The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1120 Core Space (11)

"Sir, don't worry! If you go to the spirit world, you may be able to use those tricks soon. Now you just need to practice hard." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Haha, if I still walk in the spirit world like this, I'm afraid the little servants in the palace will not agree to my taking risks outside! If I want to use these tricks, I have to find another way!"

"That's true! Even the little slave himself hopes that the adults will never have to take action by themselves! In the opinion of the little slave, the adults can choose some suitable opportunities to practice their skills. If it is too dangerous, it is better to let the powerful little slaves Come forward and solve the problem." Xiaoxing agreed.

The discussion between the two about the skills was actually very fast, just a flash of lightning. You must know that for Li Yun and Xiao Xing, their spiritual consciousness has reached an incredible level, and their thinking speed has almost reached the speed of light. More than one hundred thousandth of that. At this speed, the amount of information exchanged in an instant is so large that it would probably take an average cultivator a year or several years to achieve it!

Therefore, the communication between the two people can now be called two people in one, and there will be almost no lag.

At this time, the people in the palace were immersed in the artistic conception of the song and dance just now. They couldn't extricate themselves, and I'm afraid they didn't want to extricate themselves. Li Yun didn't want to waste too much time here. With a thought, his spiritual power spread out like waves, and these drowsy people The little slaves and maids all woke up.

Xiaodi seemed to be having a sweet dream. After waking up, he felt a little dazed. When he saw Li Yun, he quickly shouted: "Sir!"

"Haha, how is it? Is the singing and dancing in the palace okay?"

"Wow! Isn't it just okay? How long have we, the Earth Spirit Clan, seen singing and dancing like this before? If I think about it, I'm afraid it's just the Immortal Emperor's banquet performance, nothing more than that, right?" Xiaodi praised.

"Then you must be exaggerating! Such a performance can only be regarded as average in the Universiade Palace. If you let the slaves of the Phoenix and Dragon tribes perform the dance of dragon and phoenix, or if you let the slaves of the Ice and Wind tribes perform the expedition, Dance, the realm of Taoism is definitely not comparable to that just now. As for the Immortal Emperor's banquet, the songs and dances were performed by the immortals, which is certainly not comparable to what our Universiade Palace can match now..."

"This... Sir, can you let them perform now, so that it can open the eyes of people like Xiaonu?" Xiaodi said with salivation.

"Let's do it next time. The performance just now was already unbearable for them. If they really escalate the performance, I'm afraid the consequences will be serious. Moreover, the day of the Universiade Palace's once-in-ten feast will soon come. At that time, all the slaves will present their own Taoist performances, and you can all enjoy them."

"Oh? A feast that happens once every ten years? I wonder how long it will be?" Xiaodi asked anxiously.

"Well, the second one is still two years away. Here is some light and shadow information from the first feast. You can take a good look."

Li Yun gave Xiaodi a jade slip, which recorded the grand occasion of the previous palace feast.

"Thank you, sir!"

Xiaodi took it and felt joyfully. Soon he lost his composure, his face turned red, and his mouth opened into a big circle, which could fit a big goose egg!

"Oh my god! Your Excellency has already accepted the Immortal's slave?!!!" Xiaodi exclaimed.

With his immortal sense, he quickly realized that Xiao Kong was also an immortal, and his level was much higher than his own!

In addition, there are two Sanxian slaves, Xiaohou and Xiaoshun, and a group of other Venerable slaves, including countless slaves from the Dragon and Phoenix tribes...

Xiaodi's heart was trembling, and the sense of superiority he had in his heart was suddenly shaken. Although he was an immortal, in terms of appearance, he was too far different from the others in the palace...

Li Yun quickly sensed Xiaodi's thoughts and said with a smile: "You are truly worthy of being an immortal. You can tell at a glance that Xiaokong is also an immortal! However, this secret must be kept strictly guarded. The only people in the palace who know this now are You alone!"

"That's it! Don't worry, sir, I will definitely keep this secret!" Xiaodi said loudly.

"Okay! As for personal appearance, with your immortal qualifications, as long as you can transform into a female body more often,

You can surpass them quickly, no problem. "

"Really?!" Xiaodi said in surprise.

"Of course! Many of them were originally rough men, but they have undergone such huge changes after cultivating female bodies. Can't you see this change by comparing their appearance in the previous session with their current appearance?"

" right!" Xiaodi suddenly realized.

You must know that the palace rules for sleeping in the palace were only implemented after the first feast of the Universiade Palace. In the past seven years, the implementation of this palace rules has been intermittent, and it has only recently become more normal.

Of course, those favored slaves have more opportunities than others, so their changes are more obvious. With Xiaodi's spiritual awareness, he can quickly see it.

"Sir, Xiaonu found that the big brother and Xiaodong have changed the most. They almost seem to be different people!" Xiaodi said in surprise.

"Haha, it's true! Since they have been with me for a long time, they often receive nourishment from my Tao Yun, so the effect is naturally more obvious than others." Li Yun said with a smile.

"I see...Sir, the little slave must also stay with you..." Xiaodi said quickly.

" are a world spirit, you can't stay with me for a long time, right?"

"What you don't know, sir, is that if the slave doesn't recognize his master, the real body will naturally not be able to leave this world. But after recognizing the master, Heaven will allow the slave to leave, but the clone must be left behind."

"Is this happening?"

"Absolutely true!"

"That's no problem! You can come if you want to stay in the Universiade Palace. However, everything must be carried out according to the palace rules. You can't be special just because you are an immortal!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Of course! Thank you, sir!" Xiaodi said happily.

Thinking that he would soon be as changed as everyone else, Xiaodi couldn't help but yell, but he heard Li Yun say: "Xiaodi, the slaves of the Earth Spirit Tribe will go to the Universiade Palace for inspection and Implanting the Universiade Card, Xiaoxiang will be responsible for this matter. In addition, I will leave for the spirit world soon. I can take some people with me from here. Whoever leaves and who stays is on the principle of voluntariness. In the future, these two groups of people will replace each other. , don’t worry, it’s up to you to arrange this.”

"No problem! Don't worry, sir!" Xiaodi said quickly.

These little slaves of the Earth Spirit Tribe had all woken up, and were quickly brought into the palace by Xiao Xiang to perform the palace entrance ceremony.


Xiao Min and others couldn't help but exclaimed as soon as they entered the palace.

They immediately discovered that the environment here was much better than the original world. Just the spiritual energy that was as rich as spiritual liquid made them feel uncomfortable breathing.

Along the way, there are towering mountains, surging rivers, dotted Linghu Lakes and Lingtangs, like pearls scattered on the earth, lush vegetation, beautiful flowers, and the charming fragrance of flowers and plants fills the air. People are intoxicated...

"Oh my God! It's so beautiful!"

Xiao Min kept screaming in her heart, feeling as if she had arrived in a fairyland somewhere.

Everyone's mood was similar to hers. They were all still a little unaccustomed to being handed over to Li Yun by their former master Jie Lingxiao. However, after arriving at the Universiade Palace, they immediately fell in love with it deeply. I almost felt a sense of belonging.

Finally arriving at the majestic hall, everyone was very cooperative with the palace inspection ceremony arranged by Xiao Xiang. Due to the large number of people, Xiao Xiang's routine hand-touch inspection was omitted. All were inspected by instruments and the Universiade Card was implanted. And allocate immortal robes and small spaces, as well as numerous Taoist items.

"It's going! It's going!! It's going big!!!"

Looking at the items they got, every one of them was full of moral meaning and priceless. The hearts of these little slaves were beating wildly. They were all overjoyed, and their sense of identification with the Universiade Palace had almost reached its peak.

They followed Xiao Xiang around the palace before returning to the earth spirit world.

Due to the time lag in the Universiade Palace, the travel time for these people was actually very short. However, in this short period of time, each of them bathed in the innate energy and put on fairy robes, looking energetic and brand new!

Among them, more than ten people from the Yin-Yang Realm clan, including Xiao Min, Duonu and Long Ke, received blue fairy robes, and the rest were all red fairy robes, which looked quite festive.

Seeing this situation, Xiaodi truly admired the efficiency of the Universiade Palace. Remembering the tasks assigned by the adults, he did not dare to neglect and quickly conveyed to them the information that they would be divided into two parts.

When everyone heard this, except for a few people, almost everyone decided to follow the adults to the spirit world first.


Xiaodi was startled. If too many people left, it might affect the operation of the chess game formation. When the Turing Tribe attacked, he was afraid that his clone would not even have time to sleep.

"It doesn't matter, let's go to the Turing tribe and take in some slaves and maids." Li Yun sent a message.

"Sir, do you want to take people from the Turing tribe as slaves?" Xiaodi was slightly stunned.

"Yes, if we take away the powerful ones among them, it will naturally not affect the defense of the chess game formation."

Li Yun told Xiaodi his idea of ​​communicating with Xiaoxing, and he nodded repeatedly.

He has no prejudice against the Turings, but he doesn't like them because of their different races. Otherwise, he would have conquered them long ago.

Now, since the Lord has this idea, of course he immediately supports it and asks: "I wonder when the Lord plans to go to the Turing Clan to have a look? The little slave will also go with the Lord."

"Well, go now. When you come back, pick up the little slaves and maids from the Earth Spirit Tribe, and then you can leave." Li Yun muttered.


The two left the hall, but they were not in a hurry. Xiaodi took Li Yun for a walk around the Earth Spirit World and collected many new species. Then they flew out of the chess game formation and headed towards the Turing Clan.

"Sir, outside the formation is the Turing Clan's territory. In fact, the area is more than ten times larger than the Turing Clan's, but these territories are relatively barren." Xiaodi introduced.

Li Yun took a closer look and said with a smile: "It's much better than the world on the ground. It can't be said to be barren..."

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