The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1779 Observation Array

As Huo Yan and Chi Yan said before, the problems that the Sun Clan thinks of are all kinds of strange and all-encompassing.

A leaf, a stone, a grass, a tree, a cow, a tiger, a bird, a can think about whatever you see, think about, or dream about. Anyway, there is an abundant supply of energy. , Not thinking is also useless. In this way, the wisdom of the Sun Clan can develop to a jaw-dropping level!

They realized their own evolution through thinking and turned into energy balls one by one. They can transform from the energy ball state into other material states at any time, showing amazing combat power, thus ruling this universe...

Yes, if the Sun Clan really exists, then they are very likely to be the real rulers of this universe, and the Xuanling World is so small that it is not even considered in the eyes of the Sun Clan. Therefore, there are no Sun Clan people. It is normal to appear in the mysterious world.

After all, a sun is so big. If the Xuanling World were placed in the sun, it would probably be only one ten millionth of it. In interstellar space, it would be just a small stone that is not too big...

This kind of insignificance may not be too profound for many people in the Xuanling world, but it is different for people like Li Yun and Xiaoxing who came from the past universe, because they have already seen the depth and vastness of the universe, let alone The sun has come, and they have seen a lot of bigger and more terrifying beings. Therefore, in their opinion, it is too early to say that the Sun Clan is the ruler of this universe. Maybe they are also facing the cosmic space now. The threat of other powerful races is not unfounded, because in the previous universe, dark energy and dark matter accounted for more than 90% of the entire universe. The sun was just matter on the bright side, while the matter on the dark side was Bigger and more amazing!

Moreover, Li Yun and Xiaoxing have evidence in this regard, which is the piece of faith travertine that Fang Zijing obtained, and the other piece of faith travertine that was later obtained from the starry sky meteorite group.

These two pieces of faith travertine revealed to them a special star field. The energy source of that star field did not seem to come from the sun, but from other substances...

This is the conclusion Xiaoxing has reached through research, and it remains to be verified by field visits...

If Xiaoxing's conclusion is correct, then it means that in that star field, there is an energy body driven by another kind of energy, and perhaps there is a force that opposes the Sun Clan!

Can such an energy body exist?

In fact, this issue has been studied in Xiaoxing's think tank for a long time, and the conclusion is of course affirmative. Just look up at the starry sky, and you can find that the proportion of celestial bodies such as the sun, moon, and stars in the starry sky is actually very small. In their background, there are countless dark areas. Those areas are not empty, but they are just too far away to be seen by the naked eye.

In Li Yun and Xiao Xing's plan,

In addition to expanding the ground network, they also need to cast more perspectives into the stars to collect more and more useful information.

To do this, of course, some special means must be used. For example, observing and analyzing the spectrum of celestial bodies is a good way. This is something Xiaoxing is very familiar with, because with the reserve of various cutting-edge knowledge of the pre-universe, He already has some experience in how to analyze the composition of celestial bodies. After coming to the Xuanling world, he must make certain adjustments according to the rules of the universe to make the analysis results effective.

Simply put, the spectrum of light emitted by each celestial body is different, which means that the constituent elements of each celestial body have their own characteristics.

For example, if a celestial body is mainly composed of water elements, then the light it emits contains a large proportion of water element light color. When the small star receives its spectrum, it can be judged by analyzing the spectrum.

Each element molecule will have its own specific color range and occupy a corresponding proportion in the light color of the celestial body. In this way, as long as the precise light spectrum of the celestial body can be collected, the small star can determine the approximate color of that celestial body. Components.

Therefore, every beam of light from the starry sky is extremely precious. If we can collect a large amount of starlight, we can learn more about stars, and we can also analyze and judge the basic composition of those stars and whether there is life. Is it worth developing and utilizing...

It can be said that the earth network only collects useful information about the lower world and the spiritual world, while exploring celestial bodies in the starry sky is a broader undertaking. Many celestial bodies are much larger than the lower world and the spiritual world, whether it is life or The resources may far exceed those here, which is very important for Li Yun and Xiaoxing’s next journey of exploring the starry sky!

For this promising undertaking, Li Yun and Xiaoxing must of course take precautions and make preparations first!

But this time, they finally put this preparation into practice, that is, using the built teleportation array to observe the starry sky.

There are observation tools built on the nine sky pillars that go straight into the sky, which can not only collect starlight every day and night, but also analyze it in real time, and then continuously transmit the analysis results to the small stars...

Why is it said that there is no distinction between day and night? This is because there are stars during the day, but the sun's rays are so strong that they are shrouded in it, making it impossible to distinguish them.

However, an observatory made of small stars can distinguish small and weak starlight from strong sunlight. Of course, this requires extremely strong light filtering methods. It is impossible to do without technical means like small stars, so , from this perspective, each of those observatories is a priceless treasure!

Nine observatories can form an observation array. Observation and analysis can be done in the form of an array. More starlight can be collected, making the analysis results more accurate. This is of course another masterpiece of Xiaoxing.

In contrast, Xingzun also has an observation platform in the Star Palace, but he only has that one observation point and does not form an array to collect data. As a result, he cannot match Xiaoxing's in terms of efficiency or accuracy. Compared with the observatory.

In Xiaoxing's observation system, each relay transmission array has an observation array. That is to say, within the scope of the spirit world, there is an observation array every 50 million miles. As Li Yun travels in the future With the pace of advancement, these observation arrays are also very likely to form a giant network to collect star light and information in different starry sky areas, so that the starry sky can be searched from all angles without blind spots!

Such a plan is undoubtedly huge, and the cost is certainly high, but just like the ground network, the costs are mainly concentrated in the early stage. In the later stage, the cost will be diluted, and the benefits will continue to come, and Li Yun and Xiaoxing believe that once this plan succeeds, the benefits it will bring in the future will be incredible!

Not to mention anything else, as long as a celestial body with extremely rich resources can be discovered, all the costs will be enough to make up for it, and you will even make a fortune!

The observation array plan is ambitious, but a journey of thousands of miles begins with a single step. The teleportation array in the Fire Lin Array in front of us is the first step. It seems that the effect is still very good.

The formation has already been activated, and Xiaoxing has begun to collect starry sky information. This information is clearer, more detailed, and richer than his previous observations...

"Sir, that's great. The observation effect of the observation array is much better than that of the previous universe. It's many times better than going to space to observe with the naked eye!" Xiaoxing said excitedly.

"Really?!" Li Yun said in surprise while refining the pills.

"That's true! Due to excessive air pollution at many observation points in the former universe, observations on the ground have been negatively affected. However, the environment in the spiritual world is so pure. As long as the observatory crosses the aura layer, you can see without any hindrance. Everything in the starry sky!”

"Not bad! It seems that our observation plan has finally taken the first step!" Li Yun smiled.

"Hehe, with the first step, the second and third steps will not be far away. In the future, our observation array will surely spread all over the spiritual world, let Xing Zun go and stare at it!" Xiaoxing teased.

"Xingzun? Yes, how effective is our formation's concealment?" Li Yun asked quickly.

"Don't worry, sir. If you can't even detect the error, how could Xing Zun find it? But..."

"But what?"

"Just now the formation spirit promised to correct the error and opened the formation for him to watch. The observation array is running all the time. The result seems to be sensed by Xingzun. He is now flying into the sky..."

"This... couldn't really be discovered by him, right?" Li Yun was startled.

"It's possible!" Xiaoxing said helplessly, shooting out several light screens.

Even if Ling Daozi activates the concealment formation now, it's too late, and the correction is still in the formation. You can't conceal the formation immediately, right?

Li Yun looked over and found that Xing Zun was flying up along a sky pillar. If he kept concealed at this moment, he would obviously look down on him. He would be a little embarrassed to see him then.

Fortunately, only Xing Zun discovered it. The others were not good at stargazing, and they did not have the talent and spiritual awareness of Xing Zun, so they could not detect the abnormality here.

However, it was said that Xingzun had a feeling soon after the formation was opened. This feeling came from his stargazing method. In fact, people with stargazing method would always keep an eye on the starlight shining in the starry sky. A keen sense. If not for this, Xing Zun would not have been able to discover that the big loophole in the Fire Lin Formation came from the chaos of the star power.

After he discovered that there were some abnormalities in the surrounding star power, he began to search for the source of the abnormality. As a result, he found that the abnormality should come from the sky above the Fire Lin Formation, so he quickly came over to check.

What made him extremely surprised was that nine Optimus Pillars suddenly appeared in the sky above the void space of the Fire Lin Array. Each one was extremely majestic, comparable to his Star Tower, or even worse. and…

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