The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1656 The Decadent Immortal and the Three-in-One God

Huo Yan said: "You don't know something, sir. Those who sold the immortal books have actually been mixed up to the point where they can no longer hang out! The most valuable thing in their bodies is probably the immortal books. Except for the immortal books, almost everything else is It has been sold out. If the underwear can be sold, I am afraid they will also sell it. Moreover, because they have lived an extremely decadent life for a long time, their immortal bodies have degenerated, their cultivation has declined, and no matter how good their qualifications were before, they have also disappeared. There is no survival, even if they are asked to steal, rob, kill and burn, they have no ability to do it. They can only be recruited by some forces that need cheap labor to do extremely menial jobs and earn some pitiful living expenses."

Li Yun was dumbfounded when he heard this. He didn't expect that there would be such a group of decadent people living among the low-level immortals in the immortal world. This really makes people sigh.

Huo Yan continued: "What's even more hateful is that these people have almost lost their will to work. Although they really want to have some money on hand to continue to be decadent, they are unwilling to do hard, tiring and dirty work. It's really painful." If nothing else works, just work for a few days and half a month to earn some living expenses and continue to be decadent. Sometimes, they can survive for a long time just by relying on that little living expenses..."

"Even if they are free and undisciplined to the point of self-destruction, there is no need to sell the immortal books? As long as the immortal books are there, there is still hope for the future!" Li Yun sighed.

"Sir, you will know when you see this group of people. They have become so decadent that there is little difference between having an immortal book and not having one. Selling the immortal book will allow them to live for a long time, and they will be very happy. !”

"This...if they are still clear-headed, I'm afraid that Xianji is still their bottom line, right? I'm thinking that in the end they won't even be able to keep this bottom line. I'm afraid they made such a decision due to the temptation and coercion of others. Right?" Li Yun asked suspiciously.

Huo Yan looked at Li Yun in surprise. After a while, he finally sighed: "Your Majesty is right! It is indeed the case! As an immortal, if you don't even have an immortal status, then you are really running naked in the immortal world. , they may be expelled, punished, or even killed by the fairy rules and laws of the fairy world at any time. The feeling would be very scary! But because those people were so decadent, they did not even have the ability to protect themselves in the end, so they could only let others Slaughter, under the threat, intimidation, and inducement of others, helplessly hand over the immortal book and become a tool for others to make profits! After these people lost their immortal book, they became more decadent, almost in a state of waiting for death... "

"Oh my god..." Li Yun exclaimed softly.

Even Chi Yan shook his head and sighed after hearing this...

The three fell into silence for a moment, and turned to look at the scene where Xing Zun was learning about the twelve-level formation diagram...

Xiaoxing smiled and said, "Sir, the group of decadent immortals that Xiao Yan mentioned just now are somewhat similar to a group of people who appeared in the ancient times of the pre-universe."



That era was a bit like the mortal world here, but people couldn't extend their lives through cultivation. The life of the human race was only about a hundred years. Therefore, people's lives seemed more utilitarian and radical, and the main purpose was to reproduce. Future generations, however, as the population increases, resources become increasingly scarce, and social competition increases, some people will inevitably be abandoned by the development of the times! "Xiao Xing said.

Li Yun nodded. This situation is normal. The shorter the life, the more intense the competition between life will be. Especially for the purpose of reproduction, they will go to any lengths. For example, some life forms, when they are adults, It can sting for up to seven or eight years, but after transforming into a butterfly, its life span is only one to three days, and within these three days, it must fight for everything in order to get the chance to reproduce until After leaving behind the seeds of life, they basically disappeared into thin air.

Even more extreme, some life forms are willing to risk their lives to find a mating target in order to pass on their genes. However, after the mating is completed, there is a high possibility that the other party will eat them!

Li Yun has also observed this situation even in the Xuanling world. It can be said that no matter where it is, the competition between lives for survival, development and reproduction is extremely fierce and cruel, and the shorter the life, the more The competition becomes more extreme!

Xiaoxing continued: "So, these people could only come to a more economically developed place to look for opportunities, and slowly they all gathered in a place called Sanhe."


"Yes. There are many economies around here that need low-level workers. The requirements are not high. As long as they are willing to work, they can earn a little living expenses. However, after these people came here, they gradually became decadent, lazy and lazy. They are willing to do dirty work, and they would rather do some tasks that require daily wages than work in an economy for a long time to improve themselves.”

“Can they support themselves with daily wages?”

"This is really incredible. Those people relied on this little money to stay there for a long time and survived. For them, since they have been abandoned by the times and become decadent, they will be decadent to the end, so they You don’t have any desires or needs. You don’t need to rent a house. You can just spend the whole night playing games in a cheap house, or just lie down on the street and sleep for a night. Eating and drinking is even easier. A pack of instant noodles can last you a day, and a large bottle of instant noodles can last you a day. They could also drink water for a day. When they really ran out of money, they sold some small items that they had brought with them when they were looking for work. Anyway, anything can be sold, and there are people buying everything. As long as they can sell one or two small things, they will Then you can cope with life for a few more days..."

"Oh my god..."

"The money they earn from doing tasks for one day allows them to live frugally for a week. Therefore, there is really no need for them to be so stressed. Instead, they have a lot of free time. They are decadent there every day, dreaming of the dream of getting rich. They imagined a life of gods where they could become masters of human beings... Therefore, they got a nickname, called the Three-Head God!" Xiaoxing laughed.

"Master Sanhe? Isn't this too ironic?" Li Yun sighed.

"Of course, such a master will collapse in minutes. Often, such a master will suddenly have serious financial problems or have a mental breakdown. So, someone will threaten and induce them to sell their ID cards, because they have nothing but ID cards on them. Except for the price, everything else that can be sold has already been sold out!"

"..." Li Yun had nothing to say.

This situation is almost the same as that of those decadent immortals in the fairy world. After selling their ID cards, these people can be said to have completely nothing. Moreover, others buy their ID cards naturally to do some shady activities, and these activities end up It will all be counted on him. With the decadent bodies of these people, how can they withstand such a blow?

I'm afraid that what awaits them is prison and bloody disaster...

"Hey, these three-in-one gods can compete with the decadent immortals in the fairy world. However, the immortals have extremely long life spans and may have the opportunity to change their destiny in the future. However, those three-in-one gods will soon die due to their extremely short life span. They will face the problem of old age and illness, so they are actually squandering their short youth and paying for that wanton decadent life with an extremely miserable middle-aged and elderly life!" Xiaoxing concluded.

"Fortunately, Huo Yan didn't sink to that point, otherwise I'm afraid he wouldn't be sitting here now." Li Yun sighed.

"indeed so."

The state of decadence is an extremely negative situation for life, comparable to a virus or a plague. Whether a mortal who cannot practice cultivation or an immortal who is a noble person, once he is infected with the symptoms of decadence, he will be eroded by it and lose everything!

This attracted Li Yun's attention. Now the number of people in the Universiade Palace has exceeded 2 million, of which more than one million people live in the Universiade Palace. The others are scattered everywhere, and he cannot take care of them all. , maybe some of them will be infected with decadent bad habits.

"Xiaoxing, our people won't be infected with decadence, right?" Li Yun asked.

"Don't worry, adults. Decadence usually occurs in people who have no ability, no ambition, no understanding, no self-discipline, are lazy and undisciplined, and feel that they have no hope. They just feel from the bottom of their hearts that they have already lost hope, so they They will allow themselves to be decadent all the way until they perish, but people in our Universiade Palace are full of hope. When they have hope, they will have motivation and fighting spirit, so they will not be decadent."

"That's good! If you find someone with this tendency, you must remind him to cheer up in time..."

"no problem."

The exchange between the two was like lightning. Chi Yan and Huo Yan next to them didn't feel it at all. They observed Xing Zun for a long time and were quite confused as to whether he could really understand the formation diagram.

"Senior, with Xing Zun's formation power, you can't understand this information, right?" Huo Yan asked suspiciously.

"Of course! If he can't understand it, even if he sees the information temporarily, he will forget it in the end!" Chi Yan nodded.

"Then why did you look at this guy for so long?"

"Haha, can't you still see the purpose of Star Boy?"

"Purpose? You mean...he is up to something?!" Huo Yan's eyes widened and he became a little uneasy.

Li Yun smiled and said: "Don't worry, even if he is up to something, the formation information that he doesn't understand will still slowly disappear. However, I think Xingzun may have other ideas."

"What do you think?" Huo Yan asked anxiously.

Chi Yan also looked at Li Yun in surprise.

"Xingzun's brain development is still very high. It is said that it has reached more than 30%. Moreover, he is also proficient in stargazing. Therefore, even if he cannot read those formation diagrams, he can still use his superb memory ability to read those formations. The Dharma information is transferred to other star power spaces. Since these star powers come from other stars and are not bound by the rules of the Xuanling world, it is equivalent to the Star Lord blatantly stealing the formation secrets of the Lin clan here..."

"Oh my god..." Chi Yan and Huo Yan exclaimed, stunned!

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