The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1668 Selling like crazy

Suddenly, the sky above the boots was covered with lead clouds, thunder and lightning, like a mountain pressing down on the top, and black clouds destroying a city. Everyone who watched finally understood that the lightning and lightning attack on the Variety Boots just now was actually just a prelude to a catastrophe. That’s it, the bigger test is yet to come!

This catastrophe was like God venting its anger. It seemed that a pair of boots like this should not have appeared in the spiritual world. Therefore, it could be said that they used all their strength to attack it, laying down eleven tribulation thunders, even to the point where In the end, three beams of true thunder appeared. If it were a monk who survived the tribulation, I am afraid that it would be reduced to nothing under such a catastrophe.

However, Variety Boots became more and more courageous in such a terrible disaster, and survived it safely. It was born from the fire, and the Phoenix Nirvana showed all its beauty in front of the world with its proud appearance...

"Oh my God!!!" Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw this, their whole body and mind were shocked to the point of being extremely shocked.

Huang Yimiao was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that Li Yun would give such a pair of boots that had gone through many hardships and great tests of calamity to him casually!

After seeing the growth experience of this boot, he has already seen that the true value of this boot is far more than a piece of top-grade spiritual crystal. Even if a pair is sold for a hundred yuan of low-grade immortal stone, it is probably not too much!

In addition, what this video wants to reveal is not just about money, but about the true value of a product. The value of such a pair of boots made by countless people with their lives cannot be measured by money. In fact, , it is a priceless treasure!

If you really buy 10,000 pairs of such a treasure, but throw it into a cabinet because you have no use for it, can you be worthy of the designers, material collectors, and manufacturers who devoted their lives to it? !

Thinking of this, Huang Yimiao felt weak all over, and slowly collapsed to the ground, murmuring: "I am... guilty... really guilty..."

"I'm... guilty..." Fairy Yimei murmured with her eyes frozen.

"The slave family... is really guilty..." Fairy Cuixiang collapsed on the ground and muttered.

"I... am also guilty..." Fan Hui said unconsciously, her face flushed red.


"Sin, sin..."

Countless people were repenting at this time, and even the little Suzaku Fairy in the sky was talking to herself, saying words such as guilt...

Suddenly, Lan Yu stood up and said loudly: "Li Yun, I want to buy a pair of versatile boots!"

After all,

He took out a top-quality spiritual crystal and threw it over!

Li Yun was slightly startled. He took the top-quality spiritual crystal and was thinking about giving him a pair of boots, but he saw Bizhi next to Lan Yu echoing loudly: "Li Yun, I want to buy a pair too!"

Another top-quality spiritual crystal was thrown over!

This moment seemed to ignite the emotions of the people present. People realized that such boots were only sold for a piece of top-quality spiritual crystal. If you don’t buy them now, when will you wait? !

When they heard Li Yun say that these boots were priced at a piece of top-grade spiritual crystal, they felt a little doubtful. They were extremely shocked that a pair of boots were sold for a piece of top-grade spiritual crystal. However, after watching this video, everyone's heartstrings They were all completely impressed, and in turn thought that it was really too cheap for the Universiade Palace to sell only one top-quality spiritual crystal!

Only now did they understand what Fairy Cuixiang said before. She spent three pieces of top-quality spiritual crystals to buy that robe, but she said she wanted to spend more money to buy one more. This is what she said!

Because, in Fairy Cuixiang's view, compared to the process of purchasing that robe, those three top-quality spiritual crystals were so worth it, so cheap! So, if you can afford it, buy it again!

"Oh my god!!! It turns out that the products of Universiade Palace are so good, but they only sell them for such a small amount of money. This is simply... incredible..."

This thought flashed through everyone's mind, and they rushed forward one by one to buy boots.

Li Yun was a little surprised when he saw this scene. It was really unintentional. He originally wanted to use the light screen video to combat Huang Yimiao's aura, but he didn't expect that it would arouse everyone's desire to buy. However, this is also very Normally, no one has ever done this kind of product display in the spiritual world, and Xiaoxing's production is definitely top-notch, so once it came out, it had an immediate effect, and everyone was struck by it in the softest part of their hearts. Willingly spend money to buy boots.

The only question is whether there is still stock.

"Xiaoxing, do we have enough goods?" Li Yun asked urgently.

"There are only a hundred pairs left for now!" Xiaoxing sighed.

"Why are there so few? I remember that 10,000 pairs should be produced in the early stage." Li Yunqi said.

"Sir, the others were exchanged by the slaves in the palace!" Xiaoxing explained.

"I see. How long will it take to make it again?"

"One day outside! One hundred pairs!"

"No problem, let's get started!"


Li Yun collected the top quality spiritual crystals and said with a smile: "Seniors, these boots are available for pre-order, and the pre-order period is one year!"

"What? One year? I can't wait any longer!" Bizhi said anxiously.

"Yes, one year is too long!" Lan Yu agreed.

"No, I will wear it today!"

"Yes, these boots, if I don't wear them today, I won't be able to eat or sleep..."

"That's right..."

Everyone shouted impatiently.

"This... Seniors also know that for boots like this, not only is the source of materials a problem, but the production process is extremely complicated. It is impossible for our Universiade Palace to have so much inventory..."

"Li Yun, I was the first to buy it. If there is any stock, you should sell it to me first, right?" Bizhi said quickly.

"Not bad!" Li Yun nodded with a smile and threw out a pair of boots.

"Li Yun, I'm the second one!" Lan Yu's eyes lit up and she said immediately.

"Not bad!" Li Yun threw out another pair.

At this time, the first person to pay the money became excited and rushed around. They even became red-faced as they competed for ranking because they were afraid that the inventory would suddenly run out.

After Li Yun threw out a hundred pairs of boots, he smiled shyly and said, "Seniors, please forgive me! This was the last pair just now!"

"Ah?! What should we do?!"

"How about everyone make a reservation first! Our Universiade Palace will arrange to speed up delivery!"

"How long will it take? It can't really be a year, right?"

"This... with our ability, one hundred pairs a day! I believe that not many people can afford it. This amount should be enough." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Haha, Li Yun, then you are looking down on our Lin clan! There are not many people who can afford a top-quality spiritual crystal, not to mention it is worth the money!" Bizhi laughed, while experiencing the experience of wearing the The boots I wore were so beautiful.

A cute smile appeared on Li Yun's face and he responded: "How dare you underestimate the Lin clan? I just didn't expect our products to be so popular."

"If you can make such a product, it's impossible not to be popular!" Bizhi praised.

"That's true! Why do I feel so at ease when I put on these boots?" Lan Yu agreed.

"Oh, I feel the same way. These boots are now my favorite baby!" Fan Hui exclaimed excitedly.

"Gee, the slave family has already said it..." Fairy Cuixiang complimented.

The words of these Lin Clan powerful men were like another on-site advertisement, inciting the hearts of all the Lin Clan people present. If you don’t buy such a pair of boots, not only will you not get a big advantage, but you will also not be able to take advantage of them. I'm embarrassed to go out.

In this way, whether you can afford it or have no money, you must find ways to buy a pair. Fortunately, the Lin tribe has a long lifespan and has always been wealthy. Almost everyone has some wealth. As Bizhi said, there are not a few people who can afford a top-quality spiritual crystal to buy it. And those present are all elites of the Lin tribe, so there is no need to worry about purchasing power. , they came forward one after another to request reservations.

Li Yun simply called Dechang over and asked him to collect money and register for reservations. Soon, there was a long queue here. Not only people from the Lin tribe were queuing up, but also people from all races in the spiritual world. Those powerful people were queuing up. If you don’t arrange the ceremony yourself, let your subordinates arrange it. The scene is quite spectacular.

When Huang Yimiao saw this scene, he was almost stunned!

He exclaimed in his heart: "Oh my god! A pair of boots and a top-quality spiritual crystal. Some people order more than one pair. How much does it cost?!"

Looking at the light curtain next to Dechang, the number of pre-orders has reached 15,000 pairs in a short period of time, and there are still people queuing up behind!

In addition, this news is spreading at an alarming speed. Soon, it will spread throughout the entire Crystal City, the entire Miaolin Realm, and even the entire Lin Region...

People who want to order boots will definitely come in an endless stream...

Huang Yimiao no longer dared to imagine that Li Yun could sell more than half of Huang Daxian Palace just by selling boots. There was no doubt about this!

No wonder he didn't care about the order of 10,000 pairs of boots he put out. He could refuse it if he wanted to. This is because he has such confidence. As Bizhi said just now, if he can make such a product, he will sell it wherever he goes. popular.

Therefore, Li Yun should only worry about whether those goods can be made.

Huang Yimiao's soaring aura had disappeared without realizing it. His whole body was like a puddle of mud, and he almost couldn't stand up. In the end, Li Yun helped him to a seat...

Du Lin and the female fairy in the sky couldn't bear it any longer, so Du Lin came forward to place an order, and the female fairy alone ordered ten thousand pairs!

The entire audience quickly went into a frenzy, talking about this information.

In addition to being shocked, many people are also dissatisfied. After all, if you order 10,000 pairs, it means that all the boots produced in one hundred days will be yours, and others will have to use them during these one hundred days...

However, since Du Lin is an immortal in the immortal world and has the highest status, and when he ordered the boots, he claimed that except for one pair of boots he ordered, he wore them himself, and the others were for giving away, so of course this would not touch the issue. The question of guilt that Li Yun just mentioned.

The orders placed by Du Lin drove the people of the Lin clan and other clans in the spirit world completely crazy. Everyone raised money to order boots, wishing they could buy a few more pairs...

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