The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1607 Denounce the Lin Clan

Fairy Yimei was stunned when she heard this. She didn't expect that Ning You and the others would be even worse. Not only were they driven out, but all their gains in the wild world were taken back.

She quickly sensed the space in her body and found that all the gains were still there, and she couldn't help but secretly rejoice!

"Are all your people okay?" Fairy Yimei still asked with "concern".

"Fortunately! That Qilin is only greedy for money. He only wants money at the expense of his life, so we all escaped..." Ning You sighed.

"Gee, it's good that people are fine, just spend money to eliminate disasters. I wonder if you know where that fire unicorn came from? Could it be that he is living in seclusion in the wild world?" Fairy Yimei said with a sweet smile.

"It's very possible! It is estimated that the central area is his retreat, and the flint rain on the outside was also arranged by him." Ning You analyzed.

"Oh my god! This fire unicorn is so domineering and greedy for money! One person occupies the entire wilderness world. How can this be justified? We must publish this news and let more people know about it. Let’s fight against him together!” Fairy Yimei said fiercely.

"Hey, Fairy, this is a very good idea. No matter how powerful he is, he can't stand against the large number of us. Besides, he won't even spare the Dragon Clan. If he catches them all, the Dragon Clan will also have objections to him..." Ning You muttered.

"I see, no wonder I didn't see a single dragon in there! This time we were all frightened by the fire unicorn, and they were all swallowed by him, but they were somehow released later and survived! It is shameless to not avenge such a big enemy. Moreover, as an auspicious beast, how could the Fire Qilin do such a thing? We must expose his matter so that everyone can comment!" Fairy Yimei continued.

In terms of intelligence, the nine-tailed fox clan is extremely high, not to mention that Fairy Yimei is their ancestor. This time she was greatly frightened in the wild world, and she was angry and had already begun to plan how to avenge this. , Therefore, when they heard that Ning You and the others were also expelled by the Fire Qilin, they immediately started to encourage them.

"What the fairy said makes sense, why don't you follow me to Baoguang City first, and then contact Tianji Palace to discuss it together?" Ning You said.

"Giggle, I'll do as you say!" Yimei smiled, feeling extremely proud.

Suddenly, both of them turned their heads and looked into the distance, and found three more flying boats approaching from the distance. A closer look revealed that they were Ji De's Dade Ship, Xian Luren's Xian Lu Ship, and Kate's Baojia Ship.

The three ships seemed to have discovered them, and soon came nearby and stopped.

A figure appeared, and he was quite handsome, with a red face, sword-shaped eyebrows and big eyes.

With long hair shawl, a light beard, a red robe inlaid with gold, and a close-fitting armor under the robe, she looks extremely capable, it is Kate.

"Brother Ning, Fairy Yi, are you here?" Kate said.

Figures flashed next to him, and the chubby Xiang Lu Zhenren and Jide, who had a rather slovenly appearance and looked similar to Ning You's attire, also appeared.

"Looking at the direction you are heading, are you also coming back from the wild world?" Ning You asked suspiciously.

" indeed true!" Kate responded.

"Could it be that... he was also driven out by that fire unicorn?!" Ning You asked again.

"Brother Ning, how do you know?!" the three of them exclaimed almost simultaneously.

"Haha, hahaha, it seems that everyone's fate is similar. The same is true for Yi Xianzi and I. We are discussing to organize some powerful people to jointly go to the wilderness world to seek an explanation!" Ning You laughed.

"Excuse me?!" The three of them were startled.

Fairy Yimei interjected: "That's right! That fire unicorn is an auspicious beast, but it deployed a fire and stone rain formation to block the wild world. It killed an unknown number of people. This time, it also robbed our belongings and drove us all out. , trying to monopolize the wilderness world, such a fire unicorn that is both greedy for money and life-threatening is definitely not the image of an auspicious beast in the minds of all the tribes in the spiritual world. If the unicorn tribe cannot come out and give an explanation, we can apply to the fairy world and let them help We have eliminated the image of Qilin as an auspicious beast!"

Everyone's eyes widened when they heard this, their faces were a little red, and they were obviously very excited. It seemed that they had never heard of such a thing. If it could really be done, it would definitely make them famous, and maybe it would. Leave a lasting mark in the history of the spiritual world!

"The fairy said so well!"

"Yes, it's time to question and punish that abominable Fire Qilin, no, the entire Qilin clan!"

"This time, not only a few of us, but also nearly a thousand small and medium-sized forces were driven out by him, and some people even died..."

"Without further delay, contact Tianji Palace immediately and notify people from all major forces to discuss it!"

"Don't forget about the Dragon Clan, Monster Clan, Demon Clan, and Spirit Clan too!"

"That's right..."

The few people became more and more excited as they talked, and soon returned to Baoguang City, and invited Ma Yuan, the master of the Tianji Palace here, to discuss it together...

Ma Yuan is fat and round, with a round face that is quite cheerful. He is wearing a red robe and has five stars embroidered on his left chest, which shows his high status in the Tianji Palace.

After being invited to the Baoguang Hall, I found that there were three divine domain masters Ning You, Kate and Fairy Yimei present, as well as powerful people like Ji De and Xianglu Zhenren. I suddenly felt that the level of this meeting was extremely high and I did not dare to neglect it. I saluted: "I have met all the Territory Lords and Realm Lords. I wonder what the issue is?"

Fairy Yimei couldn't wait to briefly explain the situation, and finally said: "The behavior of that fire unicorn is simply evil to both humans and gods. We hope that Mr. Xingzun can come out and uphold justice, and we must let Linyu give us an apology!"

"So this is what happened..." Ma Yuan thought to himself.

In fact, he had known about this for a long time. Someone from Tianji Palace also sneaked into the wilderness world. In the end, they had the same fate as Yimei and others, being driven out by Huo Qilin.

Now, Tianji Temple is editing the information and preparing to put it on the shelves.

However, Ma Yuan did not expect that people like Fairy Yimei would actually come up with this method. Isn't this the rhythm of making trouble?

For Tianji Palace, what they are afraid of is that there is no source of news. What they are least afraid of is making trouble. The bigger the trouble, the better, and then they can make a lot of money. Therefore, Ma Yuan is secretly happy in his heart. If this matter is really organized, it will definitely happen. It can set off a wave of crusade in the spiritual world. No matter how it ends, the gains from Tianji Palace will definitely be great!

"Lord Yizun is absolutely right! That Fire Qilin is so abominable. If we don't teach him a lesson and don't let Linyu give an explanation to all our clans in the spiritual world, it will be unjustifiable in any case!" Ma Yuan said with emotion! .

"What the Palace Master said is very much to my liking! However, this matter still needs the help of your Tianji Palace before it can be organized. Please report it to Lord Xingzun as soon as possible," Fairy Yimei said urgently.

"Don't worry, sir! I'll go back immediately to report to Mr. Xingzun. If there is a reply, I will come and let you know as soon as possible!" After Ma Yuan finished speaking, he saluted everyone again and then hurried back.

Not long after, Ma Yuan came back again, with a smile on his face and said: "My lords, Xingzun has agreed, our Tianji Palace will fully cooperate with this operation, and I also ask your lords to report what you saw in the wild world, Tell us everything you heard and experienced in detail so that we can better mobilize our manpower and act in a unified manner!"

"No problem!" Ning You said.

Several people quickly wrote down everything they saw in the wild world and handed it over to Ma Yuan.

After Ma Yuan returned to Tianji Hall, he immediately synthesized information from all sources and drafted a memorandum to denounce the Lin Clan. Then, he distributed this memorandum through the branches of Tianji Hall to all races in every interface of the God's Domain, even the Lin Clan. exception.

This memorandum was written with great literary talent and was highly inflammatory. At the same time, it was followed by information about the wild world, which has beautiful scenery, abundant products, and spiritual herbs, spiritual flowers, spiritual trees, and spiritual medicines everywhere. It was simply a twist. You can pick up treasures when you are taller than your waist. This configuration is of course intended to increase the understanding of all walks of life and tribes in the spiritual world about the wilderness world, and at the same time, make them more active in participating in the denunciation of the wilderness world.

Because, if the condemnation is successful, there will undoubtedly be great rewards!

It can be said that Ma Yuan and the others racked their brains and tried their best to come up with this memorandum. It was quickly praised by Xingzun and distributed as quickly as possible...

The effect is obvious!

Wherever the message went, it immediately aroused the interest of the domain lords, world lords and leaders of various races. They sent representatives one after another, or set out in person to gather in the Treasure God Domain close to the Dragon Domain.

This is the rendezvous point designated by the proclamation, called "Xinglong City". Because it is the junction of the human world and the dragon realm, it is built to be extremely majestic, solid and extraordinary!

Ning You made great arrangements to receive the powerful people from all over the country. Since these people were a mixed crowd, it was inevitable that some disputes among them would not be resolved, so he introduced regulations to maintain order and prohibit fighting, and also created a strong ban. Using the empty formation method, a patrol team was organized, with younger brother Ning Rui as the captain, patrolling the city.

Kate, Yimei, Ji De, Xianglu and others also contributed money and efforts to build Xinglong City, making it appear impregnable.

Ning You suddenly realized that it would be a good idea to take this opportunity to upgrade the protection level of Xinglong City again. At least he could feel more at ease in the future. After all, the Treasure God Realm was often violated by those crazy dragons, and the injuries were the most serious.

After a while, great power began to arrive.

Guo Jian and some other realm masters from the Xiangjian Cannon Realm were the first ones to arrive, followed by the powerful experts from the adjacent Baojia Divine Realm, including Fang Zijing, Ku Cheng, Bian Qing, Bian He, Kang Jian and Le Fei. The others were followed by Fairy Cuixiang, Fairy Peach Blossom and Fairy Baiqiao. As soon as the three of them heard the news, they immediately turned back halfway and rushed over. For them, it would be simply unreasonable for them not to participate in such a thing. impossible.

More powerful people came later, such as Huang Yimiao, Wang Huaixu, and Yan Shi. Of course, there were also the singing fairy Luoli, the dancing fairy Youmeng fairy, and the cooking fairy Dunan...

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