The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1567 Vermilion butterfly orchid

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"This..." Jin Zhongkui was startled.

To be fair, what this tribesman said is not unreasonable. Those tribesmen have gone to hunt for treasures, and they have not gone very far. This can be detected with the power of his spiritual consciousness.

If this is really the case, then Lei Mo is really despicable!

He doesn't deserve to be respected so much.

Jin Zhongkui had a very good impression of Lei Mo. When he saw Lei Mo last time when he went to Tianlei Peak with his father Jin Chaoyong, he was shocked to see Lei Mo and admired him extremely. He even thought about recognizing him as his master. Unfortunately, Jin Chaoyong was rejected by Jin Chaoyong. blocked.

This time I met Lei Mo again in the wild world, but I didn't expect that there seemed to be something wrong with Lei Mo's words and deeds. If I didn't ask clearly, I would really be sorry for my previous admiration for him.

"Elder Lei, I wonder what your explanation is?" Jin Zhongkui asked.

"Explain? Why do I need to explain?" Lei Mo put on an elder-level air in front of the junior.

"If you don't explain, then we will think that you really want to drive us away and take the treasure for yourself." Jin Zhongkui said helplessly, feeling devastated.

"Haha, even if I want to take the treasure for myself, there is no need to drive you away. Do you think you can still grab the treasure in front of me?" Lei Mo looked up to the sky and laughed, his pride rising to the sky.

"This..." Jin Zhongkui was startled again and suddenly realized.

What Lei Mo said makes sense. People like him are simply insignificant in front of Lei Mo. If you really want to compete with him for the treasure, how can you defeat him?

"The elder is right! Please forgive my nephew for being rude just now! However, the elder can tell us what the danger is here? Where does it come from? Maybe we can handle it, but we are not sure." Jin Zhongkui said quickly.

"Didn't you notice that you felt a little uncomfortable after you came in?" Lei Mo snorted.

"Discomfort? It seems not. On the contrary, I feel very excited now and my whole body feels very comfortable." Jin Zhongkui said suspiciously.

"Oh? Feeling so good? No wonder your little face is so red. Do you really want to have sex with someone else?" Lei Mo teased.

"Elder you?!" Jin Zhongkui's face heated up and he was a little surprised.

He found that he did have some reactions just now,

Unexpectedly, he was singled out by Lei Mo in public, and Lei Mo was still the object of his admiration, and he felt extremely ashamed.

"Haha, look at your face, and the faces of you people, and you will know that what I said is true! If you retreat now, nothing will happen, otherwise..."

"What would happen otherwise?!" Jin Zhongkui asked urgently.

"Hmph, I don't need to tell you what the consequences will be. You can guess it, right?" Lei Mo said coldly.

Jin Zhongkui's consciousness hurriedly scanned the faces of himself and his clan members, and he felt a little bad. These people seemed to have the characteristics of the dragon clan's sexual exuberance, which was obviously a sign of increased levels of dragon ketone secretion. So what consequences Lei Mo said were already obvious. Got it!

"No! Escape quickly!!!" Jin Zhongkui shouted.

"Young Master?!" Those tribesmen were still a little confused.

Moreover, there were many people from the Dragon Clan, such as the Forest Dragon Clan and the Ice Dragon Clan, who did not react for a moment.

"The elder is right! If we stay any longer, there may be a risk of the dragon ketone disaster breaking out. We'd better retreat quickly!" Jin Zhongkui said loudly.

"Isn't it possible? How can it be possible for so many people to suffer from the dragon ketone disaster at the same time? And isn't Elder Lei here too? Why isn't he worried?"

"Yes, young master, you are still too naive!"

"Young Master, let's go hunting for treasures ourselves. How can such a fairyland be dangerous?"

The tribesmen advised him one after another.

The other dragon clan members had been impatient for a long time and found that these people gathered here to talk about this issue, so they simply left first and flew to the depths of the wild world!

Now the people of the Xinlong Clan could no longer hold back anymore. While persuading Jin Zhongkui, they forcefully pulled him away from the top of the mountain and away...

"Elder! Elder!! Elder!!!"

Jin Zhongkui shouted, but his voice became farther and farther away, and soon he could no longer be heard.

Du Lin, who had been silent all the time, now teased: "This little golden-faced man admires you very much. Are you just going to watch him run into the abyss?"

"What do you admire or not admire? The Great Immortal is really joking. Besides, I can't help them if they want to seek their own death." Lei Mo said noncommittally.

"Oh? They are seeking death, but you don't look very worried. Why did you rush to persuade them to go back earlier? Didn't you already know that they were about to have a dragon ketone disaster?"

"How is that possible? I just saw that their faces were abnormal, and it seemed that there was a sign that the dragon ketone disaster was about to break out, so I just reminded them..." Lei Mo argued forcefully.

"Haha! Hahahahaha! Boy Lei, please don't be so harsh. I guess you must have known for a long time that these dragons would be in trouble after entering the wild world, so you urged them to go back, but Now you are not worried at all, maybe there is another reason, otherwise, with your ability, you would have caught them all and wouldn't let them in, right?" Du Lin laughed.

When Lei Mo heard this, his face turned red. Unexpectedly, Du Lin saw through the matter.

He was really anxious before, but after receiving a reminder from Li Yun, he knew that those people would be taken away by Li Yun once the dragon ketone disaster broke out, so he didn't worry anymore.

"They are a group of juniors who don't listen to the old man's words. They will suffer a loss in front of them. It's better to let them have a long memory. I wonder if the immortal will stay here or go hunting for treasures?" Lei Mo changed the subject.

"Well, I originally planned to look for Li Yun here and have a good chat with him, but I didn't sense my spiritual consciousness. I guess Li Yun is not nearby. Now, I have promised to protect that group of humans and will stay here temporarily. Let's stay here." Du Lin said thoughtfully.

"The Great Immortal is really a person who values ​​love and justice! In this case, I will go hunting for treasures on my own."

"Oh? You want to go treasure hunting too?"

"That's right. I'm here now, so I'll just look for it. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to find some." Lei Mo said with a smile.

"I advise you not to go. Don't you find that the wild world is very strange?" Du Lin hummed.

"This... can the Great Immortal please explain in detail?"

Du Lin recounted what he had discovered since entering the wilderness world, and then said: "All the dragons who came in now are missing. Even Ao Changtian and Huang Yimiao who entered before are missing. It is estimated that they may all be killed." Captured by that evil spirit, I'm afraid that if you dare to go there, the result will be the same."

Lei Mo was shocked when he heard this. He didn't expect Du Lin to have discovered so many problems. Fortunately, because he didn't sense his spiritual consciousness, he didn't realize that Li Yun was actually nearby.

However, if he insisted on leaving to hunt for treasure, it would probably arouse his suspicion, so he thought for a while and said: "The immortal's words make sense! It seems that it is better for me, this junior, to stay here!"

"That's right! This place is far away from the evil spirit. It will be quick to leave the wild world. There will be no danger. We will leave when those humans come back." Du Lin nodded.

The two of them agreed to just wander around the area and enjoy the magnificent scenery of the wilderness after the change...

"Sir, aren't you too timid with a sloppy beard?" Xiaoxing said sarcastically.

"No! This shows that he has a profound Taoism. People with profound Taoism have more awe and know how to advance and retreat." Li Yun praised.

"There is a way to test how strong his awe is!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Oh? What can I do?"

"Isn't he hanging out with Xiao Mo now? What if he suddenly finds a fairy grass?"

"This..." Li Yun's eyes lit up.

"Hehe, we used the fairy grass and elixir to lure him. We don't believe he will not enter the depths of the wild world. When the time comes, Scarlet Flame Pearl will catch him." Xiaoxing said with a sinister smile.

"You might as well give it a try. I also want to see what the elixir he concocted is like? Is it really capable of killing soul bugs?" Li Yun praised.

"Hmph, his elixir can only temporarily suppress the soul worms, and it is impossible to kill them! I have tried this method countless times." Xiaoxing said with certainty.

"Well, I guess so too."

The two quickly launched a plan...

Du Lin and Lei Mo were walking to the edge of a cliff when suddenly their faces were slightly startled, their noses were twitching desperately, and they were a little uneasy.

"It smells so good! Great Immortal, have you discovered something?" Lei Mo said curiously, his face also full of intoxication.

"That's right! This fragrance should be emitted by the red butterfly orchid..."

"Vermilion butterfly orchid? What kind of flower is that?" Lei Mo was startled.

"Of course it's a fairy flower! Fairy flower! Do you understand? This flower is not only of great appreciation value, but it can also be used to make tea, medicine, and make elixirs. It has miraculous effects of clearing away heat and detoxifying!" Du Lin said loudly.

"Detoxification? Can it detoxify the poison of dragon ketone?" Lei Mo asked.

"This... dragon ketone is not a poison, but it can also be understood as a type of heat poison, so drinking the scented tea brewed from this flower regularly should have a certain effect." Du Lin thought.

"Great! Let's look for it quickly!" Lei Mo also said excitedly.

Du Lin's spiritual consciousness rolled up and he picked more than a dozen huge vermilion orchid flowers from nowhere. His eyes lit up and he exclaimed: "Oh my God, I didn't expect this flower to be the best?!"

"The best fairy flower?!" Lei Mo exclaimed, his mouth watering.

"Not bad! It's really rare. I have never seen a top-quality red butterfly orchid. I didn't expect to see it here!" Du Lin was so excited that he trembled all over.

Just with these dozen or so top-quality red butterfly orchids, his net worth has expanded dramatically!

If such top-quality fairy flowers are brought to the fairy world, they can definitely be sold at extremely high prices. You must know that the so-called top-quality flowers are almost non-existent and priceless. When someone needs them, they must be bought and used no matter how high the price is.

Therefore, those who have the best fairy flowers should carefully maintain and treasure them even if they are not willing to sell them!

Du Lin immediately took out a dozen jade boxes and carefully put the red butterfly orchids in them. These jade boxes came with spirit gathering arrays that could preserve living things. Of course, since they were fairy flowers, he put them all in the boxes. A piece of low-grade fairy stone, now I can finally feel relieved...

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