The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1719 Auction of Life Extension Pill (8)

I saw Ling Daozi going through each box one by one, giving the name and estimating the price, leaving everyone stunned!

Unexpectedly, these immortal herbs and elixirs that are impossible to see in the spiritual world are as familiar to Ling Daozi as the spiritual vegetables grown in his own spiritual vegetable garden. Of course, if they know the truth, this is indeed the case!

Moreover, Ling Daozi's valuation was easy to come by, and its accuracy was so high that Wen Qing, Du Lin, Fairy Wen Hui and others were speechless. They could only listen carefully and constantly agree...

"Princess, have you noticed that these immortal grasses and elixirs are all universal medicines used to refine life-extending pills? And they are all varieties that are in extremely short supply in the immortal world. Why does he have so many? And all of them?!" Hong said in surprise.

"Yes, I can see it too! This matter must be reported to father!" Fairy Wenhui's face was extremely serious. The fact in front of her reminded her of many...

Perhaps, she has revealed the reason for the shortage of medicinal materials in the fairy world.

Ling Daozi finished ordering the herbs and said with a smile: "Senior, these herbs are quite valuable. They are worth a total of sixty-eight high-grade immortal stones, not counting the fraction. Are you sure you want to put them all here first?"

"That's right! Although the herbs are good, they are not as good as the elixirs. Of course I will replace them all." Wen Qing said proudly.

This move regained all the face he had just lost, making his mood brighten and a rare smile appear on his face.

However, if he knew the consequences of this trick, he might not even be able to cry at this moment...

"Okay! Thirty-six pieces of high-grade immortal stones! Wen Qing, once!" Ling Daozi rang the bell and sang.

"Forty high-grade immortal stones!" Huo Yan shouted.

"You?!" Wen Qing was startled and stared at Huo Yan. If eyes could kill, then his eyes could do it.

"Haha, why are you looking at me? Have you forgotten that I am the agent of Yuanyi Immortal Lord?" Huo Yan teased.

"This..." Wen Qing was completely stunned!

After all the things that happened just now, he really forgot about this!

Behind Huo Yan stood Immortal Lord Yuanyi. Although he could torture him completely with his own cultivation, he couldn't do it. This made him feel helpless. He couldn't offend Yuanyi, right?

However, since they are all participating in the auction, there is no question of whether they will be offended or not.

Now I have a lot of high-grade immortal stones in my hands, and I am full of confidence.

Just when Wen Qing was about to call out the price, Nian Lun, who was standing aside, already shouted leisurely: "Forty-five pieces of high-grade immortal stone!"

"What?!" The whole audience burst into an uproar.

Unexpectedly, this guy couldn't help it and started to take action!

The previous two pills were auctioned off by Fairy Wenhui at a low price, which actually made these people feel like their hearts were bleeding. Therefore, starting from the third pill, they all made up their minds to fight for it, even if they couldn't get it. , and we can no longer let people take it away at a low price!

If something like this happens again, it will not only be a mistake for them, but also a ridiculed joke!

It can be said that it is only now that this auction has truly turned into a fierce competition!

The people involved have long been upgraded, including immortals, third-generation immortals, and middle- and low-level immortals. Such a combination is quite high-level even in the immortal world.

Under normal circumstances, in an auction involving the Immortal Lord, as long as he is determined, he will usually auction it off in the end. Judging from the attitude shown by Yuan Yi, of course he wants to auction the pill away at all costs, so other people There is no chance of success, so Nian Lun, Wen Qing, Du Lin and Wen Hui all feel that they must raise the price no matter what. Even if Yuan Yi eventually takes away the price, the price he pays will become larger.

The four of them unknowingly thought of a piece, and they all called out the price tacitly. Not long after, the price rose to 60 yuan for a high-grade immortal stone!

Just as Huo Yan finished shouting, Wen Qing immediately shouted again, "Sixty-five pieces of high-grade immortal stones!"

The whole audience was speechless!

Everyone was watching the show and waiting for Huo Yan to bid. However, Huo Yan seemed a little hesitant this time and waited for a while without calling. As a result, Ling Daozi rang the bell three times to set the auction price, and the longevity pill was returned. Wenqing!

"Wo..." Everyone was shocked!

Unexpectedly, Huo Yan ignored Yuan Yi's instructions, backed down from the battle, and gave up another pill!

This made Wen Hui, who originally wanted to bid, heartbroken! Even if this pill is given to others, it cannot fall into the hands of Wen Qing. This is her bottom line, but she did not expect the result to be unexpected.

The progress of the matter was a little strange, but before they could react, the auction of the fourth life-extending pill began again. The auction price started directly from sixty-five high-grade immortal stones, which made everyone in the spirit world stunned.

Ling Daozi's methods are too powerful!

The value of the life-extending pill in hand can be said to have skyrocketed, because there is a great god like Xian Zun Yuanyi behind him. If others don't take it, they will definitely be taken away by him in the end. Therefore, Fairy Wenhui and others must retaliate. Yan Gao also prayed that he would stop raising prices. If this happened, the price would only keep rising!

Sure enough, in the crazy bidding of these four people, Fairy Wenhui took away three of the remaining seven longevity pills, Wenqing took away two, Nian Lun and Du Lin each took away one, and Wenhui took the last one. The fairy's auction price reached an astonishing one hundred pieces of high-grade fairy stones! ! !

People in the spirit world looked at this scene as if they were watching an extremely vivid auction in the fairy world. This level and grade were far beyond their imagination, and they were simply not able to participate in it now.

Some people also discovered a question, that is, why did Huo Yan give up these seven life-extending pills?

Judging from Yuanyi Immortal Lord's attitude at the beginning and the light screen he sent, he was determined to seize these ten life-extending pills, but he only made that one outburst, and then let Huo Yan go. Bidding, no more reminders.

The reason is intriguing, but in the eyes of Fairy Wenhui and other immortals, this situation is normal, because the distance between the immortal world and the spiritual world is unknown, and the transmission of information is extremely difficult and costly. Immortal Yuan Yi can Seeing that the previous situation was already very rare, after entrusting full authority to Huo Yan, he probably felt at ease and went to do other things.

Therefore, the problem should be with Huo Yan. It seems that he is still a low-level immortal after all, with little experience and little courage. He must have been frightened when he saw such an auction price and did not dare to call him again. Can be forgiven.

If he is blamed by Immortal Yuan Yi after buying pills at a high price, then he will not be able to live with it.

The four of them secretly rejoiced that Immortal Yuan Yi had entrusted someone with his help this time, allowing them to grab the precious life-extending pill. They were indeed lucky!

Fairy Wenhui took away a total of five pills, but she was still not satisfied. She asked Ling Daozi: "Xiao Ling, do you have any more longevity pills? Sell them to me!"

"Hehe, you must have it there, sir. However, all I have on hand now is the low-level longevity pill that Senior Miao Xian exchanged just now. I wonder if you want it? If so, I can give it to you at a price."

"A low-level life-extending pill? How low-level is it? Can it really extend life?" Fairy Wenhui asked suspiciously.

"Fairy, you can take a look at his two-thousand-year-old one first." Ling Daozi threw a pill.

Huang Yimiao was stunned as he watched, but he didn't expect Ling Daozi to sell his life-extending pill!

But now that the pill is in his hands, what he wants to do with it is his business, and he can't stop it.

Du Lin said from the side: "Let me take a look too!"

Ling Daozi threw another pill to him.

When Nian Lun and Wen Qing saw this, their eyes lit up and they quickly asked Ling Daozi for help.

In the past, these low-level life-extending products would certainly not have caught their attention, but things are different now. The prices of life-extending products in the fairy world have risen very fast, even those original life-extending pills that had serious side effects and diminished in effectiveness very quickly. They were also snapped up, and the price was also very high. Therefore, it was rare for a talent like Huang Yimiao to appear in the spiritual world. He could actually refine the life-extending pills by himself. It would be embarrassing not to buy some from him.

The scene where Huang Yimiao spent all his wealth in exchange for a high-quality life-extending pill to Ling Daozi was seen by everyone. Everyone knew that the life-extending pill on his body had been in Ling Daozi's hands. However, looking at Huang Yimiao's current state It is very different from before. Like Fairy Luo Li and Youmeng who also swallowed the longevity pill, their faces were glowing with jade, and their bodies were surrounded by spiritual mist. They seemed to be shining with fairy light, which made people admire them...

The miraculous effect of the life-extending pill can be said to be immediate. No wonder everything that extends life is so popular!

Fairy Wenhui looked at it for a while, and was delighted to find that this low-level life-extending pill that Ling Daozi said was actually much better than many low-end life-extending products in the fairy world. After confirming with Xiaohong, she also thought so, and immediately I have made a decision to buy all these life-extending pills!

This is so important to my father, King Shang!

Isn't it just to make elixirs in search of those fairy grasses and elixirs? Wouldn't it be better to find the longevity pill directly now?

She had an urgent discussion with Du Lin on the side, and the two quickly reached an agreement, so they said to Ling Daozi: "Xiao Ling, I want all these low-level life-extending pills in your hand. Please set a price!"

"Wow..." The whole audience was in an uproar.

Unexpectedly, the low-level life-extending pills in Huang Yimiao's hands would become a good product in the eyes of the immortals in an instant, and he wanted them all!

"Wait a minute!" Wen Qing shouted.

"I wonder what senior has to say?" Ling Daozi said with a smile.

"I want all of this batch of elixirs. I can pay a higher price." Wen Qing said.

"How unreasonable?! You have just photographed so many good elixirs, and now you are trying to steal them from me?" Nian Lun shouted loudly.

"What do you want to do?" Fairy Wenhui asked coldly.

"What do I want to do? Don't grab it from me. I'm going to order this batch of pills!" Nian Lun said fiercely.

"Giggles, you don't have the final say. Whoever has the money will buy it. Come out with the money!" Fairy Wenhui sneered.

"Haha, don't think you are the only one who has money. If I hadn't given it to you intentionally, I would have taken away your high-grade life-extending pills. I didn't want to say it out loud to make you grateful, but now you want to follow me even for these low-grade pills. Grab it, I can’t give it in no matter what I say!”

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