The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1708 Who plays the piano?

Sha Li flicked his sleeves and unlocked the spiritual power lock he had placed on Broken Rock. Broken Rock on the bed suddenly howled in pain and rolled around, looking like he was in agony!

Everyone looked at it with amusement and quickly left to avoid embarrassing him further.

Only Huang Yimiao and Sha Li were still watching inside. Fortunately, after Sui Yan took the elixir, it was quite effective and gradually calmed down. Finally, he lay on the bed and gasped...

"Many...thank you...Great Immortal!" Broken Rock struggled and hissed.

"You're welcome, it should be fine for now!" Huang Yimiao said cheerfully.

"Great Immortal, how much was the pill pill just now?" Sha Li asked.

"No need! This elixir is mainly used to treat the Phoenix Clan's plague, but it is still not suitable for your Lin Clan. The elixir recipe needs to be changed." Huang Yimiao said.

"I see! So you need to develop new pills?" Sha Li asked.

"Of course! If the Lin tribe really needs it, then I will develop a new pill..." Huang Yimiao dug a hole and waited for the Lin tribe to jump into it.

What he said was actually meant for Dechun outside. Sha Li was a big boss, how could he tell that?

He took Huang Yimiao around the clan temple and looked at the clan members who were seriously ill. Huang Yimiao casually used the Demon Suppressing Pill to stabilize their conditions, making this sudden The situation has been resolved.

There are a lot of patients here, reaching nearly 3,000 people, and these are only the sick people on the surface of Dadicheng. It is not known how many people in other Yaolinjie areas have been infected. This is the most The scary part.

Huang Yimiao was secretly happy. It seemed that the plague of the Lin clan had spread, and the problem was huge. This of course also meant that the market was expanding rapidly. If he could occupy it, it would bring him huge wealth!

While chatting with Sha Li and visiting the patient, Huang Yimiao came out full of gratitude and moved by the patient!

Dechun quickly went up to him and asked, "Wong Tai Sin, I wonder how the epidemic is going?"

"Well... I believe you have also seen that their situation is not too serious, but if they are not treated, they are basically useless..." Huang Yimiao said tactfully.

"That's true! We don't know how they were infected with the plague. Now the number of infections in the region is on the rise! I wonder if the immortal can help us determine the source of the infection.

Block its development trend? "

"Of course! If the source of infection is not known, how can it be possible to completely cure the plague? But..."

"But what?!"

"Generally speaking, the source of infection is extremely secretive and complex, and it is extremely difficult to completely determine it! We can only follow the clues, investigate step by step, and rely on a bit of luck. In short, it is difficult to complete in a short time..." Huang Yimiao was ambiguous. said.

What he said was indeed the truth, and it was basically the common understanding of everyone. Therefore, he received repeated approval from Dechun, Bizhi and others, and they all expressed that they would cooperate with him in the investigation.

Du Lin secretly laughed in his heart. The fat boy's words were just used to deceive these people. If he could really find out the source of infection, he would not be at the level of immortality now.

Although Du Lin's medical power is not as good as Huang Yimiao's, he is worse than Huang Yimiao because of his strong immortal power. His immortality is much more acute than Huang Yimiao's, so he has an advantage over him in discovering the cause of the plague, but even he can't After discovering the ins and outs of the plague, how could Huang Yimiao be aware of it?

Du Lin has long discovered that the plague in the spiritual world seems to be extremely cunning and hidden deep enough to be difficult to detect clearly.

If it could be unearthed, it would be extremely helpful for doctors to prescribe the right medicine according to the cause of the disease. But now everyone seems to be facing a ghost and cannot prescribe the right medicine. They can only gradually experiment based on their own experience and medical knowledge. Design the best elixir recipe and prepare the best elixir pill to deal with the plague, so no one is necessarily sure!

Du Lin sighed slightly in his heart. Regarding the plague in the spiritual world, he could only be speechless. Moreover, he had long realized that the water in this matter was extremely deep. It was not as simple as it seemed on the surface. Maybe the spread of plague in the spiritual world was just It has just begun, am I also involved in a storm that I can see but cannot figure out the details of?

When everyone returned to the city lord's mansion, Sha Li announced in public the situation he had just checked and praised Huang Yimiao greatly, causing everyone to praise him repeatedly, making him look more dignified.

I saw him with a big belly, his head held high, his small eyes narrowed into a thin line when he smiled, and he was saying hello to everyone, almost shouting "How are you friends behind you? Can you hear me?" Suddenly, "Ding" "A sound sounded in everyone's ears. Although it was extremely small, it was clearly audible and touched everyone's heartstrings. Even Huang Yimiao, who was so excited that he almost forgot about everything, was slightly startled and paused!

"Ding...ding ding..."

The sound continued to sound, seemingly far and near, hidden and revealed, quiet and long... It was like a sound coming from the sky. People's hearts were immediately caught by it, and they listened intently. The whole place suddenly fell silent!

Not to mention those ordinary Lin clan people and people from all clans in the spiritual world, powerful people like De Chun, Xing Zun, and Wang Huaixu were all instantly caught by the sound of the piano and could not get rid of it!

Du Lin, Fairy Wen Hui, Xiao Hong, and Wen Qing, who was peeping from the outside, were also hit in the heart instantly when they heard the music and felt bad!

Especially Wen Qing, because he is a person who loves Taoism and is extremely sensitive to the sound of music. When he heard the sound of the piano, he felt a little dazed and trembled slightly. The power of music and Taoism in his body was aroused. Running quickly…


The sound of the piano was like water, pouring from the void, and soon flooded the entire earth city and a huge area around it. All the lives in this area felt the amazing magic power of the music, and everyone listened attentively. Intoxicated...

Even the people of the Lin tribe who were suffering from the plague in the clan temple felt instantly comfortable when they heard the music of the piano. They felt cool and comfortable all over their bodies, like bathing in a mountain spring, enjoying the gifts of nature and appreciating the sounds of nature. …

The demon clan imprisoned in the formation were stunned!

This sound of the piano is like a gift from God to them, allowing them to receive a baptism of happiness in the midst of boredom.

The Great Demon Lord Yu Jiang had already woken up. After understanding his situation, he even wanted to die!

I never thought that I could have left here early and escaped back to the demon world, but I made a miscalculated move and ended up in jail. It is really not as good as God!

And I don’t know how all this happened.

This is because when he was fighting against the Immortal Tribulation, he did not find out what the problem was, but after he was knocked unconscious by the Immortal Tribulation, he was doomed to this tragic fate!

"Why?! Why on earth?! How could the formation remain intact after the five thunderbolts hit it? And it has become so stable? It seems to have been upgraded?!"

Yu Jiang's memory stayed at the moment before he fell into coma. At that time, the Immortal Tribulation struck five thunderbolts at once, and they struck in five directions. Under such terrifying thunderbolts, with that broken formation, how could Maybe you can withstand it? !

But the fact hit him hard in the face. After he woke up, he found that not only was the formation intact, but it had also become stronger, so strong that he would collapse.

His heart kept sinking, almost to the bottom of the sea. When he was about to despair, he was suddenly awakened by the sound of the piano just now, which suddenly woke him up!

"Oh my God, who plays the piano? It sounds so damn good..."

Yu Jiang yelled, and jumped to the edge of the small space like a little meat ball. His consciousness frantically scanned outside. With his ability, he could actually see the situation in the city lord's palace. When he saw the lively scene, he suddenly felt A sense of sadness came to my heart...

"Ding ding dong... ding ding dong... ding ding ding ding dong... ding dong dong... ding dong dong..."

The sound of the piano is faint and resonant, noisy and like silk, like the rain in spring, the cool breeze in summer, the bright moon in autumn, and the warm sun in winter. It makes everyone intoxicated, feeling the gift of nature and experiencing the joy of life. good…

As Yu Jiang listened, he suddenly felt that his whole body and mind relaxed and let go. There was nothing that could be escaped. If he really escaped, would he be able to hear such a piece of supreme music?

If you hear the truth in the morning, you will die in the evening!

This was Yu Jiang's mood at this time. He found that he could actually understand this piece of music. This was really a miracle, because he knew almost nothing about music before, but this natural sound seemed to be made just for him. The playing was the same, which made him clearly understand the meaning he wanted to explain...

In fact, other people have similar feelings in their hearts, as if this music is played for themselves alone, like pouring out words, like singing, like crying, like gentle whispers, like deafening ears, like the teachings of a teacher, like friends. conversation…

The music moved everyone's body language, causing them to move slightly to the rhythm of the music, and their eyes began to turn to the empty space between the inner and outer courtyards.

I don't know when this place has been shrouded in spiritual mist, filled with some strange light spots and shadows, like a dream...

At this time, the sound of the piano began to change into a long and melodious tone, intermittent and faint, but it always echoed in people's hearts and they couldn't stop!

The light and shadow in the space changed, and a graceful figure appeared to the rhythm of the music. It was Fairy Youmeng!

She looked extremely lazy, as if she had just woken up from a spring sleep. She looked at the dreamlike light and shadow around her and smiled. This smile was immediately transmitted by the light and shadow, flickering throughout the space, making Thousands of charming smiles appeared in the dream space, which made people stunned!

Fairy Youmeng brushed her hair with her slender hands and flicked it gently. The hair was like a sky full of green threads crossing the dream space, crossing everyone's heart, making their hearts beat...

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