The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1823 When rationality meets sensibility

"Haha, our Rong Baotang has really done a big event today. How about we invite you two to come to our city lord's palace and hold a feast to celebrate?" Jing Ming said happily.

"Senior, when he came just now, he didn't come directly to us, right?" Li Yun reminded.

"Yes!" Jing Ming was startled, thinking of the new member of the clan.

When he checked with his spiritual consciousness, he found that Tongtian and his subordinates were still surrounding the tribesman enjoying the singing and dancing at the Goulan Club, chatting happily...

"You two, please wait here for now. I'll come and greet you when I get there!" Jing Ming stood up and said.

"no problem!"

Xiaoxing watched Jing Ming leave and said with a smile: "Congratulations, sir! Another big deal has been signed!"

"You might as well say congratulations to yourself. You, a little money geek, have already planned this big deal." Li Yun teased.

"Hehe, my little slave is also adding another cornerstone for the development of Universiade Palace."

"Why don't we go there too? Wuchen will definitely be exposed, so it's better for us to go there first." Li Yun said thoughtfully.

"What you say makes sense!"

The two of them explained to Zeng Fan, then left Tianxiang Restaurant and headed towards Goulan. Unexpectedly, before they had gone far, a scream sounded: "Xiao Ling?!!! Why are you here?!!!"

Li Yun and Xiaoxing were slightly startled, because the sound was really unexpected, exciting, and loud, and everyone around them was startled.

The two of them looked at each other and thought to themselves that it was not good. It turned out to be Fang Man and three female fairies, Shi Hua and Shi Jian.

He was walking in a hurry just now, not paying attention to his surroundings, and not being invisible. As a result, Xiaoxing was discovered by them!

Xiaoxing is actually the image of Ling Daozi, and his temperament is definitely much higher than other Ling Daozi's, which leads to serious consequences!

After Fang Man finished shouting, he stared at Xiaoxing with a look of infatuation on his face. He suddenly rushed forward, cried out "Wow", and threw himself on Xiaoxing! ! ! Hug me tight! ! !

Xiaoxing was caught off guard and was successfully attacked by Fang Man. He was stunned! ! !

For Fang Man, since the last time she was fascinated by Yan Zheng and went to Tianshang Divine Realm, and then fell in love with Ling Daozi, she can be said to have been controlled by male lust.

In normal days, my mind is filled with beauties from the Universiade Palace, either this or that one, but the one who is most obsessed with her is naturally Ling Daozi.

In order to stay in the Yuanfangzhai branch of Tianshang Divine Realm, she had to accept Fang Ping's challenge and perform well in order to stay in the branch she wanted to go to.

With the help of Shihua and Shijian, she made little noises along the way. Although she made a lot of jokes, she actually got tempered in the process. Not only did her acting skills improve, she defeated some competitors and helped some Yuanfangzhai score points. His performance has improved, and his thinking has slowly changed. He has become more and more interested in helping Yuanfangzhai improve his performance. This means that his professionalism has become stronger and stronger, and at the same time, it will also affect his mentality. The male lust is gradually forgotten...

This is of course a good thing. People cannot be doted on. If an elder dotes on a child, it is actually harming him or her, because the result of doting on him or her will without exception be that the child turns into a giant baby, even in the physical body. Even though he has grown up to be an adult, his mind is still that of a child, extremely dependent on his elders, and unable to adapt to an independent life without the care and support of his elders.

Therefore, the best way to love a child is not to spoil it, but to educate and guide it so that it has mature thoughts and survival skills. Even if it does not become a master, it can still stand on its own in this world. Above, living an ordinary and simple life is much better than letting him become a giant baby with no independent ability!

Many parents or elders are not aware of the disadvantages of doting, and think that as long as they give love, they will receive the love of their children in return. But in fact, a person who is not independent cannot have independent and mature thoughts. What I want to do is not to repay my elders, but to rely on them. I hope that I can live a happy life under the care of my elders for the rest of my life. But this is impossible. My elders will leave sooner or later, either falling or going to the fairy world. When their children grow up, some people, due to their limited abilities, can no longer satisfy their children's dependent life of reaching out for clothes and opening their mouths for food. Instead, they will make the children angry and be beaten or injured by them. This kind of thing can be said every day It's all going on, but who can you blame?

For these elders, what they sow will be what they reap. Although the results may seem cruel, in the final analysis, the problem still lies with the elders.

These people mistakenly regard the child as a doting tool instead of treating it as a thoughtful life, educating and guiding him to grow into a mature and responsible person. As a result, the child finally grows into what they least want to see...

It is said that Fang Ping, the owner of Yuanfang Zhai, almost made this mistake, or has already made this mistake, because Fang Man was just a giant baby before, didn't understand anything, and had a particularly bad personality, so he had a bad reputation in Yuanfang Zhai. Very impressive.

However, since she was seduced by men and resolutely devoted herself to the task, she gradually changed, because during the travel process, she experienced many things and suffered a lot, and her character became much stronger. Slowly Starting from the starting point of a giant baby...

Originally, she had slowly cleared Yan Zheng, Guan Lie, Ximen Shi, Nie Fei...Ling Daozi and others from her mind, but today she suddenly discovered Ling Daozi, and judging from his appearance, not only was he more handsome, , even her temperament was many times higher. This suddenly brought back all her past memories, strongly impacting her love for men. The impact was so strong that she rushed over desperately, She fell into Xiaoxing's arms and cried bitterly, with tears streaming down her face and her whole body shaking, like a frightened little rabbit...

This scene made everyone around them extremely moved. Shi Hua and Shi Jian even burst into tears...

Li Yun couldn't stand it anymore, so he simply said: "You are the one who caused this, go and solve it yourself..."

After saying that, the person has disappeared!

Xiaoxing just wanted to cry without tears and was at a loss. Although his wisdom was the best in the world, he suddenly discovered that wisdom was useless when meeting a nymphomaniac woman, because reason and sensibility could not make sense...

Li Yun was secretly happy that Xiaoxing had finally met his nemesis. Will he still dare to unscrupulously improve his appearance in the future?

You must know that his appearance has absorbed the advantages of nearly a billion beautiful faces. He is definitely the best beauty in the world, but he is still not satisfied. His short-term goal is to integrate nearly 10 billion Li Yun was speechless and choked up to further enhance his good looks.

Now, Xiaoxing has finally tasted the negative impact of good looks, which is that it will cause a lot of trouble. If he had not grown into a top expert now, I am afraid that with his good looks, as long as he appears in front of others, he may get into trouble. Bad luck!

Appearance is like fine porcelain, very fragile. This is the saying that beauties have a bad fate.

But precisely because it is fragile, it becomes more precious and makes countless people pursue it more desperately, even Xiaoxing!

Little Whatever the purpose, an extremely huge industry will be formed around beauty. This is why beauty pills and beauty pills are so popular and of high value.

With his thoughts flashing in his mind, Li Yun flew towards the hooked railing where Wuchen was, and it didn't take long for him to arrive.

Jing Ming quickly discovered him and quickly led him over.

"How does Master Yun know we are here?" Jing Ming asked curiously.

"Because Wuchen and I came to Rongbaocheng together." Li Yun said with a smile.

"What?!" Everyone was stunned.

Wuchen explained at the side: "Yun Zun is the master of my family, but it was the master who brought me here this time."

One word stirs up a thousand waves!

Everyone, including Jing Ming, was shocked!

Tong Tian had a look of astonishment on his face. He couldn't believe his ears. He really didn't expect that Gao Ren Wuchen, the senior he wanted to fawn over, was actually Li Yun's slave. No wonder Jing Ming would send a red talisman to him before. He hurriedly entertained Li Yun, but this task was completely forgotten by him!

This is definitely an unforgivable mistake! Even Tongtian himself can't forgive himself...

Jing Ming did not blame Tongtian when he arrived before. Firstly, it was not too late. Secondly, Tongtian was negligent in his duties, but he did not make any mistakes. He still contacted Li Yun and signed a cooperation agreement. Thirdly, Wuchen’s status Extremely high, it is appropriate for Tongtian to entertain him.

Speaking of Wuchen's status, he is only higher than Jingming. At the beginning, Wuchen's status in the clan was much higher than Jingming, because he was a rare genius in the formation method and was the core of the clan. Disciple, he also became an ambassador-level figure in the exchanges between the Baize Clan and the Lin Clan, helping the Lin Clan guard a large formation. The Lin Clan gave countless wealth to the Baize Clan because of this!

This can be said to be a kind of talent output. Of course, it can also be recalled when necessary, unless Wuchen doesn't want to come back.

Jingming was just a budding rookie at the time, but later he accumulated a lot of experience and made rapid progress, reaching a very high position, and then became the leader of the Baize Clan's Rongbao Hall. However, he was not a member of the clan's business. The highest control person in charge of this business is of course the clan leader, as well as the clan's elders council, and Jingming is just one of the elders' council.

But he is the specific executor of the decision-making of the Presbyterian Church, so he naturally has a lot of power. Many times, this executive power is coveted by many people. If Jingming does not do well, he may be taken away by the Presbyterian Church. Change it to someone else, so Jingming is also under pressure...

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