The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1809 Trebuchet (1)

That trebuchet is really a behemoth!

Aizizi placed it on a mountain far away from the Garden Guarding Formation. In addition to avoiding the possible crystal cannon attacks from the Garden Guarding Formation, he also wanted to put it at a distance to be able to throw stones more effectively. The power of the machine.

He could tell from the information he had obtained earlier, as well as the confrontation between Fei Da, Tu Yuan, Qu Shi and others, that Jing Nong's garden-protecting formation was just a purely defensive formation and did not hide any powerful offensive weapons, so it was still Very reassuring.

Of course, if the opponent really has a crystal cannon, then the trebuchet also has a protective formation, which can completely withstand more than ten crystal cannons. It will depend on whose spear is sharper and whose shield is stronger.

This is almost like two formations facing off. However, although the Garden Guarding Formation is much larger, since it is mainly defensive, we can only watch the opponent slowly install it in the distance, while the trebuchet is for offense and defense. It has both, focusing on attacking, which is relatively more proactive and flexible.

Seeing the astonishing momentum of the trebuchet after it was installed, Qu Shi, Shaoyao and others felt regretful. If they had known better, they should not have blindly trusted the messenger. He could deal with people like Tuyuan and Fatty, but he might not be able to deal with them. This terrifying trebuchet!

Moreover, because he believed so much in the ability of the messenger, he did not interfere or destroy it when the other party was installing the formation, so that Xiao Tiezi and the others could do things calmly, which took nearly a month. , finally installed this stone-throwing formation!

The reason why it can be installed so quickly is because the design of this formation is quite unique. It is assembled from many independent parts. These parts have been built long ago. The assembly is not difficult. The key is to observe. Good terrain to maximize its power.

Aizouzi bought this formation from the black market, which cost him a lot of money, but it also brought him a lot of gains. After many robberies, he had already recovered all the costs, and now all he makes are profits.

He also relied on this trebuchet to become the bandit king among the robbers in this area. He was so infamous that even tough bandits like Tu Yuan and Fei Da did not dare to compete with him.

Qu Shi and others felt that they could no longer sit still and wait for death. Once the trebuchet started to hit, it would be difficult for the formation to withstand it. They urgently discussed and decided to take the risk to attack under the cover of night to destroy the trebuchet.

Just when he was about to set off, he was blocked by a letter. Qu Shi took a look and found that it should be from the messenger, which meant that as long as he stood firm, he would die if he attacked by surprise! In addition, let the people who control the formation withdraw from the control center so that someone can help him resist the trebuchet.

"Brother Qu, what did your benefactor say?" Shaoyao asked suspiciously.

"See for yourself..." Qu Shi said helplessly.

Shaoyao took the letter and read it, and sighed: "It seems that everything is under the control of the benefactor. We have no way out, it is best to listen to him!"

Qu Shi and others looked at each other, but in this situation, they can only believe it again!

Soon, everyone in the control center withdrew. Qu Shi, Shaoyao and others followed Li Yun's instructions to guard every corner of the formation. They were not allowed to leave without receiving orders...

Qu Shi and Shaoyao were standing guard next to the control center. They didn't notice anyone entering, but after a while, they found something strange in the control center. It was obvious that someone was controlling some of the devices inside.

The two looked at each other and nodded secretly. It seemed that the benefactor had really entered!

In their opinion, it is normal for a benefactor with such ability to go in without being discovered by them. However, the two of them are extremely curious about why the benefactor knows how to control this formation. You must know that this formation is extremely complicated, even that The brother who is best at the formation also knows little about it, and often makes mistakes, which makes Jing Nong extremely unhappy.

While they were wondering, they suddenly discovered that the atmosphere in this formation seemed to have changed, and it was slowly becoming suffocating!

"Eh? What's going on?!" Shaoyao exclaimed.

"Sister, do you think there's something wrong with the formation?" Qu Shi asked quickly,

Because he felt it too.

"Yes! I feel that the spiritual pressure is getting stronger and stronger, and I can hardly hold it anymore!"

"Me too... Is this formation about to end?!" Qu Shi's face changed drastically and he said with difficulty.

"How is it possible? The benefactor must be controlling it..."

"It's over, it's over..."

Since the others have dispersed and stayed away from them, they don't know what the current situation of the others is. Moreover, even if they want to use their spiritual sense to observe, it is impossible because they have been suppressed by the huge pressure and cannot move at all. Even if you want to probe out with your spiritual consciousness, you can't get very far, so you can only observe through your eyes.

At this moment, the maniacal laughter of Dazuizi came rolling in the depths of the night: "Qu Shi, if you obediently start the formation and offer the medicine, you can still survive. If you dare to resist, don't blame me for killing people without blinking an eye..." "

Qu Shi and Shaoyao looked at each other, and both shook their heads helplessly. Even if they really wanted to open the formation to offer medicine, it was impossible because the entire formation had mutated, and even they themselves could not move!

The short boy yelled again and again, but to his surprise there was no reply, which made him furious! It was the first time for him to be looked down upon like this. After he became famous, no one dared to look down on him like this.

"You're going against it! Smash it with me!! Smash it hard!!!" Dwarf was furious and ordered loudly.


Several rays of fire exploded into the sky with an astonishing momentum!

After a while, they fell from the sky, like huge meteors, and slammed into the garden guarding formation!

"Wow!!!" Everyone couldn't help shouting and were stunned.

The people in the array were stunned when they saw these rays of fire. They felt like the fire of the apocalypse, destroying everything that dared to stand in the way...

The garden-protecting formation trembled under this majestic momentum. It seemed that it was extremely weak and would soon fall apart...

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"...

The meteor fire was like a world-destroying thunder, slamming down on the garden guarding formation, and everyone couldn't help but close their eyes...

It is impossible to stop such terrifying meteors and flints, everyone thinks so in their hearts...

After a while, the astonishing waves of spiritual power that everyone expected did not appear, which made them extremely tormented. They wondered what happened to the formation at this time?

After a while, Qu Shi and Shaoyao finally couldn't help but opened their eyes and looked outside. They both looked surprised and couldn't believe what they saw.

I saw that the garden guarding formation was in good condition and not damaged at all. What about the few meteors and flints? where it goes? !

Everyone in the formation discovered this situation one after another. They were all stunned and confused, not knowing what happened just now.

Outside the formation, Gao Tuozi and others were also confused, but they all really saw what happened just now, but they couldn't believe it was true...

Xiao Tiezi originally thought that these few meteors and flints would be enough to penetrate the garden guarding formation. Unexpectedly, before they could hit the formation, they were shattered by several rays of crystal light emitted from the formation, and those few rays fell from the sky. The potential energy was also completely resolved by the aura of the formation, and the entire formation just emitted an unusually bright light. After a while, the light faded away, and everything was safe and sound!

"How is this possible? How is this possible?!!!" Dwarf yelled.

"Lord, those crystal lights are not coming from crystal cannons, are they? Why haven't you seen them use them before?" Fei Da said in surprise.

"Of course it's the crystal cannon! I didn't expect them to wait until now before using it. It's so abominable!!!" Dwarf yelled fiercely.

Fei Da turned pale after hearing this. He didn't expect that there was a crystal cannon in the Garden Guarding Formation. If they had used it during the previous song, he and Tu Yuan would have been defeated long ago, and their lives might have been in danger.

"Lord, what should we do now?!" Fei Da reacted and asked urgently.

"The situation is very bad now. In fact, we are not afraid of the crystal cannon. The key is that this formation is of extremely high level and has amazing protection. Even if those meteors and flints were destroyed by the crystal cannon, the force of their falling is extremely terrifying. If they hit the formation At least it can make a big hole, but I never thought that this formation could resolve all the force of the fall..." Xiao Tiezi analyzed.

"Dissolve them all? Impossible, right? At least it should have caused some damage to it. As long as we fire a few more meteors and flints, we will definitely be able to smash several big holes in it!" said Fei Da.

"Well...what you said makes sense! I don't believe that such force can't cause damage to it. It will definitely be possible if I try it a few more times! But the cost is too high!" Dwarf said in pain.

The consumption of each time the trebuchet is activated is extremely huge. In addition to the cost of the meteor flint, there is also the energy consumption of activating the formation. If you really want to calculate it, the cost of activating a meteor flint is close to that of a high-grade spiritual crystal. If converted, If it becomes a low-grade spirit stone, it is really a big mountain of spirit stones.

Ai Zuozi just blasted out five meteors and flints at once, intending to hit the same place and break the formation in one fell swoop. The success rate of such an attack was almost 100% in the past, but this time it failed for the first time!

For him, since he has smashed five high-grade spiritual crystals, if he stops here, wouldn't it mean that all his previous efforts have been wasted? This is impossible for a short guy!

"Smash it! Smash it hard! If five doesn't work, just ten!!!" Dwarf shouted.

"Yes! Lord!" The people under his command responded in unison without daring to neglect.

However, despite what Xiao Zuizi said, this trebuchet can only hit five meteor flints at most at a time. Moreover, after hitting the flints once, there must be a certain cooling time and cannot be activated continuously.

After waiting impatiently for a long time, the robbers finally found that the trebuchet was ready for use. They immediately reloaded the flint and activated the formation, "Woooooooooo-"

"Hu—" "Hu—" "Hu—" "Hu—" "Hu—"

Five more flints rose into the sky, with low body but full of hope, and they smashed hard towards the garden guarding formation...

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