The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1441 Huo Yan and Xiao Xiang (2)

"Ah ha, this...Brother Yan, what you said makes perfect sense! The rules of our Universiade Palace are actually quite simple. Many of the rules were made by me!" Xiao Xiang laughed.

"Oh? I wonder what rules you have set?" Huo Yan asked curiously.

"Oh Brother Yan, it would be too much trouble to tell you everything. You haven't passed the palace entrance examination yet. As long as you pass the examination and implant the Universiade Card, you can sense the Universiade Palace Rules."

"Enter the palace for inspection? I have become your lord's slave, is there still a need for inspection?" Huo Yan asked suspiciously.

"Haha, you didn't know this. The examination is of course necessary, and after the examination you can also get a gift for entering the palace, which is a great benefit!" Xiao Xiang laughed.

"Really? Your Excellency has already given me this immortal robe and treated me to a feast of delicious food. Isn't there any better gift?"

Xiaoxiang pointed to his own space and said, "What if it is a space like this where you can grow?"

"What? This space?"

"Yes, every slave who enters the palace can get such a small space and create his or her own small world. Of course, the level of the small space corresponds to the level of the slave. The higher the level of the slave, the smaller the growth potential of the small space will be. The stronger."

"I see, I seem to find this space quite magical..."

Huo Yan's spiritual consciousness was inspecting, and suddenly a ray of spiritual consciousness quickly grabbed it, but it was a handful of soil. His eyes focused and he exclaimed: "Xi soil?!"

"Haha, you finally discovered it!" Xiao Xiang said proudly.

Huo Yan stood up and said, "Brother, take me for a checkup quickly!"


Xiao Xiang brought Huo Yan to the inspection space.

As soon as Huo Yan arrived here, he felt a little dazzled. There were countless lights around him that were focused on him. With a sweep of his consciousness, he found that there were countless strange and weird things here, which he had never seen before.

He was extremely surprised, because with his rich experience in both the spiritual world and the fairy world, there were really not many things he had never seen before, but after arriving at the Universiade Palace, it was like a country boy entering a big city. All are extremely fresh.

"What are these?" Huo Yan said blankly.

"This is something designed by Ling Daozi.

I don’t know exactly what Big Brother it is. "

"Who is Ling Daozi?"

"This person is also your Lord's slave. He is much higher than me. He is knowledgeable and full of Taoism. Many things in the Universiade Palace are actually in his hands."


Huo Yan's eyes were full of little stars when he heard this. He didn't expect that such a number one person existed in the Universiade Palace. Could it be that this Ling Daozi was also an immortal?

"Ling Daozi is still the most beautiful little slave in the Universiade Palace!" Xiao Xiang added another comment to Ling Daozi.

"What? There is someone more beautiful than my eldest brother?!" Huo Yan was dumbfounded.

"Of course! There is another person in the Universiade Palace who is more beautiful than me, and that is Ling Yunxuan of the Purple Gold Phoenix Clan. However, even he is not as good as Ling Daozi..."

"Oh my God!" Huo Yan was completely out of sorts.

He didn't expect that there were so many beauties in the Universiade Palace. Just a small noise made him distracted. He didn't expect that there were two people more beautiful than him. This made him feel that today's world was a little unreal.

Xiaoxiang chuckled and said with saliva: "Brother Yan, please hide your immortal robe quickly. I will arrange a checkup for you later."

"Hidden the immortal robe?" Huo Yan was startled.

"That's right! There are two parts to the inspection. One is that big brother, I will check it with your hands, and the other is that these things made by Ling Daozi will be checked for you and the Universiade Card will be implanted." Xiao Xiang explained.

"It turns out that big brother wants to check my hands, come here quickly!" Huo Yan said happily after hearing this.

Xiaoxiang hurriedly stepped forward and was about to extend Xianlong's hand, but was grabbed by Huo Yan and hummed: "Brother, you have to touch and check my hand. Of course there is no problem with this, but you must also put Xianlong's hand on it." The robe is hidden, let me check it too."

"What?! This is not in compliance with the palace rules!" Xiao Xiang was startled.

"Haha, don't worry, I won't do anything to you. I just don't want you to take too much advantage." Huo Yan said proudly.

"Brother Yan has misunderstood! My inspection methods were trained by Ling Daozi and can detect many problems. I am not trying to take advantage of you!" Xiao Xiang shouted.

"Then I don't care! Anyway, now that I'm controlling you, you have to listen to me!"


"Didn't you say there is a loophole in the palace rules? This is a loophole, but I caught it." Huo Yan said proudly.

"What kind of loophole is this? You are bullying me because of your high cultivation level. If I tell the Lord, let's see how he deals with you!" Xiaoxiang finally used his trump card and moved the Lord out to save his life.

Huo Yan was slightly startled when he heard this, and felt a little bad. Xiao Xiang was also the eldest brother after all, and he was the Lord's favored slave. It seemed unwise to offend him. Besides, looking at his beautiful appearance, how could he be willing to hurt him?

"Then what do you think is a loophole?" Huo Yan snorted.

"If you... want to play, of course it has to be voluntary on both sides, and you can form a pair! Your Excellency has no objection to this kind of behavior. Many lonely and unbearable people in the palace are playing secretly..." Xiao Xiang said mysteriously.

"Oh? Eat in pairs?" Huo Yan's eyes lit up.

"That's right! There are many slaves in the palace. Even if you favor one person every day, it may be difficult for many of them to serve you once in their lifetime! They are under great pressure in this regard and need a way to vent. Your Excellency knows this very well, so he formed a pair The food slaves will turn a blind eye and will not intervene. Of course, the premise is not to go too far. If it becomes known to everyone, Ling Daozi will definitely take care of it!" Xiao Xiang explained.

"Well, that makes sense! I wonder how many slaves there are in the Universiade Palace now?"

"The number of people has exceeded two million!" Xiao Xiang said in surprise.

"What?! Two million people?!" Huo Yan screamed, this time he was truly frightened!

"Haha, you heard it right, there are two million people! Moreover, this is just the beginning, and the number will continue to grow!"

"How is this possible?!" Huo Yan said in shock.

"Although I also think this is impossible, these words were spoken by the adults themselves and cannot be wrong."


"It's more serious than you holding my hand now!" Xiao Xiang said with a frown.

"'s no wonder that some people in the palace want to form a rivalry!" Huo Yan suddenly said.

"Hey, you finally understand! So, as long as the two of us secretly form a pair, we can play, and the adults won't blame us!" Xiao Xiang finally revealed his purpose.

Huo Yan's huge eyes widened and he stared at Xiao Xiang closely, making him feel scared and muttered: "If Brother Yan doesn't agree, just pretend I didn't say it!"

"Haha, I didn't expect that this little dragon like you has a big appetite! Don't you know that I am the ancestor of the Fire Lin Clan in the spirit world?" Huo Yan laughed.

"What? Fire Lin Clan?!" When Xiao Xiang heard this, his legs went weak and he almost collapsed.

He didn't expect that the master had collected another unicorn, and it was also a fairy unicorn. He actually wanted to pair up with him. It was simply... such a wishful thinking!

Huo Yan took advantage of the situation and took this beauty into his arms. He released the power of blood slightly, and saw Xiao Xiang immediately trembling like a lamb seeing a tiger, his face turned blue, and his whole body seemed to be affected by an invisible force. Like a shroud.

He quickly activated the Immortal Robe Formation and finally recovered after a while.

"Huh?" Huo Yan exclaimed softly.

"Haha, Brother Yan doesn't know something. Our immortal robes can already withstand the power of blood!" Xiao Xiang said proudly.

"That's how it is?! How did the adults do it?!"

"Of course we don't know this, but there is no need to know. Anyway, with your ability, it is not difficult to do this! Since the last battle between Dechang and Chongming Bird, your Excellency has modified the immortal robe, and finally no need to I’m afraid of the oppression of bloodline power.”

"I didn't expect that Sir is so miraculous that he can even overcome the power of blood..." Huo Yan was shocked.

He suddenly thought that when he faced Li Yun, he did not feel suppressed by the power of blood. On the contrary, he seemed to be faintly suppressed by Li Yun. This is extremely incredible now that he thinks about it.

I really don’t know what Li Yun’s background is? How is it possible to have such a high-level bloodline?

"Brother Yan, let me go!" Xiao Xiang shouted.

"Let you go? Why should I let you go?"

"If you don't let me go, how can I check you? You are from the Lin Clan, and your bloodline is noble. I can't reach you, big brother, so let Ling Daozi check you directly and implant the Universiade Card!"

"What about touch inspection?"

"No need! Anyway, you are beautiful enough now, and you don't need me to give you any more advice on how to become more beautiful."

"Oh? What if I insist?"

"Brother Yan... do you really want to check with your hands?" Xiao Xiang was startled.

"That's right! The premise is that you want to play with me and make me happy!"

"What?! Are you really going to play with me?!" Xiao Xiang said in shock, feeling like it was pie in the sky.

"Haha, who made me like you so much?" Huo Yan said with saliva.

"Wow... Then you can't regret it in the future! You can't be seduced by Ling Yunxuan and Ling Daozi!" Xiao Xiang said quickly.

"I can regret it, but you can't!" Huo Yan snorted.

"What? This is so unfair!"

"You are just a little dragon. You are lucky enough to be able to taste the taste of my ancestor of the Fire Lin Tribe. You can't be more demanding!" Huo Yan teased.

"This...although I am just a little dragon, I am now the eldest brother of the Universiade Palace. I have a respected status, full of moral principles, and am deeply favored by adults. There are countless benefits that you can get by pairing up with me!" Xiao Xiang said.

"Well, what you said seems to make sense."

"Of course! Since we form a rivalry, both parties are willing to be equal and advance and retreat together. If one party is coerced, it cannot be called a rivalry. If the adults know about it, they will definitely not agree!" Xiao Xiang continued. road.

Xiao Xiang spoke with righteousness, as if he was not talking about a pair of food, but a war for justice...

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