The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1563 Evacuating Incense Burner Peak

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The incense burners placed in the exhibition hall are all the best of the best, and their value is extremely high. Basically, they are priced with lower-grade spiritual crystals, and some are priced with medium-grade spiritual crystals, or even high-grade spiritual crystals, which is jaw-dropping. .

Ordinary people may not expect that an incense burner can sell for such a high price. However, in the eyes of insiders, there are naturally reasons for its high price.

For example, these incense burners basically have built-in space stones. The larger the internal space, the higher the price will naturally be. In addition, the design appearance, polishing accuracy, quality of materials, etc. can be divided into many prices. range.

In addition, these incense burners have reached the magic weapon level and are excellent defensive magic weapons. The prices vary according to the level.

As everyone walked around, they found that the level of the incense burners was getting higher and higher, and the prices were gradually rising. When they came to the last branch hall, they found that the incense burners inside were really exquisite, and the prices were all marked by the upper-grade spiritual crystals!


"These incense burners look really beautiful and rare!"

"You can't tell it's an incense burner from the outside!"

"Not bad! That one looks sparkling. The material must be extremely rare, so it must be very good to use!"

“I can’t help but want to buy a few!”

"That's right..."

The group of people talked a lot, and they were all a little uneasy.

Unexpectedly, the incense burner master has really reached a very high level in refining incense burners, and the refined incense burners are hard to put down.

Du Lin's eyes lit up when he saw these high-end incense burners. Not only can these incense burners be used by himself, but they can also be sold in the fairy world. It may be an excellent deal, because the real person of the incense burner cannot take them to the fairy world to sell them. Yes, in this way, you can purchase goods at a low price and sell them at a high price. Why not?

When he changed his mind, he naturally wanted to lower the price, so he pointed to an incense burner priced at five pieces of high-grade spiritual crystals and asked: "Boy Incense Burner, your incense burner is so small that it can be held in one hand, but you are selling it for five pieces of high-grade spiritual crystals. Are you crazy because you want to make money?"

"Oh, Immortal, the value of an incense burner cannot be measured by its size. This incense burner is made from a whole piece of relic stone, which is extremely rare!"

"Relic stone? Is there such a stone?" Du Lin was startled.

Others were also a little confused and looked at each other in confusion. They had only heard that eminent monks had relics in their bodies, but they had never heard of relic stones.

The incense burner master stroked his short beard and said proudly: "The great immortal does not know that the relics in the body of the enlightened monk are extremely precious. Naturally, it cannot be used to refine the incense burner. However, under the generated relics, there are relic stones. To put it bluntly, it It is the cornerstone of the relics. Without it, the birth of the relics would not be possible. All nutrients, insights and Taoist ideas are introduced from the relic stone. It is like the spiritual soil in the human body, but it is slightly stronger than the spiritual soil. Therefore it can be used to make incense burners.”

"So that's it..." Everyone suddenly realized, feeling that today was an eye-opener.

The incense burner master continued: "The incense burner made from the relics of the eminent monks can not only nourish the mind, but also the Tao. As time goes by, you may realize the Taoist meaning contained in it. It can be said to be extremely precious, so The relic stone incense burner is hard to find in the spiritual world. If there is one, it will definitely be snapped up, and this one is something that the younger generation can’t bear to part with, so he keeps it for his own use. From time to time, he comes to understand the meaning of it. It has become a habit for the younger generation.”

"So, you are reluctant to sell this furnace?" Du Lin said.

"Hey, if the Immortal wants it, I have no choice but to bear the pain and give it up!" Xianglu Zhenren said with a bit of pain.

He really hesitated to buy this furnace, but he had no choice but to fight for the low-grade immortal stone, and for him, the price of five high-grade spiritual crystals was also extremely high, so he felt it was not a loss.

"Okay! I also like this incense burner very much, so I bought it!" Du Lin said happily.

Upon hearing this, the master of the incense burner quickly agreed and said: "I don't know, but this incense burner is actually very good. It is not only small and exquisite, and can be held in a hand, but it is also made in one piece, and the leftover materials are used as decoration on the outside. There is no waste at all. In addition, the junior was very careful when designing this incense burner, and brought the junior’s ability to curl smoke to the extreme!”

"Smoke is curling up? You might as well give it a try." Du Lin said with interest.


The master of the incense burner responded, and a flash of spiritual light popped up, and he turned on the switch of the incense burner. After a while, smoke began to float out of the incense burner!

"Eh?!" Everyone exclaimed in surprise.

I saw that the smoke in the furnace did not come out in a turbulent manner as usual, but it floated out from around the incense burner gently and rhythmically like dancing.

The smoke is like substance, twisting into many different shapes, some like graceful women, some like strong men, some like streamers, some like flowers, some like clouds, some like waves...


Such smoke seems to be alive, giving people a lifelike feeling and an eye-opener!

"Not bad, not bad! I didn't expect that your kid is so fat but has such a delicate mind. It's really rare!" Du Lin praised.

"Thank you, Immortal!" the incense burner master said proudly.

Lei Mo secretly recorded everything he saw and heard along the way in order to present it as a gift to Li Yuan.

He knew that Li Yun had never been to the incense burner world, and naturally he had never seen the skills of a real incense burner. Recording this process by himself would broaden Li Yun's horizons, which was very necessary. After all, Li Yun was too young and had very little experience. It is limited. As a little slave, I am the nose, eyes and ears of adults. It is necessary to take on this responsibility.

Of course, these incense burners are extremely exquisite, and it is reasonable to buy a few as gifts for adults, so he has already taken a fancy to a few incense burners.

Everyone wandered around this branch hall, deeply intoxicated by the world of incense burner, and greatly admired the achievements of the incense burner master!

Every time Du Lin saw something he liked, he bought it. Unknowingly, he bought nearly half of the incense burners, which made the incense burner very excited, because he could make a lot of money in this way.

Coupled with the purchases made by Lei Mo, Jide and others, this shopping trip can be said to have made a lot of money, which made him feel very happy!

It didn't take long for the branch hall where high-end incense burners were placed to be almost emptied out. Everyone started to go back and choose, buying the ones they thought were good, especially those under Jide's sect. Their financial resources were limited, of course. I can only focus on mid- to low-end incense burners.

Fortunately, Xianglu Zhenren was not a stubborn person, so he gave them a discount, and everyone was very happy!

"Haha, I bought you so many incense burners, you should have money to exchange for this immortal stone now, right?" Du Lin laughed.

"Thank you for your support, Great Immortal! I have already ordered my subordinates to collect spiritual crystals from various places. It is estimated that in a week, I will be able to collect the required amount for exchange, and then I can exchange it for this low-grade immortal stone from the Great Immortal!" said the incense burner master excitedly.

"Okay! Seeing that you are so sincere in helping me exchange immortal stones, I will order another batch of incense burners from you, but they must be provided according to the styles specified by me." Du Lin said.

"Really?!" The incense burner said in surprise.


"No problem! It's just that almost every one of our incense burners is unique, because they are individually designed and refined according to the conditions of the materials. I'm afraid we won't be able to complete it if the immortal specifies it." The incense burner master explained.

"That's it! It seems that your boy is really unique in refining the incense burner. Forget it, I will buy all the incense burners you have here, but only at a preferential price!" Du Lin suddenly said. .

"Don't worry, Great Immortal! I will definitely sell it to the Great Immortal at the lowest price!" the incense burner master said confidently.


The incense burner master was really happy now. There were so many incense burners on hand, some of which were old and second-hand and difficult to sell. Unexpectedly, Du Lin packed them up and asked for them. It was really a blessing from heaven!

It seems that today's decision to exchange for immortal stones is extremely correct. Although there will be a short-term pain of shortage of funds, in the long term, it will not have much impact on the incense burner world, and I own a low-grade immortal stone. This is real. benefit!

The entire Incense Burner Peak was in motion, and everyone was busy helping Du Lin pack the incense burner.

When Ji De saw this heated scene, he secretly regretted it. If he had known that Du Lin was so easy to talk to, he would have gained a lot of benefits if he had agreed. Then this low-grade immortal stone would be his own. How great would it be?

When I thought of this, I couldn't help but glared at Yanqu and Fuqing. These two guys insisted not to change, otherwise they might own a low-grade immortal stone. How much wealth is this?

Yan Qu and Fu Qing both trembled in their hearts and felt a little bad, but at this point, they could only watch the Xianglu master pretending to be cool here.

About a week later, Du Lin wiped out all the incense burners in Xianglu Peak's inventory, and with countless more spiritual crystals on hand, he felt at ease. He left here with Lei Mo, Ji De, Xianglu Zhenren and others, and went to the Jianpao world. And go.

After Master Xianglu heard about the incident in the Wilderness Realm, he was naturally not to be outdone. He immediately asked to follow the Immortal to take a look there. Du Lin agreed because he could help him exchange the Immortal Stone.

But he also wanted to see if Guo Jian could also redeem a fairy stone for him, so he asked Ji De to control the Dade ship and fly to the Jian Cannon World...

Lei Mo took advantage of others' unpreparedness and sent out many letters along the way, all of which were to inform Li Yun of what happened here. It can be said that he was doing his duty faithfully.

But what he didn't know was that every letter was intercepted by Du Lin. However, after reading it, Du Lin felt that it was no big deal and let the letters be sent out. However, he was completely sure that Lei Mo Regarding the relationship with Li Yun, I also know that Li Yun is indeed in the wilderness world at this time, and I don’t know what he is busy with there...

"This kid Li Yun doesn't know the heights of the world, so he dares to stay in the wild world. Didn't he realize that there is a very dangerous danger hidden in the wild world?" Du Lin thought secretly...

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