The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1682 One word becomes a prophecy

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These people are worthy of being powerful in the world. They are much more powerful than the people in the border cities in the Zen Domain, so their efficiency is countless times higher. Under Li Yun's effective command, this big Countless waste materials at the gap in the array were quickly cleared away, and no spiritual explosion occurred.

After the waste was cleared, the gaps that cracked like the sun's rays were quickly repaired, and then the small internal spaces were restored one after another...

Xingzun served as Li Yun's deputy. He followed and observed the whole journey. He felt his heart beating violently. He was extremely impressed and shocked by Li Yun's ability to create formations.

In his opinion, Li Yun's cultivation in formations was many times higher than that of Gaishi. Repairing this twelve-level formation was just like playing, without even a small mistake or adjustment!

In the past, when watching Unparalleled Formation, I would often stop because of some mistakes, check and repair them, and then start again. This was just a trivial matter. The most annoying thing was that half way through the project, I suddenly discovered that there was a big problem with the previous inspection. , for example, the direction of the earth veins is wrong, the position of the center of the spiritual vein is wrongly measured, the orientation of the array base is inaccurate, the position of the array eye cannot be effective... In this case, everything can only be overthrown and started again...

And this was the result of the unparalleled hosting later. The situation was even worse before, and Xing Zun simply didn't want to think about it anymore.

Because of this, the Heavenly Secret Formation in the Star Hall takes so long, and Xing Zun also said that building a twelve-level formation not only requires a lot of manpower, resources and financial resources, but also some luck!

In the eyes of Fairy Wenhui, as everyone's busy figures flashed, the entire gap was slowly growing at a speed visible to the naked eye. An obscure Taoist meaning was nurtured, grown, and distributed here... Let her breathe greedily, with a look of intoxication on her face...

At this time, those demons, big and small, who were still locked in the small space within the formation gradually felt desperate, because they found that the small space they were in seemed to be getting tighter and tighter. In the past, their spiritual consciousness could penetrate the small space and see It's a huge range out there, but now it's gradually shrinking, and it's self-evident what this means.

In addition, these demons all keep a secret, that is, the big demons Chui Zhu and Keba once dug a passage to the outside in the formation. If they could dig out the small space where they were imprisoned, they would be able to escape. You can escape through this passage. Last time, Tie Mu and Feng Hou escaped with a group of little devils like this. However, their level was not as good as Chui Zhu and Keba. In the end, it was self-defeating and a spiritual explosion occurred, which led to Lin Lin. clan discovery.

Now, the demons in these small spaces in the formation have discovered that the location of that passage seems to be almost discovered!

The passage is not far from the gap,

Because there are too many powerful people here, anyone may discover that passage inadvertently. Of course, ordinary people will not know that it is an escape passage, and will think that it is one of the formation structures. Only those who understand this Only people with formation skills will understand.

The people here who know the entire formation are Li Yun and Xing Zun. All the demons are nervously watching their movements and praying in their hearts...

"Sir, these demons are going crazy. They are all staring at us..." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"They will lose sight soon..." Li Yun teased.

"Hehe, that is, when the formation spirit takes full control, each small space can be isolated from each other, and the passage will disappear."

"Very good! By the way, has the array spirit been built?"

"The only step left is the debugging of Star Power."

"Star power debugging? How did you solve it?"

"The original formation only borrowed the star power of three stars, but it was able to achieve perfect connection at the time. However, after one of the three stars deviated, the entire star power cycle had problems. So, now In addition to recalibration, more stars need to be used. The main method is to add a random point as a backup. As long as a star starts to deviate, this random point will capture new suitable stars to join to fill the gap and make the star The force cycle can continue!" Xiaoxing said.

"This is indeed a good method, but the deviation of the stars is subtle, and more obvious deviations will occur after a long time. If the random point does not come into play until then, will it be too late?" Li Yun asked suspiciously .

"Don't worry, sir. I have already thought of this. The ultimate goal of the star power cycle of the formation is to achieve the stability of the total star power. Therefore, once the total star power changes, the random points will be adjusted. If it is higher, it will be adjusted." If it is low, then increase it. Therefore, the role of random points is actually an adjustment effect, and this effect is always going on!"

"Wow... If this happens, wouldn't the level of this formation be improved again?" Li Yun exclaimed.

"That's for sure! As long as there are no major changes in the earth veins and spiritual veins that cause the formation to mutate, the level of this formation can reach level 13! And it is in accordance with the standards we have set." Xiaoxing said proudly.

"It seems that I can only mourn for these demons..."

Li Yun smiled secretly, looked up at the sky, and said: "Congratulations to the fairy for escaping out of trouble! Last time the fairy ventured into the core space to protect me, I am really grateful!"

"Hmph, stop being so pretty! I didn't enter the core space to protect you, the immortal, but just to see the base of the formation." Fairy Wenhui said.

"I heard everything the fairy said to Dechun. No matter what, I have to say thank you to you!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"What? How could you hear what I said to him inside?!" Fairy Wenhui said in surprise.

"This is not surprising. The soul-gathering stone is very useful. It can monitor the entire formation, let alone what is said near it? You didn't hear their voices. It should be you. The reason why you fell into a coma after entering space..."

"You?! I'm not unconscious. I just didn't pay attention..." Fairy Wenhui argued forcefully.

"Okay, Fairy, you can ask your spirit. There is a big loophole in your sentence, so I won't say it. If you still haven't fully recovered, just drink my cup of spirit tea, or eat Just put down that rice dumpling and you'll be fine!" Li Yun said with a smile.

Fairy Wenhui was startled and quickly asked Xiao Hong, only to hear Xiao Hong sigh: "Princess, he is right. If you are not unconscious, even if you don't pay attention, those sounds will pass through the soul gathering stone very clearly." The sound reaches your ears so loudly that it’s impossible not to hear it!”

"This..." Fairy Wenhui's face suddenly turned red with shame.

I didn’t expect that the moment I opened my mouth, there would be so many loopholes. When meeting someone like Li Yun, I really had no choice but to make up a lie!

"Princess, you haven't fully recovered yet. Why don't you listen to him and drink that cup of spiritual tea. In my opinion, that cup of spiritual tea contains extremely powerful Taoist power and vitality, and it will definitely help you recover quickly..."

"Hmph, I won't drink from him..."

"Hey princess, he can't see you drinking here, what are you afraid of?"

"This... you are right, then let's drink and see..."

With a thought in her mind, Fairy Wenhui took out the sealed cup of spiritual tea, opened the lid, and a charming tea fragrance immediately spread out, which refreshed her spirits!

Looking at the beautiful waves that were constantly churning out and the ocean currents that were constantly shuttling and changing, she was about to fall in again. Fortunately, Xiaohong reminded her: "Princess, drink it quickly!"

Fairy Wenhui was so excited that she quickly closed her eyes, raised her head and drank the spiritual tea in one gulp!


She exclaimed, feeling that this cup of spiritual tea made her feel happy from head to toe, and she felt extremely energetic!

No wonder those powerful men were in a daze for a long time after drinking tea. But what she didn't know was that Li Yun only took back 70% of his power from her cup of tea, and 30% remained in the tea. She has a higher sense of Taoism and resonates even more with the Tao of Tea Sea, so her reaction is naturally stronger than that of others.

Xiao Hong was shocked to find that Fairy Wenhui was trembling all over, her face was filled with tears, her face turned extremely pink, and she was lying on the ground limply turning over and over. Looking like this, it looked like... she was in heat? !

"Oh my God, what can we do?!" Xiao Hong exclaimed.

Of course she has seen many such scenes, but she has never seen it with Fairy Wenhui. In other words, Fairy Wenhui is still a young...

Looking at her current appearance, if there was a spiritual pig next to her, she would probably pounce on it with great thirst!

Xiaohong had no choice but to be cruel, carve out a small space, lock her in it, and let her go crazy first...

"I wonder what that little girl looked like after drinking that cup of tea? I wish I could see it..." Li Yun said with a smile.

"There is nothing we can do now. That nest is of a high level and cannot be visited." Xiaoxing said.

"I hope she won't cause trouble for me when she comes out."

"What if she eats that rice dumpling?" Xiaoxing teased.

"Then I can only laugh..."

What the two of them didn't expect was that Xiaoxing's words came true. Fairy Wenhui, who was tossing and turning in the small space and gasping for breath, actually took out the rice dumpling she snatched from Du Lin and ate it!


Xiaohong didn't realize it. When she came to check again, her eyes widened in surprise. She covered her mouth with her delicate hands and was speechless!

She reacted and quickly burned it. This was of course one of her responsibilities. Although the matter was beyond her control, such a situation had to be reported. Otherwise, how could she explain it to her grandmother?

"Oh my gosh, isn't that the jade box that holds the rice dumplings? It seems that the princess ate the rice dumplings, which caused her to undergo such a transformation! It's incredible!" Xiao Hong murmured in her mouth, recording crazily. With…

A Taoist dish can cause an immortal to undergo such a perfect transformation. This has never been seen in Xiao Hong's experience. Today can be said to be an eye-opener, but this time the eye-opener comes at a huge cost. , turned out to be the master's little princess's first transformation. Does this count as her having sex?

(= remember in one second)

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