The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1783 Laser Weapons

"Yes, they are indeed going to be miserable..." Li Yun sighed.

In fact, when the travel expert from the Dragon Horse Tribe of Star No. 2 discovered the Dragon Horse God Realm, went back and revealed the news, and then took people from his tribe to rob people, the disaster of Star No. 2 had already been laid!

If they had known that the consequences would be so serious, they would probably have imprisoned the travel expert, sealed the news tightly, and kept it in their stomachs...

But in the eyes of Li Yun and Xiaoxing, things in the universe always happen randomly. At the beginning, those turning points will be extremely rare. But with the movement of heaven, the accumulation of causal relationships, the entropy value It is also growing. When it reaches a certain peak, there will be more and more opportunities for major events to occur.

Specific to the matter of the Longma Clan, even if that travel expert hadn’t discovered the Dragon Horse Divine Realm, there might have been another travel expert who had made the same discovery, because with the development of the Longma Clan, people who love traveling will definitely become more and more popular. There are more and more, so the chances of making the same discovery are getting bigger and bigger.

There will even be more terrifying opportunities in the future. For example, some travel experts will appear in the Dragon Horse Realm of the Triangular Star Region. They may also discover the No. 2 Star and the Dragon Horse God Realm. On the contrary, people from other major realms will also appear. They may be discovered. Once these opportunities come, it will inevitably trigger a series of turbulent events in the starry sky...

Therefore, while Star No. 2 brought big trouble to Longma God Realm, they also caused big trouble to themselves, because they caused an interface that they shouldn't mess with. After all, the spiritual world is a big world, and its background is better than that of No. 2. Star is much deeper, with powerful races such as Dragon, Phoenix, Kun, Xuanwu, Tiger, and Wu, as well as auspicious beasts such as Lin, Baize, and Lu Wu, as well as Bi Fang, Yanwei, Meng Ji and other auspicious birds, it’s just that these auspicious beasts and auspicious bird races are very peace-loving and basically will not go out to rob people. However, if there is a chance, they will not refuse to buy or keep a group of dragons and horses in their midst. within the boundaries of…

You must know that Sima Kong's dragon-horse flying boat is extremely popular and famous in the spiritual world. Many great masters are envious of him. They hope that they can also own such a flying boat to travel in the sky of the spiritual world and even fly to the stars. Go for a walk...

It's a pity that Sima Kong treats the dragons and horses in his area like treasures, and it is impossible to sell them to outsiders, so it is impossible for outsiders to buy them. Only Li Yun received his gifts, which were eggs produced by eight free-range wild dragons and horses. , you need to slowly hatch and raise them yourself.

You can't blame Sima Kong for doing this, because the bloodline of Longma is extremely precious. If it is not well protected, it may be lost or downgraded. He is the only one in the spiritual world who has this bloodline. Once it is lost or downgraded, there is no other way. It can be compensated, so he can only do his best to protect the continuation of this bloodline. As for whether it can develop, he really doesn't have too much hope.

However, the sudden appearance of Star No. 2 has suddenly broadened the source of Ryoma's bloodline.

Not to mention that all the races in the spirit world want to grab some dragon horses for fun, even the dragon horse divine domain is now eager to try and start to consider this issue.

Because only by adding new high-level dragon and horse bloodlines can we promote the improvement of our own bloodline. Even if there is no improvement, at least there will be more protection. We don't have to worry like before that if the bloodline is cut off, there will be no successors.

Of course, Sima Kong and Long Yi still have many issues to consider, because the dragon horses of their race are very unique and belong to the dragon horse race. If they join the wild pure dragon horse bloodline of Star No. 2, they might become a The disaster of annihilation may be naturalized by their strong bloodline, and then not even the scum will be left...

In any case, the market potential of dragon horses is extremely huge. They can be captured to pull flying boats, held in competitions, used as transportation vehicles, used as meat horses to extract meat, used as part of private property, and even used to provide blood...

It has many uses, so of course Longma Market is a big market, waiting for people from the spirit world to develop it!

Moreover, Star No. 2 is extremely huge, its size is only slightly smaller than the spirit world. In addition to the Longma clan, there are countless other lives and resources, which are potentially huge amounts of wealth!

As long as the Ryoma clan is controlled, the entire No. 2 Star can be controlled, and then the fortune will be great!

In this sense, Star 2 is not only a rich mine, but also a new continent, a dream world in everyone's heart...

With their knowledge base, Li Yun and Xiaoxing certainly knew what the discovery of a new continent meant.

Just like Xing Zun, he felt bad when he first heard the news and felt that the Longma clan would pose a threat. But as soon as he thought about it, he immediately thought of the benefits of discovering Star No. 2, so he started a cooperative business with Ling Daozi. .

I believe that many people will have the same idea as Xingzun. What they see is more wealth and opportunities. In the face of these dreams, all other dangers can be lightly wiped away and ignored...

"Sir, from the current point of view, the overall strength of Star No. 2 is not as good as that of the spirit world. Therefore, relatively speaking, Star No. 2 is more like the New World, while the various races in the spirit world are conquerors. The final outcome is probably the dragon and horse. The clan is controlled by the spirit world, and Star No. 2 is colonized by various clans in the spirit world." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"This is extremely possible. Of course, this does not take into account whether our Universiade Palace wants to join. In addition, after the news of the second star spreads in the spiritual world, sooner or later it will also spread to the soul world, the demon world and the demon world. Of course they will not be content with being lonely, watching others eat meat but not getting a share of the pie, which is impossible for them," Li Yun said.

"Sir, are you saying that we want to protect the Longma clan?"

"The Longma clan themselves have certain strength. If we really fight against each other, it will be very troublesome for all clans. This is a hard nut, so we don't have to show up, we just have to watch. After all, this is the cause they planted themselves, and it can only be their own fault. Go and bear the consequences, otherwise it will not be dismantled. Of course, we cannot let them suffer too much loss when necessary..." Li Yun said thoughtfully.

"Then let Erlin and the others stay on Star 2, so that we can control the situation at any time and formulate action plans." Xiaoxing suggested.

"No problem. With them out there, we can get first-hand information, which is crucial, it's just..."

"Sir, do you want to say that there is no ground network on Planet 2?"

"Exactly. Without the underground network, we can only rely on them to act flexibly and cheaply."

"That's true, but we still have a secret weapon." Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Oh? You mean the observation array?"

"Hehe, yes, the observation array is now basically stable after operation. With their capabilities, they can clearly see a mountain 50 million miles away, a lake between the mountains, a sword by the lake, and the rays on the sword. Engraved patterns... As long as you are locked by them, the target will be clearly displayed, and it will be real-time dynamic!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Wow...Is this really possible?!" Li Yun said in shock.

He knew that the observation array designed by Xiaoxing was extremely capable, but he did not expect that it could be so accurate. In this case, it seemed that his other powerful weapon could also be put to use...

"No problem! What Xiaonu just said is 50 million miles away, and the No. 2 star is only 40 million miles away from here. It is even easier to do this. Your Excellency must have thought of the laser we developed just now. Weapons, indeed, as long as the observation array can lock the target, it can launch laser weapons for long-distance strikes, and the scene will be extremely stunning..." Xiaoxing said excitedly.

"Are you sure our laser weapon can really hit that far?" Li Yun asked in surprise.

"Sir, it's no problem even 100 million miles away, let alone 40 million miles away?" Xiaoxing said proudly.

Li Yun took a deep breath after hearing this, and finally kept his mentality stable and did not let the task of refining the alchemy in hand be abandoned.

"So, it won't be a problem for our laser weapons to reach the dragon-horse world?" Li Yun thought.

"no problem!"

"How about trying one?" Li Yun challenged.


Xiaoxing agreed immediately and created countless screens of light in Li Yun's mind. The light and shadow moved as fast as lightning. However, in Li Yun's eyes, such a scene was at a normal speed, even a little slow. With him, The current speed of brain operation is also as fast as lightning!

"Sir, have you seen the starry sky showdown on Star 3? It was a group of space travelers who encountered space pirates, and they are now in danger..." Xiaoxing said.

"Not bad! I didn't expect that there are space pirates in the Ryoma world who specialize in robbing space travelers. They are so rampant!"

"Teach them a lesson now. The observation array has locked onto one of the spaceships parked aside. Laser weapons can be launched at any time. In the Xuanling world, the speed of light can reach 30 million miles per second. That is to say, it only takes 3 In a few seconds, that spaceship will explode!"

"Okay! Hit one!" Li Yun said harshly.

"Follow me!!!"

Xiaoxing immediately issued the launch order!

Just hearing a "swipe" sound, a bright light flashed from the eggshell and disappeared suddenly! ! !

Li Yun stared closely at the spaceship in the light curtain, silently counting the seconds in his mind. When three seconds passed, he saw the spaceship suddenly exploded, emitting a dazzling light, and the fragments flew everywhere with the light explosion. Come on, the scene suddenly becomes chaos!

"Success!!!" Li Yun and Xiaoxing shouted excitedly at the same time.

Both of them felt happy as the light explosion occurred. Laser weapons are so powerful!

Of course, this laser weapon is not the same as the one in the previous universe, because after coming to the Xuanling World, the rules of the world have changed, and naturally need to be adjusted. After Xiaoxing's research, the laser here is actually artificially created lightning. And this kind of lightning is extremely strange. It is needle lightning. When it is emitted, it looks like a thin needle, but the distance can be infinite. It is more laser than laser...

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