The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1531 Wind Dragon Clan Association (2)

"Then what kind of relationship do you think it is?" Ao Changxuan teased.

"Are you... are you two... hooking up?" Lao San asked suspiciously.

"What do you mean? Hooking up? Am I that kind of person?" Ao Changxuan said angrily.

"Oh, Lao Wu, that's what it means anyway! Tell me, isn't it? This kid Liu Feng is still very charming, he can compete with Li Yun!" Lao San said with a smile.

"Lao San, I'm not telling you, why are you so stupid?! Don't you know who Liu Feng is yet?" Ao Changxuan said with hatred.

"Oh? Who is Liufeng?" Ao Changyang was startled.

Others were also staring closely at Lao Wu.

Ao Changxuan shook his head and sighed: "You have been locked up for so long that your brains are no longer working! Didn't I just say that this wine is called Xingyun Wine?!"

"Xingyun Wine? Yes...why is this name so familiar? By the way, it's the same wine brewed by Li Yun!" Ao Changyang, the third child, suddenly realized.

The fourth child, Ao Changyue, also reacted, chuckled a few times, and said excitedly: "That's right, I asked you why Liu Feng looks very similar to Li Yun in temperament. It turns out they are the same person!"

When the elders heard this, their spirits perked up and they all became a little uneasy.

They had been deeply fascinated by Li Yun after reading his information before, and almost caused the Dragon Keto disaster to break out, but luckily they were saved by Liu Feng.

But now they know that Liu Feng is Li Yun, so the savior becomes Li Yun!

Wow, they didn't expect that the Li Yun in the message had actually come to them, which made them simply couldn't believe it was true!

"Haha, this wine was brewed by Li Yun. I can have as many bottles as I want. It doesn't matter how many bottles he wants to give me. So, even if I don't have a very close relationship with him, as long as I'm by his side, it's not a big deal to get this wine. Big deal." Ao Changxuan laughed.

"This... is wrong. The robe you are wearing is similar to that of the slaves of Li Yun's sect. You can actually control it with your mind. Did you... also join Li Yun's sect?" Ao Changyang asked suspiciously.

In the spirit world, all major forces have their own unique robes. After being reminded by Ao Changyang, everyone looked at Lao Wu carefully, with a look of surprise on their faces!

Some people even discovered that even the clan leader was wearing the same robe.

He looks noble, gorgeous and graceful. Could it be that he has also joined Li Yun's family?

This sounds a bit appalling.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Ao Changxuan laughed a few times, then simply opened the skylight and said frankly: "Old San, you finally have a smarter mind. Yes, Li Yun saved my life and helped me regain my physical body. You said that besides investing in Is there any other choice for his disciples?”

"You?! Did you really join him?!"


Ao Changyang was stunned after hearing this!

Unexpectedly, the fifth lao Ao Changxuan, who ranked second in cultivation ability among the Wind Dragon Clan, would join Li Yun as a slave. This could completely overturn his view of dragon life!

As a Dragon Lord, this kid doesn't even care about the clan rules, he doesn't even care about his age, he just eats the old cow's tender meat...

By the way, where is the clan leader?

He quickly turned to Ao Changtian, looked up and down, and asked in surprise: "Clan Leader, could it be that you... you also..."

Ao Changtian coughed a few times and said with a smile: "You are right, I have indeed joined Li Yun's sect!"


When everyone heard this, they exclaimed, their legs became weak, and they almost collapsed to the ground...

The leader of the Wind Dragon Clan, the domain lord of the Dragon Domain, Ao Changtian, such a big shot has now become a slave of Li Yun! ! !

Ao Changyang reacted and shouted urgently: "Clan leader, you can't leave us! You want to follow Li Yun, what should we do?!"

"Yes, patriarch, you can't leave!"

"Clan leader! Clan leader!! Clan leader!!!" Everyone agreed.

Aochangtian's spiritual consciousness swept away, and he commanded the entire audience, shouting: "Who said I'm leaving?!"

Everyone was stunned and looked at each other.

"Clan leader, haven't you already joined Li Yun's sect and are you going to follow him?" Ao Changyue said hesitantly.

"It's true that I joined him, but I don't have to go with him. This is my territory, and of course I have to continue to manage this place."

"What about Li Yun? He will leave sooner or later, right? It's better for the clan leader to keep him here, as our elixir depends on him!" Ao Changyue said quickly.

"Yes, the patriarch is now Li Yun's little slave. It will be easy to help us get the elixir!"

"It makes sense! The clan leader is indeed our clan leader. It turns out he has thought of this a long time ago!"

"Wow...could it be that this is why the patriarch joined Li Yun's sect?"

"It's great that the patriarch is thinking about us..."

The elders reacted and almost unanimously concluded that this matter was Ao Changtian's decision to obtain Li Yun's new evil-preventing pill. They couldn't help but feel moved, and even choked up when speaking.

Ao Changtian was speechless for a while and said angrily: "How unreasonable?! The matter of recognizing the master is not as childish as you say! Have you forgotten how the Dragon Clan spell is said?"


"Yes, you have all read Li Yun's information. If you think about it carefully, you will understand why I did this!" Ao Changtian snorted.

The elders chewed on the meaning of Ao Changtian's words, and finally understood it completely in their hearts!

According to the Dragon Clan's spell, if the person mentioned in the spell appears, the men of the Dragon Clan will be slaves and the women will be maids. Therefore, when this person really appears now, it will be a test of whether the Dragon Clan believes in this spell. It's time.

"Clan leader, you mean... we also want to join Li Yun's sect?" Ao Changyang asked suspiciously.

"Clan leader, is Li Yun really the person mentioned in the spell?"

"Clan leader..."

These people asked questions one after another. Although they no longer felt any resistance to Li Yun, they still had doubts about joining him as his slaves. This was of course normal. After all, every Dragon Lord was an extraordinary person. Behind them They all have a huge force, and even if they don't think about themselves, they still have to think about the people behind them.

Ao Changtian knew their concerns in his heart and said: "It is up to you to decide whether you want to join Li Yun's sect. I will not force you, and Li Yun certainly will not force you. Even if you don't join, if you If you have money, you can buy these elixirs from him, there will be no problem!"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but nodded slightly, and felt a big stone in their hearts.

Just thinking about the high price of medicine and his own poverty made his face wrinkle up like a bitter gourd.

"However, since you have all sworn an oath of confidentiality, I can also reveal some information to you. Li Yun's power is called the Universiade Palace. It can be said that no one in the entire spiritual world can match its current power. The number of slaves under his sect has reached two million, including hundreds of people at the Sanxian Venerable level, as well as immortal slaves!"

"What?!" Everyone screamed, their mouths wide open.

"Humph, don't think that Li Yun is eager for you to join him. In fact, he doesn't want to take any more slaves. If you don't take the initiative to beg him, he won't take them! Because he can hardly control so many people. "

"Oh my is it possible? How could his power expand so fast at such a young age? And what happened to that immortal?" Ao Changyang exclaimed.

Ao Changtian threw out a jade slip and hummed: "The information you saw was all from when Li Yun was in the lower realm, but he came to the spiritual world to develop in the name of Liu Feng, so you might as well read more. His situation in the spirit world. As for that immortal... he is the ancestor of the Lin clan, Huo Yan of the Huolin clan. He ascended to the immortal world more than a million years ago, but now he came to the spirit world specifically to invest in Li Under the luck gate!"

"Huo Yan?!!! The patriarch is talking about Huo Yan of the Fire Lin Clan. Isn't he the previous Ziwei Star Master in our spiritual world?!!!" Ao Changyang shouted.


"Wo..." Everyone was completely shocked!

This shocking news can be said to be the last cannonball to break through their psychological defenses. These elders were defeated one by one!

Even if such a person joins Li Yun's sect, why should there be any hesitation?

You must know that the Lin Clan is much more noble than the Dragon Clan. Even if it is not Huo Yan, their ancestor, but an ordinary Lin Clan sage who joins Li Yun's sect, it will have a great psychological impact on these Dragon Clan elders.

Therefore, they have completely agreed with the idea of ​​​​following the patriarch and joining Li Yun's sect from the bottom of their hearts.

After all, the Wind Dragon Clan has little choice now. They are plagued by diseases, poor and destitute, and their debts are increasing day by day. They finally hope for a real cure, but have no money to buy it. Selling themselves for elixirs is the only option.

What's more, Li Yun is exactly the same as the person mentioned in the Dragon Clan's spell, and he is so charming. If you join him, you can even kiss him... As these people think about it, some of them can't wait!

While sensing the information, Ao Changyang gritted his teeth and said: "Clan Leader, the choice you and Lao Wu made is so right! I don't think about it anymore and just follow the clan leader to join Li Yun!"

Ao Changyue smiled sweetly and said: "From what I see, the third child has wanted to vote for a long time, but he just can't live up to it!"

"Hmph, is face more important or life?! Although my life has been saved now, those under my disciples are tortured by the dragon ketone disaster every day and are almost dead!" Ao Changyang said harshly.

"Okay, okay, little sister didn't say anything wrong with you. Little sister also wants to vote in!"

"Oh really?"

"Of course! If it weren't for Li Yun's medicine, I might have gone crazy. Now I am neither a dragon nor a ghost. I don't even have a physical body. Taking off my robe will scare people to death. Who can bear it?! Only the head of the academic clan, like Lao Wu, who surrenders early, can get the longevity pill to replenish his body. Oh, I don’t even want to talk nonsense with you here, so I’d better hurry up and find Li Yun!”

After Ao Changyue finished speaking, he was about to leave, but was stopped by Ao Changtian.

"Fourth sister, don't worry, I still have some news that I haven't said yet."

"what news?"

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