The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1700 A following immortal?

"Another immortal knowledge?!" Li Yun was shocked.

"Yes! As far as we know, apart from Du Lin and Wen Hui, and the artifact spirits in her nest, the immortal consciousness here is us, Chi Yan, and Huo Yan. But there seems to be a stranger not far away. The immortal consciousness is visiting, and the target... is Du Lin and Wen Hui!" Xiaoxing finally determined the location of the immortal consciousness and said with certainty.

"Where? It seems that this person has not noticed us, Chi Yan, and Xiao Yan. We need to ask them to pay attention."

"Yes! The little slave has already informed them, but Chi Yan said that he had discovered him a long time ago. He is a powerful intermediate immortal. Looking at his clothes, he looks like someone from the Immortal Court!"

"Oh? Look at this situation... This person is not following Fairy Wenhui, right?" Li Yun quickly realized this.

Because this person has not shown up for so long and has been paying attention to the conversation between Du Lin and Wen Hui. It is obvious that he has intentions.

In addition, if this person is from the Immortal Courtyard, he should know Fairy Wenhui and Du Lin. If he is a friend, he would have come forward to meet him long ago. However, he is hiding in the dark and eavesdropping, which means that the two parties are definitely not the same. Normal friendship.

"Sir, Chi Yan asked if you want to take it down?"

"No need! Since this person is eavesdropping, let him listen. It is estimated that he will take action next. If he sends the immortal talisman to the fairy world, just let Chi Yan intercept the immortal talisman. "Li Yun said.

"Okay!" Xiaoxing immediately told Chi Yan about this matter.

In Li Yun's view, Xiaoxing's ability could have completed this task, but since Chi Yan has also discovered this person, let Chi Yan do it. This can show his trust and dependence on him, and let this person do it. It is still very important to have a strong reputation and a sense of presence.

Judging from Chi Yan's attitude, it seems that he recognizes himself quite a lot and wants to get involved to help from time to time. This is a good start. It at least proves that not only has he recovered, but his personality has also changed. If it were in the past, this would definitely be the case. This would not be his normal behavior, because according to the data, it is impossible for him to want to help others, and due to his irritable personality, his relationship with others is also extremely disharmonious.

If Chi Yan can become a helper, or become a member of the Universiade Palace, it will be of great help to him in the future in the fairy world. Of course, he will not deliberately win over him, but will use his own natural way, like spring breeze and rain, to subtly influence him. Just try to influence him...

Li Yun continued to repair the cracks in the special space, and it didn't take long for him to complete the task.

He quickly called Sha Li, Dechun and others to check the earth and spiritual veins together, and found that the situation in Yaolin Realm was much better than that in Miaolin Realm, and there were basically no problems.

This is simply a miracle!

Because it took a long time for the formation to be built, and in the meantime, it had experienced the coma of the formation spirit, the destruction of the demon clan, and the immortal catastrophe that had occurred before. This made Dechun, Sha Li and others feel incredible, but also quite happy. Finally there is good news!

Li Yun estimated that this has a lot to do with the situation of the Yaolin Realm itself, because the Yaolin Realm is mainly composed of earth-attribute materials, and its origin is the earth and spiritual veins here. It can be said to be the foundation of the world. The original correction The selection of the formation here must have been determined after some inspection.

The nature of earth-attribute materials is extremely fixed and will not change easily. Unlike the Miaolin Realm, its materials are mainly water-attributes. Even the earth veins and spiritual veins are moist and watery, so they cannot take any form. Change is difficult.

As for the Immortal Tribulation that happened earlier, apart from destroying the earth city, it had almost no impact on the formation, because it was all taken away by him!

Except for a limited number of people who knew this, no one else knew about it, including Dechun and Xingzun, so of course Li Yun would not tell it.

He smiled and said to Sha Li: "Congratulations, senior! It seems that the task of repairing the formation can begin!"

"Haha, we need to ask Yun Zun to preside over it! In addition, our people in Dadi City are currently engaged in reconstruction tasks, and there are hardly many people left to help the formation..." Sha Li said.

Xing Zun said aside: "It doesn't matter. The situation here looks much better than that of the Miaolin tribe. We are enough!"

Li Yun nodded and praised: "That's true! Let's start now without further ado!"

He quickly directed the powerful people present and his subordinates to work vigorously...

"Sir, Huang Yimiao has indeed sold all the fairy grass and elixirs in his hands to Fairy Wenhui!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"So fast?! I didn't expect Huang Yimiao to have such a decisive ability." Li Yun said with some surprise.

"It's not that he has strong decision-making ability, but that he has almost no resistance in front of Fairy Wenhui. He was so obsessed with lust that he quickly sold all the fairy herbs and elixirs in his hands to her at extremely low prices. .”

"So that's it. I'm afraid this crazy brother won't be able to bear it after he wakes up, right?" Li Yun teased.

"He is now addicted to Fairy Wenhui's charm. He won't wake up so quickly. At least he has to wait for her to leave here."

"Then let's wait and see... By the way, how is that immortal doing now?"

"There has been no movement yet, and he is still observing. The little slave seems to be very interested in the master presiding over this formation repair, and he seems to be enjoying it."

Xiaoxing created a screen of light in Li Yun's mind. Inside, there was a person hiding in a fairy air shield, peering in and out to watch...

I saw that he had distant eyebrows, red star eyes, a moist nose and a bell mouth, a ribbon on his head, and his hair was casually scattered, making him look handsome and elegant. He was wearing a blue robe with fairy patterns and flowers on it. He is very good-looking, with a fairy flute on his waist and soft leather boots on his feet. He looks very neat and confident. No wonder he has just observed quietly from the moment he appeared until now, and is not in a hurry to take any action.

"Hey, this man has a fairy flute on his waist, he seems to be a Taoist person!" Li Yun said.

He has a good impression of people who love music, so when he sees this person wearing a musical instrument and his whole temperament is very close to the way of music, he no longer feels the repulsion he felt at the beginning.

"Yes, Xiaonu sees that his fairy flute has 299 levels. I wonder if he can fully control it..."

"Well, although it is not difficult to get started with the flute, it is not so easy to play the flute at a high level, especially in the bass part and the ventilation requirements are very high. We have not met many people who are proficient in the flute in the spiritual world. I really want to hear the sound of his flute." Li Yun said with great interest.

"Sir, if he could really play the flute with two hundred and ninety-nine levels, there would probably be chaos here!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Of course I will respond. Besides, aren't there Luo Li and Yan Shi? Let them fight..."

"Great! But can the power of the two of them reach such a high level?" Xiaoxing asked suspiciously.

"The two of them... When we were in the lower realm last time, Yan Shi and I played the ninety-nine-string Yao Qin. He was able to fully control it. Later in the wild realm, I saw his performance against the fire stone rain. The power of the piano should be able to reach two hundred and forty-nine strings, which should be his limit. As for Luo Li, we have not seen his singing level. In addition, there is Fairy Youmeng, whose dancing skills are outstanding. The strength should also be pretty good." Li Yun said.

"Sir, after the formation is repaired, if this person has not left yet, how about we suggest holding a Xianle Conference to reward everyone? This should arouse this person's interest."

"Good idea! However, we should first announce the news to let him know, and keep Du Lin and Fairy Wenhui here before locking it here."

"There is no problem in announcing it first, and Du Lin and Wen Hui were planning to wait here for information from the fairy world, so they have plenty of time."

"Okay, let's try it."

While Li Yun was directing, he found Dechun with his spiritual consciousness and told him about the appearance of the immortal, which immediately shocked him!

Unexpectedly, an intermediate-level immortal from the immortal world came here, and it seemed that he was following Fairy Wenhui. The two were probably enemies rather than friends. When these immortals fight, mortals will suffer. Once the two sides conflict, the one who will suffer the most will definitely suffer. They are people from the spirit world!

"Yunzun, what should we do?!" Dechun asked urgently.

"Don't worry! Immortals must also abide by the rules of the immortals. They are not allowed to run wild everywhere. What's more, the three of them are members of the Immortal Court, so they must pay more attention to this issue."

"Oh? How do you know they are all from Immortal Court?" De Chun asked curiously.

Li Yun was startled for a moment, realizing that he had spilled the beans, so he made up: "The robes they are wearing are all of the Immortal Court standard, so they should be right."

"I see! I hope they don't do anything. I wonder if there is any way to make them less angry?" Dechun thought.

"I have an idea." Li Yun smiled.

"Master Yun, please tell me."

"The reconstruction of Dadi City and the repair of the formation are two major events. If they are both completed, it is naturally worthy of celebration. Why not invite Yan Shi, Luo Li, and Youmeng Fairy to perform. It should not take too long and will not affect the performance. The other Lin Realm formations have been repaired. Let the wind go, when the time comes."

"This... is a good idea! Singing and dancing are indeed Taoist ways to relax people. I just heard that the three of them are very spiritual. I wonder if they are willing to perform?" Dechun said suspiciously.

"Don't worry, they often drink and have fun together. If the Lin clan invites them here, they will just move their usual fun here. Why not?"

"Okay, then I'll invite them now!" Dechun said excitedly upon hearing this.

"Senior, if they agree, they can spread the news first, so that they will no longer be able to refuse!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Haha, that makes sense!" Dechun praised.

He brought along Bizhi, Sha Li and other Lin clan powerful men, and soon found Yan Shi, Luo Li and Youmeng Fairy to mention the matter.

Yan Shi and the other three were not very conspicuous among so many powerful people. They seemed to have been ignored by others. They themselves were happy to do so. Unexpectedly, so many powerful people from the Lin tribe suddenly came to invite them to perform. For a moment, they were flattered and almost I agreed without thinking...

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