The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1430 Abnormal Red Flame Bead

"Brother Yuan, tell me quickly!" Huo Yan said urgently.

Yuan Yi took out a jade slip, quickly carved on it, threw it to Huo Yan and said, "The Scarlet Flame Pearl is in the spiritual world, but it is extremely dangerous there!"

Huo Yan sensed it quickly, and after a while, his face changed slightly, and he said in shock: "Why are you in the wild world?!"

The Wilderness Realm is located within the Dragon Realm. It is an extremely dangerous interface, and no one from the Dragon Realm dares to enter it.

It is said that some treasures are sometimes thrown out inside, and their value is quite high, which attracts some people to go in and hunt for treasures. However, many people go in and very few come out. In the end, no one dares to go in again.

This world has actually become a forbidden area of ​​​​Dragon Domain, and everyone avoids it from a distance.

Yuan Yi said: "This is not surprising! The more dangerous and remote the place, the more likely it is that treasures are hidden. Maybe the dangerous situation in the wild world is caused by the Red Flame Bead!"

"It makes sense! But doesn't it mean that the condition of Red Flame Pearl is not very good?" Huo Yan thought.

"Yes, with the explosive power of the red flame beads, as long as there is a slight abnormality, it may cause great harm!" Yuan Yi agreed.

"This is a bit troublesome!" Huo Yan sighed.

"Brother Yan, don't worry! Chi Yanzhu probably suffered some stimulation, or took some detours during his growth. He is in a bad mood, and he will be able to adjust himself slowly! With his current situation, no matter who goes It's impossible to subdue it, you can wait until it calms down before taking a look." Yuan Yi said.

"How long will it take for him to calm down? Besides, what if something really goes wrong with him?"

"This... the wilderness world has been around for more than 200,000 years. If it is really formed by the Red Flame Pearl, then it should have been hundreds of thousands of years before the Red Flame Pearl had problems..." Yuan Yi thought. .

"That's right! That interface was not noticed by anyone at first, but it started to be chaotic and violent more than 100,000 years ago, and then it became known. This shows that there has been a problem with the Scarlet Flame Bead for a long time!" Huo Yan agreed. road.

"What could be the problem..." Yuan Yi caressed his beard and pondered.

Chaos treasures are all spiritual, and they are truly alive, that is, they have their own ability to think independently and are not limited by the treasure itself.

In this sense, the Ruyi Konglong Sword obtained by Li Yun is actually a sword of chaos level.

Because Xiaokong is a powerful person with independent thinking. In addition, Xiaokong's recent improvement can be seen that there is huge room for growth.

Now that the Scarlet Flame Pearl is in an abnormal state, it means that the life of the weapon spirit in it has also encountered problems. If his problem cannot be solved, the crazily explosive situation of the Scarlet Flame Pearl will continue, and maybe even more terrible things will happen in the future. as a result of!

Yuan Yi felt a little uneasy when he thought of this.

As an immortal, if you don't know about this situation, you can ignore it, but now that you know it, you must naturally find a way to eliminate this scourge, otherwise it will definitely be against the will of heaven.

This is one of the reasons why he is unwilling to take the initiative to use the Xuanling Immortal Treasure Record to search for treasures, because if he does not sell information, just searching for treasures will consume a lot of his fairy stones. Moreover, although the treasures are good, the difficulty of obtaining the treasures is The process is extremely dangerous, and generally speaking, he would not go hunting for treasure.

And the situation like this is even worse. After finding the treasure, it is found that the treasure is in bad condition and needs first aid, otherwise it will become a disaster. With his status and ability as an immortal, he can't just ignore it, right?

Chaos treasures rarely have problems, but once a problem occurs, it is a big problem, an absolutely fatal problem. If it is not solved as soon as possible, the harm it may cause in the future may not even be able to bear by the fairy world!

Because the power of Chaos Treasure is too strong!

They have lived for an incomparably long time, and they can become super powerful just by sleeping, not to mention that each of them is extremely talented, sensitive to the energy of chaos, can control it at will, and they all have their own unique Tao charm. The power of Dao is hard to estimate!

Yuan Yi thought hard for a long time, and then took out the calculation tools for a long time to calculate. One day later, with his smartest mind in the immortal world, he finally thought of a possibility, which could almost perfectly reveal the reason why the Red Flame Pearl went crazy!

"Haha, I understand!" Yuan Yi shouted.

"Oh? Brother Yuan, please tell me!" Huo Yan said in surprise. He waited for a whole day and finally got the good news. It was not easy!

"This problem... it is most likely that the immortal body of Red Flame Pearl is at risk of collapse!!!"

"The immortal body collapsed?!!!" Huo Yan was stunned.

"That's right! The Red Flame Pearl must be mainly male. With his fiery personality, he probably doesn't have many friends. I haven't heard of any immortal who dares to play the transformation game with him. Moreover, with his extremely powerful fire With his Tao power, there are very few people who can transform him. It is estimated that only a dozen people in the fairy world are possible, but they are all in high positions. How can they get along with such a violent person? Therefore, even if he is a Chaos Treasure , but if he never gets the chance to transform, the yin and yang environment in his body will be unbalanced, and problems will occur at a certain stage!" Yuan Yi shook his head and said.

"Really...really?!" Huo Yan's face changed after hearing this.

He felt that Yuan Yi was not talking about Scarlet Flame Pearl, but about him, because his situation was very similar to Scarlet Flame Pearl. He had a bad temper, not many friends, and had not yet transformed... He was able to come to the fairy world because he was a blessing. Beast, God was particularly kind and allowed him to successfully survive the immortal calamity.

Yuan Yi sighed: "Of course! You have not been in the immortal world for a long time, and you still don't know many things. In the immortal world, there have been many phenomena of the collapse of the immortal body. Some people have their immortal bodies completely destroyed overnight, and their cultivation In order to regress to nothingness, some people, even if they do not have immortal bodies, are completely destroyed, but they are still neither humans nor ghosts, neither men nor women, and it is really bloody to talk about it..."

Huo Yan shuddered when he heard this, his whole body trembled unconsciously, and asked urgently: "How could this happen? Can it be prevented?"

"Hmph, the lonely yang does not grow long, and the lonely yin does not grow long either. This is the way of heaven. Only the balance of yin and yang and the coordination of male and female can the immortal body be more harmonious and make steady and continuous progress! I am not telling you because of my brother, a couple like you For immortals who don't have ordinary transformations, it is only a matter of time before their immortal body collapses. You must not delay yourself because of your thin skin or unwillingness to play with others! After all, the safety of your immortal body is the most important!" Yuan Yi said earnestly. .

"How do you know I don't even have a normal transformation?" Huo Yan asked curiously.

"Haha, I've seen a lot of chicks like you! Besides, have you forgotten what I do? The information from the time you were born to the time you are sitting in my immortal mansion can be said to be complete. Brother Wei knows that you have been to countless You are a female, but I have never rolled on the grass with a male, otherwise I would have seduced you into bed!" Yuan Yitian laughed shamelessly.

"You?!" Huo Yan was stunned, his face turned blood red.

"Oh Brother Yan, I'm not talking about you. In the Lin Realm of the spirit world, whether it's rolling grass or rolling sheets, it's extremely normal. Why can't you accept it? Now that you've arrived in the fairy world, you know the consequences, right? With you As a blessed beast, the Immortal Emperor should have recruited you early on, but until now he has not recruited you into the Immortal Class and granted you the fruition status. Do you know the reason?"

"Is this... is it because I have never transformed?" Huo Yan asked suspiciously.

"That's right! As I just said, it's impossible for a young person who has never transformed to enter the immortal class of the Immortal Emperor. On the one hand, there is a risk of collapse of the immortal body, and secondly, the charm of the immortal who has not transformed is less , in this Xuanling world that pays attention to appearance and figure, how can the representative Xianban recruit unattractive people?" Yuan Yi said.

Huo Yan's face turned blood red when he heard it, and he could almost squeeze out blood!

However, he knew that Yuan Yi was telling the truth. This little girl looked so beautiful, no wonder she could be ranked among the immortals.

But if he really wants to transform like Yuan Yi said, he is really repelled. This problem has existed since he was a child, and he is just like Dong Bingzi from the Fengling Realm where Li Yun is, he often punishes Those who roll turf.

In the past, there were some powerful females in the tribe who could transform him, but when he thought about having to fight with that powerful female after his transformation, he firmly refused!

As he gradually became stronger, no one in the clan could make him transform, so the matter was delayed.

Now hearing that Yuan Yi mentioned this matter based on the situation of the Red Flame Pearl, Huo Yan finally realized that the problem was somewhat serious!

Chi Yanzhu's today might be his tomorrow, what should he do? Do you really want to have a fight with Yuan Yi? I wonder if he can transform himself?

Huo Yan's mind was racing, and he suddenly thought of Li Yun.

"Little Luck... I wonder if he can transform me? If possible, I wouldn't object to rolling with him first and then playing the transformation game..."

For him, what attracts Li Yun is not only the rich Taoist charm of his body, but also the light of merit and virtue emanating from him. This halo can make him drool just by looking at it. If he can match this The fusion of layers of halo, I am afraid that the taste will make him extremely ecstasy...

"Brother Yan, what are you thinking about?" Yuan Yi asked curiously.

"I...hum, the Immortal Emperor is too biased! Doesn't it mean that if you don't transform, there will be no chance at all? Do you have to become a little girl like you to be included in the Immortal Class?"

"My little mother-in-law? Oh Brother Yan, how can you imagine the immortal body of the Immortal? In my hands, a little immortal like you is like kneading dough! You haven't seen me show off my glory. , I’m afraid that if you dare to try it, you will be so happy!” Yuan Yi boasted proudly.

"Really?!" Huo Yan didn't believe it.

With his Linxian immortal body, how could this young lady Pi Yuanyi manipulate him at will?

"If Brother Yan doesn't believe it, how about giving it a try now?" Yuan Yi snorted.

"This... If I want to try it, I will try it with Xiao Yun, so as not to be taken advantage of by you!"

"You?! Okay, okay, then go find your little luck! But..."

"But what?"

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