many slaves have accepted the mission, some have not yet arrived at the designated location! "Xiao Xing said.

"Yeah... I almost forgot! The mission of the medicine garden was released not long ago. It seems that it will take a long time to reach the scale we envisioned. However, during this time, we can study the pills!"

Previously, Li Yun had realized that the market for pill pills had a bright future, and was planning to start researching alchemy. If he made more pill pills, he would naturally be able to make more money.

Now that he basically controls this world and becomes the master behind the scenes, and the series of grand gatherings in the Great Zhou Dynasty have also ended, he can just do this. At the same time, he can also make more preparations for going to the spirit world.

"Sir, I have collected countless kinds of pills. Most of them have been thoroughly researched. Only a small part are still being tested and analyzed. You can try them one by one from easy to difficult. As long as they are all completed, your alchemy will be complete. The way can definitely reach an extremely high level." Xiaoxing said.

"Okay! Why don't we start now!"

Li Yun returned to Lingxian Peak and followed Xiaoxing's suggestion to start testing pills one by one...



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