The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1816 Rong Baocheng

Wen Qing had been to the Wilderness World before and had seen its majestic vastness, so now that he was told that the entire Wilderness World had disappeared, he would not believe it no matter what.

In his opinion, even a powerful immortal has limits to his abilities, and it is impossible for him to do such an earth-shattering event.

To make such a vast and dangerous interface disappear, the energy required is too great, which is far beyond Wen Qing's imagination. In short, among the people he knows, he can't think of anyone who can do this. .

Therefore, he did not believe that it was the evil spirit who made the wilderness disappear, but he believed what Du Lin just said. There must be a unique reason for this matter. Maybe he had never heard of this reason. If he could investigate it, If you are clear about it, it must be a very interesting thing, and it will definitely benefit you a lot.

Wen Qing's interest has been completely aroused by this matter, and he quickly decided to investigate here. Anyway, he is not afraid of Du Lin and Wen Hui's tracking now...

Seeing Wen Qing's figure among the many people searching for the wild world, Li Yun and Xiao Xing couldn't help but laugh!

It seems that the sudden disappearance of the wilderness world not only made people in the spirit world extremely curious, but even these immortals couldn't help but want to find out the specific reasons.

This event is like a huge magnet, which will definitely attract more and more people to come here to check it out, because everyone is not only curious but also lucky. Everyone will think that although the wilderness world has disappeared, it is still there. It is impossible to disappear completely like this, but it will leave some clues or some unexpected wealth. This is the key point!

You know, the impression left on people in the wilderness before is that it often spits out some treasures, and those who get these treasures make a fortune.

This time it disappeared extremely suddenly, and it was impossible to leave anything behind, so there must be something left behind. If you can get it, you will definitely gain something.

Besides, just finding out the reason for its disappearance is enough to get the best bargain, so more people will definitely invest in this search mission.

Sure enough, during their observation, they found that many people found some items floating in the interstellar space during the search. Some of them were really rare treasures, which aroused the envy of many people, so people searched for them. I have to be more diligent and more excited.

This situation is actually normal, because although the wild world is formed by the energy dissipated from Chi Yan's body, the matter transformed from this energy is not all of the wild world. The formation of this interface also has a time factor. It has been at least hundreds of thousands of years. During this long period of time, countless materials from the outside world have accumulated, evolved, and been fixed here... This part of the material is more than Chi Yan's body energy material.

There are sure to be many treasures among them.

Therefore, after Chi Yan took back the energy material of his body, it can be said that the wilderness world fell apart and turned into countless fragments floating in this vast interstellar space. Some larger and heavier materials fell into the surrounding spiritual world. A good show of meteor shower was staged. This scene has been recorded by Xiaoxing. It is extremely spectacular!

During the falling process, these large substances become hot and bright, consume a lot of energy, and become extremely small, and some disappear completely, so they have little impact on the spiritual world. Of course, there are people among them. Found some meteorite treasures.

After the meteor shower, the interstellar space where the Wild World was located suddenly became empty, leaving only some smaller and lighter materials floating around, attracting the attention of the searching crowd, and everyone joined in a treasure hunt. In the midst of the carnival…

"Sir, the materials dropped from the Wilderness Realm are very good waste materials. How about we also collect a batch of them?" Xiaoxing said.

"Forget it, let's not join in the excitement. As long as Chi Yan comes, leave some meat for others to eat. Now that Du Lin, Wen Hui, and Wen Qing are attracted to the wilderness world, we can go first Take a walk around Zhuantian Mountain, they won’t have any share of the fairy grass and elixir there!” Li Yun said with a smile.

"Hehe, that's what the adults said! It seems we have to take this opportunity to search there first!" Xiaoxing said excitedly.

He quickly mobilized the ground network and began to display all the information about Zhuan Tianshan. Xingyun No. 1 also suddenly accelerated and headed towards Zhuan Tianshan...

From the Zen Domain to the west, across an extremely vast area, the population gradually becomes sparse, and the life forms become somewhat different.

The Zen realm actually still belongs to the human world. Due to the low blood level and weak power of the human race, it is basically excluded from the periphery by the main racial forces and stays obediently on the edge.

The main realms of the spiritual world include the dragon realm, phoenix realm, black realm, martial realm, Kun realm, bird realm, tiger realm, fox realm, lin realm, and several other realms of blessed beasts and birds, etc., while the human realm The area where we stay is mainly bordered by the three domains of Longyu, Fengyu and Wuyu to the east, north and south respectively, while the westernmost part is the Zen area.

As the strongest branch of the human race, the Zen domain is located in the far west and plays a huge role in protecting the human race interface!

Because to the west of the Zen Domain, there is an endless undeveloped natural area, and life forms have not been fully explored. Sometimes extremely powerful life races will appear to invade the human world. Fortunately, there is the power of the Zen Domain to stop it. After so many years, there was finally no danger.

However, many people are speculating that the reason why the Zen realm can defend the human world is because the human world is too poor. Even the worst races in the west despise the human world and look down on it at all, so they don't come here. Harassment here.

People speculate that there must be extremely abundant resources in the spiritual realm to the west, so that the life forms there do not want to move at all, but stay there to enjoy peace and happiness.

This idea is not unreasonable, so every year many people go to the west to explore, hoping to harvest some resources to help them improve their cultivation or live a prosperous life.

Many people went to the west to explore, but did not return for many years after leaving. I don’t know whether they were happy or unwilling to miss Shu, or they also lost their lives there. In short, many people went there, but not many came back...

Of course, these people who came back became the target of countless people asking for information. Some people like to brag. After returning, they stayed in Rongbao City, the westernmost city of the Surangama Realm, the westernmost interface of the Zen Domain, and hung out in some restaurants and teahouses every day. If you brag about it, you can also get a lot of rewards from people who like to hunt for novels and listen to stories. If you sell the carved jade slips from your travels to the West, you can make more money.

The reason why Rongbao City got its name is because there is Rongbaotang, the largest merchant alliance in the spiritual world, and its headquarters is set up here!

This alone shows how powerful it is!

Because this is the junction between the life interface of the main races in the spirit world and the wild area to the west, it may face a lot of risks every day. If some terrible person suddenly comes to rob someone, the loss to Rongbaotang will be huge. Big!

However, Rong Baotang has been stationed here for countless years. Things like being robbed are just things in people's imagination and have never happened. Moreover, with Rong Baotang here, this place has become more and more... The more prosperous it is, the more people there are, and the flow of materials in and out is extremely huge, and it has become an extremely important city in the spiritual world.

Although there are only a few people who venture back to the wild areas to the west, everyone brings back a lot of exotic treasures, and their first choice is to sell them to Rong Baotang at their estimated value.

This is because those exotic treasures are very unfamiliar to them and it is difficult to judge their value. Those who get them only know that they are good things, but they have no idea how much they are worth. However, the treasure appraisers of Rong Baotang have seen a lot. He has broad knowledge and can make judgments on almost every treasure. Moreover, as the largest business alliance in the spiritual world, Rongbaotang has excellent strength and goodwill. There will never be any deliberate price reduction. This is not the case. But it gives a guarantee to those who dare to take risks, and it also makes Rong Baotang's brand stronger and its business better.

Rong Baotang will put these treasures from the Western Regions on the shelves for sale, or hold large-scale auctions to auction them, and earn huge profits from them!

It can be said that Rongbao City has become a huge transit city on the western border of the human world. Material resources from the Western Regions continue to flow to Rongbaotang branch alliances established in other realms, and materials from various places are also transferred to Rongbaotang. Transferred among the branch alliances, many also flowed to the Rongbaocheng General Alliance, jointly promoting the business of this merchant alliance to continue to grow stronger and bigger!

The west gate of Rongbao City is the tallest among the four major gates. From a distance, it looks like a mountain peak standing there. It is so majestic that everyone who sees it is amazed.

The level of the city defense formation here is extremely high, reaching the legendary tenth level, and it is said that it is controlled by formation spirits. No wonder it can be made impregnable.

In the spiritual world, a tenth-level formation almost means that no one can break it, because in a certain sense, it has reached the level of an immortal formation, and even the top loose immortals and ordinary low-level immortals can hardly break it. It, therefore, is the biggest reason why Rong Baotang dares to station here!

If there really are some powerful people who have the ability to break this city, but the price they have to pay is too high to be worth it. Besides, such people should not bother to do such a thing, or they can spend less money. At the price, more treasures can be obtained from elsewhere.

Of course, for Rong Baotang, this immortal formation is just one of their supports. As the largest business alliance in the spiritual world, they have so many trump cards and a deep foundation that ordinary people cannot imagine. If they don’t dig deeper, If you understand, it is impossible for ordinary people to know what terrible characters exist in Rong Baotang...

Not far from the West Gate, there is a Rong Baotang exhibition building. There are many such exhibition buildings in the city. This is equivalent to Rong Baotang's sales point. While displaying, transactions are made...

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