The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1671 The great discovery of Fairy Suzaku

What Li Yun didn't expect was that his actions were noticed by Fairy Suzaku!

Fairy Suzaku has been hiding in the air and has not been discovered by people below, but Xiaoxing has been monitoring her and Du Lin.

Ever since she came to the top of the formation, her eyes had rarely left Li Yun. Coupled with her amazing celestial sense, she had already discovered that Li Yun's behavior was a bit strange.

"Hey, what is Li Yun doing?" Fairy Zhuque said softly.

Du Lin had returned to her side, looked at Li Yun below, and said: "He is now arranged by Xing Boy and the Lin clan people to read the formation diagram, and he will be in charge of repairing the formation next."

"Of course I know this, but he has already finished reading it just now."

"Have you finished reading? Not so fast, right? Besides, you should think about it after reading it, right?" Du Linqi said.

"Oh, Uncle Du, why can't you speak above your head?!"

"You? Could it be that I was wrong?" Du Lin said unconvinced.

Fairy Zhuque nodded and said with a smile: "You are indeed wrong!"

"Then tell me, where did I go wrong?"

"That's a twelve-level formation diagram. If you can't understand it, you can only remember it for a short time at most, and then it will disappear from your mind very quickly. Therefore, if you want to read it successfully, the premise is that all the The content must be understandable." Fairy Suzaku said.

"Yes. This is the same as reading other advanced classics." Dulin nodded in agreement.

"Okay. I am quite proficient in formations. The Lin clan's formation diagram is burned into a large number of jade slips. Each of these jade slips only records a small part of the formation. If not If someone who understands the formation reads it piece by piece, it will be completely confused and cannot be read at all. Moreover, when these people from the Lin tribe moved out these jade slips, they were all confused together, which shows that none of them are proficient in the formation. People of law don’t even understand this basic principle.” Fairy Suzaku sighed.

"What? That's how it is?!" Du Lin screamed, feeling a little uneasy.


"Can Li Yun understand it? How can he do it at such a young age?"

"Well, I think he has understood it, and now he is deliberately wasting his time doing other things." Fairy Suzaku said with certainty.

"Are you really sure about this?" Du Lin asked suspiciously.

"Oh, am I sure I can say it? The way Li Yun read the formation just now is the most correct way to understand the formation diagram."

"Oh? How did he do it?"

"He separates a spiritual consciousness corresponding to each jade slip to read it at the same time. In this way, with his information processing ability, he can quickly reconstruct the structure of the formation diagram in his mind, so that every part of the formation can be found His own position. This kind of reading is not only easy to understand, but also extremely fast, so I think he only read it in about an hour or so!" Fairy Suzaku sighed.

"What?! How is this possible?! It's only been more than an hour?!" Du Lin exclaimed in shock.

"Yes, is there anything wrong?" Fairy Zhuque asked curiously.

"This... of course is wrong! How powerful was that star kid from the spiritual world before? Even I dare not underestimate him, but he spent three months looking at this formation diagram. I thought at the time that he must not understand it, but What are you doing... He is probably recording the formation diagram, but I doubt he can really steal the formation diagram?" Dulin said.

"Star boy? Is that the one who's been there waving the fan?"

"Yes, it's him! This person is extremely powerful in the way of stargazing. I have always suspected that he is hiding his secrets. If we really fight, I'm afraid I won't be his opponent..." Du Lin sighed.

"Giggles, I didn't expect that Uncle Du spoke so honestly, I was a little surprised! You are an immortal in the immortal world, how could you lose to the loose immortal in the spiritual world?" Fairy Zhuque said with a sweet smile.

Du Lin's face looked a little unnatural, but he still said: "I do feel that way."

Fairy Suzaku nodded and said formally: "Uncle Du is indeed a sincere person, so I won't be joking! In fact, it's not surprising that uncle feels like this. I just observed these people below carefully and made a big discovery! "

"Oh? What a big discovery?!" Du Lin said anxiously.

"With uncle's immortal power, it's easy to defeat those Lin tribe people and other divine beasts, divine birds, real beasts, real birds, but there are more than a dozen human beings... If uncle encounters them, be careful, you can't defeat them. Yes!" Fairy Suzaku said in astonishment.

"What?! How is this possible?!" Du Lin said in shock.

"This is a fact! It's not a matter of impossibility. These human beings have extremely strong Taoist will and extraordinary Taoist power, and the level of Taoist power is above the immortal power. Although you can be regarded as an intermediate immortal, their Their Dao power cultivation has exceeded the level of an intermediate immortal. If they exert their Dao power, they will definitely be defeated!" Fairy Suzaku sighed.

"Oh my god...I...I really can't believe it! Their immortal bodies are extremely weak, so they can't possibly block my immortal power, right?" Du Lin exclaimed.

"Their immortal bodies are indeed weak, but their Tao bodies are not weak, and the level of the Tao bodies is of course higher than that of the immortal bodies. Now you should understand what I mean, right?"

"That's it!" Du Lin suddenly realized.

"Yes. Although your cultivation in the way of alchemy is also quite extraordinary, I found that the charm of the way of alchemy in you is not as strong as that of the fat Huang Yimiao. It is really strange!" Fairy Suzaku said again.

"How could this be? I should have done more and more in-depth research on many fairy herbs and elixirs than he did!" Du Lin was also extremely surprised when he heard this.

"I thought so before, but..."

"But what?"

"Huang Yimiao has two rays of Dan Dao Yun that are particularly powerful. Just one of them is more than the total of the Immortal Yun in you. It can be seen that his research in those two fields has reached an extremely deep level to achieve such an achievement. Powerful Taoist will. In addition, he also has many Taoist rhymes with strong Taoist will, almost all of which can be compared with your immortal rhyme. Therefore, I think the uncle's research on immortal grass and elixirs may not be in-depth enough. Huge room for development..." Fairy Zhuque said euphemistically.

Du Lin's face turned red and he was so ashamed.

What Fairy Suzaku said was very flattering to him. Of course Du Lin knew it very well. As a near-intermediate immortal who had been immersed in alchemy for a long time, he understood that the creation of Taoism was related to his role in this path. It is related to the depth of research. The deeper the research and the deeper the experience, the stronger the Tao will be!

Du Lin believed in Fairy Suzaku's words, because with Fairy Suzaku's amazing bloodline level, her eyesight was extremely sharp and she could see the threads of Tao Yun that he could not see. Therefore, what she said must be the truth.

From this point of view, my achievements in alchemy are actually far inferior to Huang Yimiao, but I put on the airs of a great immortal in front of him and regarded myself as a senior in alchemy, which almost scared him out of his wits...

Du Lin never expected that he was actually relying on his reputation as a Great Immortal to deceive others in the spiritual world. If this reputation was exposed, he would have nowhere to show his face and it would be difficult for him to be a good person...

Seeing Du Lin's appearance, Fairy Zhuque didn't know what he was thinking, so she quickly changed the topic:

"Uncle, I suspect they don't know that they have reached such a state now, nor do they know that the level of Taoism and Taoism in themselves is so high, so they are groveling in front of you and trying their best to flatter you. However, Uncle must be more polite and careful with them in the future! In fact, it is understandable that they are like this. After all, the spiritual world and the fairy world are too far apart, and the spiritual world is a lower-level interface. People here are born with The immortals in the immortal world are in awe. In addition, they have so little communication with the immortal world that they did not expect that through the cultivation of Tao power, they have surpassed many immortals in strength..."

After hearing Fairy Suzaku's analysis, Du Lin praised: "The fairy is so right! The biggest gain I have gained from coming to the spiritual world this time is that I have increased my sense of awe. The spiritual world is actually more beautiful than many areas in the fairy world." Only high-level people can give birth to so many geniuses! But..."

"But what?"

"Apart from the dozen human races mentioned by the fairy, what about other races?" Du Lin asked curiously.

"They...can't compare with you in terms of Taoism! This is the great discovery I just mentioned!" Fairy Suzaku said a little excitedly.

"Oh? This discovery is really amazing. How come the human race in the spiritual world can far surpass other races in Taoist cultivation?" Du Lin agreed.

"This is indeed a bit confusing. Just as you have sensed it yourself, Xingzun's Tao power is so powerful that even I can only look up to him! In addition, Wang Huaixu is also very powerful, and Yan Shi , Luo Li, Youmeng Fairy, Ning You, Kate... all of them are extremely outstanding. They seem to be a group explosion. In terms of Taoist cultivation, even many powerful people in the immortal world cannot compare with them!" Suzaku The fairy was amazed.

"Fairy, why didn't you talk about Li Yun?" Du Lin suddenly discovered this.

"Li Yun? I can't see through it at all!" Fairy Suzaku said simply.

"What? Even the phantom eyes of your Suzaku clan can't see through it?!" Du Lin said in shock.

"I have used the Phantom Eye, but the robe he wears is extremely high-level and cannot be penetrated at all, so I can only observe him from other aspects."

"How is the result?"

"Li Yun...hey, I don't even know what to say. His situation is extremely special. I'm afraid even my mother can't explain it clearly." Fairy Suzaku sighed.

"Oh my could this happen?!" Du Lin was completely stunned.

"I don't understand either. However, I did see clearly just now. Li Yun easily separated hundreds of thousands of strands of spiritual consciousness and read those jade slips very smoothly. It only took about an hour in total. . With his ability, the power of the formation method alone is far inferior to that of Xingzun. So if I face you, do you have the strength to fight back?"


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