The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 173 Win-win

( ) Li Yun smiled and said: "Uncle, the so-called Kangzhuang Avenue, the five reaches are Kang, the six reaches are Zhuang, and the total of Kangzhuang is eleven. Think about it, one avenue can lead to eleven places, so How do our great roads compare with those narrow paths?"

"This... is naturally broad and flat, with a bright future..."

"Yes, this is naturally a sunshine avenue!"

"I wonder what kind of sunny avenue my nephew is referring to?" Wu Caizi asked anxiously with his little eyes wide open.

"This avenue is naturally the cooperation between the sect and Wuyou Peak, and both parties will achieve a win-win situation!"

"Cooperation? Win-win?! Both!"

This was the first time Wu Caizi came into contact with this word.

In one thing, both sides win. This situation seems unlikely to him. In business competition, one side will always win and the other will lose. At most, the gap will be smaller. Generally speaking, the stronger side will always win, and the weaker side will always win. Losing, this is particularly obvious in Xuanling Continent.

This is a world where the winner is king. Only by constantly winning, at the expense of others' failures, and letting other people's corpses become your own stepping stones, can you become strong, achieve great things, and become a giant in the world of cultivation!

"Yes, both sides win, both the sect and Wuyou Peak win!" Li Yun said decisively.

Ren Yu, Zhu Rui, Qiao Xiaodie, Yu Xin and others were stunned when they heard this, their eyes widened, and they found it difficult to understand the win-win concept proposed by Li Yun.

"My nephew, can you explain how we can cooperate to achieve a win-win situation?" Wu Caizi asked urgently.

"Actually, in my nephew's opinion, the sect is currently experiencing difficulties due to both external and internal causes. Military expenditures and various losses are external causes, while within the sect, due to being aloof for too long, people have become numb and lazy, and their sense of smell The sense of touch and touch have become dull, and the products lack innovation. This is an internal cause."

"This..." Wu Caizi's face instantly turned red.

"Uncle, don't blame me for using too harsh words. You see, even the three big agents, Maple Leaf Gang, Baihuahui and Liushui Village, can smell a dangerous smell from the recent changes in the market, and immediately turn around. And abandoning prejudices and uniting to protect themselves, but the sect is unaware of this and has no response. This situation, I generally call it a rigid organization and too heavy a bureaucracy!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"The organization is rigid... too bureaucratic..."

Wu Caizi, Ren Yu and others chewed these two words carefully.

But I don’t know what it means.

"My dear nephew, how should we understand this?"

"If an organization or a gang grows in scale, there will be more and more rules and regulations, and many things will be solidified. It may be beneficial to the development of the gang at the beginning, but as time goes by, Development, the situation is constantly changing, these regulations will become increasingly unsuitable for the development needs of the gang, and will instead become an obstacle to its development!" Li Yun said directly.

"What my nephew said is so... makes sense!" Wucaizi's eyes lit up with a twinkle of brilliance.

"Organizational rigidity is also related to the people in the organization. If a person stays in one position for a long time, no matter how diligent or smart he was, he will unknowingly become lazy and slow. Moreover, in large-scale organizations, there are too many interpersonal relationships. It’s complicated. There are intrigues and internal frictions in the organization every day. In order to keep his position, everyone uses his intelligence and talents elsewhere. He doesn’t hesitate to slander and slander others, and he also finds ways to hurt potential competitors..."

"I...I didn't..."

Wuchaizi suddenly remembered that he had said bad things about Li Yun in front of Tuzhenzi, and was startled and stammered.

"Uncle Master, I'm not talking about you, I'm just talking about the general situation."

"I see. What about the so-called excessive bureaucracy?"

"Everyone who holds an official position in a gang will work conscientiously at first, throwing their lives and blood for the organization, but as time goes by, they will use the power at hand to maximize its effectiveness in order to benefit themselves. Seek maximum benefits. In this way, they will cultivate a large number of their cronies and set up obstacles and checkpoints on their own, and the efficiency of work will naturally be greatly reduced. In this case, they are not only occupying the manhole and not doing anything, but also If you still pull the rope back, the development of the gang will be greatly affected. The final result will naturally be that the gang becomes less and less energetic, big and stiff, like a rigid insect, ready for people to peck at..."


Wu Caizi, Ren Yu and others were dumbfounded and sweating profusely.

The phenomena Li Yun mentioned can be seen almost everywhere in their daily lives, but they did not take it seriously, or they did not have such awareness at all.

At this time, Li Yunyi said, it was as if a window had been opened in front of everyone, and they were suddenly enlightened when they saw the sunlight filling the room.

"My dear nephew... what you said is so good! I wonder if you have any solution to this situation of rigid organization and heavy bureaucracy?" Wu Caizi asked carefully.

"Solve it? Once this gang becomes rigid like this, uncle, do you think it can still be solved?" Li Yunqi asked.

"This... seems difficult!"

"Yes! Such a rigid gang cannot be solved even if the leader personally takes action. Unless it is to overthrow it and start over, but even if it is to overturn it and start over, this kind of problem will soon develop. This is called a big problem. Tissue disease." Li Yun said.

"Large tissue disease?!" Everyone was startled.

"Yes. This is a disease that is very difficult to cure and basically impossible."

"What should we do?"

"The best way is to introduce external forces to impact its inherent rules and regulations and enhance its vitality. For example..."

"Like what?!" Wu Caizi asked urgently.

"Think about it, a school of fish that lacks aura will inevitably be lifeless and lack vitality. What would happen if a predatory fish were put into it?"

"This...these fish will swim desperately to avoid danger..." Qiao Xiaodie thought.

"Yes, as a result of these fish swimming desperately, a small number of fish were naturally eaten, but most of them lived well and became more energetic." Li Yun said.

Everyone nodded as they heard this, as if they had some understanding.

"It's like if the sect now introduces the power of Wuyou Peak and uses our strong product innovation capabilities to drive its own development."

"This..." Wu Caizi's eyes flashed.

"As long as the sect cooperates with Wuyou Peak, it will be equivalent to obtaining our Wuyou Peak's lucrative products, and the income will naturally increase greatly."

"But...what about Wuyou Peak itself?"

"Uncle Master, the business can grow. As long as the cake continues to grow, even if we lose part of the profit, in general, the income will still be greatly increased than before! This is the win-win concept I just mentioned."


Wu Caizi's heart was beating wildly and his mind was wide open. Li Yun's thinking had gone far beyond his realm and reached a height beyond his reach, giving him a feeling of standing on a high mountain.

It seems that I was really right to come here shamelessly today. No matter what the result is, hearing such words makes my body and mind feel extremely comfortable. I even feel that my cultivation that I have not been able to break through for a long time has been restored at this time. There is a slight movement, is it about to break through? !

"My dear nephew, as long as it is a win-win situation for both parties, no matter what you do, on behalf of the sect, I will support you!" Wu Caizi said immediately.

"Okay! What I want is your words, Uncle Master."

Li Yun offered another cup of tea, and Wu Caizi took it and drank it in one gulp!

"From now on, Wucaifeng's business will continue as usual. However, the various display cabinets of our Wucaifeng products in Wucaifeng need to be rearranged according to our requirements, occupying the best positions and arranging the best personnel. To promote sales. In addition, giant light screens must be installed on the top of Wucai Peak and in various major locations to play our video advertisements as required. In return, for every product we sell, we will receive a certain amount of Ratio, extract profits to the sect. The more we sell, the more the sect will gain, and both parties will get better benefits from the cooperation. Of course, if the business wants to grow, we need the sect to give us a few more mountains , expand the base..."

Li Yun briefly explained the idea. As for the details, we will wait for the implementation to be discussed.

"Mountain peak... base? Okay! According to what my nephew said, I will discuss it with the head ancestor again, and we can implement it after confirmation!" Wucaizi said excitedly.

Li Yun handed 10,000 high-grade spiritual stones to Wu Caizi, and sent him out of the Four Elephants Formation with everyone, watching him leave in a hurry.

"Junior brother, if we do this, will the sect eventually take control of our business?" Ren Yu was a little doubtful.

"Don't worry, senior brother! The focus of business is still the product. As long as the core of the product is in our hands, it will always be our business. The sect's resources lie in its territory and various public resources, but it has not used them before and has not obtained them. It's just profit, now, through cooperation, I have helped develop it!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Haha! That puts us at ease!" Ren Yu said with a smile.

They immediately summoned all the elder disciples to gather in the meeting hall and informed them of the news.

The next business ideas will definitely change. How to make better use of sect resources, organize raw materials, design showcases, promote new products and market them... these all require more time and energy.

From Li Yun's planning, the first step was to use new talismans to open up this broad road.

" Yun, how many wonderful ideas do you still have in your little head?"

Ming Kongzi could no longer sit still in the underground world of the points exchange hall. He stood up and walked around, mumbling incessantly.

The scene of Wu Caizi coming to Wuyou Peak to borrow money naturally fell within Ming Kongzi's consciousness. Hearing what Li Yun said to everyone, Ming Kongzi was truly shocked.

Many of the concepts Li Yun put forward were something he had never thought of or come into contact with before, but they were so in line with the laws of nature that his cultivation, which had not made any progress for many years, actually benefited from them. This made him feel extremely shocked.

You must know how difficult it is to make further progress when your cultivation reaches his level, and the most difficult thing is the progress of consciousness and understanding. Only when your understanding increases, can your physical cultivation keep up.

After listening to Li Yun's words, Ming Kongzi felt that he seemed to have become a little smarter, and he couldn't help shouting in his heart: "Oh my god! Why don't you talk for a while..."

…(To be continued.)

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