The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1826 Opening a gem field

Li Yun looked on amused. Although he didn't know what Jing Ming's real purpose was, he could at least tell that Jing Ming was deliberately trying to please Wu Chen, and Wu Chen was an extremely simple person with almost no sense of wariness. It is possible that Zhong was taken to the ditch by Jingming, an old fox.

However, Li Yun is not too worried. In his opinion, it is normal for Jing Ming to please Wuchen, because with Wuchen's genius, he must have a high status in the Baize clan, and he is his little slave. , Jing Ming now knows his situation, so from Jing Ming's point of view, there is nothing wrong with him trying to please Wu Chen.

Li Yun didn't need to worry that Wuchen would be taken into the ditch by Jing Ming, so he looked for Xiaoxing while observing the reactions of everyone in the house. He soon found him and found that he was with Fang Man's three daughters, and they were also in the same place. Betting on stones in the stone casino!

"This stone gambling den is going to be miserable..." Li Yun's first feeling was to mourn for this stone gambling den.

With Xiaoxing's ability, it is easier to identify the jade quality in the original stone than he is. He can tell it almost at a glance. This is no longer what the so-called "divine eyes" of the Baize tribe can describe. If Li Yun's In other words, it is the "electric eye", the electricity of lightning, which can accurately identify jade materials at lightning speed.

Of course, the stone gambling field has its own appraiser, who will give a retail price or starting price for each rough stone. The price setting reflects their vision, and the quality of this vision is naturally related to the profit and loss of the stone gambling field.

In Rongbao City, in addition to Rongbaotang's own product display building, the most distinctive feature is the large and small jade shops. Countless people linger in these jade shops every day, and the sales resulting from this are extremely amazing. Yes, many jade articles flowed to other divine realms from here.

Most of the raw materials for these jades are supplied by the stone casinos in the city. There are ten stone casinos, one of which is self-operated by Rongbaotang and is the largest. The other nine have stood out in the long-term operation. The boss behind the scenes is unknown.

Rongbaocheng itself does not produce raw jade stones. The raw stones in various gambling dens are also purchased from others. The procurement is divided into large quantities and scattered purchases. For example, they will go to various jade producing areas to purchase raw stones in large quantities. In this case Under normal circumstances, the purchase price is generally based on the jade material in the place where the raw stone is produced. In this link, gambling on the stone field takes a big risk. To turn the risk into profit, you need to work hard on the retail or auction links.

In addition, they will also purchase pieces from various channels, because people often come to sell their collection of rough stones. At this time, appraisers will play a role in evaluating the value of the rough stones for purchase.

More than 100 exhibition buildings such as Xiangrong Baotang have this function. They have attracted most of the scattered rough stone acquisition business. After all, they are the strongest, and many people also believe that their appraisers can give a fairer estimate. reasonable price.

After receiving the jade material, the stone gambling den will naturally base it on its own evaluation.

Putting the rough stones on the shelves for sale, some high-quality rough stones, or those who are undecided will be auctioned.

Between buying and selling or buying and auctioning, the profit and loss of the stone gambling field is all in it. If the rough stones can be sold at the retail price, or auctioned above the starting price, then the stone gambling field will It will definitely be profitable, but if the rough stones cannot be sold or the auction fails, then the stone betting field will lose a lot of money.

In this case, another fringe industry emerged from the stone gambling field, that is, counterfeit jade materials.

This is of course shady, but with the exception of Rong Baotang's self-operated stone gambling ground, almost every other stone gambling ground has dedicated people to do this. Those who are highly skilled can make a piece of stone that cannot be sold or auctioned at all. The original stone has transformed into a treasure that seems to have a high probability of containing high-quality jade!

If a gambler is not very discerning or takes a chance, once he fails, he may lose all his money and fall from wealth to poverty overnight!

This is why it is called gambling on stones!

Even if there is no forgery, even those so-called "divine eyes" appraisers cannot guarantee 100% whether there is chalcedony in the natural rough stone. In fact, the majority of cases are mistaken, not a small chance, so , even if you are buying rough stones at Rong Baotang, you are still gambling.

Be willing to admit defeat, some people win and some lose. Such stories happen almost every day in Rongbao City. People here have long been accustomed to it and don't care too much!

Of course, there are exceptions. For example, today, in this stone gambling center called "Kai Gem Field", bursts of exclamations could be heard from time to time, attracting many people in the city to come and watch.

When people came here, they discovered that the auction here had reached a record high!

Generally, gambling stone auctions are extremely cautious. Whether it is the stone gambling field itself or the gamblers, they will verify the rough stones that are about to be auctioned again and again, and set the price in their minds before auctioning them. Therefore, there can be five to five in a day. Ten auctions are already at the top.

However, according to people who were watching the scene early in the morning, less than an hour after the auction started today, ten rough stones had already been sold, which shocked the people who hosted the auction!

You must know that the stones he took out today were all rough stones that had been identified as scrap by stone field appraisers in the past. The starting prices he set were extremely low, and almost no one took them up for auction every time. Unexpectedly, he came from nowhere today. A few Langtouqing took pictures of these rough stones one by one in a very short period of time!

This is of course a bit abnormal, because although the price set is extremely low, it is still a price that is enough to bankrupt ordinary cultivators, otherwise no one would care about it.

If it is a price that any ordinary cultivator can accept, then there must be someone willing to try their luck, but this is impossible, because stone gambling is originally a game for the rich. Even if it is a piece of scrap that is recognized by everyone, its sale Or the price at auction is enough to scare a poor man away!

"What the hell is going on today...this man and three women are so crazy..." the host muttered to himself.

Since when betting on stones, the gambler actually only participates in the auction of rough stones. If he does not choose to open the stones on the spot to see the materials, no one knows whether he is making a profit or a loss. Even the stone betting field itself is difficult to judge.

Therefore, although the host auctioned ten rough stones that had been backlogged for a long time, he was a little uneasy because the purchase price of these ten rough stones was much higher than the starting price set now. The reason for this is Because they have been auctioned many times but no one cares about them, they are recognized as waste materials. In order to recover some costs, the stone gambling site has to lower the starting price, just to get rid of them as soon as possible.

However, the fact that it was cleared so quickly made the host of the gemstone field feel a little bad. Could it be that these ten rough stones themselves contain jade?

"Isn't it possible? The appraiser at the stone field has already sentenced them to death. There is no such chance!" The host secretly encouraged himself.

"One more piece!"

"Yeah, strike while the iron is hot!"

"Hurry up and continue!!!"

"These four young people have money and nowhere to spend it. If you don't take the opportunity to sell your goods, are you waiting to crush yourself to death?"

"Hurry up and shoot! I am willing to open rocks for them for free! Then we will see if they are dead or alive!" A big man who was responsible for opening rocks shouted excitedly.

Opening stones also requires skill and experience. Sometimes, if the opening is not done well, a good piece of stone will turn into waste in an instant, causing the gambler's income to be significantly reduced even if he wins the bet.

This big man's name is Guo Jia. He is an expert at opening stones and is quite famous in Rongbao City. He came here after hearing the news just now and saw Xiaoxing, Fang Man and others taking pictures of the original stones very quickly. He was so excited. The blood in the whole body was surging, and the whole person was extremely high.

In fact, the same is true for everyone watching, because watching stone gambling is an extremely exciting thing. Although the audience does not gain or lose themselves, watching others become rich in an instant or become poor in an instant will make them feel envious and jealous. Hate, ridicule and pity... can be said to be a living life process of ups and downs!

For many people, even if the starting price of these rough stones is extremely low, the price is far beyond their affordability. Therefore, the auction process is extremely irritating to them. Each of these people is like a duck, their heads are turned upside down. They tried their best to raise themselves up, even with their toes high. Some were riding on other people's heads, and some were standing on high branches. In short, it was like being held by an invisible hand by the neck, and their faces turned red, and their throats were about to scream. I'm mute, and my voice really sounds like a duck quacking...

Xiaoxing, Fang Man, Shihua and Shijian all wore anti-spiritual masks at this time, which gave them a sense of mystery, which made the sense of ceremony at the scene even stronger. People were speculating about their origins, even when they opened gems. The people present were also quickly checking the information, trying to find out what the four of them were.

This is also extremely important for quarries. Every quarry has a group of important customers. If more important customers come during the auction, the auction price may be higher. Therefore, the quarry will be special to these important customers. Take care of them and protect their interests as much as possible. After all, if they go bankrupt, it will not be a good thing for the quarry, because this is a chain of interlocking interests.

However, if these four people are not important customers, then the more the merrier!

To put it bluntly, most of the time, stone gambling is just about killing those young people. People with real experience, strength, and vision can basically break even, with a slight surplus. Even if they lose, they will not suffer huge losses, and they can make some money back. Some capital.

Therefore, as long as they can exist for a long time and help the auction business of the stone field, it will be of great benefit to both parties.

The host heard the shouts of the spectators around him, but was unmoved. He was waiting for a notification from the stone farm, because the person who could take away ten rough stones in one breath, no matter how low the price was, must be someone with strong financial resources. The person may be an important customer. According to the rules of the quarry, he must be protected...

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