The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1750 Tiande City

"How unreasonable?! What the hell is going on?!" Nian Lun yelled.

"Hmph, aren't you bragging about how great you are? Now that you can't even catch two gangsters, I don't think you, an immortal, should take it for granted!" Huang Yimiao raised his head and took a sip of Xingyun Wine, curling his lips and spat. road.

"You?! You kid, don't just drink and don't urinate. How can I search alone? Don't be idle either!" Nian Lun said angrily.

"What? I'm exhausted from going to investigate and find out the situation, and you still have to search?! Then how can I still have the strength to refine the elixir?!" Huang Yimiao jumped up as if he had been stepped on the tail and replied.

"Okay...ok...just sit down. Is that okay? But please shut your mouth and don't make sarcastic remarks here!" Nian Lun said coldly.

"Humph..." Huang Yimiao sat down angrily.

However, he thought for a moment, narrowed his eyes and said, "No, no, why is this thing so weird?"

"What did you think of?" Nian Lun asked.

"Both of them are neither immortals, so why can they always avoid our tracking? Moreover, I found that they seem to know our actions very well!"

"Knowing everything? How is it possible? We are invisible now! How could those two gangsters find us? We must catch them this time!" Nian Lun said fiercely.

"Catch them? Then I want to see if you can do it. They are now in Tianshang Divine Realm..."

"Just watch!"

Nian Lun controlled his flying boat and flew towards Tianshang Divine Realm...

Dexian and Dezhang deliberately showed their faces in the Tianshang Divine Realm. After being discovered by Huang Yimiao's men, they quietly went to the Zen Realm. This method was only possible with Xiaoxing's remote control. Do it, otherwise the two of them would have met Nian Lun and Huang Yimiao long ago, and the consequences would be disastrous.

Although there is a Starship Ship to protect him, Nian Lun is a third-generation immortal with White Tiger bloodline and a lot of immortal weapons on his body. There is no chance that he will be caught by him if he makes a mistake, so it is still best to take action.

The direction of the Zen Realm is exactly opposite to the Tianshang Divine Realm, so the two people's goal is to attract Nian Lun and Huang Yimiao there first, and then move to the other side of the Zen Realm to search for medicinal materials. Since there is a vast Zen Realm in the middle, they It’s harder to get the message…

However, it is impossible for the two of them to collect all the medicinal materials just by searching like this. After all, the spiritual world is too big for ordinary immortals to travel through, so some will definitely be left for Nian Lun and Huang Yimiao.

This is normal.

The two of them are now acting according to Xiaoxing's instructions and moving within the scope of the underground network. Only in this way can safety be ensured.

Because the underground network has expanded much faster in recent years, the scope has become extremely wide. It extends to the other direction of the Zen Domain to an unknown extent, which is enough to keep the two of them very busy...

"Sir, now that Nian Lun and Huang Yimiao have been attracted to the human world, they can only pick up a few, but certainly not much!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"We have to leave some for them, otherwise people from the fairy world will come to us instead of them." Li Yun said with a smile.

"This...that's what the adults said! It seems that we can't kill them all..." Xiaoxing suddenly said.

"Well, last time Qi Tong obtained several boatloads of precious medicinal materials in the Jade Rabbit Realm, but they were intercepted by Bo Qiu. I guess Huang Yimiao will not let it go, so why not send a message to Bo Qiu to inform him." Li Yun Suddenly he remembered this and said.

He will think that this matter is actually related to the change in his way of thinking after brain transformation, and his ability to think of things will become stronger and more natural.

"Yes! But Boqiu is still hiding underground and dare not come out because there are too many people outside who want to cause trouble for him." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Is that so?! If Huang Yimiao goes there in person, I'm afraid he will be found out no matter how deep he hides, and it will be impossible if he doesn't hand over the medicinal materials. Moreover, Huang Yimiao is in urgent need of medicinal materials now, and he is the medicinal material of Jade Rabbit Realm. Something that must be taken.”

"Sir, we are too far apart now to rescue him. How about letting Ling Daozi, who is currently in the Tianshang Divine Realm, rescue him?" Xiaoxing suggested.

"It seems that this is the only way to go, we must do it as soon as possible!"

"I will notify you immediately, little slave."

"Be careful not to run into Nian Lun. Use a small space." Li Yun reminded.


Xiaoxing quickly informed Ling Daozi to go to the Jade Rabbit Realm to rescue Bo Qiu. At the same time, he plundered a large amount of medicinal materials from the Jade Rabbit Realm, but he could leave a small part for Huang Yimiao, otherwise Huang Yimiao would be furious and there would be trouble...

"Yun Zun, the Fire Lin Realm has arrived!" Dechun's voice came.

"Wow..." Li Yun looked outside and exhaled softly, speechless.

I don’t know how many volcanoes are scattered in this land. You can see many of them from high altitude with the naked eye, large and small. The sky is also reflected red by the fireworks from the volcanic eruption, and the fire is splashing everywhere. It seemed to be burned red, and there were still billowing smoke and dust in the air, which was quite a bit like the rain of fire and stone in the wild world!

Except for the people of the Lin clan, everyone in the spiritual world was stunned and their faces were full of shock!

De Chun felt proud and laughed loudly: "Welcome to the Fire Lin Realm!"

"Lord Chunzun, this place is really a geomantic treasure!"

"Is the Treasure Land of Wind and Fire good?"

"Yeah, there's wind, fire, and smoke. It's so rough!"

"What about water? How can we survive without water?" Someone asked this question.

Seeing everyone looking at him blankly, Dechun replied: "There is very little water on the surface here, but there is a lot underground, and even several large underground seas have been formed, so you don't have to." Worried about running out of water haha!”

"Is that so?!" Everyone was extremely surprised when they heard this.

Unexpectedly, in this land full of volcanoes, long stretches of yellow sand, and vast desolate landscapes, there is actually an underground sea? !

The miraculous craftsmanship of nature is truly unfathomable...

In the midst of infinite emotion, the Feizhou team had submerged into the fiery red world of the Fire Lin Realm, and soon disappeared...

After some time, all the powerful officials and their men arrived at the central city of the Fire Lin Realm, Tiande City. The people of the Fire Lin Clan had already learned the information, and countless people gathered here, waiting for a few immortals and spirits. With the arrival of all ethnic groups from all over the world, the scene was so lively and spectacular that it is difficult to express it in words.

Huo Yan has returned to his hometown and has already attracted everyone's attention. Everyone comes to pay homage to their ancestors, especially Huo Yan. Correcting mistakes is secondary, and Li Yun is also regarded by everyone because of his rise in fame. The savior came to pay homage one after another...

Li Yun was not very used to this kind of scene, so he had to stand next to the two Lin Clan immortals with a smile on his face, feeling a bit pretentious...

Of course, with his extremely keen immortal sense, he immediately discovered that there was a human among the welcoming Lin people. He was chubby and not much thinner than Huang Yixiao. He was wearing a medical robe and staring at him closely. This person Obviously it’s Zhu Heng

"Sir, he should be Zhu Heng, but he is much paler and fatter than the information shows. It seems that he is living too comfortably..." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"He looks at me like this. Could it be that he heard the reason why I came to make elixirs for the Lin tribe?" Li Yun teased.

"Of course! He must think that the Lord is coming to steal his job, and he doesn't know how much he hates it. It's a pity that he should also know by now that the Lord is an immortal, and he is not able to match him at all."

"Hey, I have given him quite a lot of space. He should be grateful for this. If he continues like this, not only will he not be able to cure the plague in the Lin tribe, but it will also cause the plague to stagnate. It will become more severe, and it will be beyond his ability to treat it when it breaks out on a large scale. By then, his fate will be worrying..." Li Yun sighed.

"Yes, how easy is it for the Lin Clan to make money? How dare he come to make money from them without even having half a bucket of water? When a large-scale plague breaks out, the Lin Clan will be the first to look for him. Trouble!" Xiaoxing snorted.

"This possibility is still relatively small. The Lin tribe is an auspicious beast and will not be as arrogant and unreasonable as other races. After all, Zhu Heng has made great efforts in the early stage. I believe the people of the Lin tribe will see this. inner."

"Hehe, that's what the adults said. This kid is actually very lucky. Now that Du Lin and Huang Yimiao are gone, there are no two people coming to take his job, which already makes him chuckle in his heart... And what we did Mainly in the high-end market, there is still a market for his cheap Xiaozhu Dan.”

"That's right...send him a message and explain the situation. If he doesn't appreciate it, then it's his own narrow-minded problem."

"Yes! Sir!"

Xiaoxing quickly compiled a message and sent it to Zhu Heng.

But Zhu Heng was just as Li Yun and Xiaoxing expected. After hearing that Dechun invited an immortal Du Lin, Huang Yimiao, a miracle doctor from the Rejuvenation God Realm, and Li Yunlai, who had recently become famous in the spiritual world, to treat the plague for the Lin tribe. After that, everyone was almost in a daze, feeling that the end was coming.

He didn't have the energy to refine Little Zhudan, and he was calculating how to deal with this terrible situation every day, but no matter what he thought, he felt that he had no hope at all.

Huang Yimiao alone was enough to make him irresistible. Although he was quite confident before and thought that his medical skills could rival Huang Yimiao, after studying his demon-suppressing pill, Zhu Heng finally had to admit that There is a huge gap between himself and Huang Yimiao, because even Xiao Zhu Dan imitated the Demon Suppressing Pill to refine it. Therefore, if Huang Yimiao really takes action, Zhu Heng has no trump card to counterattack.

Moreover, he also thought of a problem, that is, if Huang Yimiao arrives, after seeing Xiao Zhu Dan, he will definitely find that this pill has signs of imitating his demon-suppressing pill. This is a big event in the alchemy world. If he can't If it proves that Xiao Zhu Dan is his own creation, then he is very likely to fall into passivity and become a lever in Huang Yimiao's hands to attack him, and his reputation will be ruined in the future!

In the world of alchemy, plagiarizing other people's elixir recipes is extremely bad and is despised by every alchemist. Zhu Heng's Little Zhu Dan was made by imitating the Demon Suppressing Pill when he had no other choice...

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