The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1624 Go grab the medicine in advance

"Liu Feng?! Li Yun?!" Du Lin was extremely shocked.

Speaking of Liufeng, he came to the Dade fleet to find him. Unexpectedly, Liufeng seemed to actually appear!

But the way it appeared surprised him so much that he couldn't believe it.

"Senior, you can't be wrong! Now I think about it, the robes worn by those Dragon Clan people are almost the same style, and the designs are extremely exquisite, exactly the same as the design style of the Universiade Palace's robes, so these people should They are all members of the Dragon Clan who have invested in the Universiade Palace!" Huang Yimiao said fiercely with his little eyes flashing.

"So, Li Yun has been following us?! It's impossible. I've been paying attention all the way. If there is a flying boat from the Universiade Palace following our fleet, it will definitely be discovered!" Du Lin said suspiciously.

"They may also fly ahead of us. After all, our flight route is basically public. Otherwise, they would not be able to purchase medicinal materials ahead of us." Huang Yimiao guessed.

"This...that's what it is!" Du Lin suddenly realized.

After some discussion, the two basically analyzed Li Yun's actions. However, what they never expected was that Xingyun No. 1 basically used ghost flight to follow the Dade fleet all the way. Every time He will take action first when he is approaching the medicine base. It can be said that he is very precise and ruthless.

Regarding Li Yun's drug grabbing operation, Du Lin and Huang Yimiao could be said to have nothing to do at first, but after basically clarifying the matter, it will definitely be helpful for the next drug purchase operation, so the two of them discussed while But he went to the main hall of Nongjia City...

"Sir, they finally found us!" Xiaoxing laughed.

"Alas, there is always something missing in every hundred secrets. It's only a matter of time! But the two of them didn't think of searching for souls to identify the people who bought the medicine until now. It's really speechless..." Li Yun teased.

"Hey, how could they have imagined that someone would dare to steal medicinal materials from them? It would be great if they could react."

"Indeed. Now that this matter has been exposed, we can no longer act, otherwise we will be asking for trouble." Li Yun said.

"Let them be happy for a few days. It's not far from Linyu anyway, eh?!" Xiaoxing suddenly shouted.


"My little slave found some fire unicorns!"

"What? Where?!"

"Right in Nongjia City!"

Xiaoxing quickly adjusted the light curtain,

Zooming in, I saw several people wandering around the medicinal materials market, constantly asking what...

Li Yun took a closer look and found that these people were really from the Fire Qilin clan. Now he was very familiar with the Fire Qilin clan and could recognize them almost at a glance.

He immediately reminded Dexian that because people from the Lin tribe rarely went out, it was extremely rare for such a large number of people to come to the outside world. If they were discovered, it would probably cause an uproar.

"Kunzhi?!!!" Dexian looked quickly and screamed.


"He is the one who takes the lead. He is a Lin King in his clan, and the following people are his disciples." Dexian said.

"It looks like they want to purchase medicinal materials. Could it be due to lack of medicine?" Li Yun guessed.

"That should be the case. If it weren't for the extreme shortage, it would be impossible for the clan to send people out to buy medicine." Dexian agreed.

"We have bought all the medicinal materials, and it is impossible for them to buy them. Moreover, I can detect that Kunzhi is suffering from a plague, and it is quite serious!" Li Yun said.

"What? How about bringing them here, little slave? If he misses the opportunity for treatment, a plague will break out and it will be troublesome!" Dexian said anxiously.

"Don't worry, it's not that fast! Du Lin and Huang Yimiao's consciousness now covers the entire Nongjia City. If there is any slight movement, they may discover it, so it's better to ignore them for now."

"Shall I remind them first, little slave?"

"No need! If you remind him, Kunzhi will act strangely, and he will definitely be discovered by Du Lin's immortal consciousness. At that time, they will fall into the hands of the denunciation army and become one of their means of negotiation."

"This..." Dexian was startled.

Fortunately, Li Yun reminded me of this issue, otherwise it would have been a mistake.

He, Dezhang, Dechang and others stared at Kunzhi and the others closely, praying secretly in their hearts...

Li Yun and Xiaoxing monitored the actions of Du Lin and Huang Yimiao and found that the two men did not follow the dragon people who bought the medicine, but instead went to Jing Nong's palace. They couldn't help but feel relieved!

Because those dragon slaves have not actually gone far and have not returned to Xingyun No. 1. Therefore, if Du Lin and Huang Yimiao continue to pursue them, they may catch some of them, and they will Will fall into passivity.

The situation is of course different now. He can let these dragon slaves continue to purchase medicinal materials, and even go to the source of the medicinal materials to purchase them, because the denunciation army does not seem to be planning to leave soon.

"Xiaoxing, these two people give up tracking so easily, isn't it too easy for us?" Li Yun said with a smile.

"My little slave also felt a little strange. Why did they give up tracking after they guessed that the person who was rushing to buy the medicine was an adult? As a result, I prepared a lot of means to deal with them..." Xiaoxing said.

"Maybe they are guessing that we have left! Didn't Huang Yimiao just say that we might be flying ahead of them so that we can always buy medicines ahead of them?"

"That should be the case! They will definitely not think that we have been flying beside them, but we are flying invisible. Xiaonu estimates that Du Lin and Huang Yimiao will take corresponding countermeasures next!"

"What countermeasure?"

"Let's go early! In their opinion, the only way to purchase medicinal materials is to run ahead of us, so they are looking for Qing Mu and the others now, probably just to talk about this." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"It makes sense! Let's wait and see."

"But even so, they can't buy any medicinal materials." Xiaoxing added.

"But why? We don't want to fight with them."

"Sir, why do you think Kunzhi and the others are here?"

"Yes!" Li Yun's eyes lit up.

Kun Zhi and others came out to look for medicinal materials, and they must have found them all the way here. Even if there were some in front, they must have looted them. Therefore, Du Lin and Huang Yi Miao running to the front must be in vain.

"Hehe, they will definitely doubt whether their previous judgment was wrong again." Xiao Xing said happily.

"I can't wait to see how they look when the time comes." Li Yun praised with a smile.

Sure enough, as Xiaoxing expected, Du Lin and Huang Yimiao went to Jinnong Hall and hurried out not long after, taking a group of people on the Danxian Boat and setting off first!

When Li Yun and Xiao Xing saw this scene, they laughed so hard that they almost shed tears...

Xiaoxiang noticed that Li Yun was smiling happily and asked quickly: "Sir, what's the fun?"

"Didn't you see that Du Lin and Huang Yimiao left?" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Hmph, these two guys have always wanted to grab medicinal materials from us, and now they probably want to run ahead and strike first!" Xiao Xiang said fiercely.

"Huh? That's good!" Li Yun was startled and praised.

He didn't expect Xiao Xiang to be able to see this.

"Sir, our Xingyun No. 1 is much faster than theirs. We might as well catch up and buy it first, leaving them stunned!" Xiaoxiang encouraged.

"No need! There are no medicinal materials ahead, we can fly leisurely..."

"How do you know, sir?" Xiao Xiang asked curiously.

Others also looked at Li Yun in surprise.

Li Yun explained Xiaoxing's analysis just now, which made Xiaoxiang and the others suddenly realize.

"Okay, now that these two people have left, we can pick up Kunzhi and the others and ask them." Li Yun said to Dexian.

"Yes, sir!"

Dexian hurriedly stepped out, and not long after, Kunzhi and others were brought to Xingyun No. 1.

Kunzhi didn't expect to meet the long-lost elder Dexian in Nongjia City, and he was really shocked!

Surprised, without much thought, he led a few of his men and followed Dexian into Xingyun No. 1. He felt his eyes swaying, and after taking a closer look, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Elder Zhangzun?! "

"Haha, not bad!" Dezhang laughed while stroking his beard.

"Oh my god, isn't this the eldest young master?" Kunzhi soon discovered Dechang again and shouted.

"Kunzhi, why did you run out? Don't you know you are sick?" Dechang blamed him.

Kunzhi was startled and said suspiciously: "Young Master, how do you know that I am sick?"

"My master said so," Dechang said carelessly.

"What?! You...your master?! Who is it?!" Kunzhi said in shock.

"My Li Yun!"

"Li Yun? Is there anyone named Li among our Lin tribe?" Kunzhi asked in surprise.

"Who said Li Yun is from our Lin clan?"

"Ah?! It's not the Lin tribe, which race is it? Oh my God... Young Master, you... you actually..." Kunzhi covered his mouth in surprise, his huge eyes widened, and his whole body felt bad.

The men behind him were dumbfounded and couldn't believe their ears.

How could the Lin people vote for foreigners? ! If you say this, it will be a shame to the Lin clan. It will be difficult to be a Lin!

"Haha, what's wrong with me? If it weren't for me, would my family come over to help our Lin tribe treat the plague? How could your kid's disease be cured?" Dechang said proudly.

"My disease?! The young master is disease can be cured?!" Kunzhi said ecstatically.

"Of course! Did you recover without seeing me? And Brother Xian and Brother Zhang, they were both cured by adults!"

"You...are you really recovered? Why...why do you call these two adults your brother?!"

"Oh Kunzhi, what's wrong with you today? It feels like the sky is falling. Sit down and listen to me tell you slowly..."


These unicorns chatted together. Of course, Li Yun moved them into a special small space to avoid being affected by the live broadcast.

After bringing Kun Zhi and others in, Li Yun finally felt relieved. While instructing the Dragon Clan slaves to continue purchasing medicinal materials, he also paid attention to the banquet in Jingnong Hall. He saw that the place was already filled with drums, music and sheng, singing and dancing, and it was a fairyland on earth. Wonderful atmosphere…

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