The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1609 Star Lord

The figure flashed, and I saw a person appearing in front of the flying boat. He was wearing a star crown, long hair hanging down his waist, a handsome face, wearing a star robe, and holding a feather fan in his right hand. His expression was indifferent with a slight smile. It's the legendary Star Lord!

When Ning Rui saw Xing Zun, a trace of intoxication flashed across his face involuntarily, his heart skipped a beat, and he felt extremely uneasy.

He quickly took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down so as not to make a fool of himself. He never thought that he could be regarded as a rare powerful person in the human race, but when facing the Star Lord, his mind was still attracted by him. He was simply too weak!

Only now did he realize that a person's name and the shadow of a tree always made sense. Xing Zun was so strong that he couldn't see it at all. He could only sigh in despair, unable to catch up.

Xing Zun's whole body seemed to be shrouded in a faint halo, making him look more jade, more radiant, and unstoppable in charm. Ning Rui's breathing had long become extremely heavy, and the people under him were even more unbearable. When Xingzun came out, "plop", "plop" and "plop", all of them fell to their knees and shouted "Sir Xingzun!"

"Okay, okay! Everyone, get up! This is not a formal occasion, no need to be polite!" Xingzun stroked his beard and smiled.

Everyone felt a breeze blowing by, and they all stood up involuntarily. The spiritual energy in their bodies circulated smoothly. After exhaling a breath of turbid air, they suddenly felt comfortable all over, and all their pores were opened. It was so refreshing!


Everyone secretly shouted in their hearts, admiring Xingzun even more. Everyone showed reverence on their faces and offered their most devout faith!

"Thank you, Mr. Xingzun! Please follow me into the city!" Ning Rui saluted.

"That's very good!" Xingzun nodded.

Ning Rui ordered his men to continue patrolling, and he led Xing Zun and his party towards the city...

"Why is there warm wind blowing out of this city? Is there geothermal heat in the city?" Xingzun soon noticed that some hot wind was blowing towards his face, so he asked.

"Your Excellency, you don't know. Xinglong City is close to the Dragon Territory, and there are strong winds all year round. But now there are so many powerful people gathered in the city, and there are many people under them. The heat is amazing, and it is normal for hot wind to blow out. Something." Ning Rui explained.

"That's it! I didn't expect everyone to be so enthusiastic and enthusiastic. It seems that this operation is a sure thing..." Star Lord stroked his beard and smiled.

"That's right. Everyone is waiting for you, sir, to take charge of the overall situation soon! With your resourcefulness, you will definitely come back with a great victory when you denounce the Lin clan!" Ning Rui said flatteringly.

"Xiao Rui's words are wrong.


"Is this junior wrong?"

"Of course. Although I am somewhat resourceful, I am not suitable to be the leader." Xingzun said.

"Oh? It's not you, sir, but I really can't see who is the most suitable person to take the position!" Ning Rui said excitedly.

Xingzun looked at him, and a smile flashed across his face. He knew that Ning Rui must be fascinated by him, but of course he would not have any thoughts about taking slaves from him, because Ning Rui himself was opening a mansion to take slaves. , then shook his head and said: "In general, in such a large-scale operation, a wise person is not suitable to be the leader, but is suitable to observe from the sidelines and provide strategies, so that he can play a greater role. As a leader, Their temperament needs to be courageous, combative, and responsible, and their virtues must also convince the public..."

"This..." Ning Rui couldn't help but fall into deep thought as he listened, feeling that what Xing Zun said was very true.

He thought for a while and asked: "I wonder who Lord Xingzun thinks is the most suitable person to take the lead?"

"Have the people in the city not been selected yet?" Xing Zun asked curiously.

"I haven't heard of it yet. Everyone should be waiting for you to host it, sir."

"This... we'd better rush there as soon as possible. I already know who this person is, and I'll discuss it with them later."


The two of them and a group of people from the Star Palace behind them headed towards the center of Xinglong City...

Looking at the backs of the group of people heading forward, Li Yun said thankfully: "It's so dangerous..."

"Xing Zun, this guy, almost discovered the secret. Fortunately, Ning Rui helped us solve the problem." Xiao Xing said happily.

In fact, both Ning Rui and Xing Zun had noticed the problem of heat flow just now, but Li Yun and Xiao Xing both believed that Ning Rui would never have thought that this was the result of setting up the hot circle of divine consciousness.

However, Xingzun is different. With his great power, any abnormality may attract his attention, and with his smart brain, it is very likely that he can think of many things, and maybe he will discover this secret. .

Fortunately, Ning Rui gave an excellent explanation, which made Xing Zun "suddenly realize", and the matter ended like this.

Li Yun thought of Xing Zun explaining the leader's temperament to Ning Rui, and couldn't help but said with joy: "Xing Zun is so cunning!"

"Hey, with Ning Rui's brain, how can he possibly understand Xingzun's thoughts? What's more, he was fascinated by Xingzun early in the morning, and his whole head is a mess." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"That's right. Xingzun obviously doesn't want to be the leader. What he likes most is to incite others to make trouble so that he can hide behind and count money happily." Li Yun agreed.

Both of them could almost see through Xing Zun's thoughts at a glance. In fact, only people like Li Yun, who had been raised as piglets by Tianji Palace for a long time, could do this. Most people simply could not see through Xing Zun's "deep" heart.

Li Yun has long discovered that no matter what he does, Tianji Temple can always squeeze out a lot of wealth from his information in the end, and this information becomes more and more expensive and sells better, allowing them to make a lot of money. Full.

The two of them were full of interest and followed Xingzun's movements closely. They saw him smiling, looking aloof like a master, full of aura, and radiantly arriving in front of the Baoguang Hall. Inside The people had already discovered it, came out to welcome him, and walked into the hall with Xingzun surrounded.

Xing Zun's spiritual consciousness scanned slightly and he had a panoramic view of all the people here, and his thoughts were turning secretly.

For Xingzun, he has a sharp vision, is good at taking the long term, fishing for big fish, and is also good at raising pigs. Even if he raises piglets from a young age, he still enjoys it. It is no wonder that the entire Tianji Temple is thriving under his layout and control. , branch halls are spread all over the spiritual world and multiple lower realms, no one dares to be disrespectful to the Tianji Hall.

Being able to do this, it can be said that Xingzun is almost at the pinnacle of the spiritual world. Therefore, the participants in this operation all believed that he should lead everyone in the condemnation.

However, with Xingzun's cunning and deep heart, he will not take the initiative to take the blame. You must know that the Lin Clan is not easy to mess with. Many interface wars have been saved by the Lin Clan fighting to the death. In the spirit world, that's why the Lin tribe has been given the title of auspicious beast or blessed beast, and is admired and loved by people in the spirit world!

This time, I don’t know what happened to the fire unicorn in the wild world. Xingzun discovered from the sky monitoring that it is extremely powerful. I am afraid that no one in the spiritual world can beat it, even himself.

Therefore, Xingzun never thought about being the scapegoat from the beginning. In his opinion, this matter was just a farce, and he was just here to add fuel to the flames, and he just took a handful and left!

Everyone pushed and pushed, and finally everyone took their seats. Xingzun was naturally placed in the upper seat. Sitting in the upper seat were Wang Huaixu, Yan Shi, Ning You, Qing Mu, Bai Dan, Guang Hui, Huang Yimiao, and Du Nan. , Kate, Yingkun, Guiwu, Xiaobai, Zhenrong, Luoli, Youmeng Fairy, Yimei Fairy and others, it can be said that the fairies gathered together and the fairy light was shining!

Of course, these so-called great immortals are all high-level immortals, not real immortals. The immortal veins in their bodies have not yet been truly formed, some even have not even 1%, and the immortal bodies have not been fully tempered. Some people have gone to After surviving the tribulation and forming a half-immortal body, this is already excellent!

Among them, those who formed half of the immortal bodies were Xing Zun, Qing Mu, Ying Kun, Gui Wu, Xiao Bai and Zhen Rong. It can be said that these six people are the real top loose immortals among them, with outstanding strength.

Of course, among the people who came to Xinglong City at this moment, there are still a dozen top loose immortals, that is, high-level loose immortals who already have half of the immortal body. However, they do not want to show their faces or show their strength. With their abilities, if they do not want to let People know their strength, even Star Lord cannot detect it.

However, these hidden top loose immortals could not escape Xiaoxing's surveillance. He recorded them all and followed them closely.

"Sir, that's great! I've really gained a lot this time. Just discovering these hidden powers is worth a lot of money!" Xiaoxing said excitedly.

"I didn't expect that there are so many top-notch immortals hidden in the spiritual world. I'm afraid even Xingzun himself didn't think of it? We have to follow them carefully." Li Yun said with a smile.

"No problem! According to Xiaonu, this operation actually only affects a part of the spirit world. Many realms may not have received the message from Tianji Palace yet! Judging from the information from Tianji Palace, the spirit world It’s so vast that not even the Immortals can complete it.”

"Yes, maybe Linyu has not received the information until now, and he didn't know that there would be so many people coming to investigate!" Li Yun agreed.

"Linyu was indeed shot while lying down this time. It was all Xiao Yan who caused them trouble. This guy didn't use any other tricks, but used the light and shadow of a unicorn to scare people. He never wanted to cause trouble to his descendants. It's trouble." Xiaoxing said.

"He himself wouldn't think so. Didn't you see how proud he was and how much he looked at it with gusto? He was simply afraid that the world would not be chaotic!"

"Hehe, he must think that this is a trivial matter. With him behind him, he can ensure that everything is under control, so he has such a mentality of watching the show, but..."

"But what?"

"If this matter involves the possibility that the Lin clan's aura of auspicious beasts will be cancelled, then he will regret it to death!"

"Oh? Do you think this is possible?" Li Yun was startled.

"It's not impossible. Because this title is awarded by the upper level interface, that is to say, the title of auspicious beast in the spiritual world is awarded and recognized by the fairy world. There must be some specific provisions in it. If the Lin clan is confirmed If you do not comply with some specific terms, you will face the risk of being revoked from this title..."

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