The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 146 Victory Escape

"Father..." Prince Long Hao screamed when he saw this.

The letter slipped from the Holy Emperor's hand, and he almost collapsed.

Long Hao hurriedly stepped forward, picked up the letter, and read it quickly. After a while, his face changed drastically, and he lost his voice: "What?! The Qiulong Mountains disappeared overnight?! A violent tsunami occurred?!"

When all the officials in the palace heard this, they were immediately shocked and began to talk about it.

Long Hao's hands kept shaking, and he reluctantly continued reading. Suddenly, his face turned gloomy and he said loudly: "Father, although the Qiulong Mountains have disappeared, the tsunami caused did not destroy Jinghai City. It was just Immortal Master Li Yun was blocking it there!"

"What?! Such a thing is possible?!"

All the officials were in an uproar, and the Holy Emperor finally stopped shaking and raised his head in surprise.

"Father, all the officers and men of the Qiu Long Army saw with their own eyes that Master Li Yun built thirteen dams outside Jinghai City to block the terrible tsunami! Jinghai City was intact and no one died!" Hao shouted excitedly.

"Heaven bless you! Immortal Master bless you!"

The Holy Emperor couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart, and he knelt down with a plop, raised his hands to the sky, and shouted loudly.

Everyone in the hall knelt down and shouted "Long live! Long live! Long live!"

The Holy Emperor calmed down and suddenly thought of something and said, "Your Majesty, now that the Qiulong Mountains have disappeared, the Fairyland must also be gone, but how can we explain it to the Qingyuan Sect?"


Long Hao was startled, and his excitement suddenly disappeared. The question raised by the Holy Emperor was a bit tricky.

The reason why the Tianlong Empire was able to obtain the protection of the Qingyuan Sect was that this fairy garden was one of the important factors. If we lose this fairy garden now, we may be in trouble in the future.

"Your Majesty, I have something to say!" Wu Zhi, an adviser to the prince, said loudly.

"Oh? Tell me!"

"Yes, Your Majesty! It seems to me that the loss of this fairyland is due to the disappearance of the Qiulong Mountains. This kind of power is beyond the control of us mortals. Moreover, Immortal Master Li Yun has witnessed it with his own eyes. I believe he will definitely help me." The Tianlong Empire intercedes," Wu Zhi said.

Tong Xin, the manager on the side, continued: "Your Majesty, what Mr. Wu said makes sense! Immortal Master Li Yun made great contributions to the Tianlong Empire when he was still Zhongzhihou, which is enough to testify to his love for the Tianlong Empire. Moreover, , he is still an immortal master who came out of our Tianlong, and he will definitely intercede for Tianlong!"

Upon hearing this, all the officials in the palace nodded in agreement.

"This... Your Majesty, why don't you send someone to send a generous gift to Immortal Master Li Yun and ask him to say a few kind words for our Tianlong in the Qingyuan Sect!" the Holy Emperor said.

"Yes! Father! This matter is of great importance. I think it's better for me to go to Qingyuanmen to find him in person!" Prince Long Hao nodded heavily.

"fair enough!"


A clear voice fell from the sky, but seemed to ring in everyone's ears.

Everyone was startled and turned around to look, only to find two figures appearing at the entrance of the hall. Upon closer inspection, they were Li Yun and Jiang Ming.

"Meet the Immortal Master!" The officials near the door have already knelt down to worship.

When the Holy Emperor and the Crown Prince saw him, they immediately came down to the palace and were about to kneel down, but were held back by Li Yun and Jiang Ming.

"I've met the Holy Emperor! I've met the Prince!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Welcome Master Immortal! I haven't thanked Immortal Master Li for saving the people of our Jinghai City!" the Holy Emperor said solemnly.

"Your Majesty, this is a coincidence and the fate of the heavenly dragon. It is not my fault!" Li Yunqian said.

"Without the help of the Immortal Master, Jinghai City would have been unable to withstand the power of the tsunami. I would like to express my gratitude to all the people in the city!" The Holy Emperor bowed deeply. Prince Long Hao also bowed.

Li Yun had no choice but to accept it.

However, the purpose of coming here today is not to claim credit. Time is running out and Dragon Claw Mountain may disappear at any time.

He didn't dare delay any longer.

Then he said: "Your Majesty, Prince, this time I am holding the order of the Qingyuan Sect and temporarily serve as the national advisor of the Tianlong Empire!"

After speaking, he raised his hand and a piece of jade appeared out of thin air, with the four words "Tianlong Guoshi" written on it.

When everyone saw it, they doubted its existence, and quickly kowtowed and shouted: "Greetings to the Imperial Master!"

Of course they didn't dare to doubt it, and they were even a little surprised. Although this matter was a bit sudden, after the events in the Qiulong Mountains and Jinghai City, it was definitely better for Li Yunlai to serve as the national advisor of the Tianlong Empire than anyone else. This was obvious.

"Haha, congratulations Tianlong! With Mr. Li as the national master, the Qingyuan Sect will definitely not treat you badly!" Jiang Ming laughed at the side.

"Exactly, exactly!" The Holy Emperor smiled from ear to ear.

"Your Majesty, you must be mentally prepared, because the first order I issue may be something you don't expect!" Li Yun said solemnly.

"May I ask what the Immortal Master's order is? We will definitely obey it!" the Holy Emperor responded with enthusiasm.

"Okay! My order is to 'move the capital immediately'!"

"What?! Move the capital!!!" Everyone was stunned.

Li Yun nodded and said: "Yes, we will move the capital, and it will happen immediately!"

"Master Li Xian...Oh, Imperial Master! Why is this?!" the Holy Emperor asked in surprise.

"Your Majesty, please listen to Senior Jiang!" Li Yun looked at Jiang Ming and said.

Everyone quickly looked at Jiang Ming.

"Ahem... Your Majesty, Prince, according to the reliable information from our Tianji Pavilion, the Qiulong Mountain Range was formed by the powerful dragon clan. Now that he has left, this mountain range has also disappeared!"

"Oh my god! Is that so?!" Everyone was shocked when they heard it.

If Jiang Ming hadn't said such a shocking thing, no one would have believed it.

"In addition, Dragon Claw Mountain, where the imperial capital is located, was also formed by the dragon clan's almighty power. It may also leave soon!" Jiang Ming emphasized.

"What?!" The Holy Emperor and others screamed, looking at each other in shock.

"This is absolutely true! Mr. Li and I have carefully surveyed Dragon Claw Mountain and found very obvious signs of the giant dragon transforming into the mountain. Maybe the day of its departure is just around the corner! Just in case, the Imperial Capital must immediately Move the capital!" Jiang Ming said flatly.


Even if the immortal master made such an important decision, everyone would have doubts and would not dare to speak rashly.

You must know that for an empire in the mortal realm, the imperial capital is the foundation of a country, and a single move can affect the whole body. Unless there are particularly serious reasons, it is impossible to move the capital easily.

Seeing this, Li Yun sighed inwardly, "It seems that I can't do it without swinging the sledgehammer!"

"Your Majesty, please look!"

He threw a jade slip in his hand, and a light curtain popped up in the air. Soon, the disappearing scene of the Qiulong Mountains reappeared vividly in front of everyone's eyes.

Its majestic momentum was like the power of heaven, completely unstoppable. A mountain range as majestic as a giant dragon actually turned into gravel and gravel in an instant and sank into the sea. Such a terrifying sight made people feel heartbroken. Keep braving the cold!

The Holy Emperor and others were so frightened that they collapsed to the ground, unable to speak.

Some people seemed to have felt the ground shaking under their feet, and the surroundings began to shake. They wanted to leave immediately, and it was urgent to escape.

"Your Majesty, do you believe it now?" Jiang Ming asked.

"Believe...believe! We...move the capital immediately!" The Holy Emperor made up his mind.

"The Holy One is wise!!!"

The ministers shouted loudly, but no one objected, and they unanimously agreed to move the capital immediately.

Seeing this scene, Li Yun finally let go of his heavy heart and immediately said: "Your Majesty, please avoid chaos when moving the capital. Otherwise, not only will the evacuation of the city be slowed down, but it may also cause various rumors and trampling incidents. We must plan Good routes and evacuation steps.”

"What the Imperial Master said makes sense!"

After hearing this, the Holy Emperor nodded repeatedly and immediately ordered someone to bring a map and discuss it with the ministers.

The action plan was called the "Victory Escape."

Soon, the entire imperial capital was divided into countless small pieces, and the capital relocation guard, headed by the imperial guard, was divided into countless small teams, responsible for the relocation of each subdivided area.

The entire Tianlong Emperor was in motion. Since the propaganda and appeasement work had been done well in advance, there was very little resistance from the people. After all, this was to escape for their lives, not to force them to leave.

The evacuation steps are from the outside to the inside. Since the east is almost all steep mountains and sparsely populated, there is basically no need to worry about it. People in the outer areas are first allowed to go out along the north-south official roads, and people in the middle areas are allowed to go down the Tianlong River. The targets are Hanhai City located in the lower reaches of Tianlong River.

The western part of Hanhai City is connected to the Mirror Sea. It has beautiful scenery, huge area, and fertile land. It has always been the deputy capital of the Tianlong Empire. It has many royal palaces and is a good place for the Tianlong royal family to vacation.

Moreover, it is very far away from Dragon Claw Mountain. Even if Dragon Claw Mountain really disappears, it will not be greatly affected. Therefore, once the capital is moved, Hanhai City will naturally be the first choice destination.

The evacuation work was arranged in a very orderly manner. I thought that there were experts in this field in Tianlong Imperial Court, so Jiang Ming left immediately to arrange the transfer task of Tianji Pavilion. The target was naturally Hanhai City.

Li Yun soon met his father Li Wei in the imperial court. Calculating the time, the father and son had been separated for nearly a year. Li Yun was now twelve years old, and Li Wei had been the deputy director of the Criminal Health Department for one year. However, he Still living in the residence of Marquis Zhongzhi.

Li Yun and Li Wei immediately returned to Zhongzhihou's mansion and chatted all night.

There was naturally a lot to talk about when father and son met, but the topic was mainly about cultivation.

"Hehe, my father's cultivation is actually at the early stage of Qi Refining!" Li Yun saw it immediately when he saw Li Wei.

"Haha, I just broke through the entrainment period last month. Now my father is also a cultivator!" Li Wei was a little proud.


"Yun'er, why can't I see your cultivation level?" Li Wei said a little surprised.

"Because I practice spiritual concealment, you can't tell. This technique can be taught to you. You must practice it as soon as possible to avoid being seen as a cultivator. In addition, I have a lot of good things for you. Woolen cloth."


Li Yun explained a lot of cultivation knowledge to his father, which opened his eyes.

Before leaving, he presented a large number of cultivation items, including to the third lady, because she was also in the period of entrainment.

Seeing that it was almost time, Li Yun bid farewell to his father, left the imperial capital, and headed north.

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