The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1235 Dharma Strictness, Dharma Fruit, Dharma Gang

"Shishe...actually betrayed the master and joined the Liufeng sect?! What is going on?!" Fa Yan screamed in his heart, feeling bad.

He had vaguely guessed that the adult's mood had deteriorated earlier because he was probably affected by this message.

Who is Liufeng, who can actually let a Winged Lion Master like Shishe make the decision to change his master? !

Didn't I hear last time that he was just a young monk who knew how to make wine and roast chicken?

As for the incident where Yuan Ben and others were paraded in jail and caged by Ji Mo, Fa Yan was secretly happy because this incident would definitely give Fa Gang a big blow, lose his face, and at the same time lower his status in front of adults...

Fa Yan's thoughts turned secretly, and he saw that the talisman light outside the formation continued to increase. Obviously, most of them should be talking about this message, and he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

I'm afraid that after the Zen lecture, people here will learn this information, which will have a great impact on your reputation as an immortal!

And once the immortal reputation is damaged, the subsequent adverse effects will be multifaceted and immeasurable!

However, things have already happened. Zenji Hall and Tianji Hall are both spreading this message. It is impossible to block the people in the spirit world. They can only act according to the situation.

"Brother, Fagan is back!" A close friend came to Fa Yan and said secretly.

"How many people did you bring?"

"Visually there are about fifteen people, but there is no trace of them!" said a confidant.

"Humph, Yuan Ben can't come back, he has been arrested and paraded on the street!" Fa Yan said coldly.

"Ah?! What is going on?!" the confidant said in shock.

"The empire that Fagang had built over the years was completely defeated by Yuan Ben in just a few days! Everyone was captured!"

"Oh my god! Such a thing can happen?!"

"Haha, just keep an eye on Fagan and the others and see how this kid looks..."

"Yes! Don't worry, brother!" The confidant left in a hurry.

A proud and kind smile appeared on Fa Yan's face, but no one could imagine what he was thinking deep down... It is not easy to master such a sweet-faced and sword-loving person!

As the Zen lecture continued, people on the periphery gradually learned of these two astonishing pieces of information, and Zhiqing’s disciples were frantically spreading it privately...

Fa Gang's face became extremely livid, which made Fa Yan feel secretly happy.

As Fa Yan said, Fagan spent several years and worked hard to conquer a large area, and the harvest was extremely rich. Unexpectedly, he died on the way back. The changes were huge and fast. Even Fagan's strong psychology couldn't accept it.

"Yuan idiot! It's no use that I trust you so much, you're so useless!!!" Fagan roared in his heart, his heart was bleeding!

He has suffered a series of setbacks recently. First, he failed to capture the clones of Jie Chi and Zhida, then he threatened Ji Molai to be tortured but failed, and in the end, he actually gave away all his old friends in a short period of time!

There were only fifteen guns left on hand, and the abilities of these people were not even as good as Enmoto. This made Fagan feel a powerful sense of powerlessness...

"Brother Gang, you have worked really hard! You have come back after a long journey, and your face is still so bad. Why don't you go to the Zen room to have a rest? I will ask you something later!" Fa Yan said pretending to be concerned.

"Thank you, brother! This journey is nothing. I haven't seen you for a long time, how can I sleep? I must wait here for your inquiry!" Fangang said with a smile.

"Haha, my lord is in a normal mood today. If Brother Gang really wants to see him today, I'm afraid he won't get anything good!" Fa Yan said with a grin.

"It's no big deal, big brother! I have my own opinion!" Fagan said coldly.

"Okay! Okay! It seems that Brother Gang has everything in mind, so I can rest assured, big brother!" Fa Yan said hello loudly, with a kind smile on his face.

Fagan felt a chill in his heart when he saw this smile, but he straightened his body and waited outside the court with a sullen face...At this time, you must not lose in terms of momentum, otherwise, you will really lose even your underwear. No, for this,

Fagan knew it very well!

The competition between the brothers in the sect is extremely fierce and cruel. As long as one's own weakness is exposed, someone will come to take a bite, and even eat the skin and flesh. Fagan has already learned from experience, so when facing other brothers, Even the eldest brother Fa Yan must not show his cowardice first.

He forced his attention to shift to the adults' Zen lectures, and soon fell into it. He felt that he had gained a lot from the adults' Zen lectures, and his face gradually returned to calm...

On top of the golden altar, Zhiqing sat upright like a bell, seemingly unaffected by the bad news. His eyes were slightly closed, his face was filled with Zen light, his tongue was shining like a lotus flower, and paragraphs of scriptures were spat out from his mouth like golden light, flying outward and spreading in the air. The ground falls on the fans below!

Everyone felt that the golden light integrated into the body, bringing bursts of pleasure. The tiny spiritual explosions shook the spiritual veins in the body, stimulating the whole body to the peak of happiness, infinitely intoxicated... Talking about Zen like this, no wonder it makes Many people are obsessed with it and come to support it every year and become die-hard fans of Zhiqing Zen Fairy!

Finally, the Zen lecture ended in a haze of spiritual mist. The sound of Zen Tao lingered for three days, leaving all the listeners still immersed in the happy atmosphere brought by the light of Zen Tao. They did not notice at all that Zen Immortal Zhiqing had already Leave!

In the back hall of Chuanyun Temple, Zhiqing sat high up, and there were many disciples standing below. However, this was not all Zhiqing's power, because most of them were in their respective spheres of influence and could not turn around.

The disciples gathered this time are only a small part of them, but all of them are undoubtedly elites.

Zhiqing's face was expressionless, but actually her thoughts were racing...

Fangang, this little slave, is his favorite and has good abilities. He was sent to the fringe area with great results within a few years. He has established a great territory and pays him a lot of tribute every year!

It's just that he was recalled hastily this time, and he obviously didn't handle things securely enough. Not only did he fail to recapture Zhida's clone and Jie Chi, but he was also successfully counterattacked by the locals, causing a scandal of being paraded in a cage, which also damaged his face. Punishment, otherwise it will be difficult to convince other disciples.

However, the top priority now is to deal with Zhifeng. As for what happened in Manduo City, Titian City and Baise City in the fringe areas, they can be ignored for the time being.

However, the betrayal and change of owner by his master really caught him off guard. This was a blow to him on a spiritual level. Moreover, after this incident, his reputation as an immortal was damaged and his appeal was naturally weakened.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment of dealing with Zhifeng, such an incident would happen, which would embarrass myself and cause a major blow to the morale of this force!

With this incident in mind, it doesn't matter if we look at the incidents where the disciples and disciples were paraded through the streets in cages.

I was originally going to place a heavy responsibility on Fa Gang, but now it seems that Fa Gang is still a little immature. Who should I send to go to Yangao Temple in Surangama Realm to retrieve Yunchanxian to discuss cooperation?

His eyes swept over and landed on Faguo!

Although Faguo is not as handsome as Fagang, he is still a talented person, elegant and generous. In addition, he has followed him for many years. He is loyal and has his own characteristics in doing things. He will definitely make Huiyun Chanxian believe in his own strength and cooperate with him. Cooperate to encroach on Zhifeng's sphere of influence...


"Sir! The little slave is here!" As soon as Faguo heard Zhiqing calling him, he immediately stepped out of the queue and bowed to salute.

Zhiqing threw a jade slip to him and said, "Look carefully at the tasks. If you are unclear, ask me immediately. Then lead a team of disciples to the warehouse to collect supplies and set off as soon as possible!"

Faguo quickly sensed the jade slip and quickly understood what was going on. He was extremely excited. Didn't I hear that the master wanted Faguo to do this? I didn’t expect that the master would hand over such an important responsibility to me. This is the rhythm of my rise in status!

"Sir, I understand! I will take the people and set off immediately!"

"Okay! Go and come back quickly!"

"Yes! Sir!"

Faguo glanced around the hall with stern eyes, turned around, and strode out with his head held high!

A sharp look flashed in Fa Yan's eyes, but there was a smile on his face...

"Xiao Gang!"

"Sir! The little slave is here!" Upon hearing this, Fangang quickly came out to salute.

"Do you...know your sin?"

"Sir... this slave's crime is unforgivable!" Fagan gritted his teeth and said loudly.


Zhiqing was slightly stunned. He didn't expect Fagan to admit his guilt and speak so harshly.

"My little slave wants to share your worries for you. Over the past few years, I have worked hard to build a great country for you and produced countless products! I still want to work hard for a few more years to make the junction of Nalanda Realm and Kasyapa Realm our sphere of influence. , to contribute to the cause of your hegemony! What a pity..."

"What's the pity?" Zhiqing said slowly, his eyes twinkling slightly.

"It's a pity that God didn't bless me and made me blind. I mistakenly identified Yuan Ben as his confidant. However, due to his negligence, Zhida's clone and Jie Chi escaped from prison! Xiao Nu wanted him to open up new territories. Tu Yougong asked him to continue to search for the two people. Moreover, after receiving the call from the adults this time, because he was in a hurry to come back, he also gave him the important task of guarding the country before leaving. As a result, not only did he fail to guard the country, he also lost control of the country in a short period of time. Within a short time, the country was handed over to Ji Mo and others! Letting such fools infiltrate into the adults' influence is the fault of the slave! The slave is willing to accept any punishment from the adults. He only hopes that the adults can let the slaves continue to stay. By my side, I am fighting for your great cause, no matter how much my heart is hurting, I will not hesitate to do so!!!"

Worri! ! !

Everyone in the hall was amazed.

This Fagan is really incredible!

With a few words, all the blame was placed on Yuan Ben, and he was only guilty of negligence.

In addition, while accepting the crime, he also did not forget to express his loyalty to Zhiqing, boasting about his achievements to the sky, and boasting about his loyalty to the point where a memorial arch could be erected for people to come and worship!

Zhiqing thought to himself, boy, you are pretty good at this. It seems that you have thought about it a lot and learned a lot from me...

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