The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1576 A gentleman loves money and gets it wisely

Li Yun was secretly happy. Xiao Jing and Xiao Fei were the best among human beings, so it was not surprising that they behaved like this.

Although the human race has a weak body, it has a natural advantage, that is, its brain development is relatively high on average, and its intelligence level is higher than other races such as the demon race, the demon race, the soul race, and the spirit race. Therefore, the human race has a natural advantage. The Xuanling world is established not by pure force, but by wisdom.

In fact, in the vast space of the universe, primate life forms are all races with highly developed brains and high levels of intelligence. They are the main controllers of multiple universes. People in the Xuanling world do not fully understand this. , but Li Jian, as a person who traveled through the previous universe, has a deep understanding of this.

The human race has long conquered countless cosmic spaces relying on its own intelligence. However, in the Xuanling world, due to its particularity, in Li Yun's view, this process has just begun.

Why do you say it has just begun?

This is because the human race is basically in a relatively weak position whether in the various lower realms or in the intermediate interfaces such as the spirit world, the demon world, and the demon world. The most important thing is that they are trapped by the weakness of the body.

However, some geniuses in the human race have now begun to emerge. For example, a large number of high-level human immortals have appeared in the spiritual world, including Xing Zun, Wang Huaixu, Yan Shi, Huang Yimiao, Du Nan, Ning You, Kate and others. Not only are their cultivation levels very high, but the most important thing is that they have reached extremely high levels in their respective fields and have profound Taoist power.

As their power continues to grow, it will be possible for them to overwhelm other traditionally powerful races as a whole. At a certain point, the human race will be able to control the entire mid- to low-level interface.

Of course, Li Yun has not included himself in the calculation. In a certain sense, he does not regard himself as belonging to this world, but to a separate world.

Compared with the Xuanling world, the Tianyun world he is in is a separate world, running independently and not bound by the Xuanling world. The intersection of the two worlds is the Tianyun space, which is like a connecting bridge. , this side of the bridge and that side of the bridge are two completely different worlds.

With Li Yun's current strength and the power he controls, it won't take long for him to control the entire spiritual world, and many people in the spiritual world are still kept in the dark and unaware of this.

If Li is included in the human race in the spiritual world, then the rise of the human race in the spiritual world has not just begun, but has begun to start a prairie fire based on the sparks of people like Xing Zun, Wang Huaixu, and Huang Yimiao. !

The stunning appearance of Fang Zijing and Le Fei completely aroused the interest of everyone present. Everyone watched and chatted enthusiastically...

Not long after, they discovered Ku Cheng, Bian Qing, Bian He, Kang Jian and others one after another.

Xiaoxiang said loudly: "Sir, this is unfair. They can make a lot of money in the wild world, but we can only watch here..."

"Haha, hahahahaha..." Everyone couldn't help laughing.

Xiao Xiang was startled, wondering what everyone was laughing at.

Xiaoxuan teased: "Brother is the steward of the Universiade Palace, do you still care about these treasures? Besides, if they got it, we, the Universiade Palace, didn't get it? Why are you jealous?"

"This... I... Hey, although what you said makes sense, I feel it would be more enjoyable to grab it myself!" Xiao Xiang argued forcefully.

"I think it's more enjoyable to watch the live broadcast here. Look, there's someone over there who wants to rape first and then steal the treasure!" Xiaoxuan shouted.

"What?! Where?!" Xiao Xiang suddenly became energetic, his eyes widened, and he searched for the light curtain everywhere.

"Haha, haha, hahaha..." Xiaoxuan pointed at Xiaoxiang, laughing so hard that tears almost fell.

Seeing everyone laughing so hard, Xiao Xiang finally realized that he had been tricked by Xiao Xuan. His face turned red and his whole body trembled slightly...

"Don't worry, what Xiaoxuan said is really possible!" Xiaoxing said suddenly.

He quickly called up a few scenes and expanded the light curtain. Everyone quickly looked at it and were immediately attracted. They saw many handsome men and beautiful women appearing in these light curtains, gorgeous and charming!

"Eh? Isn't that Fairy Tianshang here?"

"Yes, many of those subordinates are from the Tianshang Performance Team!"

"It seems like someone is targeting them!"

"Tianshang Palace is a medium-sized force, but someone actually wants to rob them?"

"What's the point? Who makes them so attractive?"


In addition to the group of Fairy Tianshang, everyone also discovered Fairy Peach Blossom, Fairy Baiqiao, and Fairy Cuixiang on other light screens...

I don’t know why these fairies came here, but they do gather often. They probably happened to be together when they received the news, so they all came to watch the fun!

Several beautiful fairies brought a group of fancy people to Longmang Wilderness to watch the excitement. This thing sounds a bit unreliable, but it actually happened under everyone's eyes. Thinking about it makes me drunk.

Aren't they afraid of being kidnapped? You know, the people of Dragon Territory have long coveted them...

Li Yun also felt strange in his heart and asked secretly: "Xiao Xing, how did they get here?"

"Sir, they came together. There was a flying boat that appeared with them at that time. It looked like Wang Huaixu's Shu Zun Zhou..."

"Shu Zunzhou? Is Wang Huaixu here too?" Li Yun was startled.

"He is indeed here, and he is still with Yan Shi. They probably played with these fairies and even sent them here."

"What about these two people?"

"They didn't come in. They are still waiting outside the south entrance."

"This is a bit strange! They didn't come in, but Fairy Cuixiang and others broke in. It's really hard to understand..." Li Yun said suspiciously.

"Sir, these two people are indifferent and casual in nature. They don't care about huge treasures at all. They are drinking and having fun in Shuzun's boat, chanting poems and playing the piano. I guess they have an agreement with those fairies, otherwise they would have left long ago!" Xiaoxing smiled.

"That's it!" Li Yun finally understood.

He pondered for a while and said: "I'm afraid things are not that simple. These two people have extremely high Taoist intentions. After coming here, they must have discovered the dangerous evil in the wild world. With their Taoist power and indifferent mentality, they will naturally understand Seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, I chose to stay outside and observe instead of taking risks."

"Your Majesty, what you said makes sense! In comparison, although Huang Yimiao is also very powerful, he is more greedy for money, so he broke in regardless of danger. In this regard, he is still not as good as Wang Huaixu and Yan Shi!" Xiaoxing! smiled.

"Indeed. The barrier of wealth is a double-edged sword on the road to cultivation. It may greatly increase your strength, but it may also cause you to cut yourself or even die." Li Yun nodded.

"In fact, it is not just on the road of cultivation, but also on the road of development of everyone in the mortal world. It is human nature to pursue wealth, but a gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way. The so-called Tao does not only mean that people get wealth. We must follow a certain path and act according to the rules. We must not violate basic morals or violate the agreements that everyone must abide by just to covet wealth. There is no bottom line. Moreover, we must be restrained in taking money. We must know that wealth is shared by everyone in the world, and individuals You can take the right amount to meet your own needs, but if you take in too much wealth, it will only bring disaster to people, not happiness." Xiaoxing said.

"What you said makes sense, but many people still don't understand it, and they don't want to understand it. They wish they could see their wealth skyrocketing every day. The more money, the better, and it would be best to become the richest person in the world... "Li Yun teased.

"Hehe, so, some people will try their best to make money every day by using the power in their hands. Some people take bribes and collude with government and businessmen to prey on the people. Some people take desperate risks and do many evil things... For them, the more money, the better. , they are like ants, carrying all kinds of wealth to their homes, so that in the end their money cannot be used up at all, they even dare not use it, and in the end it all rots..."

"Are you exaggerating?" Li Yun laughed.

"Sir, what the slave said is not an exaggeration! This kind of thing has been recorded in almost all dynasties. Every dynasty will have great corruption and wealthy merchants. The wealth they possess can be said to be the richest in the world at that time. Of course. , some of them are indeed achieved by their personal abilities, but in the process of seeking wealth, there will naturally be some violations of the rules and loss of moral bottom line. Therefore, the end of the wealthy people is generally not too bad. Good, because in the eyes of others, they are not only rich, but also fat sheep, and everyone wants to take a bite..."

"Of course! If you don't have the ability to protect wealth and have so much wealth, this is a mistake in itself! The so-called moral mismatch is not far away. A person's wealth is closely related to his knowledge, status, morality, Mind, luck and many other factors are closely related. Without the corresponding virtue, having too much wealth will definitely cause disaster!" Li Yun agreed.

"So, whether it is the mortal world or the cultivation world, there will often be chaos of sudden wealth and sudden poverty. Some people are okay not being rich, but after becoming rich, they will become poorer, and in the end they will even lose their lives."

"This situation seems to be happening right under our noses..." Li Yun said as he looked at the light screen.

"Indeed. As your Excellency said, wealth is a double-edged sword. Only by practicing to be able to resist its temptation can you achieve your own moral cultivation and live more freely, freely and openly. In turn, the higher your virtue. , people with stronger abilities can also have more wealth. This is a process of matching virtue and status. In the previous universe, there was a dynasty called the Eastern Han Dynasty. There was a man named Yang Zhen, an official. One night , someone came to him and gave him a lot of money before leaving, but he refused. The person who came said, no one knows that you took my money anyway, what are you afraid of? Yang Zhen said..."

"say what?"

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