The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1831 Endless Hidden

"Yes!" Tongtian insisted.

"Well, let's talk about this later, don't ruin our mood..."

"Yes! Hall Master!" Everyone sang in unison.

Jing Ming turned to Li Yun and said, "You really made Master Yun laugh! A little thing happened down there..."

"It does sound regrettable..." Li Yun smiled.

"Don't worry about it, it's a trivial matter! Now let's see what price Xiaoqi's rough stone can fetch..." Jing Ming said.

"Yes, I want to know too. With the eyes of your treasure appraisers, I believe you will be able to make the most correct assessment of it."

"Yun Zun is right! Our Baize clan is rich in treasure appraisers. They are quick and accurate in making appraisals. Xiang Xiaozhong is one of our rising stars and is extremely talented in appraising jade." Jing Ming said.

"I see... Why don't you let Xiao Qi bring out a few more pieces and let them appraise them together." Li Yun said.

"No problem, no matter how many, they can be identified!" Jing Ming said proudly.

After hearing the conversation between the two, Qi Xidu took out two more rough stones and placed them on the shelf, forming a triangular formation with the original one. It was quite impressive!

Everyone took a closer look and found that in addition to the original somewhat oblate stone, there was another square stone and an irregular stone.

There are also big differences in appearance. Oblate stones are black, square stones are reddish brown, and irregular stones are also irregular and colorful.

Different colors naturally mean different existence environments, which also increases the difficulty of judgment.

At this time, dozens of treasure appraisers have arrived in the mansion, almost all of the most elite treasure appraisers from Rong Baotang!

In addition, many masters in the hall, as well as some rich and powerful people in Rongbao City also heard the news and came to participate in this grand event. In addition to wanting to be a part of the nobility, they also wanted to see if they had a chance to get good jade. For a while, , the city lord's mansion is full of people, and the aura continues to increase...

The treasure appraisers looked at this situation and knew that today's appraisal auction was of great importance, so naturally none of them dared to deal with it carelessly. They kept asking Zha Xidu some questions and secretly discussed among themselves, but there was still no result. come out.

This made Jing Ming feel a little embarrassed, but he didn't want to lose his temper, so he had to wait patiently for them to come to a conclusion.

Qixidu has a big belly,

He had a stern look on his face and spoke out of his nostrils. He made the treasure appraisers very angry, but also helpless. The situation was pressing. If he wanted to combat Zhe Xidu's arrogance, he had to defeat him in appraisal. OK!

Of course, these appraisers are not vegetarians. Many of them have also experienced strong winds and waves. At this time, everyone was surrounding a treasure appraiser at the middle gate and discussing...

I saw this person with a smooth complexion and a tall and straight figure. He was wearing a sparkling robe. This was a special robe for the treasure appraisers of Rongbaotang. He looked like an elegant middle-aged man, and his expression was quite serious at this time. Concentrated, with a shimmer in his eyes, he observed the black flat stones and listened to everyone's opinions...

In fact, this person arrived last, and when Qi Xidu saw him coming, the arrogant look on his body disappeared, and he actually said hello to him.

When Jing Ming and others saw this person arriving, they seemed to feel relieved, and the atmosphere in the house became much better...

Of course, Li Yun realized that this person must be a prominent figure in Rong Baotang, and he paid attention to his identification method with great interest.

He quickly searched the information in Xiaoxing Think Tank in his mind. With his current lightning speed, he quickly found out that this person was called Wuwu Zang, and he was an elder of the Zeshui Department of the Baize Clan. In terms of status, he was not as good as Jing Ming is much lower than Jing Ming, but almost the same. He is quite authoritative in appraisals. All appraisal matters in Rong Baocheng are under his control. Any orders that cannot be determined will eventually be brought to him for resolution.

The information shows that this person has a pair of very powerful eyes, and he has a wide range of interests, almost traveling throughout the entire spiritual world. He has a very rich reserve of cultivation knowledge, especially in the field of judging rough stones...

Under his control, Rong Baotang's stone gambling field rarely made mistakes. This also made Rong Baotang's stone gambling industry larger and larger in scale, and its profits were also huge, making it one of its pillar industries!

Li Yun was very interested in whether Wuwu Zang could see the three rough stones that Qi Xidu took out. To be honest, he was not optimistic because these three rough stones were extremely unusual and each one challenged the treasure appraiser. To the limit, Li Yun himself and Xiao Xing spent a lot of effort and searched for a lot of information before finally confirming it!

After confirming it at that time, Qi Xidu was so shocked that he immediately worshiped him and regarded him as a god!

Therefore, Qi Xidu certainly had bad intentions when he took out these three rough stones. It can be said that he dared to bet that no one in Rongbao City could tell what jade material these three rough stones contained and their value. geometry?

In his opinion, even Endless Zang is impossible. At most, it would be good if Endless Zang can be seen in one piece!

This is the result of his glance at Wuwu Zang. With Qishidu's current level, he thinks that his discernment will not be much worse than Wuwu Zang. The gap between the two should be in knowledge and experience, so , Zhexidu had to think highly of Wuwu Zang. After all, he had walked on more bridges than he had walked, and had eaten more salt than rice. Age and experience must be acknowledged here.

However, based on the weirdness of these three rough stones, Qi Xidu believed that Wuwu Zang would not be able to identify them with Li Yun's rich knowledge, so even being able to see even one of them can be regarded as a miracle!

Qi Xidu looked at a large group of people gathered next to Wuwu Zang, muttering incessantly, and felt slightly proud. His fat white hands kept stroking his mustache, and his eyes narrowed into a line. However, when his When his eyes came into contact with Endless Zang's eyes, he was still startled, because at this time, Endless Zang had fully opened his eyes, and his whole eyes had turned into a ball of spiritual light, with countless light spots and light and shadows flickering...

This level of insight has far exceeded Qi Xidu's limit, which shocked him and he did not dare to underestimate Wuwu Zang anymore.

"Xiao Zhen, where did you get this rough stone?" Wuwu Zang finally asked.

What he was referring to was the oblate black stone that he looked at first.

"At a street stall in a market in Baoguang City, the Treasure God Realm." Zhe Xidu responded.

"Who sold it?"

"A human race, Yin-Yang realm."

"Have you ever talked about the origin of this stone?" Wuwunzang continued to ask.

"He picked this up from a river. He felt it had some value, so he collected it and sold it without even knowing it was a rough stone." Zhe Xidu said proudly.

Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed when they heard this!

This order of Qixidu can be said to be a big hit!

Because that human race definitely didn’t know the value of the original stone and casually treated it as a weird stone. But after being brought here by Zhe Xidu and then placed in the city lord’s palace for appraisal and auction, the value would have increased many times! ! !

Many people feel that they are really at a disadvantage if they do not have an eye for wisdom. If they could have it, they would be able to wander around like this fat man and pick up random treasures and make a fortune!

After hearing what Qi Xidu said, Wuwu Zang remained calm and continued to ask: "What is the name of that river? Where does it flow from to where?"

Hearing this, Zhe Xidu felt a surge of respect in his heart!


After hearing what he just said, ordinary people would think of making a fortune easily, but Wuwu Zang pressed on step by step, keenly grasping some clues of the matter from his own words, and from these A little breakthrough to find possible information!

Don't underestimate this bit of information. Sometimes, just this little clue may allow him to make the most correct judgment about this rough stone!

When Qiu Zhong heard this, he looked at Wu Wu Zang with a look of great admiration on his face. It seemed that he admired him from the bottom of his heart.

Everyone else was also dumbfounded, admiring Wuwu Zang extremely...

"Awesome! It's so awesome!"

Zhisidu was filled with admiration in his heart, but he responded: "I actually asked about that river, it's called Bubba Zambi River."

"Buba Zambihe?" Wuwu Zang was slightly startled.

As soon as he heard the name, he knew that it was not a human river, because human river names generally did not look like this. The reason why such a weird name appeared was actually the result of transliteration between different languages.

In other words, this river is a foreign river, and its name was also given by a foreign nation. However, when transliterated into the human language, it becomes the Buba Zambi River.

Others were a little confused and had no impression of this river at all. Their name felt like a book from heaven and could be dismissed directly.

Wuwu Zan was indeed a little dazed at first, but he kept chanting the four words "Buba Zambi" in his mouth. As he kept chanting, his eyes suddenly lit up and he became energetic!

"No wonder..." Wuwu Zang murmured.

"Has the master made a judgment?" Qi Xidu was a little worried and asked quickly.

He thought to himself, it's impossible for a river to be caught by Wuwu Zang at the key point, right?

Wujizang did not answer immediately, and looked around the black stone a few more times. However, because he had used the divine eye technique for too long, he seemed quite tired at this time.

He took out a pill from somewhere and swallowed it. He sat on a jade chair to adjust his breath and think. No one in the room dared to disturb him...

The atmosphere is a little depressing, but this is the aura. It is really amazing that a person can do this in this city lord's mansion!

Even Jing Ming looked at him with admiration!

To be honest, he never thought that it would be so hard to identify raw stones. This method of identification is originally a kind of Taoist power, and the aura exuded by Wuwu Zang now is the Taoist intention of this Taoist power. It was strong enough to affect everyone present!

Li Yun is of course an exception, but he hides his Taoist intentions deeply so that he will neither be affected nor affect others. The purpose is also to make this rough stone appraisal and auction as fair and open as possible...


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