The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1116 Core Space (7)

"How is this possible?! How is this possible?!!!" Xiaodi screamed in his heart.

Both sides have only played more than fifty pieces each. Compared to the huge chessboard with more than 200,000 points, this is almost a drop in the ocean. However, Xiaodi found that his control over this chess game seemed to have dropped to freezing point!

The connection between the fifty-odd sons who fell behind and his mind was gradually weakening for some reason. Once they fell, they seemed to be gone and never looked back. This feeling made his heart tremble...

With his immortal consciousness, he scanned wildly and found that the spiritual mist condensed on these chess pieces was shrinking at a speed invisible to the naked eye, as if being absorbed by an invisible monster, and the spiritual mist carried by the chess pieces was shrinking at a speed invisible to the naked eye. The power is also slowly disappearing!

Looking at Li Yun's chess pieces, each one is as solid as a rock, and the pressure is slowly spreading. If this trend continues, it won't be long before he can even breathe...

"It's over! It's over! Don't we have to start using Dao power now? Isn't that too embarrassing? I'm afraid this old boy Tianyun will laugh out loud... Huh? Tianyun? Could it be that Li Yun was acting under Tianyun's guidance? of?"

Xiao Di suddenly thought of this and couldn't help but say: "Xiao Yun, did you play this chess yourself?"

Li Yun was startled, but he quickly reacted and said with a smile: "If I didn't play the game myself, who would play the game?"

"Impossible! At your age, how can your chess skills reach such a state? There is not even a single flaw in these fifty-odd chess moves. In my opinion, Tianyun must be secretly guiding you!" Xiaodi said .

"Tian Yun? He is sleeping. Besides, if it comes to chess, he can't beat me. I can guarantee this." Li Yun smiled.

"What? Even Tianyun can't defeat you? How is this possible? He is an old monster who has lived for an unknown amount of time..." Xiaodi said in shock. He was almost stunned. He felt as if he had fallen into the hole dug by Li Yun. pit.

"Who is the old monster? You are the old monster!" Tian Yun's voice came out.

"Tian Yun! It seems that you are not really sleeping. Are you helping Xiao Yun play chess?" Xiao Di said loudly.

"You really think highly of me! Xiaoyun's chess skills have entered the stage of greatness. Even I can't keep up with his rhythm, so why should I help him? It has nothing to do with me that you want to die and play against him. I advise you to just obediently hand over the chess game formation to him, lest you vomit blood and lose your longevity later!" Tian Yun said coldly.

"You?! Dao? You mean that Xiao Lun's chess path has entered the Dao of chess? How is this possible?!"

"How is this impossible?! I watched him grow up step by step. Not long ago, Ouyang Jue, the chess master in the spiritual world, was defeated by him. He played the 299th way, but you know that Xiao Lun usually How many paths are there on the practice chessboard?”

"How many miles?" Xiaodi asked in a trembling voice.


"Countless...what does that mean?"

"What this that no matter how many paths there are on the chessboard, they are all under the precise control of small luck. This is the true state of chess!"


Xiaodi was shocked when he heard it!

"Haha! Now do you feel that all the fifty hands you left behind have gone away from you?"


"That's because your so-called way of hiding needles in the cotton wool, how can you hide it under the brilliance of the great road? They will gradually be absorbed by the great road, and eventually merge into the great road. Therefore, when you fall into a position where you can't make a move, At that time, that’s when your chess power is completely absorbed by your luck... Do you still want to stick to it?"

"I...can't just admit defeat after betting more than fifty pieces, right?" Xiaodi gritted his teeth.

"Haha, if you don't believe it, then continue playing chess. However, when you admit defeat, Xiaoyun won't have to ask you for that chess game formation, because that formation is useless to him." Tianyun laughed. road.

"This...If that's the case, then I'll try to see where I can go..." Xiaodi said with some disbelief.

After hearing what Tianyun said, Xiaodi no longer dared to support Da Da, and immediately activated his Tao power,

The piece fell hard, stirring up a thick spiritual mist, and the connection with the original chess pieces seemed to have been restored a lot in the sense of consciousness.

"Pa" "Pa" "Pa"

Li Yun remained calm and continued to make moves in a leisurely manner, but he was smiling in his heart.

With Xiaodi's chess game, it won't take long for him to absorb all his Tao power for his own use. As Tianyun said, he no longer needs the chess game formation that Xiaodi is proud of, and may even break it. Dropping it is a matter of minutes.

“Pa…” “Pa…” “Pa…”

Xiaodi's face turned red, his small eyes opened into big ones, and he stared at the chessboard tightly, not daring to relax for a moment.

Soon both sides played more than fifty moves each, which was still insignificant for such a large chessboard. However, Xiaodi felt that he was almost reaching his limit!

At this moment, the immortal veins in the body are shaking violently, the immortal energy is churning, and the operation is almost chaotic...

"not good!"

Xiao Di screamed in his heart, thinking of Tian Yun's words, if he vomits blood and loses his longevity, that would be very bad!

For a world spirit like him who cherishes his life very much, he would rather admit defeat than fight until he vomits blood.

His fat hands trembled slightly, he picked up a piece, gritted his teeth, slapped it hard on the corner of the chessboard, and shouted: "Admit defeat!"

"Senior, the situation in the chess game has not reached a point of hopelessness, and the Dao power has not been exhausted, so why should we admit defeat?" Li Yunqi said.

"I...have nothing left to play, so it's better to admit defeat!" Xiaodi calmed down and sighed.

Li Yun couldn't help but smile when he heard this. No wonder the world spirit's lifespan is so long. In the final analysis, he has no desire to win at all. He retreats when encountering difficulties, sleeps in, and cultivates his mind and nature are the most important things...

However, even though he won this game, because Xiaodi did not use up all his Tao power, he was not able to fully absorb the essence of his Taoism. Therefore, the chess game formation was still necessary.

"Haha, senior, please be humble! I don't know how lucky that is..."

"Haha, even if you lose, I'm going to give it to you! Your meeting gift is too heavy. If I can't bear to part with it, how can I be your elder?" Xiaodi laughed.

A jade slip popped out of his hand and fell into Li Yun's hand.

"Thank you, senior!" Li Yun said happily.

This formation has a great reference effect on my own formation method. It is really a little surprise to get it so easily.

"Haha, I see you are happy. I still have many proud works. If you can refine the longevity pill as soon as possible, I can give it to you!" Xiaodi said with salivation.

"Well, it actually depends on the speed and quantity of scraps provided by seniors. Of course, I can't stay here forever. In short, I will definitely come to visit seniors after a while." Li Yun said.

"Inappropriate, inappropriate!"

"What's wrong?" Li Yun was stunned.

"If you go to the spirit world, you may forget about me if you have too many things. Then I will be here waiting to die, and you will still be happy in the spirit world!" Xiaodi said loudly.

"Then what should senior do?"

"I'm going to send a clone to be responsible for this. He can bring the scraps, and when I have the life-extending pill, I can also ask him to bring it over."

"Well, this is a very good move, senior!" Li Yun praised.

He took out three boundary talismans and said: "Senior's clone has arrived in the spirit world. You can use this boundary talisman to contact me, and you can naturally find me."

"Very good! You are really careful in your work. With this talisman, I feel more at ease!"

Xiaodi took the boundary talisman, sensed it slightly, and said in surprise: "Is this really the boundary talisman?"

"Yes, it's guaranteed to be a genuine one!"

"Well, the spiritual power contained in this boundary talisman is much stronger than ordinary boundary talismans, but the runes on it are extremely simple. It can condense such powerful spiritual power into such simple runes. "I'm afraid the person who can do this is very famous..." Xiaodi said suspiciously.

"Haha, what's so famous? These are the boundary symbols I drew. If you need it, senior, I can give you some as a gift." Li Yun said with a smile.

"What?! You drew this? Oh my god!!!" Xiaodi's mouth opened in a big circle, and he was really not calm anymore.

In just one day, he was surprised by Li Yun several times. From the Life-Extension Pill, Le Dao, Chess Dao, and now the Fu Dao discovered, no matter which one of them, they are top-notch Taoist powers, and these are actually All concentrated on a little fresh person like Li Yun.

Xiaodi stared at Li Yun closely, with a slightly strange look on his face, and a trace of intoxication flashed across his face. With his immortal sense, he could feel the strong vitality emanating from under the cover of Li Yun's immortal robe, and there were countless The shadow omens of Dao Yun and Xian Yun made his heart tremble slightly and his saliva almost flowed down.

In his eyes, although it was covered by a robe, this piece of fresh meat was like a natural treasure, exuding fatal temptation.

"Little luck, hurry up! Take off your robe quickly and let me take a good look!" Xiaodi said loudly.


Li Yun was slightly startled. He didn't expect Xiaodi to suddenly make such a request. Could it be that the immortal robe couldn't completely cover his Taoist and Immortal charms?

"Sir, the concealing ability of the immortal robe is already very good, but Xiaodi is a world spirit, a born immortal, and his immortal sense is extremely keen, so he should be able to feel many sporadic charms..." Xiaoxing said.

"Not bad! It seems that our robes still need to be greatly upgraded..." Li Yun sighed in his heart.

Having said that, it was definitely too late now. However, facing Xiaodi, Li Yun had no mental preparation or intention to accept him as a slave, so he said, "I wonder what senior wants to see?"

"What are you looking at?! Of course, it's to see how much Dao Yun you have? How strong is it?" Xiaodi said, squinting his eyes.

"Haha, I have some Tao Yun, but the seniors have already seen them. The main ones are Dan Dao, Le Dao, Chess Dao and Talisman Dao. The others are still under study..."

"Oh? Are you telling the truth?"

"Of course! How could I deceive senior?"

"Well, I think you missed at least one thing!" Xiaodi said with a flash in his eyes.

"which one?"

"The way to life!"

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