The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1428 Treasure of Chaos

It is actually not difficult to pop up a light curtain to transmit information. There are many ways. The most common one is to use a light curtain generator. In the mortal world, it can be stimulated by black stones, and in the spiritual world, it can be stimulated by spiritual stones.

If you want to activate it manually, it will test your personal cultivation. The purer the mysterious or spiritual power and the more skillful it is, the clearer and more vivid the light curtain will be.

But the scope is definitely within his personal ability, beyond his ability, it cannot be operated by using mystical or spiritual power.

Therefore, the light curtains made by people in the mortal world are far inferior to those in the cultivation world, and the distance is certainly far inferior.

However, Yuan Yi actually used this method to convey information to Xiao Kong who was in the lower realm in the fairy world. It sounded so outrageous!

Even if Yuan Yi is powerful, his immortal power will not be able to travel from the immortal world to the lower world, this is for sure.

There is not even immortal energy in the lower realm. Even if there is immortal energy, Yuan Yi cannot control it, so it must not be generated by using immortal power.

So how is this light curtain formed?

Li Yun's mind was racing and he was thinking about this problem very quickly. Various possibilities kept flashing up, but he kept denying them...

Suddenly, a word came to mind: "The energy of chaos?!"

You must know that before this universe was created, it was filled with the energy of chaos. It is older than the innate energy and is the basic component that formed this universe.

It can be said that the evolution of a universe is driven by the energy of chaos.

It wasn't until the universe slowly evolved into a thousand interfaces that the energy of chaos became extremely light. However, they were actually transformed into various substances and did not disappear. It can be said that the essence of the universe is chaos. Qi!

If all matter is traced back to its origin, almost all of it can be traced back to the energy of chaos.

From the energy of chaos, the fairy world, spirit world, demon world, demon world, soul world, extraterrestrial worlds, and countless lower realms were born, and various life forms were born. It can be said that every life form is formed by the energy of chaos. , even the soul is no exception.

If a person can control the energy of chaos, then no matter how powerful he is, it is no longer a dream!

Just like the Chaos Palace, his ability is "so close to the end of the world", even though it is thousands of miles away, it is only within a short distance!

This is the result of its ability to control the energy of chaos,

As the number one treasure of chaos, after being born from the energy of chaos, the Chaos Palace has become the first goal that countless people dream of entering.

Countless powerful people dream of entering the Chaos Palace, mainly to understand the great avenues, middle roads and small paths mapped in it. However, there is also an outrageously rich chaotic energy and innate energy in the Chaos Palace. If they can If you practice among them, I'm afraid your cultivation will be a thousand miles faster!

However, Li Yun quickly thought of a problem. The babies born in the energy of chaos will definitely not only be the boss of Chaos Palace, but also other younger brothers and sisters.

Although the abilities of these little brothers and sisters are not as powerful as that of Chaos Palace, compared with innate treasures, psychic treasures, and magic weapons, their appearance is beyond the standard and extremely powerful!

The treasures of chaos are superior to other treasures precisely because they can control the energy of chaos, which is widely distributed in this universe. Even every substance here is actually transformed from the energy of chaos. If it works, there must still be a lot of chaos energy left that can be used.

If Yuan Yi has such a treasure in his hands, then he can use the energy of chaos to make a fuss. Judging from the fact that he can monitor so many interfaces in this universe, this possibility is extremely high!

Besides, Yuan Yi is, after all, a powerful immortal in the immortal world. In terms of qualifications, longevity, ability, and status, he is only higher than the Immortal Emperor. Many of the Immortal Emperor's things require him to accomplish them. In his hands, It is normal to have a treasure of chaos!

Thinking of this, Li Yun suddenly became enlightened and felt that Yuan Yi was no longer so mysterious and unpredictable.

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "Speaking of the Treasure of Chaos, the Tianyun and Chaos Palace in your hands are incomparable to him, so there is no need to be afraid of him."

"Despite this, the Chaos Treasures each have their own strengths. Perhaps the treasure in his hand is particularly capable in information tracking, which can help him control the Immortal Machine Agency." Li Yun thought.

"According to Xiaonu's guess, the treasure in his hand must be extremely sensitive to the energy of chaos, so that he can remotely control and transmit information. This is also the reason why he can judge that the Palace of Chaos is near the 108th Realm of Transformation." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"It makes sense! Now it seems that it is not that difficult to get rid of Yuan Yi's tracking. At least he can't see it by hiding in Tianyun and Chaos Palace."

"Of course! If our immortal robes can isolate the surrounding chaotic energy, he shouldn't be able to see us." Xiaoxing said.

"Isolation? It seems impossible to completely isolate the energy of chaos."

"Indeed. However, if there is a spiritual energy mask or fairy energy mask around the body, it can isolate those chaotic gas molecules. This fairy spirit energy mask can actually be generated by a formation."

"Well, that's right! Aura shields are usually generated when monks fight. Normally, no one would use them on a daily basis because it consumes too much spiritual energy. But if it is generated by a formation instead, it will be fine." Li Yun agreed.

"Yes. In fact, you only need to use a light spiritual energy barrier, because it is impossible for the chaotic energy to break through the spiritual energy barrier without someone controlling it."

"Okay! Then let's give it a try!" Li Yun said with a smile.

Xiaoxing quickly added a spiritual energy shield formation to Li Yun's immortal robe, which moved according to his thoughts. It was very light and could not be detected without careful sensing.

Li Yun tried it himself and found that he could completely isolate the chaotic energy from the outside world, and couldn't help but feel secretly happy.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the energy of chaos is those useless gases in the air. Mysterious practitioners are looking for mysterious energy molecules in the air, cultivators are looking for spiritual energy molecules, and immortals are looking for immortal energy molecules. But these gas molecules only account for a small part of the air, and the rest can be collectively called chaotic gas.

Chaos gas is not useless, but people don't know how to use it, but if it can be used, it can definitely become a super power, just like the treasure of chaos!

It can be said that everything has its use, it just depends on whether you can make good use of it.

From this incident, Li Yun also began to look at chaotic gas differently!

There must be huge energy contained in these gases. If you can really use it, can you reach the level of Chaos Palace?

Li Yun's heart beat even harder when he thought of such awesome scenes as "So Far So Far".

"Xiaoxing, do you want to do some research on chaotic gas?" Li Yun thought to himself.

"No problem! After all, chaotic gas accounts for most of the air, and there must be a lot of energy that we haven't recognized yet. If we can all use it, your abilities will be greatly improved!" Xiaoxing agreed.

"Okay, then I'll leave this matter to you first!"

Xiaokong looked at Li Yun's thoughtful look and asked, "Sir, what did you think of?"

"I thought of the energy of chaos! If Yuan Yi can use the energy of chaos, then it won't be a problem for him to convey messages to you in the lower world in the fairy world." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Chaos energy? This is very possible, but it is extremely difficult to use chaos energy. It is impossible without chaos-level treasures." Xiaokong said.

"So, Yuan Yi is very likely to have a Chaos Treasure?"

"This is certain. I heard that every Immortal Lord in the Immortal World possesses Chaos Treasures. If you do not possess Chaos Treasures, it is unlikely that you will achieve the position of Immortal Lord!" Xiao Kong said in surprise.

"Wow!" Li Yun exclaimed.

I didn't expect such a thing to exist. Are there many chaos-level treasures?

"Haha, adults don't be surprised. Chaos treasures are also divided into three, six, and nine grades. Just like the Chaos Palace ranked first is the absolute boss, but there are many younger brothers and sisters below him. There are all kinds of things. Generally, they are all Being possessed by the great power of the immortal world, of course there will be fish that slip through the net, and Chaos Palace is the biggest fish that has been missed!" Xiaokong laughed.

"That's it! I wonder if anyone owns several Chaos Treasures at the same time?"

"Of course there is! Although I don't know much, I heard that the Immortal Emperor himself owns many treasures of chaos. Generally speaking, real treasures will choose their own owners. The stronger the ability, luck and charm, the better. The more treasures you can attract to them. Those who own chaos treasures are all people with great luck, and they are all people with both ability and charm. Just like the adults who can possess chaos treasures like Tianyun World, they must be He took a fancy to your development potential, so he came to you when you were so weak!" Xiaokong said.

"Oh? Do you think Tianyun is a treasure of chaos?" Li Yun was stunned.

He didn't realize this for a while, but now after being reminded by Xiao Kong, he felt that Tianyun must be a treasure of the Chaos level, because he was born with the old gangster in the Chaos Palace. Since the old gangster is the boss, he should be the one. It’s my second dick!

Xiaokong smiled and said: "You don't know something, sir. The biggest feature of chaos treasures is their growth. The stronger the growth, the higher the level. Although I haven't seen Chaos Palace yet, I am very familiar with Tianyun. , with his infinite growth ability, his level is unimaginable, maybe Chaos Palace is not as good as him!"

"This...makes sense!"

Li Yun's eyes lit up, and he believed what Xiaokong said!

There is simply no limit to Tianyun's growth. As she continues to feed him, this world is also growing. Now it has grown into a large independent world, and there is still a lot of room for imagination in the future.

No matter how strong the Chaos Palace is, it seems unlikely that it will reach this level.

Lao Hun's ability may mainly lie in his understanding of the great, middle and small ways, but in terms of growth, he cannot compare with Tian Yun. Maybe the relationship between the two of them is that Tian Yun is first and Lao Hun is second...

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