The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1818 The forces behind Rong Baotang

Li Yun was a little surprised when he heard this and said with a smile: "It seems that this is the benefit of high-end products..."

"Yes! The aroma of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley. As long as we truly make it the most exquisite and high-end, the product itself can speak for itself!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Okay, we have boasted enough ourselves, but I am quite interested in the people behind Rong Baotang. I wonder who can do business to this extent?" Li Yun said.

"You might as well take a guess, sir!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Oh? So you already know?" Li Yun was startled and felt happy again.

"That's right! Our underground network has collected enough information. Xiaonu has already learned the secret of Rong Baotang from it. Even Tianji Palace does not know this secret. Although Tianji Palace has been investigating this matter, it has been Nothing gained." Xiaoxing said.

"This...even Tianji Palace can't find anything. It seems that the person behind Rong Baotang is definitely not a human race!" Li Yun said quickly.

"Hey, sir, you are right! Rongbaotang is the largest business alliance in the spiritual world. It faces the entire spiritual world and needs to deal with multiple high-level blood races to do business. With the blood level and ability of the human race, it is very difficult for it to do business. You can do this." Xiaoxing praised.

"In this way, having the bloodline level and ability to negotiate and do business with people of various races is of course a relatively advanced racial life. There are only a few advanced races known in the spiritual world, but It’s a little hard to guess which race could give birth to such a character..." Li Yun thought.

"Think again, sir..." Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Okay, actually it's not impossible to guess this. I can use the elimination method."

"Method of elimination? Sir, try it..."

"The Dragon and Phoenix tribes can be eliminated first, because these two races are so poor now that it is impossible to raise the number one merchant alliance in the spiritual world like Rong Baotang. We are also familiar with the Three-legged Crow tribe in the Wu Territory, If Rong Baotang came from them, then Huo Mang, Wu Huiran, and Wu Shushen must know it, but in fact they don't know this, so it can be ruled out. There is also Wuyu, through the relationship with Wu Gao He contacted and treated so many patients of the Xuanwu clan in the spiritual world for him, but they knew nothing about it, and Wuyu is also very poor now due to the plague, so it is also ruled out..." Li Yun analyzed one by one.

Xiaoxing remained silent, wanting to see if Li Yun could finally analyze it...

Li Yun continued: "The Nine-Tailed Fox Clan can also be ruled out. Although they have quite an advantage in doing business, and their beauty alone can charm a large number of people, shopping malls are like battlefields, and beauty alone is not enough.

If there is no guarantee of strong strength, even if you make money temporarily, you will become a fat sheep in the eyes of others, and sooner or later the money will be spit back..."

Xiaoxing continued to remain silent...

"The remaining more powerful races include the Guodiao Tribe, the Snow Deer Tribe, the Nightingale Tribe, the Wind Tribe, the Ice Tribe, the Tiger Tribe, the Kun Tribe, and the Lin Tribe... Among them, the Lin Tribe can also be eliminated first, because we have already treated him They are too familiar. They are not engaged in such things as business alliances. The Guidiao Clan, Snow Deer Clan, and Nightingale Clan are not major forces in the spiritual world, and their overall strength is not strong, so they can be excluded. The Wind Clan and the Ice Clan are small All races are excluded. The Kun tribe belongs to the real birds, and all real beasts or real birds can be excluded, because their characters are too extreme, and many of their ways are mainly about devouring, just like the Chongming Bird, Jiuying, The golden-spotted toad... a race like this would not be able to do such a big business as Rong Baotang if it does not harm the human world..." Li Yun continued his analysis.

Xiaoxing finally couldn't help it and said, "Do you think it's the tiger clan?"

"Tiger Clan?"

It can be said that Li Yun didn't know much about the tiger clan in the spiritual world, but he did know something about the white tiger clan in the fairy world. This was because of the appearance of Nian Lun. He also mentioned the nervousness of his ancestor Shou Yuan. In addition, Another thing is that the White Tiger tribe brewed a low-grade fairy grass from the tribe into wine and pretended to sell it as a famous wine. They also asked their ancestors to come forward and pretend in public that they were drinking fake wine from that tribe, but in fact they were drinking it. It is a good wine bought by his ancestors from outside...

Although it was said that it was the work of the White Tiger Clan, the pinnacle bloodline of the Immortal Realm, I think there is a certain connection between the Immortal Realm Tiger Clan and the Spiritual Realm Tiger Clan. What the Immortal Realm White Tiger Clan did shows that it is impossible for them to do anything big in the business world. Not to mention the Tiger Clan in the Spirit Realm...

"The Tiger Clan... is also impossible!" Li Yun sighed.

"But why? The Tiger Clan is pretty strong..." Xiaoxing wondered.

"Although the Tiger Clan is strong, they are very unreliable in what they do. It would be impossible to create a business monster like Rong Baotang using their way of doing things..."

"Hehe, who else do you think will be the person behind Rong Baotang?" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Actually speaking, the human race is the most likely, but with the ability of the human race in the spirit world, that is, the ability to create regional business alliances like Yuanfangzhai, Zen Baofang, Zenji Hall, Tianxiang Restaurant, and Roast House, can the emergence of An information organization like Tianji Palace is already a miracle. As for building a world-wide business alliance like Rong Baotang, it seems that our Universiade Palace has this ability. Secondly..." Li Yun thought.

"Secondly, which other force is possible?" Xiaoxing asked.

"I finally thought of a possibility..." Li Yun's eyes suddenly lit up.


"Last time in all walks of life in Linyu, we also saw the existence of Rongbaotang's alliance. At that time, I didn't pay much attention to it, but now that I think about it, it is worth discussing."

"But why?"

"There is only a merchant alliance like Rong Baotang in Lin Territory, not even Tianji Palace. It can be seen that it is impossible for other merchant alliances to enter Lin Territory, but why can Rong Baotang do it?"

"This..." Xiaoxing stopped talking.

"Linyu has always been relatively independent from other realms in the spiritual world and is self-sufficient. If they want to get products from the outside world, they should only have Rongbaotang. But if they want to get information and other special products, they have to go out. Go to the surrounding areas to search, just like Kunzhi last time, you need to go out to purchase medicinal materials."

"Not bad!" Xiaoxing said.

"There is a reason why Rong Baotang can obtain the permission of the Lin clan and operate prosperously in the Lin domain, because the people behind them should also be from the auspicious beast or auspicious bird clan, and they have long been associated with them, such as , the Lin Clan’s formation uses formation wizards from various other auspicious beasts and birds, and these people are still staying in our Universiade Palace." Li Yun said with a smile.

"This... is still guessed by the adults!" Xiaoxing praised.

"Oh? Which auspicious beast or auspicious bird race is it specifically?"

"Actually, in addition to the Lin tribe, other auspicious beast and auspicious bird races are involved in Rong Baotang's business!" Xiao Xingyu said in surprise.

"What?!" Even if Li Yun guessed it, he didn't expect the truth to be like this!

"In addition to the Lin clan, the other five races, including the auspicious beast Baize clan, Lu Wu clan, and the auspicious bird Bifang clan, Yanwei clan, and Mengji clan, are all the forces behind Rong Baotang!"

"Oh my god, no wonder!" Li Yun exclaimed in his heart.

While walking around Tianbao Tower, he chatted with Xiaoxing about this matter, and finally felt a little uneasy.

"With the experience, experience, capital, and talents of Rui Shou and Rui Qin, as well as their more upright and peaceful personalities and ways of doing things, they finally created this huge Rong Baotang business alliance covering the spiritual world. In fact, in addition to this Rong Baotang business alliance, In Baocheng, there are still many Rongbaotang alliances in the Western Region, but people in the spirit world here have almost never heard of them." Xiaoxing said.

"I see..." Li Yun suddenly realized.

Now it seems that Rong Baotang is a monster-level existence and cannot be simply regarded as a business alliance!

Generally speaking, the main thing a business alliance does is to exchange goods, exchange what is needed, and make some profits from it. Of course, this is only for ordinary business alliances.

Because behind Rong Baotang stood five high-level auspicious beasts and auspicious bird races in the spirit world, this distinguished it from other business alliances.

With their strength and status, they can do business that others cannot do, they dare to do business that others dare not do, and they have a lot of talents to do business that others cannot do well. Others are very worried about the safety of their own business. , but people in Rong Baotang will never worry about this problem...

In this way, their advantage is really huge!

"Rongbaotang has such a huge advantage, but in our impression, they are only as famous as the big business alliances such as Yuanfangzhai, Tianji Hall, and Tianle Pavilion. Even in many people's impressions, Tianji Hall He Yuanfangzhai is much more powerful than Rong Baotang, what is the reason?" Li Yun pondered.

"Sir, this is determined by Rong Baotang's management style. In fact, Rong Baotang is not completely monolithic. It was established by the alliance of these five races. When there are major problems, they will solve them together. However, in normal operations, It is loose and divided into five major areas. Each race is responsible for one area. For example, the Rong Baotang on this side is mainly responsible for the auspicious beast Baize clan. This general alliance is actually the general alliance of Bai Ze Rongbaotang. It is divided into five parts. After that, their power became relatively weaker. In addition, the styles of these auspicious beasts and auspicious birds were relatively peaceful. They did not want to fight to the death with other merchant alliances, but relied on their strong own strength to occupy a certain market. The share is enough. In this way, their operation coincides with the way of doing business, and doing business goes smoothly. It is much more leisurely than other business alliances, but they also gain a lot..."

"It makes sense! Although the shopping mall is like a battlefield, many businesses are really fought to the point of life and death, and every profit is condensed with blood and tears. But after the business reaches a certain level, it is not life and death, but harmony and wealth. , it’s good for you and me, it’s a win-win situation for everyone…”


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