The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1798 3.6 Billion Soul Army Plan

Xingyun No. 3 is a behemoth in design, but it is extremely scalable. It can be as big as a planet or as small as a mustard. Such a starship is of course unique in the Xuanling world.

Many treasures in the Xuanling world, including the treasures of chaos, cannot escape the constraints of some basic rules. They can be invisible, move, and deform to a certain extent, whether they are large or small, round or flat, However, due to the influence of the material, this change is quite limited, and they can achieve some very magical changes thanks to the help of the way of space.

For example, by constructing space rules, the internal space becomes larger and larger, but this requires great energy to help. For example, in the most extreme Tianyun world, if Li Yun and Xiaoxing did not continuously send him waste materials, it would be transformed into Energy, then it is impossible for Tianyun World to reach the current level.

Another example is the use of natural space treasures, such as space stones, boundary trees, boundary fruits with spatial attributes, spiritual grasses, spiritual flowers, and even the internal space naturally derived from the powerful body...

But the space constructed by these things is subject to the Tao of space, and the Tao of space is the great road. After all, there are only a few people who can understand and understand it. Being able to use it to a certain extent is already extremely powerful, so whether it is a refined treasure or The level of change of naturally formed treasures is uneven, and most of them stay at a lower level.

However, Xingyun No. 3 took a different path from these treasures. In addition to using the same method of space to construct the internal space, it also put a lot of effort into the material. Its material flexibility has reached an astonishing level. Just like the Star Fortune Gold refined by Li Yun in the past, if the material is stretched continuously, it can go around Tianyun World for several times without breaking. After being released, it will quickly return to its original shape.

Of course, this is only the level of expansion and contraction reached by Xingyunjin in the past. As Xiaoxing's research continues to deepen and Li Yun's weapon refining level continues to improve, the material of Xingyunjin they obtain is of course getting better and better, and the degree of expansion and contraction continues to expand. This means It laid the most important foundation for the magical transformation of Xingyun No. 3!

In other words, without consuming any energy, Xingyun 3 can achieve various deformations through its own expansion and contraction. This not only saves a lot of energy, but also enhances its ability to survive and develop, and its potential is also greatly improved. .

On this basis, Xingyun No. 3 can realize the original design intention of being as big as a star and as small as a mustard. Coupled with the space avenue, it can achieve various amazing magical operations!

To give full play to the power of Xingyun No. 3, it is not enough to rely solely on the monks in the Universiade Palace. The main force must be the soul army from the world in the ship.

Xiaoxing plans to first configure a ship-in-the-ship world with one billion soul troops. The core world needs at least 900 million soul troops. The other nine ship-in-ship worlds with 300 million people will be evenly distributed on the Xingyun 3 sphere. In various internal areas, as a result, the initial number of soul troops required has reached 3.6 billion soul troops!

This is an ambitious plan. You must know that the current Xingyun No. 2 has just reached the scale of 100 million soul troops.

However, the power displayed by the 100 million soul army in the ship's world is shocking enough. In the last battle of Longma God's Domain, Xingyun No. 2 led by Erlin easily captured the foreign masters as soon as they took action. , no one slipped through the net!

And this is only a small part of the capabilities of Xingyun 2...

One can imagine what kind of terrifying spaceship the Xingyun 3 will be in the future!

However, there is a long way to go to achieve such a design effect.

The 3.6 billion soul army is not something that can be achieved overnight. It requires a lot of manpower, material and financial resources. Of course, it will take a long time to achieve it.

Now that the potential of the human race in the lower realm has been fully tapped, Li Yun and Xiaoxing finally turned their attention to the human race in the spiritual world.

Although the human race is also a weak race in the spiritual world, it is completely different compared to the lower world. There may be much more human races in a small world here than in the entire lower world.

What's more, there are also the Tianji Divine Realm, the Painting Divine Realm, the Rejuvenation Divine Realm, the Treasure God Realm, the Treasure Armor Divine Realm, the Tianqin Divine Realm, the Zen Realm... these large realms. Each such human race divine realm has countless human races, and like Tianyin There are even more smaller realms such as the Divine Realm, the Cuixiang Divine Realm, the Tianshang Divine Realm, and the Incense Burner Divine Realm, which are too numerous to count.

Therefore, there should be no problem in recruiting 3.6 billion soul warriors in the mortal world in these realms. Of course, more people will definitely be needed during recruitment. After all, there will be a certain proportion of soul warriors in the process of training them. Out rate.

However, such a large amount of recruitment is a big event even in the spiritual world. If so many people are lost, it will have a huge impact not only on the mortal empire to which they belong, but also on the area where they are cultivating immortals.

Of course, the impact on the mortal empire is very direct. As for the immortal sect where the cultivation area is located, although these people do not have immortal roots, they are an important source of immortal attendants. If an immortal sect does not have immortal attendants to enslave it, it will not be able to function. Smoothly.

Of course, generally speaking, the Immortal Sect recruits outstanding magicians from various mortal empires. If these outstanding talents are no longer available, they will settle for the second best, and even the worse ones can only be used. But It must not be used as well as those outstanding Xuanshi.

"Sir, if we want to meet the employment needs of Xingyun No. 3, the recruitment task must be released as early as possible. At the same time, we must adopt a better strategy to attract a large number of Xuanshi to join us without attracting the attention of the immortal sects everywhere." Xiaoxing said.

"Yes. But it is still very difficult to absorb a large number of profound scholars without attracting the attention of the major immortal sects." Li Yun thought.

"Yes, this matter must be a multi-pronged approach to be successful."

"Multi-pronged approach? What do you plan to do?" Li Yun asked.

"First of all, we must delineate key areas. Now it seems that the border areas of the Zen Domain will be basically under our control from now on. As long as we recruit all the Xuanshi from the Mortal Empire there, at least half of the task can be completed. And it won’t attract the attention of the outside world!” Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Huh? What a good idea!" Li Yun's eyes lit up.

Just now, I thought this road was very confusing, but after Xiaoxing revealed this, this amazing task was instantly reduced by half!

"Hehe, if we are willing to stay in the spirit world long enough and wait for the new generation of the mortal empire to breed again, then we can all be done!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Listening to what you said, I actually thought of a way!" Li Yun said.

"What way?"

"The more than 100 million outstanding mystics we recruited previously have now become the soul army. These people are a huge base. If some of them reproduce the next generation, won't these newborns be able to grow into new ones when they grow up? A member of the Soul Army?"

"My lord mentioned this issue, it seems that I must talk to you!"

"Oh? How's the situation?"

"Someone in the Soul Army has given birth to the next generation, and now the population has increased by about 10,000!"

"Ten thousand? Isn't that too little?" Li Yun was startled.

"It is indeed too few, and can basically be ignored. Xiaonu also thinks this is quite strange, because the soul army is basically a mortal who is young, powerful, and has great desires, and they are all extremely outstanding, and it is easy for them to collide when they are in the same place. Sparks appeared, and it should become a fashion for them to form families and reproduce offspring, but after so many years, these people did not move much and reproduced so few offspring, so the slave conducted an investigation..."

"What's the result?!" Li Yun asked urgently.

"There are many reasons. First, these people are relatively outstanding people in the mortal world, but they all understand that if they meet someone who cultivates immortality, they will be bullied by them, and they will not be able to live forever. There is a feeling in their hearts. A strong desire to change the destiny of life. When they get the opportunity to become a soul warrior, they can also control flying knives and swords to fight enemies from a distance like monks, their strength increases greatly, and their lifespan can be continuously extended, they cherish it more than monks If we get this opportunity, we will practice hard. It is under such circumstances that the strength of our soul army can increase day by day, and now it has become the main force in our hands!" Xiaoxing said.

"That makes sense!" Li Yun nodded in approval.

For the reason Xiaoxing said, Li Yun can be said to empathize with him. If this were not the case, Li Yun and Xiaoxing would not be committed to transforming the Xuanshi and letting them develop in the direction of the Soul Master, so that they can have the same skills as the monks. The same identity and longevity, embarking on the road of cultivation!

"It is not easy for soul warriors to get this opportunity, and they cherish it very much. This makes them devote themselves to cultivation at all costs, and their desire to reproduce the next generation has become less intense! In fact, this change is also It is normal that the extension of lifespan will inevitably bring about the degradation of reproduction. This is also a natural control of heaven. Why the higher the blood level, the more difficult it is to reproduce offspring. It is because people with greater ability have greater demand and plunder for resources. The bigger they are, the more predatory they will become if such people continue to reproduce and the entire universe will be plundered!" Xiaoxing said.

"That's right! If you gain something, you will lose something. The situation of the Xuanshi is understandable." Li Yun agreed.

"Their situation is more extreme than that of the universal monks, because their current overall level is actually not high. At a lower level of cultivation, the reproduction rate should be higher, but what happened to the black monks is Almost all people do not want to reproduce and practice hard. Judging from the survey results of Xiaonu, it is found that most people have a sense of happiness of being reborn after a disaster and pie in the sky, and a strong sense of crisis that time has not waited for us and that if we do not advance, we will retreat. Under the influence of these two feelings, many people almost seize every moment and breath to practice..."

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