The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 126 Martial Arts (1)

The terrain was almost surveyed, and soon the purchasing teams returned one after another, bringing back a large amount of supplies.

Li Yun took a look and found that, as expected, other supplies were okay, but the four beast souls were really hard to find. Only Xuanwu's beast soul had late-level four, while White Tiger and Suzaku were early-level four, and Qinglong only had Late third level.

Moreover, the bloodlines of these four beast souls are not the real Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku and Xuanwu, they are just beast souls with similar bloodlines.

Li Yun and others had already been prepared for this. How easy would it be to find the true bloodline of these four elephants here? Therefore, as long as the level of the beast soul reaches the required level, it will be enough. In this way, although the four-image array is a bit different and the power cannot reach the limit of the array, the cost will not be too high.

"Junior brother, Qinglong is only at the late third level. Will it affect the level of this array?" Ren Yu asked.

Li Yun muttered: "Fortunately, Xuanwu is at the late level of the fourth level. It complements Qinglong in defense and attack. After completion, it is estimated to be at the lower level of the fourth level. It can withstand the attack of the early stage of Jindan, which is pretty good!"

"Haha, there is a fourth-level low-grade spiritual formation. This is probably the best formation in all the peaks of Qingyuan!" Zhu Rui said with great joy.

"That's right!" Ren Yu agreed.

"Hehe, it seems that this formation must use the Xuanwu Beast Soul as the main formation eye and focus on defense to meet the current material situation." Li Yun said.

Suddenly, a figure flashed, and Wuyouzi appeared in front of everyone. He couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the supplies on the ground.

After hearing Ren Yu's explanation, Wuyouzi was truly shocked. He never expected that these disciples would do such amazing things now under the influence of Li Yun!

"Oh my God! The Four Elephants Formation...the Fourth Level Spiritual's simply unimaginable..." Wuyouzi was thinking about drinking at the moment. He took off the big gourd and drank a few gulps.

"Yun'er, this formation...will it be built in a few days? I received a letter from the sect. In the team drill in three days, all peaks must form a team to participate." Wuyouzi said.

Everyone was slightly startled when they heard this and looked at Li Yun.

"Master, in this case, we must be on guard against others. We need to build the formation well before the drill so that we can participate with confidence." Li Yun said thoughtfully.

"It makes sense! If someone takes this opportunity to come here to cause trouble, it will be troublesome." Ren Yu nodded.

"Okay! Let's start immediately!" Wuyouzi said decisively.

Everyone cheered and got busy, and Wuyouzi was no exception.

Li Yun is already familiar with this formation. At this time, he is conducting the command in an orderly manner, burying the formation disk, arranging the formation flag, building the formation eye, and filling in the spiritual stones...

Everyone knows that this is a century-old foundation and is related to the safety of Wuyou Peak. Therefore, all work is meticulous and there are no mistakes.

After two days and two nights of non-stop fighting, the infrastructure was finally completely built, leaving only the final step, "nourishing the beast soul."

There are four main formation eyes in each of the four corners of the formation. Each formation eye has a large spirit gathering array, and the four beast souls are nourished in the spirit gathering array.

In fact, the beast souls no longer have self-awareness and are just a ball of pure energy with their own blood. In addition to their own characteristics, their combat power mainly comes from these four large spirit gathering arrays.

Wuyouzi, Li Yun, Ren Yu, and Zhu Rui each took a bottle containing a beast soul and came to the four formation eyes. They placed the bottles in the formation eyes and activated the formation at the same time.

Immediately, four large spirit gathering arrays began to activate. Spiritual energy gathered rapidly from all directions. The four beast souls began to be activated under the spiritual pressure. Each roared, and the four elephant arrays were officially activated!

brush! Swish, brush, brush!

A thin curtain of light flashed, tightly covering the entire Wuyou Peak. Not long after, Wuyou Peak was completely covered by a light mist and became invisible!

"Success!" everyone cheered.

Wuyou Peak has disappeared in the eyes of ordinary people. Within the formation, the spiritual power is condensed, and the spiritual pressure is several times stronger than before. It has become a good place for cultivation, a fairy mountain among fairy mountains, and those fairy fields are nourished by more spiritual energy. Next, the growth will definitely be much stronger than before.

Everyone felt this huge change and couldn't help but be happy!

"Huh?! What's going on? There seems to be something strange in this direction?" Tuzhenzi was startled, and looked towards the direction of Wuyou Peak with a slight sense.

He immediately got up and headed towards the Worry-Free Peak. He arrived soon, and secretly shouted in his heart: "Strange, this is the Worry-Free Peak? Why is it missing?"

Not long after, Muzhenzi and Bizhenzi also arrived, and they exclaimed: "Where is Worry-Free Peak?"

"They are in the formation!" said a voice.

"Ancestor!!!" When the three of them took a look, it turned out that Ming Kongzi had already been here.

Ming Kongzi nodded and said: "The formation at Wuyou Peak is pretty good. It is a four-image formation, with a level of four low-grade formations."

"What?! Four Symbols Formation! Fourth-level low-grade!" Tuzhenzi and others were a little uneasy.

Wuyou Peak actually created a fourth-level low-grade spiritual formation, which is of inestimable value. If other peaks found out about this, they would probably start a fuss.

Even the three of them, Tuzhen Peak, Muzhen Peak and Bizhen Peak, are only a third-level mid-level spiritual formation, and they are too embarrassed to say it now.

However, it did not ask for resources from the sect. It was built entirely on its own, and there were no problems at all.

Tuzhenzi and the other three stared blankly at the sky, so shocked that they were speechless.

"What? Is there a problem?" Ming Kongzi didn't know what the three of them were thinking.

"No... no problem! Very good... very good!" Dozhenzi forced a smile and said.

"Are you ready for tomorrow's drill?"

"Ancestor Qi, get ready!"

"Okay!" Ming Kongzi disappeared.

"Master, how did they do it?" Bizhenzi asked in surprise.

"You ask me, who am I going to ask? Humph!" Tuzhenzi turned around and left.

"Junior sister, let's prepare for tomorrow's drill!" Muzhenzi sighed and turned around to leave.

"Huh!" Bizhenzi shook his head and walked away with his sword.

"Haha! The ancestors are all gone!"

At the entrance of the Xuanwu Formation, everyone saw the movements of the three Jindan ancestors and the ancestor Ming Kongzi, and they couldn't help laughing.

"Master, with this formation, it is equivalent to building a turtle shell. Wuyou Peak is now the strongest fortress!" Ren Yu said.

"Go, go, go, if you say it like this, aren't we calling ourselves turtles?"

"Hahaha..." Everyone laughed again.

"Okay, with this four-image formation, let's all go to the martial arts field tomorrow to watch the drill! Let's get ready," Wuyouzi said.

"Yes! Master!"

The martial arts arena is located on a plain surrounded by mountains.

Under the mountains on all sides, stands have been built one after another, and they are already full of spectators.

The grandstand where Wushou Peak is located is extremely small. The grandstands in this area are prepared for some of the smallest peaks, and Wusou Peak is naturally one of them.

The main grandstand is located on the opposite side. This side is full of powerful peaks, such as Wudan Peak, Wufu Peak, Wuqi Peak, Wubeast Peak, Wuzhen Peak...

The monk team had already assembled on the plain. Wu Danzi, Wu Fuzi, Wu Qizi and others looked at these teams with proud expressions on their faces. You must know that the generals of these teams are almost all their disciples.

Most of the members of the team also come from their mountains.

It can be said that most of the Qingyuan Sect's combat power is concentrated in the top ten mountains. As the peak masters of these mountains, they also enjoy great power.

As Ren Yu said, they lived like an emperor, and concubines were brought in one after another. There was no need to do any tasks outside and work hard to survive.

Li Yun mingled among the people in Wuyou Peak and watched with interest. He glanced past the powerful peak masters and said in his heart: "I'll leave you alone. I'll go back and sweep your peaks as well!"

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly several powerful spiritual consciousnesses passed through the audience, and the figures in the main stand flashed, and the three golden elixir ancestors appeared.

The whole place suddenly became solemn.

"Greetings to the ancestor!" Everyone stood up and shouted in unison.

Tuzhenzi nodded and sat down on the main seat.

"No courtesy, please sit down!" Tuzhenzi said calmly, and his voice seemed to ring in everyone's ears.

"Wufeng, start!"

"Yes, Master!" Wu Fengzi responded solemnly.

Wu Fengzi is the most powerful foundation-building monk among the second-generation disciples. He is responsible for selecting and training the monk team. Today, he made his first appearance in front of his ancestors and everyone. He mustered up all his energy and walked to the general station. , waved his hand and shouted loudly: "Outer Sect Team, start!"

A team of 500 people appeared first on the plain. It can be seen that these are all Qi Refining Stage disciples. The leader is a young man at the ninth level of Qi Refining, named Fang Hao. He looks sixteen or seventeen years old. At such an age , to reach such a high level of cultivation is really amazing.

Fang Hao waved his hand and issued instructions quickly: "Five teams in front, four teams on the left, three teams on the right, two teams behind, one team in the middle!"

Whoosh! Whoosh whoosh!

As the sword light changed, five hundred-man troops immediately moved into position according to Fang Hao's instructions and stood ready.

The audience was wondering what this meant when suddenly, there was a sudden movement on the plain, and waves of sharp arrows came like a rainstorm, falling towards where the outer sect team was.

"Magic Shield!" Fang Hao shouted urgently.

Even he didn't know what opponent he would encounter today, but he didn't expect that there would be a shower of arrows at this moment.

Fortunately, they were already well prepared, and each hundred-man team immediately raised their shields to form four tall shield walls to block the sharp arrows.

These sharp arrows were made from metallic ores and were extremely sharp. Even if there were magic shields to block them, many sharp arrows passed through the shield wall and several people fell to the ground in an instant.

"Rescue! One team to make up for it!" Fang Hao shouted.

Immediately, several people from the middle team rushed to the gap and repaired the shield wall. Others immediately rescued the fallen people. Fortunately, these soldiers were well protected. In addition to their robes, they also had personal armor, so their lives were still safe. of.

Fang Hao was commanding while concentrating on sensing. Seeing that today's posture was not like usual, the sect was definitely serious. If people like him couldn't handle it, they would have to explain it here.

"Formation...what kind of formation is this?"

Suddenly, he looked up and suddenly broke out in cold sweat, shouting urgently: "Team 1, above!"

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