The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1706 Xiaohong’s discovery

Li Yun was speechless for a while and sighed: "You are trying to force everyone to death..."

"My little slave wants to set a standard of beauty for people in the spirit world, so that they should not praise others as beauties at all times. They need to know what a real beauty looks like..."

"Based on what you said, I'm afraid everyone will be ashamed of themselves in the future."

"How is that possible? At least adults are more attractive than slaves! It is estimated that there will be many beauties in the fairy world, and I must compare with them all!" Xiaoxing said confidently.

"I would rather hear you compare them all in terms of power..." Li Yun teased.

"Don't worry, sir! This will happen sooner or later! With our intelligence and ability, it is impossible for the Xuanling world to restrain us. Maybe the vast interstellar space outside will be a bigger stage for us!" Xiaoxing Said confidently.

"Good! Good! I like to hear this sentence more..." Li Yun praised.

Xiaoxing's words hit Li Yun's mind. As his abilities continue to improve and his experience continues to grow, Li Yun's vision and heart are no longer limited to one realm and one region in the past. Instead, they have begun to touch the fairy world and look at the stars. , it is this dream of transcending the mysterious world that allows him to maintain full interest and passion on the road of exploration, and move forward bravely without being satisfied or shrinking!

If he could, he would explore to the end of the universe! ! !

This spiritual energy had been brewing in his heart for a long time. At this time, it was revealed by Xiaoxing, and it began to slowly rise in his heart. This spiritual energy could be said to be so powerful that it was uncontrollable. Even the immortal robe that had been upgraded countless times could not control it. It was completely covered, and a part of it was released, making his aura gradually grow stronger without realizing it. It didn't take long for Du Lin, Fairy Wenhui and Dechun around him to feel it.

They felt that the aura coming from Li Yun was so charming and powerful that they wanted to get close to him, so they had to hold back to avoid making a fool of themselves!

The three of them looked at Li Yun in surprise, and found that his whole person exuded an indescribable and powerful charm from the inside out. Even his face seemed to be blurred, and they felt that he was the lover of their dreams. Looks like, even if I didn’t have the lover of my dreams before, I feel like I’ve found it now!

Seeing the three people in a daze, Li Yun secretly thought that something was wrong, and quickly turned to the power of the fairy spirit to suppress the rising powerful Taoist spirit very slowly...

Although he had previously presided over the repair project of the formation, the Taoism in his body had been suppressed very well, and the immortal robe was also well concealed, so he did not stand out. Instead, he was like an ordinary human youth and could interact and speak normally with everyone. , just showing a calm and elegant temperament.

I didn't expect that I almost made a big mistake just now by accident.

So he tried hard to suppress this restless Taoist spirit, and finally calmed down. However, he soon felt that something was wrong with the surrounding atmosphere. When he looked up, he found that the entire hall was silent, and everyone's eyes were on the ground. Looking at themselves, their expressions are a little dazed, and some people's saliva has wet their robes...

"Sir, everything is going wrong! And so is the Immortal with the Flute who has been peeping outside!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"what to do?!"

"My lord, let's disappear for now!" Xiaoxing suggested.

"That makes sense!"

With a thought in his mind, Li Yun escaped into Tianyun, and soon appeared where Chi Yan and Huo Yan were. This is a famous mountain resort in Dadi City, but now everyone has gone to the City Lord's Mansion, and there is no tourist here. .

The two of them were setting up a banquet here. They had been watching the scene with Li Yun blankly, but suddenly they found that Li Yun had disappeared inexplicably, and they couldn't help but scream!

"Where is the master?!" Huo Yan asked urgently.

"Where did Xiao Yun... go?!" Chi Yan asked suspiciously as he didn't find any trace of Li Yun.

"What? The adults are not in danger, are they?!"

"Impossible! With Xiao Lun's ability, even I can't help him. How can there be danger?!" Chi Yan scolded.


"I'm here!" came a voice.

A jade platform appeared next to it, and Li Yun's figure appeared with a smile.

"Sir!" "Little luck!"

Huo Yan and Chi Yan shouted in surprise, feeling a huge weight drop in their hearts!

"It's better here, it's too depressing there!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Haha, it seems that you are still not used to being admired by all the people!" Huo Yan laughed.

"Forget it. If you don't admire the scenery, it's all nonsense. At most, it can only use some useful power of faith." Li Yun teased.

"Oh, adults look down on those powers of faith, but there are many people who like them!" Huo Yan shouted.

"Then... do you want to go there? With the name of your ancestors, it is easy to gain their faith."

"Let's forget it. It's better for me, little slave, to accompany the adults here. Besides, there are three immortals there, two of them are much more powerful than me, so forget it!" Huo Yan sighed.

Li Yun knew that the two immortals Huo Yan mentioned were Fairy Wenhui and the Immortal with the Flute, so he asked: "Who is the Immortal with the Flute? Do you recognize it?"

"I don't know, little slave! I used to hang out among the people and didn't care much about the people and things in the Immortal Courtyard. My limited knowledge was actually heard from Yuan Yichu." Huo Yan said quickly, with an expression on his face. Feeling a little guilty.

"It's okay, it's normal." Li Yun comforted.

Of course, Chi Yan didn't recognize him and said, "Xiao Yun wants to know more about him, so I can wait until I capture him and interrogate him directly."

"Senior, you don't have to! There will be some fun shows to watch later."

"Oh? You mean the Xianle Conference?"

"Yes, it will start soon."

The three people turned their attention to the main hall and found that the place had basically returned to normal. They were just a little confused about Li Yun's sudden disappearance and didn't know what happened.

Li Yun had secretly informed Xingzun, so Xingzun hurriedly came out to comfort everyone and said: "Just now, Yunzun had an urgent matter and left to deal with it. It will not affect the convening of the Xianle Conference here. His little slave Ling Daozi is still here. I will perform for everyone.”

"That's it." Sha Li felt relieved upon hearing this.

But there was still a trace of regret in his heart. He always felt that Li Yun's sudden departure made him feel a little empty, as if he had lost something important...

This feeling is not only felt by him, but also by everyone present, more or less. This is because the longer they are in contact with Li Yun, the more they are unknowingly fascinated by his Tao power, and they become unconsciously. It’s centered on him!

Although Li Yun never showed his cultivation and skills, or even his bloodline and Tao power, he exuded calmness, ease, wit and humor in every move he made. His magnanimity strongly infected everyone, especially his spiritual control, which not only took care of everyone, but also directly benefited everyone from the deep vitality contained in it. Maybe they didn't realize this at first. But later on, it became more and more obvious that everyone had fallen under Li Yun's consciousness, which was as warm as the winter sun!

"I hope Yun Zun can finish the work quickly and come back soon!" Dechun said aside.

"Exactly, everyone wants him to come back soon to watch the show!" Du Lin continued.

Fairy Wenhui's face was pink and she looked thoughtful.

In fact, she was communicating with Xiaohong.

"You mean you just found another trace of the fairy? Could it be Li Yun? Could something have happened to him?!" Fairy Wenhui said in surprise.

"Princess, we have indeed discovered another fairy trace! But this fairy trace does not seem to belong to Li Yun, but to someone else!" Xiao Hong affirmed.

"Did some immortal kidnapped Li Yun just now?!" Fairy Wenhui's face changed slightly and she said in shock.

"Princess, don't worry, it's probably not the case! Li Yun disappeared silently and could not be detected at all. But it was precisely because of this that I discovered that there was another immortal consciousness that had been paying attention to him. Due to Li Yun's sudden disappearance, Obviously, the immortal consciousness was extremely surprised because of this, there was a strange movement, and I noticed it!" Xiao Hong said happily.

She indeed felt extremely lucky, because her duty was to protect the safety of Fairy Wenhui, but there was actually an immortal consciousness nearby monitoring this place, and she was unaware of it all the time, in case this person had any plans for Fairy Wenhui. If so, wouldn't he be seriously derelict in his duty?

Fortunately, Li Yun's sudden disappearance just now caused a loophole in that person's invisibility and was discovered by him. Otherwise, I don't know what the consequences would be!

"That's it! I hope Li Yun is okay!" Fairy Wenhui said with a sigh of relief.

"Princess, why do you care more about Li Yun than yourself?! The appearance of that immortal is most likely related to you, not to Li Yun!" Xiao Hong said with hatred.

"Oh, don't I have you! As long as you find him, that's fine. If that doesn't work, I'll just hide in you, right?" Fairy Wenhui said with a sweet smile.

"Okay, okay, of course, but you can't let down your guard now! It's best to tell Du Lin about this. Maybe that person is also interested in Du Lin and will take action against him then!" Xiao Hong warned. .

"Yes!" Fairy Wenhui suddenly understood and was shocked!

Xiao Hong is right. This person will never appear in the Yaolin world for no reason. You must know that the spiritual world is so big. If he comes to the spiritual world, it is unlikely that he will come here by such a coincidence. Previously, his father I once warned that someone might be following me, reminding me to be careful, and I have been paying attention to this matter.

However, after coming to Linyu, I encountered more and more surprises. I was always in a state of excitement, but in the end I forgot about this!

Fortunately, Xiaohong discovered this person. It seems that her father's prophecy has come true. What should we do? !

"Xiao Hong, if this person dares to follow him here, he must be quite powerful. What should we do?!" Wen Hui asked urgently.

"This person's strength... is indeed impressive. If you knew who he was, you would understand what I'm talking about..."

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