The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1075 Dayun Restaurant (3)

In fact, as Li Yun said to Wang Yi and others, the role of Dayun Restaurant in providing spiritual food and spiritual wine is still secondary. The main function is to provide the exchange of spiritual food and wine. You must know that many slaves In addition to eating the food given by adults, the rewards for completing tasks on the Universiade Card are still just pictures.

Dao Fruit is a bit better. Many small slaves have more or less cultivated Dao Fruit in their small spaces, but the levels are somewhat uneven. However, Dao food and Dao wine can only be exchanged. For those who like food and drink For those who want money, whether they can redeem it in time is indeed a big problem.

Therefore, after hearing the news that the Dayun Restaurant would assume the exchange function, the slaves in the palace were looking forward to the restaurant opening as soon as possible.

Xiaoxing felt this atmosphere and said, "Sir, those little slaves are a little impatient!"

"Then just whet their appetite and open on time." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Yes! However, Xiaonu suddenly thought of a question. Our Taoist dishes are mainly Xingyun Baozi, Xingyun Dumplings and Soup prepared by the heroes of the sea, land and air. These are naturally very good, but our spiritual dishes are all kinds of. The main ingredients are In addition to various spiritual vegetables, spiritual flowers, and spiritual herbs, there are also various meat-eating ingredients. These ingredients are often the same kind as those of certain demon slaves, but they are of extremely low levels and have not yet practiced transformation. Yao, will this be a bit troublesome?" Xiaoxing asked.

"You actually thought of this question! This shows that you are completely a human being and have learned to consider other people's psychological feelings." Li Yun praised.

"Hehe, thank you for the compliment, sir!"

"Well, that's your question... Don't worry! The demon slaves and the divine beast and bird slaves in the palace are all powerful. They will not treat those untransformed little demons and those with extremely low blood levels. Life forms that rely on instinct to survive are treated as the same kind. You know, they grew up in an environment where the weak can eat the strong. They have long been accustomed to the laws of the jungle and eat these low-level ingredients without caring at all. On the contrary..."

"What is it?"

"For the human race, the human race is a bit special. Although the blood level is extremely low, its brain development and intelligence are relatively high. Even infants and mortals have high intelligence, which is different from those who only rely on instinct to survive and develop. There is a big difference between the demon clans. This is why the human form is what various life forms look like after they have transformed, because primates are the most intelligent life types in the universe and can carry higher brain power and spiritual power. . Therefore, humans generally do not eat the same kind. Although cannibalism has occurred in history, it often occurred in extreme periods, such as famines and wars. Even so, people often exchanged their children for food. Will eat his own offspring..." Li Yun sighed.

"My lord, that's what you said! I'm just worried that those monsters will feel uncomfortable eating the same kind of food. If you let me eat human flesh now, I will definitely not be able to eat it!" Xiaoxing agreed.

"So, I just said that you have fully evolved into a human! But for those monsters with extremely low intelligence and acting purely on instinct, although there is a saying that tigers are poisonous and will not eat their children, they will eat their children. The probability is extremely high, and they are not taken seriously at all. They can be called low-level animals, and there is no problem in treating them as food."

"This... the demons that the adults are referring to have extremely low intelligence and act purely on instinct. They are fine as ingredients for spiritual dishes, but they are not high enough to be used as ingredients for Taoist dishes. They must have transformed demons as ingredients. If those What should the little slaves of the demon clan do if they want to eat other Taoist delicacies? Maybe some of them include the meat of their kind in disguise!" Xiaoxing thought of another question.

Li Yun was startled, this problem was indeed a bit difficult.

For example, if Nuo Kun of the Kun tribe eats a Taoist dish and finds out that it contains high-grade Kun meat, what will he feel in his heart?

Even just seeing that the name of the Taoist dish has the meat of the same kind in its own form,

Maybe I feel a little uncomfortable.

And if a dragon tribe like Xiaoxiang or a phoenix tribe like Xiaoxuan eats Taoist dishes made from dragon liver or phoenix gallbladder, they may not dare to speak out, let alone taste them carefully.

"We really need to think carefully about this issue." Li Yun praised.

"Sir, otherwise, all future Taoist dishes will be made in shapes similar to Xingyun Baozi, Xingyun Dumplings and Ice Skin Shaobing. Although these dishes use high-grade ingredients, after processing, the ingredients can no longer be seen. The way it is, only those who are gourmets can taste some of the meaty flavor, so diners will naturally not have psychological barriers. Since they have been launched for so long, they have not caused any problems in this regard."

"This is of course one of the good solutions. However, we have now developed many Taoist dishes, many of which maintain the original flavor and appearance of the ingredients. It is of course excellent for the human race, but if If you make them in the form of steamed buns, dumplings and sesame seed cakes, you will lose the fun of making them and some of the appeal in terms of color, flavor and appearance, and the Taoist meaning will naturally decline a lot!" Li Yun sighed.

"That's true!" Xiaoxing agreed.

For example, last time Li Yun studied the "Pianpi Feng" made by the chef Dunan. After the completion of this Taoist dish, it retained the appearance of a young phoenix, lifelike and full of Taoism. This pair of human beings It is definitely a rare delicacy for people, but for Xiaoxuan, Xiaobing and other people from the Feng clan, eating such Taoist delicacies is simply a disaster!

"It seems that Taoist dishes such as sliced ​​phoenix and stir-fried dragon liver cannot appear on the menu of Dayun Restaurant! We can only make and enjoy it ourselves!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Sir, if only human slaves attend the banquet, wouldn't it be a problem for such delicacies to appear?" Xiaoxing asked.

"No! Even if there are only human slaves, they may spread the news. In this way, the slaves of other races will definitely have opinions in their hearts after hearing it, and the impact will be great. Not only is it bad for me, but also for those The human slaves are not good either.”

"This... Your Majesty still cares about the feelings of the slaves in the palace. If it were Huang Yimiao, I'm afraid he wouldn't consider this issue at all." said.

"This fat man... of course won't consider it. However, he is famous for eating food from all over the world. Even his mythical beasts or demon slaves know that he must have eaten his own transformed kind. This can actually reduce this problem. The need for concern.”

"Yes! Is this a clever trick that Huang Yimiao came up with early in the morning? Maybe adults can also learn from him..."

"Forget it! Sir, I am not a person who likes to eat and drink. Besides, I don't want to have a big belly like him..."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

The two of them couldn't help but laugh heartily when they thought that Li Yun might look like he had a big belly...

Ten days later, in the central square of Dayun Palace, a large number of slaves from this world gathered early in the morning, all waiting for the opening of Dayun Restaurant.

They are generally of a lower level and are curious about everything in the palace, so they come early to join in the fun. The high-ranking slaves generally respect their status and come back later. However, they are also quite interested in this Universiade Restaurant, and most of them are Everyone is watching with their spiritual consciousness.

I saw that the shape of this nine-story tower is very distinctive. It is a trapezoid rising upwards. There are extremely high and sharp facilities on the top floor. The top is shrouded in clouds and mist. It looks like a big sword thrust into the sky. It is extraordinary!

"Wow! Dayun Restaurant is too awesome, isn't it?!"

"Exactly! Who is the boss?"

"I'm afraid it's a certain powerful venerable..."

"Of course! Who would have the financial resources to build such a tower if not the Mighty One?!"

"Not bad, not bad. From what I see, it might have been invested by a powerful slave in the palace. Otherwise, it would be impossible to get such a location!"

"It makes sense..."

Everyone was admiring and talking, admiring the towering tower in front of them with great admiration.

"Eh? Who wrote the words "Dayun Restaurant"? Why are they so familiar..." Ming Kongzi suddenly discovered this problem.

Qi Shi was also staring closely at the signboard, with a look of suspicion on his face, and said curiously: "Brother Ming, this calligraphy is quite similar to Xiao Bing's work. Don't you have his collection? Take it out for comparison!" "


Ming Kongzi suddenly realized it and quickly took out the calligraphy of Xiong Bing that he had collected before and compared it.

"He really wrote it!" Ming Kongzi quickly exclaimed.

There are actually many people among the slaves who are good at calligraphy. For example, Huashen Zipei from the Korean world is a person who entered Taoism through calligraphy. At this time, when he heard Ming Kongzi's exclamation, he quickly came over to watch.

The three people quickly agreed that the four characters "Dayun Restaurant" were Xiong Bing's calligraphy.

"I didn't expect that this restaurant owner would choose Xiao Bing's calligraphy. What a surprise!" Qi Shi said loudly.

"Accident? Brother Qi is saying..." Zipei was startled.

"Xiao Bing has only learned calligraphy in recent years. It is easy to imagine that his calligraphy skills are very shallow. Is it not surprising that his calligraphy has caught the eye of the owner of Dayun Restaurant?"

"That's it! However, when I look at this calligraphy, I see that the rules are loose on the outside and tight on the inside. It is both bold and bold, and strict at the same time. Every stroke is sharp yet rounded. It is integrated and full of Taoism. Man, it is indeed a good calligraphy!" Zipei admired the calligraphy very much and praised it highly.

After hearing what Zi Pei said, Qi Shi couldn't help but appreciate the calligraphy carefully, and found that it was just as Zi Pei said. Xiong Bing's calligraphy seemed to have been greatly improved compared to before. It would not be an exaggeration to call it a complete transformation.

"Brother Zipei really has a sharp eye! This bear's calligraphy is indeed much stronger than before. We can no longer look at him with the old eyes!" Qi Shi sighed.

When Ming Kongzi heard their comments, he couldn't help but feel overjoyed and said with a smile: "Haha, Mao Xiong has become a calligraphy master now. I wonder if you want to collect his works? I have a few of them on hand..."

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