The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1399 Lin Clan Plague

Dexin said: "I carefully observed what they did after they took office, and discovered a strange thing. They both ordered their subordinates to collect information about a young human monk in a certain lower realm."

"What?!" Dechun was startled, this matter sounded really strange.

"There is a lot of information. I just took some back to look at it, and there is still a lot piled up here." Dexin sighed.

"It's impossible for them to run away because of this matter, right?" Dechun asked suspiciously.

"Something happened, and I also browsed the information a little bit..."

"How about it?!"

"You will know after you see for yourself." Dexin raised her head and said noncommittally.

"Oh? What's the name of that little monk?"

"His name is Li Yun."

Dechun finally raised his head and said, "Li Yun? That's fine, then I'll see who he is. But is the plague in the clan really that serious?"

This matter can be said to be what worries him the most. If the situation is not good, he will not dare to go out to find Xingzun at this time.

"There are some signs now. Many clan members have fallen ill. I heard that this situation has also occurred in other Lin clans. I have sent Dehong to the Rejuvenation God Realm to find a famous doctor. However, the journey is far away and it may take some time. Come back." Dexin nodded.

"There are so many masters in the clan, but they haven't been able to find out the cause of the disease?" De Chun asked curiously.

"If I want to find out, do I still need to send Dehong to the Rejuvenation God Realm?" Dexin said angrily.

"This... I still don't believe it! What kind of plague can stump our Lin clan?" De Chun looked in disbelief.

"If you can, you might as well go and see for yourself..."


Dechun simply stood up, walked out of the Vulcan Hall with Dexin, and led everyone to the residence of a patient...

"Clan leader!"

When the patient on the hospital bed saw De Chun arriving, he struggled to get up and salute, but was held down by De Chun and began to examine him.

The patient's name is Kunzhi, he is a Lin King and has his own power. At this time, he did not expect that the clan leader came in person, and he was extremely excited.

Dechun investigated for a while, with a suspicious look on his face, and said, "Are you really sick?!"

"I'm sick!" Kunzhi nodded quickly.

"Where does it hurt?"

"I feel...uncomfortable everywhere..." Kunzhi mumbled with a slightly red face.

"Oh? I didn't notice anything unusual."

"Clan leader, you didn't even notice it?!" Kunzhi said in surprise.

"Well... please tell me the reason for the disease first." Dechun said thoughtfully.

"I don't know when I got sick or what the cause of the disease is. I just feel that my body has been experiencing some minor problems from time to time recently. Then I feel weak all over. The essence in my body is decreasing day by day. I have to replenish the essence in large quantities, take medicine and rest... and …”

"What else?!" Dechun's face darkened.

"Sometimes my head hurts, as if something is eating my internal organs. It's like a hungry ghost is possessing me..."

"This..." Dechun finally felt a little moved.

You know, the strength of the Lin clan's body is famous in the spirit world, not to mention the body of a Lin King like Kun Zhi, whose body is simply stronger than those of human spirit bodies that have been cultivated to the extreme. How could a hungry ghost be possessed?

"Can you hear the gnawing sound?" Dechun asked in a deep voice.

"This is just a feeling I have. It's probably not really possessed by ghosts, and I didn't hear any gnawing sounds," Kunzhi said.

Dechun took another closer look, but could only find that Kunzhi's body was indeed experiencing a severe loss of essence. Many internal organs were in a weakened state, and even his muscles and coat color had slightly deteriorated...

I checked the medicines he took and found that they were all medicines for replenishing essence and the like. I couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

He had never seen anything like this before, let alone where to start treating it.

"Don't worry, Dehong will come back from the Rejuvenation God Realm soon, and he will definitely bring human medical experts to treat you." Dechun said.

"Yes! Thank you, patriarch!" Kunzhi also knew about this and responded quickly.

After Dechun came out of Kunzhi,

After visiting many patients, they found that the conditions were similar. These people all fell ill inexplicably and lost a large amount of essence.

"What is the reason for this? Are they all possessed?!"

He suddenly thought of this reason. Maybe there was some kind of evil thing that could suck the essence from Lin's body.

Speaking of the essence of the Lin clan, it can be said that it is very important and cannot be tolerated by ordinary evil things, especially the essence of the Fire Lin clan. If you cannot absorb it, you will only be burned alive.

The reason why the Lin tribe became the Furui beasts with extremely high bloodline was not just a matter of words, but a result of real materials and countless years of evolution.

Thinking of this, Dechun quickly thought of the demons banned in the "Demon Killing Cave". Those demons were all captured by the Lin tribe in the previous interface war. Because their magic power is extremely strong, it is difficult to kill them completely. , so they were banned there and allowed to slowly die.

"Could it be that some devil escaped and caused trouble?" De Chun paused in his heart and felt a little bad.

He quickly took Dexin and a group of core members of the clan to the Demon Killing Cave for a closer inspection.

The formation here is called the "Ten Directions Demon Sealing Formation". It is extremely large and of a very high level, and can seal demons at the level of loose immortals.

Because these demons were seriously injured and had no demonic energy to replenish and recover, they would naturally gradually weaken over time and be killed by the power of the formation!

When he came here, Dechun couldn't help but think of his youngest son Delong who fell into this hole and was teleported out by the power of the formation. He couldn't help but feel sad...

However, he felt that this matter was extremely strange at the time, because this formation was originally a forbidden formation, so why would Delong be teleported out?

After Xingzun confirmed this, he asked Xingzun for the reason.

Xingzun's explanation is that in addition to the power of the spiritual stone, the power of this sealing formation also relies on the power of the sun, moon and stars, and the operation of these star powers is cyclical. When the star powers are transformed, De Long happened to fall down, and was teleported away by the power of transformation.

Tokiya! Life!

Xiao Delong disappeared under such circumstances!

Dechun had a lot of thoughts, and finally recovered, and began to check the structure of the formation. He found that the operation of the Ten Directions Demon-Sealing Formation was quite normal, and the holes in the formation were extremely solid, and there were no loopholes.

"I come here to check every once in a while, and there is nothing abnormal." Dexin said aside.

Dechun nodded and said thoughtfully: "It seems that the devil here is not causing trouble, but..."

"But what?"

"Could there be alien demons? You know, it's not a top secret that we have a demon-sealing formation here. Some people in the demon world have been planning to come here to rescue these prisoners."

"This... demon who dares to sneak into Linyu to cause trouble is simply seeking death. Even if someone sneaks in, it is impossible to save them, and even if they can be rescued, it is impossible to escape from Linyu!" Dexin said decisively.

"If you say that, you are underestimating the demons. There are also some highly intelligent people in the demon clan." Dechun snorted.

"I don't believe it anyway!" Dexin also snorted.

"Okay, there's no need for us to argue. The evil things don't necessarily come from the demon clan. They may also come from demons, ghosts or other alien races. In my opinion, we should hold an exorcism ceremony to expel these evil things. !”

"Exorcism ceremony?" Dexin was startled.

"That's right! Evil does not overwhelm good. As long as we establish righteousness, we will surely make it impossible for evil to hide. Finally, it has to show up. Then we can kill it!" Dechun said fiercely.

"It makes sense! Why didn't I think of that?" Dexin glared at Dechun, with a look of admiration on his face.

"Haha, how else could I be the clan leader?"

"mock up!"

"If I can succeed, how about I give you my soul thread and bloodline to help me conceive a descendant this time?" De Chun said with salivation.

"You?!" A shy look appeared on Dexin's face.

"Hmph, last time I used your soul thread and blood to give birth to Delong. This time it's your turn!"

"Wait until you succeed!"

After Dexin finished speaking, he disappeared.

Dechun was stunned for a moment, with a look of joy on his face. He led a group of people out of the Demon Killing Cave and began to prepare for the exorcism ceremony...

The news that the Fire Lin Tribe was going to hold an exorcism ceremony spread quickly throughout the entire Lin Territory, as if it had wings. The Fire Lin Tribe itself was even more excited. Many powerful people came to Tiande City from all over. It was suddenly overcrowded.

After a period of preparation, all the tasks of the exorcism ceremony have been prepared. All it takes is to choose an auspicious day and have Master Chunxian preside over it.

People are looking forward to it with great expectation, but Dechun seems to have never set a date for the ceremony, and even rarely shows up recently, making everyone in the tribe feel a little anxious.

In the health pavilion in the back hall of Tiande Hall, Dechun was lying on the bed in his room, holding a piece of information as if he was sensing something, and burst out laughing from time to time...

There are many jade slips and talismans piled up beside the bed, and there are some images posted all around, and there are also some light screen videos that are playing something...

If Li Yun were here, he would also be shocked, because there is information and images about him everywhere. Although not all, it also covers many of his main experiences.

Obviously, after Dechun came into contact with Li Yun's information, he was hopelessly obsessed with him just like Huo Mantian, Huo Shaotian and others.

Before him, Dexian and Dezhang, who temporarily replaced him as the clan leader to handle clan affairs, also ran away from the clan because they were infatuated with Li Yun and went to the lower world to look for Li Yun...

Dexin found out not long ago and was not poisoned yet, so her mind was still clear.

However, for some reason, Dechun became so obsessed with Li Yun in a short period of time that he almost forgot about the exorcism ceremony and sensed information about Li Yun all day long.

"Father!" Suddenly the voice of his daughter Dehui came from outside.

Dechun was agitated and woke up slightly. He quickly gathered himself, straightened his robes, and came to Tiande Hall.

"Hui'er, what's the matter?"

"Father, everyone is waiting for the exorcism ceremony to start. I wonder when father is scheduled to start?" Dehui looked at his father suspiciously and asked.

"Exorcism ceremony? Oh, that's right!" Dechun suddenly realized and patted his head.

"Father, you haven't forgotten, have you?!" Dehui said in surprise.

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