The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1590 Red Flame and Fire Flame (2)

Chi Yan was startled when he heard the words, and his mind was spinning.

He suddenly realized that he had no qualifications to mention genius in front of Li Yun. When was he in his forties? What were you doing at that time? It seems that I have been sleeping for tens of thousands of years since I was able to transform into a human form. I feel dizzy...

Life is really amazing. Someone can actually have star veins in their forties. This phenomenon may exist in other universes, but in this universe, judging from its development rules, Chi Yan believes that it will never happen. !

Therefore, in his opinion, Li Yun must have come from another universe, and what he didn't know was that his guess turned out to be right!

Of course, Li Yun appeared in front of him now and saved him, so of course he would not tell the guess in his mind.

"Li Yun's situation is indeed special... By the way, you just said that he imparted some insights to you, what were they specifically?" Chi Yan suddenly remembered this.

Without thinking, Huo Yan took out the jade slip Li Yun gave him and handed it over.

Chi Yan's eyes lit up and he took it and started sensing it.

"Eh?!" He suddenly exclaimed.

"Senior, is there something wrong?" Huo Yan asked quickly.

"'s okay, it's okay..." Chi Yan mumbled and continued sensing.

Soon, his expression changed a little, as if he was thinking about something.

Huo Yan looked at Chi Yan's expression and felt a little bad in his heart. He wondered if there was something wrong with the information in the jade slip. If so, could it be that Li Yun had made a mistake and he had also practiced wrongly? Already?

He has this idea, which shows that his worship of Li Yun has not yet reached the point of being completely devoted. In fact, it is normal. After all, his level is extremely high, and it takes much longer to deepen the contract of heaven. Moreover, Li Yun He has never been treated as a slave, but has always been treated and interacted with as an elder. This was clearly stated to Huo Yan when Li Yun entered the Universiade Palace.

In fact, Li Yun has always treated and interacted with many veteran powerful people in the Universiade Palace as elders, and did not use them as subordinates. To him, the power of the Universiade Palace is not just What belongs to him alone actually belongs to everyone, especially these veteran powerful men and immortals who join the palace. Each of them is the pillar of the Universiade Palace and is very important.

Therefore, if they want to join the Universiade Palace, Li Yun welcomes them, and if they want to leave the Universiade Palace, Li Yun will also send them off without any complaints.

The world of Xuanling is constantly developing and changing, and people's hearts cannot remain static. The contract of heaven can bring people together in one force, but of course it can also separate them, because even heaven itself is constantly developing in cycles. Maybe countless years later, There will be no heavenly contract like the master-slave-master-servant agreement, and everything will begin a new chapter.

Naturally, Huo Yan would not think of going so far. What he was thinking of was that he had just casually taken out the jade slip that Li Yun had given him and showed it to Chi Yan. This move seemed very inappropriate, but he desperately wanted to get it from Chi Yan. Yan received advice or guidance here because his pursuit of the inheritance of the fire system was so strong in his heart. This desire has far exceeded the constraints of his own heavenly contract as Li Yun's slave.

What he didn't know was that Chi Yan found himself frightened by the concept of spiral star power proposed by Li Yun!

"Spiral star power?! How is this possible..."

Of course, Chi Yan was fully qualified to judge the power of chaos. However, he felt a little timid about the star power, because the star power proposed by Li Yun in the jade slips was almost all-encompassing and came from all the stars in the starry sky. Power, which even includes star power from other universes. Can all those star powers be sensed?

Even if you can sense it, can you really introduce all the star veins in your body for cultivation?

Regarding the concept of star veins, Chi Yan also overheard it recently while observing Li Yun. At that time, he was a little confused. He felt that he had been in a coma for so long and that something great had developed in the outside world. , so I felt a little guilty, and of course I was also very curious.

Now, in the jade slip that Huo Yan took out, he finally saw Li Yun's explanation in more detail, and this explanation made him feel as if he had found a treasure!

For him, cultivating the energy of chaos requires at least a level above Daluo Jinxian. Only by reaching this level can the immortal veins in his body be able to withstand the power of chaos and slowly cultivate.

Therefore, Huo Yan's current level cannot cultivate the power of chaos, and of course it is impossible to obtain his fire inheritance.

However, the star veins proposed by Li Yun are far more powerful than Daluo Jinxian. Of course, they can cultivate the energy of chaos, which greatly exceeds his common sense of cultivation.

Moreover, what shocked him even more was that the star veins Li Yun mentioned were spiral star veins, and the star power was spirally compressed and operated in the body!

"Oh my god! What's going on?! Spiral it really possible?" Chi Yan felt a little confused.

"Senior, this should be no problem, right?" Huo Yan said carefully.

"Why is there no problem? Try spiralizing your immortal energy!" Chi Yan said loudly.

"Of course this...junior can't do it, but..."

"But what?"

"Li Yun can do it!"


"It's absolutely true! This junior has seen him attack several times. The strength is simply unimaginable, and the immortal power in it has an extremely strong spiral force. The person caught by him has almost no power to fight back, and even struggles It’s all difficult. And…”

"And what?!"

"This junior is Li Yun's favored slave, so he has come into contact with his body and once detected it..."

"How is it?" Chi Yan's eyes widened.

"This... the immortal veins in his body are extremely strong. The nine kinds of immortal energy inside are all spirally compressed and running. They are extremely strong. This junior feels as weak as a small fish in front of him..."

"Isn't it?!" Chi Yan screamed, feeling a little uneasy.

If Li Yun really reaches that level as Huo Yan said, then his evaluation of Li Yun will be overturned and he will have to start over again!

Now it seems that Li Yun has not only reached an incredible level in Taoist cultivation, but also has reached a level in immortal power cultivation, or star power cultivation, that even he could not imagine. This really makes Chi Yan feel Incredible, even a little scary!

It is true that there are geniuses in this world, but when a genius reaches such a monster level, it makes people feel scared!

"Oh, senior, listen to what Li Yun said, this wild world is the external world that reflects your internal world. All our activities here are actually within your induction. Haven't you been able to see Li Yun's feelings until now? Is it awesome?" Huo Yan asked curiously.

"Oh? Li Yun really said that?!" Chi Yan was startled.

"Yes! Because of this, after Li Yun treated you in the central area last time, he did not rush to leave. Instead, he continued to repair the ecological environment of the wild world around the central area. His intention was to repair the outer areas. That means your internal world has been repaired and can achieve the same effect without affecting your own process of building the internal world. This time, so many people came in and destroyed the southern area. Li Yun asked me to start arresting people. He himself has captured all the dragon clan members, and now he wants to capture others to prevent them from damaging this area too much, and in order not to affect your recovery process," Huo Yan explained.

"This... How can Li Yun be so discerning at such a young age? How can he know so much?" Chi Yan said in surprise.

"Senior, junior has long said that for Li Yun, you should no longer regard him as a young human monk in his forties, otherwise you will be surprised all the way! You'd better regard him as a human being. Forget about being a great master in the world of immortals, this will definitely be much better!" Huo Yan said with a proud smile.

"Well, what you said makes sense! However, even a great master in the Immortal Realm would probably be difficult to compare with the current Li Yun... Those who can see that the Wild Realm is my external world, I'm afraid that Not even that two-dollar item!" Chi Yan sighed.

There was a flash of inspiration next to him, and a light curtain appeared: "You're right! It's true that you can't see it!"

"Hmph, I didn't expect that a kid like you could admit this, but I can't say that you are self-righteous." Chi Yan said not surprised.

"Thank you so much! I'm afraid there are only ten people in the immortal world who can see this. I don't know how Li Yun knew it. When I think of this, I can't sleep." Guangmu sighed.

"Haha, hahahahaha... I never thought that a person like you, who boasts of knowing everything in the world, would be so helpless..." This time it was Huo Yan who laughed.

The light curtain disappeared automatically without saying a word.

"Senior, Li Yun knows a lot of things. This junior has been following him and learned many new things from him. You should also have seen our Xingyun No. 1, right?"

"That's right! I really like that battleship!" Chi Yan's eyes lit up and he nodded.

"Haha, seniors don't know something. Xingyun No. 1 is just the early product of our Universiade Palace. There is also Xingyun No. 2 that is ten times more powerful, and..."

"And what?!" Chi Yan said in shock.

"Moreover, Li Yun is still building Xingyun No. 3. This Xingyun No. 3 may not even be believed by you."


"This is a battleship as huge as a planet. It is adapted to fly in interstellar space. It is not only as fast as lightning, but also as powerful as a planet. It is said that even interstellar meteorite groups can easily swallow it in, let alone attack the target!" Huo Yan said so hard that his mouth watered.

"Isn't this impossible?!" Chi Yan was stunned, and his mind was spinning.

"What's impossible?"

"Boy, don't even think about it. To build a battleship as big as a planet, you must at least have a space as big as a planet! How big can your Universiade Palace be? Even if you add the internal space, how can it be that big? Space baby?!"


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