The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1474 The Perfect Ling Daozi

Du Nan had never tasted the power of Huo Yan's spiritual consciousness, but after being reminded by Huang Yimiao, he had observed Huo Yan many times intentionally or unintentionally, and found that he could not see through its details at all. Moreover, with his special skills in cooking It felt like he discovered that Huo Yan had an extraordinary origin, and was most likely some kind of mythical beast. Its bloodline level was so high that it was hard to estimate!

The main reason why they couldn't tell that Huo Yan was the lucky beast Qilin was because Huo Yan was a real immortal with extraordinary strength and excellent transformation effect. Especially the protection of the lin seal on his forehead made it impossible for them to identify him.

If it is Dechang, or Dexian, Dezhang and Xiaofu, with the cultivation of Huang Yimiao and Du Nan, it will not be a big problem to identify them.

Huo Yan was like a sharp blade hanging over their heads. It might fall off at any time, making them feel frightened and afraid to make any move!

Huang Yimiao sighed: "There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the spiritual world. It's not surprising that such a character appears. What's surprising is why he fell under Xiaoyun's sect! With his cultivation level, if he opened his own mansion, he might even be able to accept him as an immortal. Slave!"

"Do you really think so?" Dunan asked in surprise.

"Of course! The power of this person's consciousness contains extremely powerful immortal power. It is extremely powerful and unmatched by me. Moreover, I can't see through his cultivation at all. It seems to be better than the one who appeared in the Thunder Dragon Realm. The Immortal is even stronger, and it is nothing for such a person to accept a fake Immortal as his slave!"

"If it is true as Brother Miao said, why would an immortal come to the spiritual world and even join Xiaoyun's sect?"

"Don't you think that the power of a small amount of luck is enough to attract an immortal?"

"This..." Du Nan was speechless and thoughtful.

As Huang Yimiao said, Li Yun's Tao silk threads reached eight or nine thousand silk threads more than ten years ago, and it must be even more incredible now. Such a level of Taoism has already made the two of them fascinated by him, so Now it is extremely normal for an immortal to be attracted to him.

I just don’t know how this immortal discovered Li Yun? How did you end up joining him? Is there information about Li Yun being spread even in the fairy world now?

The two of them had questions one after another, and both felt that the development of things was somewhat beyond their control.

"Brother Miao, the main problem now is the video in Xiaoyun's hands and this red-faced immortal. How should we defeat it?" Dunan thought.

"Xiao Lun is hiding away from us now, and the red-faced immortal is no match for you and me. In my opinion, it is better to maintain a friendly and cooperative relationship with the Universiade Palace now to avoid trouble!" Huang Yimiao sighed.

"Not bad! If that video leaks out,

Our face is ruined! What a mistake that will lead to eternal regret! "Du Nan said with an extremely miserable expression.

Both fat men looked at each other with tears in their hearts and regretted it all!

The business in the Universiade Palace Exhibition and Sales Hall was in full swing, while the business in other exhibition and sales halls was relatively deserted. The heads of the major business alliances came here to discuss cooperation with Ling Daozi.

For the Universiade Palace, since they have all come to the door, cooperation is no problem, because each business alliance has its own advantages, there is no need to reject others thousands of miles away, and there will be different ones in the future. When a product is launched, it needs distribution channels to promote it. These business alliances are valuable allies and should not be offended.

As long as both parties show sincerity, cooperation can certainly be negotiated.

However, since Xiaoxing's purpose is to build the brand value of Universiade's products, it has high requirements in terms of price, display, promotion, etc. Each business alliance can only continue cooperation if they accept this premise.

From the past, large merchant alliances have taken the initiative in this type of cooperation. They can easily control the lifeblood of product providers and squeeze greater profits by relying on their strength, channels, and connections. However, this time it is different. , only when they have truly good products can product providers gain the initiative in the hands of these large business alliances, as is the case with Universiade Palace's products.

The display of these products was so perfect that even every model who displayed the robes had begun to become famous. They touched the hearts of all the viewers and made them rush to buy them without hesitation. Therefore, the products of Universiade Palace have gone through this process. After planning and displaying, the daughter of the emperor will not worry about getting married. It will be a treasure that attracts money, expands the market, and attracts popularity. As a big business alliance, if it doesn’t even have such a famous Universiade Palace product, wouldn’t it be wrong? Will you be laughed at?

In order to obtain such a treasure, each business alliance did not hesitate to accept the slightly harsh conditions of the Universiade Palace and also cooperated with it. It must be said that their vision and courage are also worthy of appreciation.

Of course, it will not be so fast to actually sign the cooperation agreement, because the Universiade Palace requires the same prices and special display areas in the entire spiritual world. This of course requires the permission of the leaders of each business alliance. Therefore, the various business alliances here have already Take the on-site display video provided by Universiade Palace and send it to the Merchant Alliance headquarters together with the product samples, waiting for news.

"Xiaoxing, this waiting time is too long. We can't wait until that time. It's better to let Mi Heng and Shi Fu contact them here. We must continue on our way!" Li Yun said in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty, what you said makes sense! Xiaonu also thinks it should be so, but it is more appropriate for Ling Daozi to preside over it." Xiaoxing agreed.

"Ling Daozi... well, with his ability, he is more than enough to handle these great powers, so let him be here, but the models can't stay here." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Sir, are you reluctant to part with them?"

"That's not entirely true. Their role here is not big anymore. There are puppet models, experimental displays and videos, so they should go back to the Universiade Palace to perform."

"Hey, that little slave recalled them."

Xiaoxing quickly gave instructions to Ling Daozi and took back more than 200 model slaves and more than 200 meditation models.

When these people returned to the palace, they were immediately greeted and cheered like heroes. They fired the first shot at promoting the products of Universiade Palace, which can be described as outstanding achievements!

Everyone in the city saw the live broadcast of the robe display in Tianshang Realm. They are all very familiar with this group of display members and have become their loyal fans.

In particular, Xiao Yingying, Fairy Feifei, Yan Zheng, and Zhou Guinian have become stars among stars. Many people are obsessed with them and wish they could live opposite each other...

"Hey, these four people..." Li Yun felt this atmosphere and was quite interesting.

"Sir, these four people may form a pair. Xiao Yingying herself is extremely obsessed with Yan Zheng, and Fairy Feifei and Zhou Guinian are also very close in song and Taoism, so forming a pair is not a problem." Xiaoxing. smiled.

Li Yun nodded and said: "I think so too, but this kind of thing depends on fate. I don't want to get involved in the affairs of these four people like Xiaodong and Xiaoshun."

"Hehe, it would be good if one of them could become a couple. Xiaonu is more optimistic about Feifei and Guinian, but Yan Zheng doesn't seem to be very attracted to Yingying. Otherwise, with Yingying's initiative, he would have succeeded long ago." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Don't worry about these things, we must set off as soon as possible."

Li Yun took Xiaoxiang and Huo Yan to the high altitude to see that they were out of the range of the consciousness of many powerful powers. He threw Xingyun No. 1 and flew into the distance...

The three of them were sitting on the bridge, but they could watch the lively scene in Tianshang Realm at this time. This was because the underground network had covered the entire Tianshang Divine Realm, and with the movement of Xingyun No. 1, this picture The ground network is expanding rapidly.

At this time, except for Huang Yimiao and Du Nan, who had already left, almost all the other powerful officials were still staying near Tianshang Palace. Their purpose was of course to visit the exhibition hall of Universiade Palace.

Song Xian Luoli guessed that the Universiade Palace was related to Li Yun, so he came here very early to observe and inquire. Unfortunately, he only found Ling Daozi, and Ling Daozi's response was almost flawless, leaving him unable to catch a pigtail at all.

He had no choice but to order many poetry robes so that he could go back and study them on his own.

Fairy Youmeng who accompanied him was very interested in Ling Daozi, because Ling Daozi showed extremely high attainments in music, and she understood that what she heard at the exhibition was far from Ling Daozi's ceiling. As a As a Sanxian with unique attainments in dance, Fairy Youmeng naturally has a soft spot for Ling Daozi, not to mention that he is the beauty among beauties!

It can be said that Fairy Youmeng has been irresistibly obsessed with Ling Daozi, constantly approaching him and pestering him in the name of discussing the Tao of Music with him...

Luo Li couldn't stand it any longer, so he left first after buying the robe...

Of course, it was not only Fairy Youmeng who was interested in Ling Daozi, but also Fairy Yimei, Xiaobai, Zhenrong, Fairy Tianshang and others. These people surrounded him and kept asking questions, trying to dig out Xiaoxiang and Huo from Ling Daozi. Yan's information, and of course the Universiade Palace information hidden behind these three people.

For them, the new force of the Universiade Palace is definitely worthy of attention, and its palace lord Feng Feng is even included in their priority list. The fact that he can receive so many great beauties is enough to prove that Liu Feng himself has a strong charm.

Of course they can see that many of these beauties are most likely due to perfect transformation, but their own cultivation is basically transforming into the Yin and Yang realm. With their low-level bloodline, such cultivation is simply impossible. Transformation, but facts have proven that low-level bloodline beings can also achieve transformation when they are at low-level cultivation, and it is possible without being promoted to the Nirvana realm.

Such an astonishing fact has challenged the inherent cultivation system of the spiritual world, and this must be related to Liufeng. So how did Liufeng do it?

I'm afraid this question can only be answered by finding Liu Feng.

The main purpose of these powers is to dig out Liufeng and the amazing secrets hidden behind Liufeng. As for the uniquely designed robes, that is secondary.

To achieve this, the ready-made breakthrough point is Ling Daozi. This person is incredibly beautiful, but he does not look like the result of a perfect transformation, but he is naturally beautiful. This makes the powerful people feel extremely incredible...

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