The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1087 The Little Secret of Zen Taoism

"You mean...they don't abstain from sexual desire, but have few desires?" Li Yun asked.

"That's right! Your understanding of their lives mainly comes from the lower realms and some knowledge of the pre-universe. But in the spiritual realm, Zen is so prosperous that it has formed huge divine realms like Nalanda Realm, Kasyapa Realm, and Shurangama Realm. , if it is not enough to rely on ordinary people to provide a source of population, they rely more on themselves to reproduce..."

"Really?!" Li Yun asked in surprise.

"More true than pearls! Zen Taoism is actually a huge sect or sect with unique beliefs. It has multiple branches. Although they emphasize abstinence from sex, sex, alcohol, meat, and play... But the so-called abstinence is actually in their beliefs. It means "widow" or "du". "Widow" means "little", and "du" means to be restrained and not to overdo it. Therefore, when you saw Master Jie'an, Master Huiyu and others in the Great Zhou Ding League last time, you would also taste Xingyun Wine. , eat spiritual vegetables, and even...these two people are actually a couple!"


Li Yun screamed, looking extremely stunned.

"Hehe, they are a real couple. They have a son and a daughter. The son is in Chuanyun Temple and the daughter is in Miaoyin Temple. They are both Zen practitioners. If this information is put up for sale, it will definitely fetch a good price." Star smiled.

"Oh my God, that's for sure! But when did you discover it?" Li Yunqi said.

"Not long ago. Sir, our underground network has spread all over this world. No matter how careful they are, it is a piece of cake to monitor their actions! Moreover, Zen people do not shy away from this, but have internal rules. They are bound. They usually don't get together, or even stay apart all year round, but when one party wants to reproduce, they will propose the idea to the other party. If the two hit it off, they will both temporarily leave the Zen path for a period of time. After you have children, you can rejoin the Zen path. Of course, if eminent monks and nuns like Jie Ai and Hui Yu want to reproduce, they need to report their idea and can only temporarily leave Chuanyun Temple and Miaoyin after approval. nunnery.”

"I see! Then besides having offspring, why don't we always stay together?"

"Usually... we still get together every once in a while, but this is a bit like an affair. Both parties have to be secretive and find a secret place to avoid being seen by other Zen practitioners. Xiaonu has recorded many Zen The video of the meeting between Taoists includes several videos of Jie Ai and Hui Yu having an affair, would you like to see it, sir?"

"This... let's forget it. Where is Master Jie Chi?"

"Master Jie Chi is born as a boy, and I haven't found him to have any sexy videos like this."

"Haha, Master Jie Chi is indeed a person who advocates the way of nature and has deep roots of wisdom. It seems that the meeting of Zen people is more for the purpose of reproduction..."

"Yes. Their descendants usually join the Zen Tao, accept the strict precepts of the Zen Tao from an early age, and practice Zen skills. After a certain period of time, they are allowed to get to know each other on some occasions arranged by the Zen Tao in order to cultivate feelings. , get married, and then reproduce offspring... Only in this way can Zen Tao become more and more prosperous."

"Well, this kind of Zen way seems to be more humane, and it will not cut off all the flesh and blood in one go. Otherwise, the Zen way will only gradually decline in the end. However, this method of internal reproduction is very easy to cause the problem of bloodline depletion. Therefore, I think the addition of those foreign bloodlines is also extremely important to them." Li Yun thought.

"Your Majesty, what you say makes sense! Zen Tao absorbs many foreign disciples every year and trains them. These new bloodlines can ensure that Zen Tao's bloodline will not dry up. But..."

"But what?"

"After a long period of evolution, some very precious bloodlines have been formed in Zen Tao, which are of extremely high levels. Such bloodlines generally will not be fused with external bloodlines, but will instead look for bloodlines of the same or higher level internally for fusion. , in order to form a better bloodline." Xiaoxing said.

"In this way, it is very similar to the bloodline situation of the South Vietnam royal family! However, the South Vietnam royal family is passed down through a single line, while the Zen Tao bloodline is passed down through multiple lines, so the situation should be much better.


"Indeed! Zen Tao's method of protecting bloodline is not as strict as that of the South Vietnamese royal family. It is more out of self-protection and the pursuit of a higher bloodline realm." Xiaoxing said.

"In this case, if the foreign bloodline is of a higher level, they won't be too repulsive, right?" Li Yun guessed.

"Although I won't exclude them, it still depends on whether the character of the foreign bloodline is similar to that of the Zen people. If the two sides are too different, it will naturally not be suitable to combine."

"It makes sense! If the foreign bloodline is too murderous, extremely violent, or extremely lewd and lewd, it will certainly not be compatible with those who practice Zen." Li Yun agreed.

"Yes, such people are naturally incompatible with Zen people and must be excluded first. In addition to blood, the most important thing for Zen people is character and wisdom. Just like the last time Master Zhida gave a Zen lecture At that time, the master pointed out what Xiao Bing said. Among the four people Zhi Ming, Zhi Hui, Zhi Qing and Zhi Feng, the one with the most wisdom and spirituality is Master Zhi Feng. Under the Bodhi tree, next to the Zen Pagoda, my heart is like a mirror. It's a pity that those monks failed to notice Master Zhifeng's amazing wisdom and spirituality. If you hadn't reminded me, you would have almost buried him."

"Haha, of course it won't be buried. Gold will always shine. Master Zhifeng has grown up. I believe he will become more and more a generation of eminent monks that people admire in the Nalanda world!"

"Hehe, if you also join Zen Taoism, I'm afraid those holy nuns will come to rob you!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Oh? You think so highly of me?"

"Of course, although Master Zhifeng has deep wisdom, he is nothing compared to adults, like a firefly and a bright moon!"

"How can I see it?"

"Your Majesty's Zen state has reached the point where "there is nothing in the first place, so where is the dust?" Compared with Master Zhifeng who wipes away the dust every day, this state is many times higher, and the root of wisdom is naturally much higher."

"Haha, I'm just lazy! Out of sight is out of mind. Besides, if I have the ambition to compete, wouldn't I be in trouble? I won't let myself fall..." Li Yun laughed.

"That's what the adults said! It seems that Xiaonu's Zen realm is still a lot weaker!" Xiaoxing said with a sneer.

"Well, speaking of opening a forum to teach Zen, I am quite interested in the Zen Questioning Pagoda. I wonder what is so wonderful about this innate treasure. It can actually judge the wisdom and spirituality of the person asking Zen. I believe that the spirit of the instrument is also He is of a very high level and is also proficient in Zen." Li Yun thought.

"Sir, we will go to the spiritual world soon. Then we will go to Nalanda Realm and see the Zen Questioning Pagoda!"

"That's right! This trip is indispensable!" Li Yun nodded.

While wandering around the market, he discussed with Xiaoxing and learned more about the life of Zen practitioners.

Now it seems that there are many elites in Zen Tao, but they are not suitable to be introduced into the Universiade Palace, because they have simply been immersed in Zen Tao for generations. Even if they leave temporarily, it is for the purpose of reproducing future generations and developing Zen Tao. Provide fresh blood.

It can be said that they have been in Zen all their lives. Their faith is extremely powerful and it is difficult for them to completely leave and join other forces.

Therefore, the Zen Tao elites were naturally removed from the Universiade Palace's recruitment list. Xiaoxing quickly followed Li Yun's instructions and notified Xiao Bing, Shen Youxi, Qinghong, Zhou Guinian, Yan Ruoxu, and An Dai Xianzi and others brought the young elites from their respective schools to the palace to train them.

As for the Monster Clan, Wind Clan and Ice Clan, they also sent various powerful men to recruit the elites from the clan. Li Yun didn't mind the character of these people, because once they joined the Universiade Palace, they would all be under his god's control. Under the induction of consciousness, even people with bad character will undergo fundamental changes under his training. He has already done experiments on this, and the success rate is extremely high, almost 100%.

Why wasn't it completely successful?

There is a special case among them, that is Qi Shi. His Tao is the "Tao of Killing." Killing is necessary for his Tao to grow. If he is not allowed to continue killing, his room for advancement will be cut off.

This gave Li Yun a headache!

You know, there is still a blood oath between Qi Shi and Yang Qian that has not been fulfilled. Now that Qi Shi has joined the Universiade Palace, he has also brought this blood oath with him. I will definitely not let anything happen to Qi Shi. But he didn't want to interfere in the matter between the two people. After all, this blood oath was recognized by heaven. If he interfered, the consequences would be unpredictable.

Li Yun believed that with Yang Qian's genius and some unpredictable opportunities, it would be entirely possible for Yang Qian's strength to catch up with or surpass Qi Shi in time. By then, he would be in trouble.

Is it possible to let him hide in the Universiade Palace forever? This is of course impossible.

Therefore, Qi Shi must continue to improve and try to widen the distance between him and Yang Qian so that the blood oath will never be fulfilled.

"Sir, this problem is actually not difficult to solve!" Xiaoxing said in surprise.

"Oh? Do you have any good ideas?" Li Yun's eyes lit up.

"Real killing is not enough, we can create a virtual killing field, which is a piece of cake for the slave!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

“Virtual Killing Fields?!”

When Li Yun heard this, he immediately thought of those top virtual killing games in the previous universe. They were super virtual battles that could be carried out across galaxies. They were already available in Xiaoxing's think tank. Of course, if you want to use them here, you must go through some process. It needs to be rebuilt, but this is indeed a piece of cake for Xiaoxing.

"Not bad! In fact, I have had this idea for a long time. The goal is to improve the actual combat power of the adults. Now it can be transformed according to the characteristics of the Xuanling world. It is best to integrate it with reality and use it in the Universiade Palace. Let these little slaves play, I believe they will be addicted to it." Xiaoxing said with a smile.


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