The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1205 Electra’s Xiaoman

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Bao Ding's face turned red with two peach blossoms, and he hummed: "Keep your voice down!"

"Ah, father, it turns out you are shy too!!!" Baoman smiled proudly.

"You... little kid, don't talk too much! I'm the adult's pet slave now, and I'm not someone you can just make fun of!"

Bao Man came close to Bao Ding, leaned into his ear and asked, "Father, how are you? Doesn't it taste sexy and slutty?"

"Why are you so thick-skinned?!" Bao Ding couldn't stand it anymore.

However, speaking of that feeling, how could he forget it?

It was simply a sourness that words could not express. It could only be understood but not expressed in words!

"Haha, do you want to thank your son this time?!"

"What kind of thanks are the two fathers and sons talking about?! Don't the adults like us?" Bao Ding snorted.

" least let your son see and touch him, right?" Baoman said with salivation.

"You?!" Baoding suddenly lost his composure.

Originally, she touched the red spots on her son's body and asked him to take off his clothes and show him naked. Unexpectedly, his son actually followed suit and wanted to get his money back.

He instinctively wanted to refuse the scolding, but when he thought about it, he felt that it was nothing at all, because when he was with the adults in the Universiade Palace, people with the same sexual characteristics would be celestial bodies, so sooner or later they would be seen by his son. My own naked body, and I now have ten pairs of red dots, is much prettier than my son's, and I can definitely show off!

"This... let's talk about it later." Bao Ding hummed.

"Wow...Father, you are so kind! My son likes you so much!!!" Baoman exclaimed with great joy.

"Keep your voice down and follow me, sir!"

The two of them quickened their pace and rushed forward.

"Xiao Ding, you two father and son are chatting so happily, what are you talking about?" Li Yun asked deliberately.

"Ah? Well... Xiaoman is a bit enamored of his father. He always had to hold me in his arms before he could fall asleep. I was just talking to him about this matter. From now on, we are all adults and we can't let him do this again.

If you want to cuddle, you should sleep with an adult in your arms, don’t you think? "

Bao Ding exposed Bao Man's scandal, leaving Bao Man at a loss and blushing.

"What? He loves his father at such an old age?!" Li Yun was stunned when he heard this.

"Humph, last time he went back to Xiaonu's Baoding Palace to report on his performance, and at night he was still clinging to Xiaonu to sleep!"

"Oh my God..." Li Yun heard this and his mind was wide open.

Imagining the scene of the two father and son sleeping together, goosebumps suddenly appeared on my body.

"Humph, this kid never grows up, which is why I dare not let him do things. My other sons are much smarter and more capable than him!"

Bao Man said unconvincedly: "Father, my ability is not weak, okay? The performance of this border restaurant is no worse than those of them. Besides, if it weren't for me, would you be able to see the adults?!"

"You? When I see you, sir, it's because you are a fool and you are lucky enough to be a father! However, in terms of ability, you can't even cook a Taoist dish, so you have the nerve to say that you are strong?" Bao Ding scolded road.

"This..." Baoman was speechless for a moment.

He knew that his father liked to use this standard to measure his sons' abilities. If he couldn't make decent dishes, he would already lose at the starting line of the competition.

Li Yun didn't interrupt, but said in Bao Man's mind: "In the future, I will teach my brother Xiao Xiang how to cook. As long as you study hard, you will be able to cook delicious dishes soon."

"Really?!" Baoman said in surprise.

"Well, Xiaoxiang's cooking skills have reached a very high level now, and you can't go wrong learning from him." Li Yun nodded.

"Thank you, sir! Sir..."


"Little slave...can I sleep with my father in my arms when I'm not sleeping with the adults?" Bao Man whispered.

"Of long as he agrees, I have no objection!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Is what the Lord said true?!!!" Bao Man said with great joy.

"Haha, of course! I don't care too much about the private affairs of the servants in the palace, as long as it's not too out of line. However, you still have to be careful about this and don't let others know..."

Baoman said excitedly: "Yes! Don't worry, sir. Thank you for your understanding! The little slave has been in love with his father since he was a child. As long as he is by his side, he must be close to him to fall asleep, so he kicked him far away here. Take care of this big restaurant.”

"I see. Will your behavior affect your father's closeness to his slaves? I guess they all hate you, right?" Li Yun teased.

Li Yun knew that this phenomenon was actually not uncommon. Most of it was due to the influence of the environment. Habits developed since childhood were difficult to change as adults.

If we really want to cure it, I am afraid that letting Baoman recognize his master is the best solution, because in this way, his dependence on his father can be transferred to adults.

Since it has not been long since he recognized his master, the rules of heaven have not yet penetrated into Bao Man's bones. Therefore, he is not very dependent on himself. Naturally, he still maintains a sense of dependence on his father. But as the law of heaven changes, As the rules of recognizing masters gradually deepened, this dependence naturally transferred to himself. Now of course there is no need to restrict this habit of his.

Bao Man scratched his head, glanced at Bao Ding, and said, "Your Excellency, you guessed it right! My father's slaves dare not speak out against me, and many of them say bad things about me behind my back. I'm afraid my father doesn't like me because of this, right?" "

"Hmph, you brat, how dare you say this? I'm so annoyed by you!" Bao Ding said loudly.

"Father..." Bao Man looked aggrieved.

"Okay, okay, now that I have an adult, I am finally relieved as a father. Don't keep pestering me in the future!" Bao Ding snorted.

"Xiao Ding, you should take care of Xiao Man for the time being. When he gets better, he will naturally not pester you." Li Yun said aside.

"Sir, you mean... you still want this kid to pester me?" Bao Ding was startled.

"Well, this is actually a normal phenomenon. It should be influenced by the environment in which Xiaoman grew up. It cannot be cured for a while. But now that he has recognized his master, this habit will gradually weaken under the influence of heaven. It will definitely turn around in the end.”

"That's it! If I had known, I would have asked him to recognize his master earlier!" Bao Ding said loudly.

Bao Man smiled proudly, "Father, if I go to recognize the Lord too early, will I still be able to recognize the Lord?"


Bao Ding was startled. Thinking about it, this is really the case. It seems that his love for this son has not been in vain. Thinking about it, after the boy was born, he was too doting on him and hugged him to sleep every day. Unexpectedly, he let him develop a child. Electra's habit also has its own share of responsibility.

Later, in order to help him break this habit, he kicked him to this boundary and asked Wu Chen to protect him. Unexpectedly, this kid fell in love with Wu Chen's arms again. The feelings were deeper than his own. Sometimes It made me feel a little envious and jealous of Wu Chen.

Bao Ding was suddenly startled, wondering if he also had a love complex for his son? !

Why did he become so angry when he found out that Xiaoman had recognized the adult? !

Why didn't I see Xiao Man some time ago? I didn't think about food and food, was in a depressed mood, and didn't even have the intention to favor the slaves under me?

Why did I feel a strange feeling in my heart when I saw Xiao Man stripping naked?

Bao Ding looked at Bao Man a little guiltily and thought to himself, "Fortunately, now we all recognize you as adults, everything will be over!"

"Eh? Why are there so many people outside the restaurant?!" Baoman suddenly shouted.

The three of them stopped, aware of this in their consciousness.

"Go and see what's going on. Your Excellency and I will go up first." Bao Ding ordered.

"Yes!" Baoman hurried away.

Bao Ding and Li Yun fell directly from the air to the top floor.

When Baoman came to the door, he found that there were not just a lot of people crowded at the door, but an extraordinary number of people. It could be said to be a sea of ​​people, and almost all of them were hunting team members from the city.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!!!"

Baoman relied on his cultivation to force his way to the front of the store.

"Eh? Is it Master Bao?!"

"Great! Master Bao is here!"

"Master Bao! Master Bao!! Master Bao!!!"

The crowd began to boo, the scene became chaotic, and some people began to rush forward.

Several of Bao Ding's slaves used their spiritual power to protect Bao Man, took him in, and blocked the hunting team members from outside the store.

But the store was already crowded with hunting team members, which made Baoman dumbfounded.

"Uncle Yun, what on earth is going on?!" Baoman asked a man named Fang Yun who was in the Yin and Yang realm.

This person is Bao Ding's little slave. He is older than Bao Man, but his cultivation level is only in the Yin and Yang realm.

"Xiao Man, these people are all here to see you! They want to recognize him as their master!" Fang Yun sighed.

"What?! They want to claim my master as their master?!" Baoman was startled.

Father has recognized Li Yun as his master, so it is naturally impossible to accept any more slaves. Moreover, the original slaves will all be transferred to Li Yun's sect. However, although the rules of heaven have begun, these slaves may not realize that they have been hired. Changed hands!

Fang Yun scolded: "You kid, what are you doing to my family? I mean, they want to come and claim your father as their master! The news about our coming here has been leaked. After these hunting team members heard about it, they gathered around one after another and wanted to invest in your father." Under the door!"

"I see!"

Baoman finally understood. You must know that Fengyuan City is just a border city. Normally, no venerable and powerful people will come here, but now one finally came, which naturally caused a sensation. Everyone in the city wanted to Seize this opportunity and recognize yourself as an adult to change your destiny.

This is something that often happens in the lower levels of the spiritual world, so it’s not surprising.

When this happened, I could only blame myself for being too careless and easily revealing the news to the old monk at the west gate of Fengyuan City. It must have been him who spread the information!

Baoman felt infinite regret in his heart. He remembered that his father always said that he was not capable of doing things, and he was still not convinced. Now it seems that he is not convinced, and he is really careless and irritable in doing things...

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