The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1648 1 Immortal Blue Lotus

"Brother Yu, what's the matter?!" Dechun said in surprise.

Lan Yu said nothing, sniffing hard with a look of suspicion on her face.

"Jade boy, why don't you hurry up and fly to Crystal City?" Du Lin shouted.

Lan Yu didn't answer, simply closed her eyes and twitched her nose desperately...

Everyone was stunned, wondering what Lan Yu smelled. Did he need such exaggerated expressions?

Dechun's consciousness swept across the plateau Pinghu below, and suddenly his eyes froze and his mouth opened wide, unable to close at all!

Du Lin also reacted at this time, and quickly observed the situation below. He couldn't help shouting, and his figure flashed out of the flying boat, heading towards Pinghu Pinghu on the plateau...

Seeing this, everyone knew that there must be something strange there, so they followed one after another and came to the side of the big lake. When they saw the scene in front of them, they couldn't help but be stunned!

I saw endless flowers blooming by the lake. All varieties that could bloom were blooming extremely brightly. The color of the grass stretched all the way to the sky...

Even the floating lotus in the lake has turned into a sky-reaching lotus leaf. Each lotus leaf seems to have been injected with chicken blood. It is full of vitality and grows several times larger than usual. The leaf color is shiny and translucent, making it look classy. Extraordinary, the lotus buds are swaying gently in the wind, and the lotus flowers are like stars all over the lake, red, yellow, green, blue, red, purple... it’s overwhelming!

The air is filled with nature's most colorful scents. These scent molecules are extremely strong, stimulating everyone's nose and taste buds, making them feel that their whole body and mind have been washed, clean and refreshing, and they just want to blend in. , enjoy it...

"Oh my god, where does such strong vitality come from?!" Du Lin stood here, completely confused.

What he didn't know was that this was the place where Li Yun, Chi Yan, Huo Yan and others had stayed before. Because Li Yun was making Miao Lin rice dumplings here, his vitality had penetrated into this area, making all kinds of things here. The life forms seemed to be reborn, growing extremely luxuriantly, and the vitality permeating the air was as substantial as it was, benefiting every life that passed by here, not to mention Du Lin and others standing here. Feel its charm!

"Lan He! My Lan He!!!" A loud shout suddenly rang out. Everyone looked in surprise and found that it was Lan Yu!

"Lan He? How could Brother Yu think of Lan He?!" De Chun asked curiously.

"This...has the smell of my blue lotus! It can't be wrong!!!" Lan Yu shouted,

His expression became extremely terrifying.

He finally knew that he had stayed here after his blue lotuses were stolen. Otherwise, the smell of his top-quality blue lotuses in the air here would not be so strong!

If he hadn't had an extremely sensitive nose and was extremely familiar with the smell of his own blue lotus, he wouldn't have noticed it when he passed by.

Now that he came here, he tasted it carefully, and finally he could completely confirm that his top-quality blue lotus must have been here. He didn't know whether it was piled here or used. Judging from the situation at the scene, he felt that after is more likely.

Because if they were just piled up, the smell would not be so strong. Only when it is used and the odor molecules in it are fully released can it still be smelled today.

Thinking of this, Lan Yu's heart felt like it was dripping with blood. The best blue lotus. He spent so much money and planted it for so long that he didn't want to use it. He only used them for ornamental purposes, but he didn't expect it. It was picked and used by others. I didn't even get a single leaf. It was purely used to make wedding clothes for others...

"Who?! Who is it?!" Lan Yu looked up to the sky and screamed.

"Brother Yu, it's just the smell, can't you be sure?" Fairy Yimei said at the side.

She stood up at this time to speak for Du Lin. Since she had previously been involved in the rumors about Du Lin when she wanted to seduce Lan Yu, to a certain extent, she was also involved in this matter. I secretly regretted it. If I had known better, I would not have gotten interested in sex, and ended up dragging myself into this whirlpool.

Comparing Lan Yu with Du Lin, she would of course side with Du Lin. After all, Lan Yu is from the Lin Clan. She had initiated the previous action to denounce the Lin Clan, so there should be a certain degree of stability between herself and the Lin Clan. distance, and the denunciation army is of course led by Du Lin. If he is really accused of stealing Lan He, the reputation of the entire denunciation army will be damaged!

In fact, after learning about this rumor, the momentum of the denunciation army suddenly weakened a lot. Everyone was in a depressed mood, far less confident and cheerful than when they first arrived...

After Lan Yu yelled for a while, he calmed down a little and explained: "The fairy doesn't know something. The smell of the best blue lotus is very different from that of ordinary blue lotus. In the sense of smell of our Lin tribe, there is a huge difference, so You’ll know it as soon as you hear it! And in Miaolin Realm, I am the only one who owns the best blue lotus. This fact is almost universally known to everyone. Anyone who wants to see the best blue lotus must come and ask me.”

"Isn't it? You are the only one who owns it? This blue lotus doesn't seem to be a great treasure. I think there are many in this lake!" Fairy Yimei said suspiciously.

"You... Ordinary blue lotus is certainly not a rare thing, but it is not easy to grow into a top-grade blue lotus. It requires good varieties, fairyland, careful cultivation, and at least ten thousand years. The above growth time...the combination of these conditions requires extremely huge financial investment to be able to grow such a small piece of the best blue lotus. I am usually reluctant to use even one piece, just appreciate their beauty, but now, I That small piece of the best blue lotus was just picked and used right here!!!"

The more Lan Yu talked, the more excited she became, and her handsome face became like an angry unicorn, making people afraid to look at her!

While everyone listened, their hearts became calm. Until Lan Yu finished speaking, their hearts almost sank to the bottom of the sea!

Even Du Lin is like this. His understanding of the best blue lotus is probably not as profound as that of Lan Yu, because after all, Lan Yu has studied blue lotus for more than tens of thousands of years and cultivated it with his own hands for so long.

He also felt a lot of pressure all of a sudden.

Unexpectedly, the top-quality blue lotus is so precious. It cost Lan Yu so much effort and financial resources, but now it is all in vain. How can he not feel sad!

If Du Lin hadn't been regarded as one of the suspects, everyone would have been rushing to come forward for Lan Yu and help him find the person who committed the crime.

Fairy Yimei turned a little pale when she heard this. She turned her head and looked at the lotuses all over the lake. Her heart felt tense!

If this matter cannot be resolved perfectly, I am afraid that not only will the reputation of denounce the army be damaged, but a conflict may break out with the Lin tribe, and the consequences are simply unimaginable...

Fairy Yimei was confused when she suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a light bursting out on the lake in front of her. After the light dissipated, a blue lotus appeared on the lake, swaying in the breeze and mist, so graceful!

"Eh? Brother Yu, my knowledge of the best blue lotus is limited, but when I looked at the lake just now, there seemed to be a blue lotus growing very well in the distance. I wonder if it is the best blue lotus?" She exclaimed.

Upon hearing this, Lan Yu and others quickly looked in the direction pointed by Fairy Yimei, and their eyes were immediately attracted to the blue lotus tree!

"Top grade... no, top grade?! Top grade Lan He?!!!" Lan Yu shouted in shock, a little uneasy.

If that blue lotus tree is really the best blue lotus, then there is something wrong with what he just said.

Because Lan Yu just said that he is the only one in Miaolin Domain who has the best blue lotus, and his best blue lotus are all raised in that blue lotus formation, so they cannot exist elsewhere.

If that blue lotus tree is really the best, then Lan Jade's words will be self-defeating. There is also a huge doubt in his idea that his best blue lotus is being used here!

When Lan Yu thought of this, her heart was pounding, and she didn't dare to go over to check. However, De Chun immediately stepped over, took a closer look, and shouted: "The best Lan He!!! Come and see!!!"

When Du Lin heard this, he became energetic. He immediately went over and took a closer look. He couldn't help but exclaimed and couldn't move his eyes away!

It's so beautiful! ! !

This blue lotus tree is tall and graceful, with a charming blue color from stem to bud to flower. The color is just the right shade, some are dark blue, some are light blue, some are so blue that they are whitish, and some are so blue. Purple... And the huge lotus flower interprets the blue color vividly, like a blue cloud, glowing with a faint blue light, which makes people fascinated...

"Oh my god! It's so beautiful!" Fairy Yimei exclaimed slightly exaggeratedly.

She quickly applauded her astonishing discovery, but she didn't expect to inadvertently win back a victory for the denunciation army!

After discovering this top-quality blue lotus, Lan Yu's suspicion lost its specific target, and everything had to start again!

Qing Mu, Ao Changtian, Wang Huaixu and others had been silent for a long time. At this time, they all applauded and praised the blue lotus tree to the sky.

Wang Huaixu observed and figured it out carefully, preparing to do some recruiting...

Lan Yu stared blankly at this top-grade blue lotus tree, her whole body in a daze!

Not for anything else, but because this blue lotus is not only undoubtedly the best blue lotus, but also many times better than the top-grade blue lotus he cultivated!

If his blue lotus is the best, then this one is a fairy! ! !

"Impossible! How is this possible?!!!" Lan Yu suddenly roared.

He found that he could no longer completely control his emotions. It seemed as if someone was teasing him, making him fall into a daze...

"Brother Yu, this is not impossible. Look, what is this if not the best Lan He? It means that in the outside world, it is possible for Lan He to grow into the best." Dechun said with a smile.

"You don't understand!!!" Lan Yu yelled.

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