The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1743 A little secret of ice making

The ice sculptures in the apse arouse everyone's emotions, but many people are also wondering how they were created.

Because these ice sculptures look so crystal clear and sparkling, without any impurities or even a crack in them. The ice they use is definitely not the ordinary ice seen in the outside world, and they are not made from ice cores. , after all, these ice sculptures are so huge, almost as big as a small mountain. If they are all made of ice cores, the cost will be huge and unacceptable even in the Ice Lin World.

Fairy Fan Hui has said before that the ten thousand year ice core is mainly used to carve relatively exquisite small ice sculptures for decoration in the front hall, but the giant ice sculptures in the back hall cannot be made from the ten thousand year ice core.

Xingzun is very interested in these giant ice sculptures. For him, every bit of information in Lin Realm is money. If this information is placed in the major Tianji Halls in the spiritual world, it will definitely attract the attention of countless people, because People want to know everything about the Lin people.

Therefore, his mission to Ma Yuan was to collect no matter what information it was, and not let go of it at all!

Now when he came to the back hall of Baoguang Hall and saw so many amazing giant ice sculptures, how could he let go of such information?

So he asked Fairy Fanhui: "Fairy, I wonder if you can tell me what kind of ice is used to make these ice sculptures?"

"Well, why do you ask such a question?" Fairy Fan Hui asked in surprise.

She did not expect that Xingzun did not ask about the life race represented by the ice sculpture, but instead asked about the ice used. This is not a question that a gossip should ask...

What she doesn't know is that Xingzun's abilities are by no means fully understood by her. He has already known about these life races and does not need her to introduce them at all. But when it comes to some secrets that the Ice Lin Clan deliberately protects, it is important to understand them. It's a little difficult.

Taking advantage of this opportunity to raise this question today is actually something that Xingzun has long wanted to know.

This matter may involve some secrets of the Ice Lin Clan, but Xingzun believes that this secret is not too core, and raising it will not be too abrupt, otherwise it will be too much.

"I mainly saw that these ices are clean and flawless, comparable to ice cores. There are not even natural cracks in the ice cores. However, due to their coldness, they cannot be ice cores, so I feel a little strange." Xingzun smiled. road.

Fairy Fanhui stared at Xingzun closely, sighed slightly, and said: "Xingzun is indeed a great power of the human race and a wise man in the spiritual world. His eyesight is so sharp that he immediately discovered the characteristics of Baoguang Lake Ice like us!"

"Baoguang Lake Ice?" Xing Zun was slightly shocked.


It seems that the ice used for these ice sculptures must have come from Baoguang Lake.

"That's right! There's nothing bad to say about this. It would be impossible to build these giant ice sculptures without the use of Baoguang Lake ice!" Fairy Fan Hui said with certainty.

"But why?" Xing Zun asked anxiously.

"I believe you have all seen countless ice cubes, but ice cubes as clean as Baoguang Lake ice are rare, aren't they?" Fairy Fan Hui asked.

"Indeed! Such ice cubes are comparable to ice cores. They must have been stored in icebergs for more than ten thousand years to achieve such cleanliness, but..."

"But what?"

"Of course they are not ice cores, we can all see this, but even in Baoguang Lake, it is impossible to have such clean and flawless giant natural ice cubes without cracks, right?" Xingzun said suspiciously.

"Gee, that's a good question!" Fairy Fan Hui praised.

"I wonder what's good about it?" Xing Zun said in surprise.

"Because you really exceeded my expectations, and I have to admire you! Although there are many high-quality natural ice cubes in Baoguang Lake, it is of course impossible to have such clean and flawless ice!"

"Then where did they come from?"

Everyone's appetites were whetted by the conversation between the two, and they were extremely curious about these pure dregs without any ice.

Fairy Fan Hui said proudly: "We, the Binglin Clan, have already studied this and have extremely rich experience."

"Appreciate further details!"

"Hey, if Baoguang Lake is not evolving into a hot spring lake and has not settled down yet, we can give you a demonstration on the spot. Now I can only introduce it to you." Fairy Fan Hui sighed.

Xingzun was slightly startled and asked curiously: "Fairy, did you create these ices?"

"Giggle, that's right! They are not natural ice, but products of our Binglin tribe! It's just that we don't sell them out." Fan Hui said proudly.

The people in the spirit world looked at each other in shock and felt a little overwhelmed. They didn't expect that there were such products in the Ice Lin Realm. However, if they really sell them, then they must buy some. It is indeed great!

Wang Huaixu asked with interest: "Fairy, please tell me quickly."

"These ice cubes are not taken from the thick ice covering Baoguang Lake, but are made from lake water. Although the water of Baoguang Lake is naturally clean, it is not in a flawless state, so when using lake water The process of making ice requires multiple processes to filter out all impurities, and the specific method cannot be disclosed." Fairy Fan Hui said with a chuckle.

"Wo..." Everyone exclaimed softly. It turned out that the so-called lake ice was not taken from the ice layer on the lake, but made from lake water. This was unexpected.

As for the methods used by the Binglin Tribe to filter out all impurities in the lake water, this is of course their secret and cannot be probed further.

For some powerful people with ice spiritual roots, it is not easy to create ice cubes without impurities, because in order to do this, they must first remove all the impurities that come with the ice spiritual energy molecules. Remove them all, but this must be possible with strong and delicate spiritual consciousness, otherwise it will be powerless, after all, there are too many!

Moreover, not all the ice spiritual energy molecules are pure. Everyone's ice spiritual roots cannot reach 100% purity, so the ice spiritual energy molecules attracted will naturally contain many impurities. It is extremely difficult to eliminate them all!

Therefore, Fairy Fanhui's pride is justified. Those methods of artificially removing impurities must be very powerful. If sorted out, their value must be extremely great.

"I see! Of course we can't pry into the secrets of the nobles. However, I wonder if the fairy can tell you why there are no natural cracks in these ice cubes? This situation is rare!" Wang Huaixu asked.

"Yeah! This is so surprising!"

"Generally, there will be cracks in ice during the formation process. Why is there not even one crack in such a large piece of ice?"

"The Ice Lin Clan is so awesome!"

"Fairy, just reveal it..."

"That's right..."

People at the scene were all talking and urging.

Fairy Fan Hui was flattered and urged by everyone, thinking that it would be impossible to satisfy everyone if she didn't reveal some useful information today, so she bit her silver teeth and said heartily: "Okay, in order to thank you for your kindness to our Ice Lin Clan this time. Great help and support, this little secret should be regarded as a small gift from us to you, and you can also learn to try it in the future."

She pointed to a crystal clear giant ice sculpture next to her and continued: "The ice sculptures you see are actually made of small ice cubes stacked up and processed. The products of our Ice Lin Tribe are actually those small ice cubes. Not this ice sculpture!”

Everyone had a look of surprise on their faces, and they all listened attentively.

"After taking the Baoguang Lake water out of the lake, you must use means to remove all impurities first. Only in this way can it be possible to create clean and flawless ice without a single crack. This is the premise." Fairy Fan Hui said.

Xingzun interjected: "Fairy, the absence of impurities does not guarantee that there will be no cracks in the ice, because if there are other influences during the ice formation process, cracks will appear in it."

"Yes! Xingzun did hit the point, but what we do is to prevent it from being affected by any outside world and let the lake water turn into ice automatically!" Fairy Fan Hui agreed.

"Automatically forming ice? Fairy means...not relying on manpower to form ice, but allowing the lake water to automatically condense into ice?" Xingzun said with some awareness.

"That's right! After the lake water is clean, put them outside, eliminate all human influence, and let the natural environment and power let them condense into ice automatically, and you can get a piece of ice without cracks!" Fan Hui The fairy said proudly.

"Oh..." Everyone was in an uproar.

I didn’t expect that things were not as difficult as I imagined, and to be honest, they were actually so simple!

The ice-making process of the Ice Lin Tribe actually reveals the greatness of the power of heaven. If you believe in it, if you respect it, and if you act according to its laws, then it will give you unexpectedly rich rewards!

Fairy Fan Hui sighed: "We, the Ice Lin Clan, only discovered this little secret after years of making ice. At first, we always thought that human power could definitely defeat the sky, so we always let people with ice spiritual roots do it. Although the efficiency of artificial ice making seems to have improved, the product obtained is not the best. There are always small flaws of one kind or another. It was not until we adopted this method that we got the ice we wanted most. piece!"

"What the fairy said is so good! This matter has greatly inspired us. I believe everyone will have a new understanding of the way of heaven!" Xingzun praised.

"If this is true, it will be a happy event for our Binglin tribe!" Fairy Fan Hui said with a sweet smile.

"Thank you fairy!" Everyone said sincerely.

Indeed, although what Fairy Fanhui revealed was a little secret of making ice from her Ice Lin tribe, through this little secret, people could feel the magical power of nature. In comparison, this unexpected harvest was extremely rich. !

"Sir, I never thought that Fairy Fanhui would be willing to share this secret, but she must not know that we have discovered it a long time ago!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Yes, if these people hadn't helped repair the formation, I'm afraid she wouldn't have said it anyway..."

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