The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1200 A small world of vitality

Li Yun felt that the situation this time was extremely coincidental, a bit like holding a small master recognition ceremony, so he didn't bother and directly used the "vital energy technique" to encircle everyone into his own small world of vitality!

His small world of vitality is extremely powerful. If the power of the vitality fairy charm of more than 400 silk threads is exerted, Taoist Tianjiu, who is a Daluo Jinxian, can achieve a perfect transformation without warning! ! !

This has been successfully tested before, making Taoist Tian Jiu so intoxicated and shy that he became obsessed with Li Yun all of a sudden. He completely dedicated his female body and finally gave away many treasures. Then he reluctantly returned to the fairy world.

In fact, not too long ago, Li Yun's Taoist Immortal vitality power could allow an immortal like Xiaokong who was higher than Taoist Tianjiu to achieve perfect transformation. However, what he tested on Taoist Tianjiu this time was The vital small space light ball created by the vitality technique does not have the charming charm of its original body. Therefore, if you want to use it as a technique, the power of the fairy charm in it must reach a higher level. For example, after reaching the power of four hundred silks of immortal charm, the ball of light hit Taoist Tianjiu, and it didn't take long for him to transform perfectly!

Of course, facing this group of men and women at the bottom of the spiritual world, Li Yun only needs to exert the power of more than four hundred threads of vitality and charm, which is enough to make them achieve perfect transformation or become intoxicated.

Bao Man, Wu Chen, Wang Yong, Li Song and Xiao Qian, who are higher in cultivation and Taoism than them, are more likely to fall into this small world of vitality.

In Li Yun's view, this small world of vitality Daoyun with more than 400 silk threads is just a small test. However, among the great powers in the spiritual world, almost no one else can do this, even people like Xing Zun and Wang Huaixu. Although their Tao power is strong, and the threads of Tao intention can reach more than 400 threads, but that is their Tao intention in their respective fields, not the rhyme of vitality. Only the rhyme of vitality can make people feel the strong vitality. , experience the beauty and intoxication of life, thereby stimulating the other half of the factors hidden in the body, or strengthening the explicit factors, achieving the effect of transformation or intoxication.

It can be said that Li Yun unintentionally and unknowingly developed the most powerful technique in this world, which is the "vital energy technique". With this technique, it becomes easy to conquer those powerful people, because, Regardless of whether those powerful beings possess Taoism or are sensitive to Taoism, their induction of vitality comes from instinct. Every living being has an infinite desire for vitality, and everyone wants to live longer. , more beautiful, and there is another half of factors hidden in every life, and they don't want to be activated all the time.

However, this does not mean that Li Yun can be invincible now, because the higher the level of the life form, if you want it to achieve a perfect transformation, it needs to have corresponding and sufficient vitality, just like Taoist Tianjiu facing Daluo Jinxian , Li Yun spent more than four hundred silks of the power of vitality and fairy charm, which is almost half of the total vitality that he can exert now. If he can't make it transform, he must use his own vitality. Charm, to Li Yun, almost means seduction, which is something he is unwilling to do. It is okay for Xiao Kong, but for Tianjiu Taoist who is not a small slave, he will definitely not do it unless his life is threatened. Such a thing.

In addition, the power of the vitality Taoist Immortal is like spiritual power. It is not endless. It needs to be replenished after it is consumed, and it takes a certain period of time to recover. Fortunately, Li Yun now has the entire Tianyun World as his backing, and he can absorb all life forms he has thoroughly studied. All of them can provide him with the power of vitality. These vitality powers are emitted from various life forms in the big world. They are collected in strands and accumulated in the pool all the time. Therefore, occasionally using a few There will be almost no loss every time, not to mention that only the power of Dao Yun is used, not the power of Immortal Yun. Therefore, the pool of vitality power is almost still full!

At this moment, this small world of vitality and Tao Yun has enveloped all the people in the field who are waiting to recognize its master, and the rich vitality breath penetrates into everyone's body.

Extremely activate the hidden life factors.

These life factors are like rain after a long drought, sucking crazily, cheering, jumping, impacting everyone's body, making them feel throbbing, and involuntarily relax themselves, without attacking, without defense, without thinking. , I just want to enjoy the beautiful feeling of life in front of me...

With almost no effort, these people all transformed directly one after another. Their bodies were all limp and they were unaware of it. Their faces showed great admiration. Their admiration for Li Yun was like a torrential river, endless...

Li Yun asked softly: "Are you willing to recognize me as your master?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!!!"

"My lord, please bow to me as a slave!!!"

Everyone praised her and made wishes in their hearts, and soon they all became Li Yun's slaves and maids, and were moved into the Universiade Palace by Li Yun for inspection.

The small world of light and shadow disappeared instantly, leaving only Li Yun, Xiao Tian, ​​Yin Sheng, Kuang Zheng and Wang Huaiyu in the private room.

Xiao Tian and others were in a trance for a moment, and saw that in the blink of an eye, all the people in the crowd had disappeared. They were all dumbfounded and could not recover for a long time.

"Where are they?" Xiao Tian murmured.

"Everyone has reported to the palace!" Li Yun said with a smile.


Several people screamed and felt that their whole bodies were not well!

The Lord is so powerful?

Such a master recognition ceremony would have consumed a lot of time and energy, not to mention the arrival of two unexpected teams, Zhao Jiao and Cheng Pu, which would very likely lead to unpredictable chaos. Xiao Tian and others were still a little secretive. Worry.

However, as soon as the ball of light came out, these people seemed to be fascinated. They immediately transformed or became paralyzed. They were completely unable to control themselves. Driven by the instinct of life, it is strange that they did not recognize the Lord!

"Sir...this skill of yours..." Xiao Tian muttered, the look of shock on his face getting stronger.

"My technique? This is actually a small world of vitality that I created. The beings who fall into it can feel the strong vitality in it. Under the nourishment of this vitality, the life factors in their bodies will be fully stimulated, and naturally The scene like just now will happen." Li Yun explained.

"Little world of vitality?! It's really amazing!!!" Xiao Tian exclaimed.

Yin Sheng, Kuang Zheng and Wang Huaiyu looked at the adults with fascination and fascination.

"Do you want to try it?"


Xiao Tian thought a little, but he was a little embarrassed. After all, there were Yin Sheng and the other three here.

However, this must be a good opportunity to achieve transformation. For every cultivator, such an opportunity is rare.

"Haha, you have made great achievements during this period, so I will reward you each with a chance to transform. However, this is not a waiter, because I will not be entangled with your female body, do you understand?" Li Yun smiled.

"Understood! Thank you, sir!!!" The four of them responded in unison.

Li Yun asked them all to return to their own small spaces, and rewarded them with a small ball of vitality, allowing them to taste the blissful experience of perfect transformation...

The private room suddenly became quiet, and Li Yun enjoyed the table full of food and wine alone. Although these were not Taoist dishes, Li Yun's mouth was not so naughty, and he still accepted everyone who came and ate deliciously.

"Sir, after Wu Chen recognized you as his master, his cultivation level was indeed reduced to Nascent Soul, down three major levels at once!" Xiaoxing said.

"What?! So fast?!" Li Yun was also stunned.

The time when the two parties reached the master-slave contract was very short, and Wu Chen was moved into Tianyun by himself. Unexpectedly, Wu Chen would be punished by heaven in such a short period of time!

He turned out to be a chef, equivalent to the human race's out-of-body realm, the same as Bao Man.

But now he has been downgraded three levels in a row, from the out-of-body realm to the yin-yang realm, then to the god transformation, and in the end he is just a Nascent Soul!

If his enemies heard about this in the outside world, they would soon come to seek revenge. This is why many people do not dare to change owners easily.

"Yes. This punishment should come from the original contract of heaven. That is to say, the original contract of heaven between him and Bao Ding already included such punishment. Therefore, once he changes his original intention, this contract will It will be executed automatically immediately." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"It makes sense! It seems that Wu Chen can only stay in the Dayun Restaurant and cook. It would be too risky to go out."

"With the small space and the protection of the immortal robe, it will be no problem even if you go out."

"Forget it, the Dayun Restaurant is in need of a chef like him now, where he can use his expertise. However, since he paid such a price to come here, we need to compensate him well," Li Yun said.

"Your Majesty is absolutely right! After all, this is the first case where the owner has changed. In addition to giving him more rewards, we also need to publicize it well." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Publicity? Do you want other slaves to help me poach people?"

"What's wrong with this? Poaching is a very fulfilling thing for the human race and other races!" Xiaoxing said with a playful smile.

"No! This kind of thing can only happen naturally and cannot be done deliberately, otherwise my image will be greatly damaged!" Li Yun said anxiously.

"Sir, do you really think so?" Xiaoxing was startled.

"That's right! What kind of thing are you talking about? Let all the slaves in the palace instigate rebellion against other powerful slaves? The more the better? If this continues, more and more people will know about this matter, and even the former spiritual world will be If those old accounts that happened are brought to my name, then my reputation will be stinky! Other powerful people will have opinions about me. If they don’t associate with me, they may even join forces to deal with me. We will It will be much more difficult to realize those plans!”

"This... Your Majesty is right! Xiaonu really didn't think deeply about it!" Xiaoxing said with shame.

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